Thursday; February 06, 2014
10701 S. Ocean Drive,16i 701 :. • ; '
Jensen:Beach, FL 34957
Page 2
The boring log(s) attached present.a,detailed description of the soils encountered at each location. The soil stratification
shown on the boring log(§) is. based on the examination' :of'the.recovered soil• samples and interpretation of the drillers
field log(s)::It indicates oiily. the:approxiinate boundaries between soil -types:'; The' actual transitions between: adjacent .
soil types. may be: gradual:
Unsuitable .material. was encountered in boring.nulnber 2 at a: depth of 6:' feet down.to: approximately 3' below existing
grades::: Thi:s : material : shall; be removed. prior to construction•.' •Federal Engineering &Testing, .Inc.: shall be on -site . to;
monitor excavation of :unsuitable material to ensure complefe removal. ;
Based on our • understanding of'ah& proposed' structure. and.'tlie information obtained from our, field boring logs; • we
re commend.the'following procediires for foundation preparation:: .
1; Locate:buildin � areas excavate -and remoye.the la er of 'oft.cla . �and:or atria nciaterial dovyn to. clean
.. g Y . Y g granular..
material. found at approximately three: (3:) •feet: under. all building • areas: plies 'f ve feet'past the .outer, perimeter; of
the buildingThis -organic naterial: may be stockpile for later: use as landscaping material:,
2).: Saturate'.and compact all construction areas with a. heavy self propelled vibratory roller to a:miniinum.of 95%.of.
the ASTM 1)-15.51 modified; pioctor'method.,' Make a: minimum of ten (10) passes: with the roller in each.'
.. .. • .direction;:.. • • ; , . • , . .. • � .. .. ..
3)..Care should be taken when using.vibration incase of existing structures in•the vicinity.'of the -construction•area.:
:If •vibration''cannot be .'used for: compaction, 'static ;compaction..may.•be applied.::However, :in this case,: the.
• compacted 1a •er should not exceed 6,inches in thickness:
4)... Backfill :construction' areas 'to proper elevation -if• receded using a' .clean .granular material -place d. in ••lifts- not- to.
:.. exceed:twelve (12) inches in.thickness•and:compacted as per.'item'2..:..
S):: Representative samples of:the-on=site and:proposed fill material.sliould be collected.and:tested to determine the
classification and compaction characteristics::.
6) ;All: construction fill •material: above the.water table shall; be' clean granular; •soil; ' free of .organics: or other
deleterious material; and :shall contain, no more; than. twelve :(12) ;percent hires, passing a U.S.: Standard No. 200.
sieve.(0.075mm)':and have.a.Unified Soil Classification.(USCS).designation of:GP,, GW;.GP-GM,.GW-GM, SP. ..
or SW. No particle. size. greater; than three-(3) inches shall be used in- the top 12:in6hes.of the building, 'ad: :
7) Fill Material below the water table,' sliall , be waishO& free draining::grayeI such , as: FDOT No. ; 57. stone of
equivalent.to about ,12.inches.'above the.matertable: unless dewatering:is used. -When. dewate'n'; ':is used, fill•',
material. shall be clean' granular soil, :free of organics ,or -other deleterious: material,; -and - shall contain no more:
:telve (12thanwfpsnaU,Stadardo.-200.sieve':(0.07nesig m:
:. .
Thuisday, February 06, 2014 "
10701 S. Ocean Dive, Lot 701
. Jensen Beach, FL 34957.
page 3 : ... :.
8) Verify: all.'deA'sificdtion :procedures' by taking an adequate number: of field densitytests in each layer of
compacted, material: Density ' tests shall be, performed. on .the "slab, areas, .'footing areas, interior bearing ' wall:
footings and' column pad footings:: This must be' scheduled ;immediately after Tamp :"and: Spray. and/or
Compaction, but before .Reinforccing Steel Placement.. If reinforcing steel is already in=place; it must ,be removed .
:.. from All.areas to, be tested pri or, to'performing densities. :. :.
