HomeMy WebLinkAboutQUOTE DETAIL REPORTr Page 1 of 4 of 1 too _0 Find I N, r q�q Tjubmv WN QUOTE DETAIL REPORT 4 - ap Last Modified Date: 9/2/201512:04:04 PM I PO#: - - Job Name:JWN-BELLAVANCE-1376 Job Address: # 3649436 Ship Date: Sales Person:Jason I Account # Phone# 4. !Line # Item-- DescrionQuant' , j - --- pion --- --- _ - - -----�-- -- 1.1 { SH500 SH500 VINYL WINGUARD IMP i Ordered: 1 i Configuration: 23.500X53.000 IF W/L7 LC1G G 414 Size: 23.500W x 53.000H Standard Drop: 0 Frame color. White Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Sash Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Fixed Intedayer Color. Clear Inboard color. Clear Sash Inboard Color. Clear Munfin type: Colonial Insulated Where is colonial: in Fixed and Sash How many locks: Two Locks Calculated -v 60.00 FPA #: FL1435 Certification Requirements: AAMA Sash: 7/8" LIG (1/8 Ann - 7/16 air- 5/16 Ann/Ann Lami) Actual DLO width:: 0 Send:: C Custom Size DLO Height 53.000 Label: SHGC: 0.20 COG: Vr (use for Turtle Code): 0.63 Di i Location. Fax# Line Pricing i Configuration: Equal Lite I Standard leg height: 0 Frame type: Integral Fin Fixed Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Intedayer Color. Clear Sash Intedayer Color. Clear Fixed Inboard Color. Clear Colonial style: Standard Grid i Col Lites:G2A x 2D fixed / 2A x 2D sash I What kind: Sweep Latch !Screen type: 18x16 Charcoal Calculated -: 60.00 j Certification#: 190-231 & 477 Fixed. 7/8" LIG (1/8 Ann - 7116 air - 5/16 Ann/Ann Lami) Argon gas: Yes 1 Actual DLO height: 0 1 Custom Size DLO Width: 23.500 I Label: U-Factor 0.28 Label: VT:10.44 i Energy Star. All 50 States i 2.1 1 SH50D SH500 VINYL WINGUARD IMP ) Ordered: 1 Configuration: 45.500X53.000 IF W/1-7 LCIG G 818 Size: 45.500W x 53.0001-1 Standard Drop: 0 Frame color. White Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Sash Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Fixed Intedayer Color: Clear Inboard color. Clear Sash Inboard Color. Clear Muntin type: Colonial Insulated Where is colonial: In Fixed and Sash How many locks: Two Locks Calculated +. 60.00 D1 Location: Configuration: Equal Lite Standard Ieg height 0 Frame type: Integral Fin Fixed Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Intedayer Color. Clear Sash interlayer Color. Clear Fixed Inboard Color. Clear Colonial style: Standard Grid Col Lites: 4A x 2D fixed / 4A x 2D sash What kind: Sweep Latch Screen type: 18x16 Charcoal Calculated -. moo I i http://www.exoquote-com/exoquote/Reporting/(S(Owl4COI-A tjwhwy2burevn3c))/ExoReport... 9/2/2015 Page 2 of 4 3.1 4.1 FPA #. FL1435 Certification Requirements: AAMA Sash: 718" LIG (1/8 Ann - 7/16 air - 5116 AnrdAnn Lami) Actual DLO width:: 0 Send:: C Custom Size DLO Height 53.000 Label: SHGC: 0.20 COG: Vr (use for Turtle Code): 0.63 Certification#: 190-231 & 477 Fixed: 7/8" LIG (118 Ann - 7/16 air- 5/16 Ann/Ann Lam) Argon gas: Yes Actual DLO height: 0 Custom Size DLO Width: 45.50D Label: U-Factor. 0.28 Label; VT: 0.44 Energy Star. All 50 States SH500 SH509VINYL VANGUARD IMP !Ordered: 2 Configuration: 29.500X53.000 IF W/L7 LCIG G 414 ^ D1 I Location: i Size: 29.500W x 53.000H T— Standard Drop: 0 f Frame color. White Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Sash Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Fixed Intedayer Color. Clear Inboard color. Clear Sash Inboard Color. Clear Muntin type: Colonial Insulated Where is colonial: In Fixed and Sash How many locks: Two Locks Calculated +., 6D.00 FPA M FL1435 Certification Requirements: AAMA Sash: 718" LIG (1/8 Ann - 7/16 air - 5/16 Ann/Ann