HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL FIBERGLASS DOORLJ zg tz J r Q1 2 a 5 i C za ' 02. a s t r cf) a 5'200 W. CENTURY BLVD. 90S ANGELES, CA 90045 ONELITE SERIES FLUSH GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOOR INSWING J OUTSWING "IMPACT„ GENERAL NOTES 7'. This product has been evaluated and is in. compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3_ When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require an Impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level V and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM El996 and Section 1609.1:2.4 of'therFBC 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the some as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. TABIF OFCOMI M5 SHEET# DESCRIPtMON 1 Typical elevation, design pressures, S general notes 2 Dabr panel details 3 Horizontal cross sections 4 Vertical cross sections 5 Buck and frome anchoring - 2X buck masonry construction 6 Frame anchoring -1 X buck masonry construction 7 Bill of materials, glazing detal & components F_37,5517'MAYLOVERAII FRAME WIDTH 0 / o � w -- LL A _ f NET. Q�r aau G WIN- W raassUa des S1tY1NG FkAtNE k t �t #�ktLrNSYQN 3YPE PfyStIlt�E htEC�A711/E INSWING 37.50" x 82.00" 26.25" x 65.93" +50.0 -50.0 GT OUTSWING 37.50" z 80.50" 26.25" x 65.93" +50.0 -50.0 M j r'y�W .tV=o G.m C Z �Lm ° d zoM V O A I P O u w» ac�\ry/1`c 9moVLL �am� v rL 8 A: N.T.S. Q BY-. JK r< M, LFS FL-15215.11 EEr 1 cr 7 7926' MAX. DOOR PANEL HEIGHT 65.93"MAX. D.L.O. HEIGHT 4 010 3 C� Ip,00y k N N � O A Tl M 9 N M N Z s M A n A A N N z a inn d A P V i d m N T O P A n p 9 a n A 0 N m � Z A E PRODUCT: Documents Prevored By: o PLASTPPO INC. Bu11DIN0 CONSULTANTS. INC. FTBERGLASS DOOR P.o. Bo, 230 voi:.co FL. 33595 N I Phone No.: 813.659.9197 IN N P 2 PART OR ASSEMBLY: Florida Bo.rtl f Pnofe i... I Engineer. _ r -1 UI ceruncete Dr teon ou No. 9813 cn y x vI rNl REVISED GLAZING DETAILRW DOOR PANEL DETAILS 2�- Z.Z%.DATE BY REVISIONS i Lyndon F. Sehmidl, P.E. No. 43409 2012 R.W. 6NILCINP 00N0UITANT9 INO. RAA -Projects\Project Folders\Prof 901 - 1000\p1929\15215\15215.11-.20.dwg.3.1 m� Z m—• >p� W� O vn O N V ca -T r— ,p V N :...z Vi T � O � Z 0 I - Q . A W � � I 4 I � EK- m W W 0 A Z 0 0 W N j n- O In O V d Z y pE v°a O I�x a z `v a n m 0 �o Z � A Z i PRODUCT: I D.—M.M. Prepares ar: r7 PLASTPRO INC. —I'9UIIDINO CONSULTANTS, INC. •�'/A(// FlBERGLASS DOOR P.O. Box 230 valNco FL 33595 1 N Phone No.: 813.650.9197 W N ? LY: Florida Board of Profeealondl EngInaere PART OR ASSEMB y (JI certifl-te Of thoriza�tloyNo- 9813 Iul y X in 1 2 27 13 REVISED GLAZING DETAIL RW HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTIONS ��1iG►'X-27--i3 `I w NO DATE BY REVISIONS Lynaon F. Schmidt, P:E. No. W409 ® 9017 H.W. BUILaINa CON9ULrANre 1Na. R:\A-Projects\Project Folders\Prof 901 - 100o\p1929\15215\15215.11-.20.dwg, 4.1 i -- m m22 v g m g n m a T A A �n an a , 29 IO 0 -4 z O OG A • N N 0.1s • C'SINK >. ' d rn PP.) 1-114' MIN. I I I I EMB, (Tl'P.) I I I m �— p rn m 09Pp.: Xs e Y, 00 n �. fn IA m A V 1-1 It MIN. I EMB. (TYP.) pCI PRODUCT: Dcoum.nt. Pmpamd Byo f^ PLASTPRO INC. FIBERGLASS DOOR Gp eU:LDING CONSULTANTS. INC. J1.P.O. Bo. 230 Vahlaa Fl_ 33393 o YY Phone No.: B13.659.9107 V: rJ N z ,;,� -i N y I Fl-lda Board of Profeaeloeal Engf— CarUfloata AuthoAsaeo No. 9813 Z�/3 PART OR ASSEMBLY: 1 2 13 REVISED GLAZING DETAIL BY ha VERTICAL CROSS SECTIONS {yndon F. Sohmlot, P.E No. 43400 NO AT DATE REVISIONS ® 8018 R.W. 9111LDIND GONBtILTANT. F.D. MASO' OPEN 2X BUCK ANCHORING STRIKE JAMB CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: 1. Substitution of equal concrete anchors from a different supplier may have different edge distance and center distance requirements. 2. Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortorjoints. If concrete anchor locations noted as MAX. ON CENTER"must be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortar joints, additlonal concrete anchors may be required to ensure the MAX. ON CENTER' dimenslons ore not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor table: ..................................................... . aiv...cxt x; i?;z;:�`:�9::;;;:: ;AN.C�.oR;:: ;:; SIZE;;:;;;;'; :;:� 4:?:..:..........itEii: ix•. ;;: ; �1N �:: � ;;EMeEQIGfftiia?"::M4Si�NRY::�15G.1 ;.::::::::::•::..:-e.:...