HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1447 I, 1 ,1 J -, J :~ I ' ;,'236 ! t' f, ' ~ " , l, I " r I"~, .... I' 'I l' , j, " J' '. I ;" i.or I ,', "\ I " " I ," , ". \ '. >. r" " .' !. 1-, . I . _..... . .. " I t .~ '. . ict:r'",~~o~~"~cc'c'":"~',:c-~~J;'''~;;:~c~''''7.",~;,,,fC'':~~c~"''c'''''i:el."~~'-~'~-'~'i-''~;~~'F~~~~~o~f~'''~c""~'~ !qOfP()r'Rtio~). ~nd ~pe ,said 111st,r,Ume~\ t ,'1a \ th,~ ao~ an~ :~~e.d ,.of ~~~&\ o~p~ra ti,.on!, i, I. I L. " ' i' I ,,' wlTllESS mi-;':31gnuture arid oU101al eea'.1. at Fort' 1>101"08 hi t'be' CQ,U\~ty- o.f,S81nt t~c,1e' " , \ I, '" \ _ .' \', . _ ' . \ fl.. I \ .~,' ; _ _ ~, _ . . \. '\" I .' , . .. '- ' , and':";3tate 'of ~l?rl~~, the, ~~y\,snd 3:,~6:r l.a~t aforesaid. ,\ \,;' ,)' \, i" '(, ,; \' I,," '\ ,\, ',' , '. 'AmY t., ~Eldde~I,: :" .! ,\ I , , "{ n "~'_"'." ,'.,;. \~, _ ",' ,NO:~r ~U~l~~ "cs:n_~~.~.:n,1,~~r~~:e,~t',L__ 'I, ' ,':.1; pO:nI;lias1on expl %\0... . . . ' , \' , I.,', ',llo~ar.YPubllo\for\th13 State o.f i'lorlda-:-at ~rge.. ,}.(y"oo;"Il11sI31on ,e,xpirea:~ophmber V, ',19.a6'~ ' ", , I I' !;, ~ r. ,'j" " " '/.~'I II ',' ~ ,. ; ; '. , \ .1 ,! ;. ",I ,. ,'I' 1\ ! I' , , . , ," Filed ahd re<loi'ded O}l, hl~3~:, day ot, .7wie,_~~2,6....:t,~ B.'O~ 'A.)(. " " \ \ ' , , " " ....i .. \ " -,' '\ p. ,C.,-Sldre4. Clerk Cirouit Co1'1rt'. ! ," \ " , '..\~~, , (\\. :' " ',(\ ~~, " ' , 0\ ...eC ' , ~1- ',.'~ -,' "1-1,A-'~' , " .",'~, #iJ~: .~/'~. .. .'; . ~"." '., , . , .\,' .' '~...C.,>' :, .. .. '. ,. ..".'. ~* . ...,~~:'."... ... ,$, .~;' * . .,..... .... . ... ....:...... * .. III .-..~ ,.'. . ... * '..,* .. .,.".". .... , ...... ..0"._ .. ~.. ... . .' .~. .'.. ...\... . . _: . ." . 4l: .... ",_ . -. ~ ...,". . .". ,.... .... .... .. ,e.\. . . ~.'''' MAVD:J.i. )(CCOMBS E'i 'A.L , ,TO" E. H., )(IliSHALr. .. I . WARRkNTy',.: 'DE::D, ' > ,j' . . . . T1ilSllnlENTYRE. U... tll \. 2nd. day' 0 q~ll ~. .:. D" 1925' ~2~IIKEN U."d('U" J(OC:..bB OI!d. H, w. YcC<>m1>:s~1,1~r'Qu~band, of' thoC~unty, ~ St.LuoI,~ lntho StfitQ,.of FlOl"~da pa.rtiea. of, the firat part, ,and:E..ai'il1tisua'Uofthe~ount~ ot. Tulea, in, t~~, state ~f OklailO:Da, party, or' the, B~cond . {1 . ~ " part~ '.. ~. . . '". t. '. .(:. U1TNESSET1h ~ha~ thQ. said partlea o~ ,~he'p~.s,~paJ't ,'for,and'1n c onsid~rat~on of the sum o~: 1:8n, ($l<h\?Oand, o the ; v~luabl~oon~1d'~~a~1011S)" DOl'lat'S"to'the,m, 1n hand ,pa\'dby: tl1,8 sdd party ..., . " . . . :. .. . ,'. - '. '" ~ '. '. - ': .