"9)..After the .installations of .'any. plumbing and .electrical ",piping;: we :recommend' that .,the: disturbed area .be.
recompacted.'and'additionaldensities, tests be performed to .verify:proper coinpaction'.of the. distuibed,areas:
10) : All of. the' above`. Geotechi ical work ',shall be:'performed - under the' supervision- of Federal Engineering . &
Testing's :geotechnical engineer. or: his ':representative: to - verify: compliance . with, our' specifications: "and: the::
Florida Building Code::Please call us. at 954 784.294I for. scheduling.:: .. "
.11 -In the.event of existin' ' structures -existin . footiri s"or ro osed'draiiia e:lm s; "provision's.shall be.made b• . the;
... )• .. .... ..•.. g ,. g .. g P p. g .. Y
structural:erigineer and 'site contractor.to:pr"otectall footing s:from;underinining and exposure: The,geote6hiiical
engineer shall:be .notified of these conditions Io evaluate the: applkability bf his recommeAdations:
The above -foundation recommendations" being .achieved and 'verified;.'it".is .our opinion that the proposed. structure.be
designed foi a: shallow T6,uildatioh,.systerri :with.:a permissible, soil -bearing :pressure :riot. to: execed 2500- P.S:F:: Building:
"pad- certification requires: satisfactory'completiori and "verification; of all the "above" foundation'r""eeommendations.
:Slabs: placed upon compacted.fill may be "desi ed.usili a modulus of. sub ade reaction�value';of.200' ci::The followin
" .. $. . gr " p g;:..
soil parameters .shall be'used:f& retaining wall d"esigns:
So11 ulut Weight moist _______________________________.= ------- __-------------- _____:___---== 110 pcf
•. Soil unit weight buoyant.-: - -----------------=----------- -------- ------ ------- ------------= ::60 "pcf
•: Angle. of internal: frlction--____"---------=--=-=--=-=------ ----- ----------------- : 300 :..:: .....
Active Earth " ressure coefficient: Ka 0.33
•. Passive Earth; pressure coeff cient; (Kp)_-____:_._______________________ __--
• Angle of wall friction for steel. piles __________ ---- _------ ________ ___:,___:---:_______: 300
• Angle of wall friction for. concrete /:brick .wallsWalls.-- --- 20
• Arig1e"of.wall friction for uncoated steel. ______________ _____________________________. - --15°
Excavations shall not:extend.withiri one (1:).;foot .of:the angle: of repose.nexf:"to. "existing footings: or structures unless":
underpinned. Trenching shall be in: eompliarice with, the Florida Building :Code, :OSHA' and: Trench " Safety: Act:
requirements.- Shorings: shall be designed. and. inspected by a Florida licensed .professional engmi qer. . "
Thuisday; February 06, 2014
10701 S. Ocean Drive,16t 701 :. • : .
Jensen Beach, FL 34957 . .
Page 4
Provisions shall be ' made by the architect engineer of record .and- contractor.:to, address differential settlements when.,
tying in new to existing; structures. Mixing of different. foundation types shall not be used : unless provided . with; ;
expansion joints to address differential settlement:
-Detailedsettlement :analysis was be ond.'.the .'scope of this; report.: Comparing -the field- test :data :obtained in this'.•
exloratio' h,�with ;our �ex :perience' with structures; p � similar ao those. proposed' for; this 'project, •the : estimated; magnitude.; of
these. settlements: is. 0.5. to a inch... Due to the granular,nature:of'the subsurface materials; the.,foundation settlements:
should'occur'as;the.loads: are; applied.and.should be virtually negligible byahe:end ofthe building. shel'1:coinpletion.. '
All outside ground surfaces must be sloped :away from the structure :to zvoid water accumulation 'and :ponding.: All rain
waters; shall:be discharged away' from:all, building foundations..' Verify all'' sewer;. plumbing;.sprinld'er and drainage
lines'are .properlyfunctioning with no;leaks iri the, vicinity of the foundation.: :.
Regardless, of the: thoroughness of :a : geotechnical:6xploration;.there : is always the. possibility. that :conditions .may be-
... froin'.tliose .of the test locations; therefore,. Federal Engineering & Testing; Inc. 'does not. guarantee: any' subsoil
condition between the bore test' holes. A'site.plag showing the •locatioii'of the proposed structure was no' t;provided at the :.
time the: soil. borings were performed.: For a. more accurate, portrayal :of subsurface conditions, fhe sife contractor should..
perform test'pits:; I£ different conditions, are encountered', Federal-Eiighieerin' ' &; Testirig'Inc.:'•shall •be,'notified to review
the fmdings:and make:any recominendations as needed.. In accepting this-report:the:client understands that all;data:from
the soil borings. is . intended for foundation analysis only :and �i' . not to be .used for excavating; .backf lling or pricing:
:. estimates: The site contractor must familiarize'themselves with the j ob 'site conditions:.
