HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1446 . I ," [ '/' I ' i,r " ~ ' . I I! !, , ' i J ", ',,', I" r" ~ I~ . !, " "t, ~ J. '_. . I -- 1 f' f:~ ".. ;~:~~: ::::~;:_,' ,." ~~-.::~;i':: ~~;i:~.:"~.c~::::~::.::~;,;.E~f;:::::;'::i~t;;:i~::;:~~I;;i~;;~t;,~~;~~;;::,,'.;.;~;;;;;;ct~;:;~:: " " ,! , to' any p:erB~lI b,ther.lthaq,' of, 1!4IFGf.\uOlf,alan,' r$08,,*o~ diJd thalt tibt,hing he~ei!l ~Ol1t'l1 neC$ shall'" i ~ ' '. . t 1 ' . .' , , .... '. :. - . . \ . .' . '. . \ .J . , .' I' . '. . f ' I, I .. ; pr~vElnt' th~. k~epi'ng ,~nI I ~ \l\tti1ntl~g "O~L8.~~V\a.p ta jO~l 'the 8al'~ ~l'Q ~'x:ty ,~or r.easona~)le I i~;"ill{ I ,~: L. ~'\U\, .' I :';,:,'us.e. "I~I\:~ ,I \ 1\:, ,I '. l' I ,\, '\ ,III ",I. ,."( .\ " ~ ' " ' . , ' '- I I , .\ . , ' \... ' 'I:", l !' '\" 'T,' ,5. ;110 ,~\lh'lng 'OOllilO~11$lkliO\'ln,~8'nn,'a?~~t:uelib li~~lae'fo~,oooupaql'n,'o.f ;nor. than ,o.Jl9,j~Wnlli." f ~" ,~ 'not aa;lum",'l1oi hOQf.1tal ~llal:l be e'reote~, or heed f~r ;SUOh' p~rp~8~8'bi1 ~~Y'l~t o,r\tots! in' ., ~ . -.- f '~a~aVi\118,i'~X~e~~,that.:j'e8i-gnrl.ted"tor"b~8~~e:BS"prop'ert~-'bY'P~~t1, Of'.thf;-fi~'Btptlrt. ",'\'~-\ r' I'..,.; 6,,"~hat\1f,B~fd ~e061\d' P'!li-t,Y.:\he"r~na~I~6Pl'eBenta.'ti'YO'S'j' <>'r,as5rin~~' or ,tl~; h~l.j,f,lf:: I ". \.. ,,'. \' . .: \ '. ! \ 01" holdeT!! 'of t.ho\ pr~por~ti/'herebyoonveyed,1 by'virtue~of an,y' 'Jud1oialwooeedings'.ah~1 fe.1,~ \ .:....~l;~. "'. _ -"'-' ~ ~ _~', . -''":- _,"',;": "--:~.." ":'",1:,'--"" ".-:-=-~~.-'--"""'':'.. '-. ,"', . ~_- -'." ....... ~.~.- . ( t()comply:\'ii th fillY ot.'. the above and foreiio~ng'\reett'1b-t~on~i(lOnc:U~tion8 ,or +lm1t'ation~ ,lIUhln \' ;. '_.' ,'....: .~ .'\~f; ~ ...... .~ . . ~'_'_' '..... .' ....- . '. . ." '\" .\., ," .... ' . .'\ .... . 'A.",. .' .... .. '.~... . ;--sixty .days af,ter ,?n'lt,tell ~otI0'o to ,the ~~id eeoondparty\theirhell1a,<\pe,rs\o':lal,.'~e,p'ro8ent6tlves, . !:,' ",_ . ~ ::., .F.......\ ~. .... '. I,. '. :.'" '., ."" .,.~ _ ~ -:=--'. " .~s. \ \,,;,.or a6s1gn~. o~ ani of,tilem', aJ'Fort Pieroe, 01" the1r la-at,kno\'Itl addr~6l), '\31 IIne'Sa1d pa'rty of . \ . . . . .,. ~ '. ". '" '. . . '.\' ", . '. '!', t~e,f.#'st 'part~ tis &,Uc~13~S~r9. porao~a.l rapt' eseQtriUves' ~r 'ul\slgna., '0,;'" ~ thar of' them,: thoij" " ,j ,the aa1,d' abOYodeSC~1b~~ IUld' COU'Y,G1oci, 'propeft;i~lr~11:1m!rl~dlatel,y ieY,e~tt() t~e ~aa1d' ..f.il's,t p'lr.~y: ',. ~-- .~., ."/ . ~"'. .;..\", ". ',,:.." "-~" ". i 1ts8ucoeS'aol's <>r ~~~ie,~8, 'whO,whal,lbo, el~ t.Ul'ed to'lmme,diatelY el1te~ np,9n s'81~'property ,with,:, ' . ; ~.~; , ,:' ; 1 . ~ i; I , ;. ). 235,' I' , ! \ \' ~ ',: " '\ . .- .r oU,t 'not1,ce!~dtakepo8ses,a'ipn.o(the sam8wlth full tit.le'i~feo_ simp.le.' togother,."it,~aU , imp'rove:nents thereon;~nd no, !ta1,verof anY of-these, oondit! ons;, l1ml't~,tiO~'8 or, rOSh-iotions; ,;' . . . .. , . . . 