HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1437 -~_.:: ., :,. . r .1 # I ~ r ,. ;" I 1 i~" - ! f j , .. . . J, ,_ /226: ' ",;; , [ I, 1 ';, . , ' I . I ; . , ,l . i: ",. I I', t ,'p '1'1 , I:" ,.! f I ......' i" I: . I , . ' '1,' .1,,; , ' " .,' ;, , ,," L.. I I, ' ' ~I . I' , , " " . ' .' " I , ~.~\' ',. ~~~:'~J' ,I 'l-~~=2:1 ~~,~i~I:~~~~~~~:2;';~' .~, ':':lC,'~-, / :;.:';'-~'\~~':r:= ~ :'~, " - ~,}.i':~=,2~~\" ~~:.~~~.. ~~~: '~~ , ~_=:;~~~~',=_=- --~: ,(i' {'" .,.'..... 'I ", 1.'\ I P",.". '. . \ '\' i 1.\ I,.,.' .W~L~I, 41.&. ~;i BYI.l~~ro.ll' 1\. . .:' I "l~' : ,~P,' :~ I \ l" " ,\ T:'A. 'leL, ~\\,UE .CP:.:'PAN,V r I"ll'!".,. ,> "... II' \ ' :' f ". . f' '. \'\. 1 \ \.' " " . ..' I ., ' , '.' I I r .' '.: ' ,1 " i' l. \ \ \ \ \!, \ \ , ',. AS~IGiOiSlIT\ OPI 'COllTRAQ~.; \. \' I . '\ ' " \ 1" \ \ \ \ ". ~, \ I, '.' . , ' ." ',' ,'\ '. \ r'. I \, I, . 'I '\ 1,\ 'f' ~ THIS ~N1)~~TUR~'~ad~ tii~a1~,h\9.,~oth\d!\~',Of t!~.~~.D. t9.~5:by\h,n~ ~.tw,~en \l~~:r,IA:.r H~~l1RY', ; djI. ,I',\! .. fll DYI1IG:rO~'~f\ thO.C~n.~~ Of<St. .~l,Ule st\a~~ of i'lp~lda.\he~~lnaftel' oalle~ ,~h,e_~aI\t.(_.Of..~~h~: ';" :~' ':: I '~\~., H~~,':P1,rt,.--artd--n-A..-ehU{Y~(}~~ArrY;-: '\tlq,rp~~i.1on-oTg,~n1ie1l:-,;rmer-'ttrn'-1:Q\'B'~-t1riY-Sta't\i-:or7" \, I. ,.-- 1\ \,Ne~ 'York' ~1th, f~8 p'~nloptl off1ce \in the I CHy"of, Br9oklyn.County 0.1. i:1ngff,' Sta.,te of.,New 1.- ,\ '. I " .,. " " , . '.' ,. \" . .. ... ' " . .' '.. I. ' \, . . \ . \, r . \' l' -"~ork.tut~orize~ ,to tranS,8ct busln&88~1t:l t~e,S~ah\.or.'\OrfQa, h~e1n.IHt~r (,mlled~t~:~ ..~~~;.v\ \"." ,of .the.second '1,>art.. , " . ' . . . ~ \' ,\ i'illktEAS.'bi,~ c~rta1n.t88',"eement\dahd'~pe. latdai'of ~prt'i. 'A.D~'i925. betwe.en'th-e . .1 .\ ~ . ' . .. , ~ . ',-. .~' . . . ; '...' i!'lor1.da!l~n~at~ons. Ooropan.y~. 8 FIor~~a. c~~or'8t~on: :o~ .th;eoI18 p~:t:~ "and, ~j.j.,.~c~ar~e 'C~~~y ~. ' ' 8o~rpa~ati,on, org8l1lae(} 'under .th.) laws ~f thf,t Steteaf !few York;'o~ tqe o~her part, t'he aaid " , ~ . ~.'..'. . . . . ~ '. ' '. 'I ",:. \ .' ":'" ".. ,~ ,- .' .' " . :. "., ..... . '. .' . - . .' _ '.1 Jlorl~a~lant'a~1on~ COllP~l~, 'fO~ -,~nd. ,.in :o~.nSIdtrat.l~n'o.t'.:the ed.d . cO,nt~,ac,t 'ment10~ea,.ahd,<'\lPOn; .' th'e,'ter~s therein stated.~oven8nt~d.'ai1d agreed to sell,tot'he sQ.1d T.:'. 01arlce 'comp~,ali..'-; of. 1t~:.~'l<>rld:~ Inn,dB,' aquth: O~'..:he'.rU1B'in~~~rai~ag:e Di8tr1P'~. -;-g~eg8t1naapPTQX1Jna ta J.y thh.t'*, ,six t,h<>ui3arid,"~lgnt 'bundred' tWQnty-nlne~d'~me-ha1f, (36.8,291-)- 8?res.,r:rior? p~.t1oula.riy . l;. " ,. ',. t '0' ", '1 "7",' ,-'r'" 1 ...:..... I , ;. ' .of.<.' .,'J , J " 'I .- j' \, . , I I -L .. . ~ deSdrlb}'d8st0l:1oWS: . . . . , ; .' ... :. . ~, ',. : .~ , . . 22.. '.exoept.~sf Of'm:23.~24~-'-26r e.nd~6,ofTownBhlp 34 Soutp;' . . .