HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1451 :1-:1240 II i ' , , I 'i I' I " ' 1,/ ,I, ,I ' I. , j, ! I. iI, I i J ; t ~ -j , , i . , ' ,/ ' ': 1 ",~ " }, , ' 'I" I I I , I. . I ' " ' ' ~~L.:4__ l_~_;c_C;;';;;"=:C;:';:-C::'1~;~~- ~~__.~_:.:.:~-' L",__ ... ~__~. ._-~".-'=~;;:i. ":~. .~ 'c~::,,; .~ ~~ .:;.':' 1 '.ha~~l\;rte~. b'arga1I~~d, '80[<1', an~,,;tr,\n~f81'red\~n~: b~\~e8e~ l"rese.il~8 ,dOtlS\ 8~~t"i,arga1:;1." ' \' ,r,' " : ,,' , ( n j, \ " I , ' " , '" ':' \ ' I., \ ',' \, I I.,,', " " , ' , I, II s~li ~~d 'tre.~18f~r \info the ,sat d'p.artyof' the ,epoo'nd, part ~dl hl,S \peh'~ aIXl' ~u~rgns, t:or,erer,; "r \; I" \ 'I '\, \ ' , ' , , , , \', ,\ '... ~ ,,' " \ ' I ;' ',8V ,th~~ \ oe,rt~tn 'pa~l:o:r,le;,lid iying,au~ behlOtn,t}:l, 'qou~tYOfi'~afnt ~uo..\~andS'~t eof ,\'! fi' ': Florl\la ~o;e' )art1ohia~ll\ descrlb~d a~ fOllOWi!l: ' \ '\ \ II ' , , " '" L ,,' "L " . ,\ ",, \, '" ,.,., " I, ,". '1. '\' I i' \ '\, " ,,~o'r~h 'Ha,lf ot,.llorthw,e\~t~Uat~er Of::!f~rth~aat,~UBrter (.Nt of NWt, ~~ i~) of ,,', ".'seo,t~on~Zlefen (i~f Towui;Jhl?\Tidr.tY~l!~~V~' (,~5)"8Q11~h; ,R~n\g,e 1~,hirtY~l1ine (3~)... ;,' ';\ ,',\ \ eaijt; oOllta~I~1~T"eh'ty (20" a~rea more or, lesa'. \ i \ ' ' . ,\" ,.,' ,'.. . \ " ", -' " . \. "StJBJE~i 'H~IE'fKR Tq, any and at,l, taxea,gen'erai,',8p'e6i~i, ~r'dra1hag?" alll} to ',' . .:, " " '" . ,\ \ ' . ' , " ' nn,\asse~a~nt9 Or levies ~uba,eqnont to ])ec~Ml),Or3l~: 1923~ahd alSo au~Ject t,onny d~au6t1011,S,'fOf rig,flta of,-.y fOi',pUl>\ic, hig,hways_ o.,r fol' di tQho" or . , . '. --. .." ..' . .'. .. . ,dghtl;l of way of th~ -!tort~: s~,,'LUC~3 nlv~r'~ralnage. DIBt,~lot., '~, , , ' ',', " " , , \.""" ,,', , " . TOGETHU\' with-aU thote~eni~nts. ,hqredi ta'li:eilts, and apPll~t~l}ames. wi th every .Fl,vUege~" ' ; d~t.tltl~.~nter~t ,and ,estate; d?".er,'~nd,rIght ~of d,?fte~" re.v,e~slC1l1"reniail1d~r: 'a,na' eai3eine~ i ~here..to b~1~)Jlg1ilg_ .o~ ~11l'anYWi6e apPf3rta~n1ng:,', '., ," ' :,:' , ;.. TO RATA A)fi)' m HOLD t}~e s~m~.ltl,'fo~ ~11lpi~r8v'er~ ':" , And, the aa1dp81'ty ...of +no .f1r,a~ ia l'i .d~ea cov~na~t"lt'h th'e .sald '.party 'of ,the ,i:Second p~t l' " . ' ' " ", , " ' .'. ' ',,' ," " -:, ", , ,.,',:, '",', ..', ' ' . that.,:he.18 lawfillli ael~ed, of ' tHe. aaldprem1aea ,t hat thoy 'are" free t'romal1 ,1,nourn~r ances 'an'd ,I' /, f ,j " . t " ~.' i ! I, '('I'~.,:,,\ , ."" \.' . '\ . \ .f ,; , f " ~ \, '\ " \ . ~ ,\ , .< ~ - ~.:. la~"rulc18.ims; of ,all per,8011s "hofJ~oever. .. - . i:1ght and lawful' auth~r ity to sell the some1 and the 'sa1,d P,art, of ,~he:.'f~rat rUlli'warrant, t'llo t1 tl~ to g'li d la'nd, artd' ~,l'l defEiI1<l the same a~a~iiBt, the ~A' th.at;- ~e', has ,c~ood .. ,part dO~8' Ii ereb"y ( i, . ~ . . IN lfl1uiss ft'dERECP. the aaid })art.yof 'the 'flr,at ,}iart ,ha~ here~n,toaet 'his ,hand and sea1, tIle. :'d.yand 'lear a1>o ,:8 :Vlr it tap. , '~--.-. , , SloilOd'. e,el\~ed',and deHY<lred' 1n Qur' presence: , ", : K.t~erlneRo~an ' , ,Sueei~e Lovelaoe Joseph" J. ,~e,j.m (S8a1) "I~ " ~ '~ ~ "\ j , r,$3 .Qo ,I';'R~S.tarr.pa' can,) . I 'l ST,~:E 01' lJIS80JRI CaJUTYOT JACr.6CiI ) . ) ss. " ) , ~. : .. .i '4er'ebyoert1.'fy that on this 'l~th day of' !i~8;rch :~iI Di1925, befOro me p01"aoi18lly ap!"ollred JOS,eph J'He1:rl. 'a'\'1id.ower':to'lOO kno>vn to,:be ti{e p'er80~1B'de8Crlbed'lil and, :Rho o:,<oclihd 'the \..:",:, , \ ' j, , f foregolngconveyance, and acknowlEidged ,the, ey.ec~t1on' thereof' to bo 1119 free act&pd deed. for ,~ o~ , , j 3-, i ~ i ! 't he' uses and' pur9.o',3ostherell1'lIl~nt1one!i. 'H Wlfli.i-3S mYBlgl1atux:eBn~ off:lctal seal a1; ,1:9.1l8116 Clty.th tho couritj ot" Jilok,aon and Stllte . ";,' 'ot and year last af?resa1d.. .-.j , -~. ".' , ,~dolph J. YeYE.!rs (S8al)' " ll.o~ary, Public 'R1thlnQ.,nd, for S6ld'3tato" &. COl.lnty , !Ai oo';;mlsalcn ~:xpl:res ,.;)ece:~l1or ,16. ',l~?6. .- ~ .~ . ; , , Filed and re-co !'dad on thls3rd dal of Juno,19'::5', ' at 11;25 l..U. ! , i 1" I, I j I' , i , i :'J. ' 'I I '. .,~ . ~....., , ~\ "' ~ e" ' . ~ ,.,,\ 0' v"" 'fJ ,..e; P. C. Eldr~d. Clerk'Clrcu1tCO',1l't., . , .r "(By~it~4~~tJfdL, D.C. J 'I . lIIl * ... .- . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . * *.. . . - '. . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . ~. ,.. . . . . . . . . . . I . . * * . . . >> . . . . .. ~ . . . . . . . . . .t . . . . . . , I '-"-''9 " ""l'" .,..\'.-....:,