1 ~ '. ' . .' .... ", ", ." . : '. -' ..~. . '. 0.. - .' ... . '~itpreS,8Qr :1mp,lt'eQ,or~f~111.lre,f'or' ailY leugth :o"f pme,toenf,o.rcet,h'name . ,'shall'{)otlat'1tute' a ....'..", '. ..... ....- " . ...:..-.~-~. ',. ';',', '..-' . ~ '~.'- '_."'~ ....; bar", t,o '~uch enfOl:Oer411nt, ,e.t~an1 time.,', ' "'.. , 7~ 'That,ih~ part~,of the: f1r'~t ,p'art" ita,e~C~,a6sO'rsor a~aJ~na.'sha.il liaV'e the r,lght,:ft'o~,' .. " . " , '," ",.,. "..- . '-.,..-. ' , ," , .t"lme .to 'time ;to nlea.:3e any qfthe a:boveorforegoh~g, restl'ictio;_8~ ,<lOI1d i tlot;\l3" .o~ ,11mi ta ti one . '. ,. '. ;I.... . . '( by',seal&d It}6trllment" duly~~ecU:ted'ln Ewcordance '''1th':the'i'e;wso~ tha'Stfite: l,)'f:l1orida fOT'the I, i,c t:i r ~ oonveyanoe of l'oal"6atato" , " . . . . , " lJW T~SAID PARTY OF ~HB 'COBST' PART;, fo.r'1tseir, r ts. 'sucoo:;sors a:h~es::iigris.' , does"herepy~ 00 venant ai),d ,agree with the 8fll!i ~rty of,tho 's'ecolldpart', tho.ir heIr'?' and: ~8si gnd, '. >.iI \ ill.th.e, fol~z\'n Ing m,annor:, , 'e hThat the abOVe: and fOl"~~?ing restll"oti~ha ~ 11 mits tion,sand COl1,di tions ,'Shalt,'be.1},clu dad' 'f . , 1n all'd~M6 and 8greelll<ltlt~ for "eod, ,hi the said !!~av1l1~" exqept ,b that,p'oit10n set a'p~t" for.'bus,iLess purposes., ' IU'\f1THESS !iHEREOi'. the said party 'of the fira,t part haaCa'lsedthese presents tOb~slgncd in' its 'name,by" ~~H P~-e~ldEmt,and' 1t~ ~rporate seal to be n'fn'Xed,',atteatedby its ,secretary, tho duy arlj";,'ea.r ahove'"rittan. . ( , '. . . ------_._--,----~..- l:EYSTO;IE, REALlJ:l ,CO;fPA1ri ' " ~ ~..-:~:'~- --11----..--,-.- , -'. T-'~.'-_ -~" :Tqorpoia~te uee'air : ~ ; c.Bl_,c,l.'~l1J.,G~ .BWll;l ~',~_ ';, ,', ,~rea1"aer. t. , .._---'-_:__._-'-~-------,--~~-.-'-,-- -'- '" .' " 1 ' Attest: ,L. it.. He.t~.' Seoretar y 'Sl6hec1, sed~d and delivered in oor pros8nce: w. L.Coala (.1.00 nR.Stamp c~ n.} , U~rtha~. Rutll , ' . ' 3TATEOP ::O~LOR:mA i, . .,,".~."'.',.," ' . ,:>I, . '-,\:; r:, . c''': ~~ ,0 , C(JUIi'~'Y OF S~. L'JCH~ r, IHr,:R~3Y CER~1FY thfit' orf this 20 day_:of Aprll A,. D.1925, befon~ me poraol1al1y '1,l)earb-d 1'80'11 G. Enlls,' J'". \'/.He.lbe, rO<Jpe(;tivelyPre~identulld Secretary of ZEYS'.i'Ol1::' R:-:ALTY Cp:~rAIIY , ., /, , , a corp()ro.t~oll u'nd~t' thfl laws of. t~o ~~tllte of 't'~oFlda. to !:.o kn,Ow!l' to be the perU0118 descrit-ed in a'nd "l-.o executed tne forei;;oln,; conveyance to W. P~ ,UoCormlo Bnd F. W./MoCormlc, and 8ov~ral- ( 'ly o.dk110~~edged the ,exeoution ~hqreofto be' thelrfree act and doed ~'S:tCh b,t'f1(:erg~I' for't'he I I . ' , "uset! and p'upose13therein melltiorledi and tha.t ~hey affixed thore~Q the official seal of sard '/ , , - ~:::~,~,j!ijSli;<':;C:,~j,!~c,,;.:~x<:,.':'; "c ' ;A "- ..........-..---, "{ , " . "'-,...,..--~--,-.....,.:.....~.