Environmental analysis' of.the•soil materials js.not:part of the scope of services'. 'If environmental.analysis of.the:soils'is
required, •we .can provide a proposal -for perforiM an .enyironniental:analysis- of the: soil materials; :For. Environmental -
due' diligence; aPhase. Iand/or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is.'recommended..'. • '
As;a.mutual protection to:clients, the-public.and. ourselves,'. all reports are submitted as the co of
clients;' and :authorization'for publication'of statements, conclusions or extracts' from'br regarding• our reports is'reserved; :.
pending: our mritten approval. Federal: Engineering &' Testing, Inc: appreciates.'.the:opporEunity to be of: service to yoii, at .
this' phase:of your project: Please feel free to; contacfus if we ziiaybe of further service to you: :. .
Sindotpllyi; '
Keith LeBlanc; P:E
Fedezaf/Engineering & Testing; Inc.
:. ' Florida'Izeg: No: 59394
' :Certificate of Authorization.# 5471
, i M(-u is
, x3�b i t e'q Livc a t
Rock Hardness bescriptiori
Rock -core crumbles'when handled • -:
1Vledium ; , f.
; ; ° :Can break core wltli your hands :
Moderately.Hard ::.
`.Thin.edges'ofrock core can'be broken with fingers .'
Hard :..' • ' '
: Thin.edges of rock;core canriot.be broken with.fingers
Very Hard
Rock coye.'rings .when struck with a haminer, .
Sand. Quantity 1Vlodifiets
.V.ery Sliglit.Trace •
0 ;- 2
Slight Trace , .: ;.
:... ...' •2 _::5 %; , ,
: 5 = 10 %
Little Trace ::
: •' :I O `-:15%:
Some::.. ,'
::1:5 - 30 %. • m.
.. �.' ;•With:..' _..:'.
:•.::�� ; •'.:> 30 ojo;. ' ..•: .
Silt - Clay Quantity 1VIodifiers
.Slightly Silty /Clayey
.. :0 - 5,'%
Silty: / Clayey :.
' .'.'5 = 30'%
Very. Silty / Clayey:
•30 = 50
�LiniiWio 'of Liability
Warranty Analysis. and Recomrimenddtiohs corn:
We warrant Ghat the, services performed by Federal Engineering and Testing, In accepting this reportahe client understands thatall' data from the' -soil boring.:
Inc. (F.E.T.) are conducted in a manner, consistent with, the level 'of skill and is intended, for• foundation analysis only. and. is not to 'be used- for excavating;
care -ordinarily exercised by members of the- professiori currently practicing backfilling orpricing estimates.'In accepting this report the client:understands
under: similar conditions.: No other warranties,:.expressed or "implied; a1.re that•all data from the soil boring is, int1.ended for foundation analysis only.and"
:made:.While the services of F.E.T:,are an. integral -and, valuable part of the is not to :be used'for excavating,.backfilling or -.pricing estimates." The: site '
design aud' constriction process; .we do. not warrant; .guarantee, or insure the' • ' ' .. • 'contractor . must familiarize' themselves 'with : the job. -site conditions: Soil.
quality. or •completeness' of services'or. satisfactory' performance provided'by: boring(s). on 'unmarked vacant' property. . or :existing . strocture(s) to be -
other members of the construction •process, and/or the.construction plans and.:. - demolished •is considered preliminary with further, boring(s) to be performed
specifications which we, have not prepared, ;nor. the:ultimate performance of after proposed building pad, is ,staked out:.Report recommendations are based.