-:..:..�...........r:::.......... t..Ml�I G��ARANCE:;TS}:i ;;a>;a�tp7AS�t.... : MAN ;;e kRA�f�:i%4 CHOR:•;; ITW 1/4" 1-1/4" 2-1/2" 3- ELCO 1/4- 1-1/4- 1" 4" L � TYP. HEAD & MASONRY-7_ JAMBS OPENING —7 o: m0 FRAME _ 2X BUCK FRAMEANCHOR Masonry 2X buck construction LATCH d DEADBOLT DETAIL n ; n Lt $ C J t 0 ® N>II O'NNN`]S I C 6 z o'o Qz k1- 0 9moPS d mdamo °o o (zd n N O z� � o 0 W Z �iwl-,5 a mm HINGE JAMB HINGE DETAIL ke N.T.S. 3 s er. JK m k ew LFS 3 AVIM No- FL— 15215.11 c is 5.7 ° o 4.S � ° n . - 1 � � znm `q N . � � � W o am ° z m a —a zoo c n tt a = off. e9m�po h TYP. HEAD & 11 X - d ° V MASONRY _, JAMBS 11 $ OPENING 'g` rL 11 2 v, c6 U O HINGE DETAIL cYi FRAME mo r zo x� o � in m =U 1XBUCK Er 28 � ffi W o 0 3} zm G %27 a m o z SIRIKEJAMB FRAMEANCHORING HINGEJAMB LAiCH&DEADBOITDETAIL z 0 Masonry 1 X buck construction n� CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES. 1. Substitution of equal concrete anchors from a different suppriermay have different edge distance and centerdatance requirements. 2 Concrete onchorlocatlons at the corners may be odusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortar joints. ff concrete anchor locations noted as MAX. ON CENTER" must be adjusted to maintain the min. edge dsfonce to mortar joints, additional concrete anchors may be required to ensure the MAX. ON CENTRE" dimensions are not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor table: ANGHe3K; ::.:;:::1:.X..P:.:L...•:;;:::::ra :p:NGH.b>r;;.:: :�;;:::a::;:S:..►_.F:�.:-..i...„.Ej4IB�D1C ;;; N11L1f_i ` i +1l$;zi3:t,f-�,.{CS... . NA.RR.- ,1A;M-,,G ;i,f ..h......A=. -ow :iN..N,.[.l,I,Qri, l.... .. 1. IIW 114" 1-1/lr 2-1/r S ITW 3/167 1-Im 2-SPr 2-1/4" PLa N.T.S. c. W. JK X B.. LFS AWPM NO: FL-15215.11 U 6 or 7 BILL OF MATERIALS ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL A 1XBUCKSG>=0.55 WOOD B 5BUCK SG >= 0.55 WOOD C 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE D 1/4 X 2-3/4" PFH ELCOOR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL E MASONRY - 3,192 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE G 3/16" X 3.1/4" PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL H 1/4"x3-1/4"PFHITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL J 1/4" X 3.3/4" PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL K #9 X 2-1 /7' PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL L #10 X 2-1 /2' PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL M #9 X 2-1/4" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 7 Q-LON 650 WEATHER STRIP SCHLEGEL FOAM 9 4" X 4" BUTT HINGE STEEL - 10- NOT USED - - - -- - - - -� - - - ---- -- - 11 #9 X 3M' PFH WOOD SCREW. STEEL 17 KWIKSET KEYED ENTRY -SIGNATURE SERIES STEEL 18 KWIKSET DEADBOLT -SIGNATURE SERIES (780) STEEL 20 FINGER JOINTED PINE FRAME. HEAD &HINGE JAMBS WOOD 21 - POLYFIBER JAMB COMP. / VINYL 27 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL 28 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE STEEL 30 WEATHER -STOP 3647 HOLM INDUSTRIES VINYL 31 OUTSWING BUMP THRESHOLD ALUM. / WOOD 33 INSWING ADJUSTABLE THRESHOLD BY ENDURA ALUM. / WOOD 34 INSWING ADJUSTABLE ALUMINUM THRESHOLD BY DLP ALUM. / WOOD 38 GLAZING SPACER ALUM. 39 GLAZING BEAD PVC 40 DOOR PANEL - SEE DOOR PANEL DETAIL SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 41 DOOR SKIN (MIN.0.075'THICK) FIBERGLASS 42 TOP RAIL CELLULAR PVC 43 LATCH & HINGE STILE CELLULAR PVC 44 LOCK REINFORCEMENT WOOD 45 BOTTOM RAIL CELLULAR PVC 46 POLYURETHANE FOAM BY NAN YA POLYURETHANE 47 CONTINUOUS LATCH & HINGE STILE REINFORCEMENT WOOD 49 GLAZING COMPOUND DOW 995 SILICONE $0 HEAD L SIDE J�nb ADJUSTABLE INSWING THRESHOID 60 L SIDE P: Rberlamb `�- -4.68*- I" OM. 5SS BITE THK. 1 /8" TEMPERED GLASS AIR SPACE 1/8-ANNEALED GLASS .090"BUTACITE PVB BY DUPONT 1/8' ANNEALED GLASS A GI GLAIINGDETAIL Ad m DATE- 02/ 15/ 12 souF: N.T.S. DWG. er: X nay. er: LFS DRAWNG NO. FL-15215.11 s"EEr 7 or 7