$Ei.ot:SEi-'.a~sWi' of zlEt of 1.7 (4~ acrosl..':19""eJ,, all,o~sect1on .- -. . . '. '.. . '. .' . -. '~. - . . ... . . ,:---'__~_~~n_~~::".,."____c"-c-'f01ln8hlp 54'SouthPange a'7....a:st. Ai1d ,:~-'-~~" ~,--... '. ."~ , '4'" .' ~.'" .' ~~ i,",: . " ,."..... ".. ',.'.. ~','" . :-\~....... ~~ \:.l.A \4 'q.:u:.O'...........l:' .!--; J' F , wHfJlli~stne.T.. A: ,Clal'J,c6 C,ompany, 'by .~n88signmer1t,,~o ',J1111'8lll Honr? nll11g~oni party ~f , the first part he'rein. spd'undIvided o!1e-ha~:t iptereat Inthe a.~o\'o desQrIhed real ,e9t~te, ~nnge~j~~as~:Seot'10ns5, '6.'7. 9, .~7..18, 19;.'20,~1', and',30 of '.., '-" ,., )1\" .~ - ,', I, , , . . ' upon the hrlps' ther~1n'8tated.al1d th~ c.ondlt-1ona there1nlllu'lt1'oned':. ._ .' ...J' . '. . . ":. '. llOW, . Ta;':;~'ORE,' TnIS I1:J~:H';~REIW:;;m:;:.s~~a:: that the~artl ofth~f1rl1t Jla'rt hereln~o.r and.'lnconald'eratlon of the, SUllIO! 'fen DollariJ' an~othe'r,.vaIuabU GonaUeratlO.lls to h!iJ! 1n band Ilaid by the ~artl. of the. second .part h~rein. rece1ptor- whlch 18 ,hereQY 8cklloRIedged; do'$S ~~rebi.@lI:~1.gl1,setov'er ~\\. t'ranBfeJ:, Ill1to tne, as.id~ariy.:Qttho~eODM ,part.itsa,a'CCflS80rs; . . . ':ai81gn'a and le6al.;repro,a~!lt'a tl~ee,' Iln~ndi vided.one.. haif lilter~at of the < Jnd Ivlde.d one-hI) If' . .. '. . . ", ~,' '. .: "'. > -. . ~ . " . ". I' interEll3tofthe estate; rl:ght,,'tHlo, ~CIai:i:l.8n,d Int~reat, to .~he'party ot.,.the' .iii'st ps.rt; hOrE!ln, j " ~ . .' " . oi'._ln 'and to' 'the'aaid ass,lgn:nent, of <:ontract, d.,ated:';'prfl18t~1925, and the 4ai.d. rl)al estate; thote1n'03Qrlbed~ 'That 16 to. say.' that the party 'of the' second' p.e.rtto thls agreef!)3nt.now I , . '. , , ., OWl"'~ a.n~und,lvided three-fourths interest o,r the 8state;'rlght, ~it10, cld;n rjnd 11lterestof t'11o above ,desc'rInod Nnl estato,. 'A~vi nil' i';'IARtl'n in Hi"ll~ut.r of :the i:lr;;b p:Ilrt /lerein an un~lvided cue-fourthlnterest4n the abo'"o dOGc.rIbed renl e3~at,..;:, . . I _ ~#..,.'" .the saId party'~~ the . . afjdj:,91sandl~6al rOlreaentatb'eat_flllund.1Y.1ded throe-fourths lntorQst Of tile tlbove deJorlbed: .' . ':0. ,HA-r~ ....~ID '':.0 '{0Ln' the sal a pre~nIB '13 unt 0 , i . , cleo Olid 'p art as successors ~ i-" ,[ 1, '. : l ~;l, . I ,~; r \. , i. , ., i , I :; I . . . . reall estato, 'S\lbJ'ou.t to the~t1plllatloIl3. pl'OVL3ionl:l 8.11d oon,Htlon3 respeotively.. which are. meni.:Ioued a.lld conta1nedln th6t c ertnln' llore,,~n't d ated .',p~ 11 lat, In5, beheen Florida. . I ?lanta tiona C01lpanJ, a oorporat 10n organls6cS under thela\,a of the ;Jtate of Plorlda .thereln-' arte! ua).led th~ V':ndor. party of th.e f1rSt P8!t:,'l1ld ';. :,. Clarke Comllany,.1\ n~,,! York corpO.1'4t1on thereinafter oulled tho rllr(lil!iSer, party of tjl'-' l3eoond. part. I 1')" r .. -' -,.-- -. ~ .