building site. materials:.'.As • mutual :protection :to . clients,, .the'.public. •and: , : primarily,'on -data from test boiings':niade at the locatidns shown on. the test
..ourselves,, all reports'are submitted:as.the:confidential property.of.clients, and-.'. : • boring reports:. Soil variations ;may• exist'between borings and may; not
authofization.'for publication of, statements,; conclusions or.'extracfs froni:or• . • ; .• become evident until .construction." If variations are then'noted; F.E.T.. must'
regarding. our' reports, is.re'seived' pending our'written. appidval:. Reports •"are • be ,contacted so that field conditions can be exanrige'd•,and recoinmendafions' :
not intended for 3rd party use: "' : revised if necessary: The' Geotechnical report: states our understanding• as -to':
the Iodation,
dimensions,, and structural .features pioposed:of, the. site.; Any
Subsurface Exidoration' . significant changes in the nature,: design, or location• bf the, site.improverrients
Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished b'y' iest'.borings: The soil. : - analysis,
• must be. communicated : to F.E.T. so that .the 'Geotechnical ,
boring log "includes. sampling, information, description , of - the materials : ons, an be, appropriately adjust ;
conclusi d recommendation's can adjusted;:
recovered, approximate depths of boundaries, between'soil and :rock' strata'and
groundwater data.. The log: represents conditions specifically at the location
and'time:the. boring was made. •The boundaries betweep:different soil strata. " " : eonstrilction Observations
are indicated at specific depths; however; these depths are•in fact approximate Construetion:observation;and testing is an important 'element of Geotechnical
and dependent upon- the frequency of sampling. The transitions.betw6en soil • services. The; Geotechnical Engineer's: Field Representative (Field"Rep.):is the-'
stratum arc.often, gradual. •Water level.readings. are -made :ati •the time the. :"owner's, ieptesentatiye observing the: work •of'ihe;'contracior,, performing
boripg •was, performed: and •can. change with time; precipitaiion,,'canal levels;. tests, and ieporfing data from suchtests and observations:. Tbe'Geote' ical•
local well •drawdowri and -other factors. 'Regardless •of• the: thoroughness 'of a'. Engineer''s •Field' Representative does not. direct •the contractors • coristructioti•
Geotechnical exploration there is always a possibility'that conditions may, be, means; methods, 'operations,, or personnel: The Field Rep. doesnot interfere,.
different from •those of the.test locations;.therefore F:E.T., does not'guarantee.:'.. with the, relationship between. the owner• and -the• contractor,• and, except as an.'.
any subsoil condition surrounding.the:bore test holes.. • For. a more accurate' observer;; does rtot•become a'substitute owner. on'site: The Field. Rep'. is only,
portrayal of subsurface conditions; ,thd-,s'it*e contractot should -perform, tests collecting data•for.our Engineer to, teview: The Field Rep, is -responsible -for,'.
pits. If different conditions• ace'encountered, F.E:T. shall be notified to review his/her safety only; but has no responsibility for the •safety,'of'other personnel..
the findings and make any recommendations as needed; :. and/or, the general: public, at the. site; If the, Field Rep.' does not. feel • that the
site is offering a safe environment for him/her, the Field Rep. will stop his/her,'.
observation/ testing untilare/she deems'the: site is safe: The Field'Rep. is an • •
important member of a•team whose. responsibility -is. to: observe' the •test and
Labo'ratoryand Field TBstS '• : • work being done. and.report to the client. whether.that'work is being: carried
Tests. are performed in: accordance ,with specific ASTIVI• .Standards unless out; in general' conformance with the.plans and specifications. .
..• "
otherwise. indicated.. All criteria included in a:given• ASTM .Standard are not:. .
always'regozred and'performed:.. Each test report indicates the measurements.
.And determinations.actually made,
• • • Lim tatipns of Report:
Ownership.of Tests /.RepOYts Fede'ra
:. l Engineering &,'Testing; Inc. shall have no. liability",. in cbntract,'tort or :
All test results and/or reports prepared .by'E.E.T. pursuant• to this agreement • . any ;inaccuracy, defect; or omission in interpreting :this report
otherwise, 'for
and/or. Addendum(s) .thereto,: •shall remain the property:of..F.E:T. until all.. . •' any even any; liability for ]bst .profts 'or any other .
And shall' not in t •have
monies due,and owing to F.E.T. under•this Agreement arid%or Addendum(s)• indirect,. special, incidental, consequential; exemplary;orpunitive damages. -In
thereto,,.are.paid in full: , " _ : .. : ; f :future. conflict. between owners and contractors the; following -
:the event o;
• •:. • .. applies: •F.E.T.(s)•legal and/or company.representaYion and .preparation for,!
Analysis -and Recommendations • . • .
representation fees will be .billed ion ap .hourly :rate; Le: deposition, expert•
witness, , 'etc.; . F.E- has no• ;obligation to . amend its conclusions .or
The Geotechnical report is prepared primarily. to aid'in the design .of site work :. .
recommendations 'after, the, date of'this report.; Any alterations or changes,'in•'
and structural foundations., Although the. information in the report: is expected:.
to be sufficient for.these purposes, it is not intended to determine the cost.of.. the location of ffie project should be. brought td our attention.at. the: earliest.
constiuction.or to stand alone as constructioq specificafions.
•convenience or revte a i e