Lami) Actual DLO width:: 0 Send:: C Custom Size DLO Height 53.000 Label: SHGC: 0.20 COG: Vr (use for Turtle Code): 0.63 SH50D SH500 VINYL WWGUARD IMP Configuration' 35.125X53.O0D IF W/L7 LCIG G 616 Size: 35.125W x 53.000H Standard Drop: 0 Frame color. White Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Sash Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Fixed Interlayer Color. Clear Inboard color. Clear Sash Inboard Color. Clear Muntin type., Colonial Insulated Where is colonial: In Fixed and Sash How many locks, Two Locks Calculated +: 6o.00 FPA #. FL1435 Certification Requirements: AAMA Sash: 7/8" LIG (118 Ann - 7/16 air- 5116 Ann/Ann Lami) Actual DLO width:: 0 Send:: C Custom Size DLO Height 53.000 Label: SHGC: 0,20 COG: VT (use for Turtle Code): 0.63 Configuration: Equal Lite Standard leg height 0 j Frame type: Integral Fin Fixed 061board Color. Solar Ban 70XL Interlayei Color. Clear Sash Interlayer Color. Clear Fixed Inboard Color. Clear Colonial style: Standard Grid Col Lites.0A x 21) fixed / 2A x 2D sash What kind: Sweep Latch Screen type: 18x16 Charcoal Calculated -: 60.00 Certification#: 190-231 & 477 Fixed: 7/8", LIG (1/8 Ann - 7116 air- 5116 Ann/Ann Lami) Argon gas; Yes Actual DLO height: 0 Custom Size DLO Width: 29.500 Label: U-Factor. 0.28 Label: VT: 6.44 Energy Star All 50 States Ordered: 2 D1 Location: Configuration: Equal Lite j Standard leg height 0 Frame type: Integral Fin Fixed Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Interlayer Color Clear Sash InterlayerColor. Clear Fixed Inboard Color. Clear Colonial style: Standard Grid Col Liter: 3A x 2D fixed / 3A x 2D sash What kind: Sweep Latch Screen type: 18x16 Charcoal Calculated :66.00 Certification#: 190 231 & 477 Fixed: 7/8" LIG 6/8 Ann - 7116 air - 5/16 Ann/Ann Lami) Argon gas: Yes Actual DLO height: 0 Custom Size DLO Width: 36.125 Label: U-Factor. 0.28 Label: VT: 0.44 Energy Star. All 50 States 5.1 SH500 SH500 VINYL WINGUARD IMP f Ordered: 2 _ I Configuration: 29.125X65.0001F W/L7 LCIG G 4/ 4 ^ D1 Location: j Size: 29.125W x 65.000H j Configuration: Equal Lite Standard Drop: 0 'Standard leg height 0 Frame color. White Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL ! Frame type: Integral Fin 1 ' Fixed Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL !Sash Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL i Fixed Interlayer Color: Clear `Intedayer Color. Clear Inboard color. Clear I Sash Intedayer Color. Clear Fixed Inboard Color Clear Sash Inboard Color. Clear Colonial style- Standard Grid j ! Muntin type: Colonial Insulated is colonial: In Fixed and Sash Col Lites: 2A x 2D fixed / 2A x 2D sash i tWhere How many locks: Two Locks Calculated +: 60.00 What kind: Sweep Latch Screen type: 18x16 Charcoal FPA #: FL1435 ; Calculated - 60.00 ; Certification#: 190-231 & 477 I L3 ht4)://www.exoquote-com/exoquote/Reporting/(S(Owl4cog4at whwy2burevn3c))/ExoReport... 9/2/2015 Page 3 of 4 Certification Requirements: AAMA Sash: 718" LIG (118 Ann - 7/16 air- 5/16 Ann/Ann Lam) Actual DLO width:: 0 Send:: C Custom Size DLO Height 65.000 Label: SHGC: 0-20 COG: VT (use for Turtle Code): 0.63 ?Fixed: 7/8" LIG (118 Ann - 7116 air- 5/16 Ann/Ann Lam) jArgon• gas: Yes ;Actual DLO height:: 0 }Custom Size DLO Width: 29.125 Label:I,U-Factor. 