~~ . . .' ,," p - '". . .... . ,. > . ,', ~" : . ofth6> se'cond P9.l't~ the'reqelpt 'Rhoreaf iahereby acklio\'il.edgec5, havegrented, b'arga1ne'd ~d Bold' " t,O the, sQ.id,,"'partY,0'f,thlH3econd p~rt~ h~irB an~~a~'s.i8ns 1"ore,ver~ \h8, following dt!scrH,ed,',.t , 'J:e.!ld. B~tu'ate. ')ylri~. and,being~n :tbe, County of at".. Llicie. Sta~e 0:;; Flo'~aa~ ~O-"l~~'" " '--- . J' . . ~.. ., L, "" ".; . ~;? :. . "','~ " ',", ;;. Beg1nllitl6 4751 fae~' 'Nest of the l:'orthellat'"Corlloz:oith~' ..'. . . ' . - . I . l~ Gf nwt of Sect Ion ,26~ TO"!l~hlp, :x> Sou,til,nange39 , Ea~ti run thence SO\1th l3~2 feot, more or les6to, the ,~, '. ~ run 'West Z2:<l.5 teet. thllnceron Horth, 1344 foet; inore or' $0 . ,( , "" " ,.' Ok~eohobee r.oad.thence ::;ast t,o,po1nt'ot beginnlpr:., ,con~ , -~--"'-'-':"':-__'T----'______.__~'--;._'_ ~-""'-':----r--'-:-'-" 7-_...__--------' ----, ----:- -', -----..-.,----::----;-~-.,.- -_~-- ~~~ ~.....--._;_.------_--'--~~--,-_~____-:-.~._____-.....~ .~-.,... ~--..--'-'---:----- .--'---- --"'-.--;---0-- ~.':""'.- ~ . .... ~ . tain1ng ten acr~es,' " ,'" ,lese toa stake 111 the center I1he of the .'ort P1erce- " , , :.--:'-.::.,--...:.---.--....-;,. -----7-~-:-:--O_:_~-:--__:_:_-----:----;- } 'J " ';' . , .U!;iO" beginning 50 feet llo'rth of ,tni;l,:?o"tt1l\vcat , c9tl16 r of the, .. aoo ',113 desor1'aed t::rllct of land. 'rUJi' thellee 8ou~h 60 feet,:' thence ntll \lest to' tho Southwestcori,or of'ttie.l;E!O'ithe 'liWt ofSeot1on.26.7QWllUhlp35 South,'Harge39 Easit. . , " , , '/ thence run north 50 feet . thence run ;:a~t to polntof beginning, . '-. " . -, -' ($3 .601.R.Sta."~r~ can.) ,I ,,\' "L :: f ,1," \1 r\; i I And the saldpll!'tio8 ,of the f1rb1: p!ll"t~do hereby fully 'warrant tha tltleto,sa1dl9Il~, l\nd.,. . . . . will defend the flame aoa.1r,iJt the lawf'.ll 01a10:1> of all por 30ns who/:l(!oever. J ,1 III Wl~'N~,S wiL;;hEOl, ':..'l1e said part1e13 of'the'f'ir:3t part h!.lveh~r~uhto eet i hands an3 seals, / I the dal 8!)d';t6fH first aoo'e written. , 'I , S1gned, sealed snd deliverod LJ,9TOSOIlCQ,of,'ls: :aud,!J.lIoComba (~~eal). '/1 ,J..al~:ert1ddon H. W.,llcComba (Seal) , ,: " ',),'~.'.,', " '1 ~ ~ . .~~ Ethe~ F. ~a'ylor' "/ , i