0.28 { Label: VT: 0.44 IEnemg Star. All 50 States 6.1 ; SH500 SH500 VINYL WINGUARD IMP Ordered: 1 I i Configuration: 23.250X39.000 IF W/1.7 OLCIG G 414 Size: 23.250W x 39.000H Standard Drop: 0 Frame color. White Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Sash Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Fixed Interlayer Color. Clear Inboard color. Obscure Sash Inboard Color. Obscure Muntin type: Colonial Insulated Where Is colonial: In Foxed and Sash How many locks: One Lock Calculated +: 60.00 FPA #: FL1435 Certification Requirements: AAMA Sash: 7/8" LIG (118 Ann - 7/16 air - 5/16 Ann/Ann Lam) Actual DLO width:: 0 Send:: C Custom Size DLO Height 39.000 Label: SHGC: 0.20 COG: VT (use for Turtle Code): 0.63 Location: j Configuration: Equal Lite I Standard leg height: 0 Frame type: Integral Fin Fixed Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL sInterlayer Color. Clear Sash Interayer Color. Clear Fixed inboard Color. Obscure Colonial style: Standard Grid Col Utes:'2A x 2D fixed / 2A x 2D sash What kind: Sweep Latch Screen type: 18x1a Charcoal Calculated -: 60.00 Certification#: 190-231 & 477 Fixed: 7/8" LIG (1/8 Ann - 7116 air - 6/16 Ann/Ann Lami) ;Argon gas:. Yes ;Actual DLO height.: 0 Custom Siie DLO Width: 23.250 Label: U-Factor. 0.28 Label: VT: 6.44 Energy Star All 5o States 7.1 SH500 SH600 VINYL WINGUARD IMP i Ordered: ! Configuration: 29.250X38.500 IF W/L7 LCIG G 4/4 D1 Location: ( Size: 29.250W x 38.500H 1 Configuration: Equal Lite 1 !Standard Drop: 0 j Standard leg height 0 I Frame color. White I i Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL i Frame type: Integral Fin Fixed Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Sash Outboard Color. Solar Ban 70XL Color. Clear !Sash iFixed Interlayer Color. Clear Sash Interlayer Color. Clear Inboard color. Clear ; Fixed Inboard Color. Clear t Sash Inboard Color. Clear i Colonial style: Standard Grid i . Muntin type: Colonial Insulated Col Liles: 2A x 2D fixed / 2A x 2D sash 1. Where is colonial: In Fixed and Sash : What kind Sweep Latch How many locks: Two Locks !Screen type: 18xl6 Charcoal Calculated +: 60.00 FPA P. FL1435 Calculated -: 60.00 ;Certification Requirements: AAMA CeMffcation#:190-231 & 477 ; Fixed: 7/8" LIG',(1/8 Ann - 7/16 air - 5116 Ann/Ann Lami) Sash: 7/8" LIG (1/8 Ann - 7116 air- 5/16 Ann/Ann Lami) Argon gas: Yes i sActual DLO width:: 0 iActual DLO height: 0 Send:: C Custom Size DLO Width: 29.250 1 Custom Size DLO Height 38.500 l Label: U-Factor. 0.28 i Label: SHGC: 0.20 ! Label: VT.- 0.44 _ COG: VT (use for Turtle Code): 0.63 i , ;Energy Star All 50 States 8.1 ; HS510 VWG HS SERIES 510 i Ordered: 1 I j ~ Configuration: 45.500X39.000 W L7 LCIG G XO TF 1 Location: 1 Size: 45.500W x 39.000H I Configuration (OSL): XO Frame color. White I Interayer color.: Clear Glass type: 71W LIG (1/8 Ann -7/16 air- 5/16 Ann/Ann Lam) Muntin type: Colonial Insulated How many locks: Two Locks Argon gas: Yes Calculated :70.0o Certification#. 190-798 & 269 !Actual DLO height: 0 i Custom Size DLO Height 39.000 Size selection: Custom Size t Frame type: Integral Fin Outboard color. Solar Ban 70XL inboard Color. Clear i Colonial style: Standard Grid Col Lites: 2A x 3D fixed 12A x 3D sash Screen type: 18x16 Charcoal Calculated +: 60.00 FPA #. FL1844 ' Actual DLO width:: 0 Custom Size DLO Width: 45.500 j NFRC Label: U-Factor. 0.27 NFRC Label: VT: 0.43 Energy Star. All 50 States http://www.exoquote.com/exoquote/Reporting/(S(Owl4cog4atj'whwy2burevn3c))/ExoReport... 9/2/2015 m , * j NFRC Label: SHGC: 0.19 i i COG: VT (use for Turtle Code). 0.63 Total Products Ordered HS510: 1 SH500: 10 I rM i * One or more lines on this order have not been completely configured. Product price and configuration are subject to change Quote # 3649436 Print Date 9/212015 Page 1 of 1 Page 4 of 4 http://`www.exoquote.conVexoquotelReporting/(S(Ow]4c6g4at whwy2burevn3c))IExoReport... 9/2/2015 I