HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1455 ';! 'II ' .. f J ~..' , '. i I . ,. ! .. I 'I, I' , , I ';' j I 'i'" j '~ i , 1 ' ; I . [ , ' "'r.:r;,:~.;c:'i(-J.;;;-;;c~';;:'i;:<;;;;;'...;4;. .:.: 2+~.i':"'~~'.':;'i.:'.1: .'-.:~:..::=;,:'~r':::=l1;t::~l.;i-~~'._--~ i \ \ . '\, " \, , . I . '" ',\:" , Ii"'" i' :, If I 1 ,':08W.~' ~~l~,S~h~ 'tt,1 \ ',' I .. ~()'~. 11 ",. '11'1 '. " " J. ~{.\, W.IL$O.\I : 1.\ , \. ' , : \ \ ' " '\ ' I ' I ,',' \ ' \ I \ . 1 i' ' ,,:, ,\. \, " ~,\IARR.wri\ ' D~ \ " \, \' ,I'; \ ! , . \' \ \, " \' ,,' \, " ;, \ \ THIS b~.J)," clade', th~: '4~~,d~\Of ~:'o.,.embe~ "A~' D.,i924-. b~Oswalct (p.e:d'1nsky' a~d'h.is '~lfe""\ ~\ ' i 'j ',',' . ',' , \ " , . -: ,;c\ I 0 . ,',' '" \ \' , " ' ': ' . , ;' , , t 1\. Ann1f;l Rad1nsky of tho Couptr of st., Luo! 0 S~at6 of'Flo~lda herein~ter called thp ,gro,ntors" to ,! ,j ~~; i1.~1Il0~ ,of t~~ ~oo:tr,ot St., L'lOie ~h._to' ?i ',1~r~~.' ~rol""fhr' ~."I~.th~~r.nt~:Y, \ \ \ , \jIT1lr;SSETH.' Th\\\tHtb~ ,oata grantor~\t 1n,OoTls1det:f,\tio\1 of One d.$llar Ilnd ,oth~rv~lueable ; ~ \ . . . \- .' \ .. \.. . ..... , . - " \ \ . . ' oono1mrrat1on. t~e 'raoe1.p't \'lher;!o! '\13 hereby aCkpo';'ledgt;d~ dq'give. gTai\t. l.\arga1n. ~~ll.' al1elf; \ ,; rem'lae. rei ease~ enf:e~ft', cOli';e~' a~d oo'nilrm' imto'~ th,~,~a.id, gra'~lt.~~" ,.'net ~18 \li~n~' ~~\>a,s~Jgna \~ '\ ... . 1:. \ . \ <) '.', ',', _,' ", ,,,'.' _ ~ f 1n he ~imp.l;6',t'he l$.nds' sHuate ,111 St~' Luoie c~unt~t,stiit~ 'of"~10~idll, deSQr~bed as follows: ; ~. ! , . - .' " . ,-' \ .' . ,\.- ,~,' \ ,i.otsTwenty il'lve (26 r 'andhenty..a'1x (2~) o~ ~'a1rvl..Pllrk, ...... " ;.:. ~ . \ '-' .< <II .' -. , .~. . ". ~ " .' :. ~., '. . '. __ _' . ,an Ad~1t1()n '1n,,.~..t,Phroe,,,st;,' LuQl'o' Courit1. ~'iOrld:a:. ' ',.. .," . ." ". , .'. -. ~ . .'. ., . . ", 5. '; . ," - ", " .': ' \ ". {.l~OO' t.R.Sta'rtp:c~.) 244,,'1 I" : " i' J r '" , I , "/,,.. I 0,,1 " J:' t ',. .. I J JI " 'J, I, ' :- " L, , f' if " . I, ,- .-' -. ,l . 11 : : (' ','. I , , s .1 I ' 1 , . \' " ,,\,,: ' \ ' , \ '\ . ,\ \ , . . j ~ . '.' d " , . ~ ., '. , . ", , ! . , TO'aA'lE;AND '.to HO~ the: same ioge~l~eiw1ththe herecUttlmenta and sp'purteli~lC~S,". unto- the '" , " ~ ~81d 'ots.ll"tee vnd'h!s ~h~lrsan(Ca6~1~ .:l~,"fe~ simple.,: " .n ,', . , ' AND 'tbe 8aU~ ran torli"foT.tl~om nnd their, 11 e~ n(aml' leg~l i'eprese~t!}.~'! vo~,".t)~,Ven!lJit8,vtith ; '. -.: ~" .' .' -:.. ..... .. '. . - '.,' . . . " - -".~. t . ~&l~t"ee:a. hl~ h~1r8~' 1.~gEl~.'"rep~eB~1l~at1!e.~ ~rid asslins: That'aa19~r-iUltO~S: are '1~de~easil?~y,',,, se1Zed:of"said ,laUd.'ll,l r~e 'B imple'i thai aa1d"g~n~t~::rs 'h~ve f~ll 'p~..~er.:arid ,~l~~ui,X:ig~t: .to, oonloY..:' '. . ~ I ", . .' _'. ...... . ',", . - J,. _'., . ~ 4 -::'.' ~., . '_.'. . '~., '. sai,d' 1 ancla 1n1',e&8 imp;te, 'ae afores,aiditha t it ah~~ l~'e' l'3wful 'fO~ s~1. d.,i,rlUi t~~ .:. 'i1~~t'h,:,lr3,. ' , .. ',,', ,",' , .',"', ' "',' , ,",:' ", " ' legal r;epreseritat1Vf'8an~ aSdlghs.a.t'11U' Urnes -peaeealJly and lllletlyto: enter uporr,---nOld; . . '::.' I . - ,_ :." >.. _ ,.." .., _,' '.' " ,', . .,' ,'. .. ',' : _ . . "'.'.: -'.',.' . O,oo~pY8:Ude'pjoy said' 1~n'd'itha(s~1d,"land 1s f~'ee'rrom 'a:\.l 11ioumbr~nces; that '$~id g~an'tor8: tr.oir hefra",,::d leial'rel>re'$~11tati've6, ~i1,l'~make ,mchfurther:assu,rancoa to p'erfect~h~ ~ee "simple ti tl.o, ~OB:ai~ 'lalld: in 13al d 'gr~l1teo, 'hi ~{ holrs,' 'Ie 6ai'rapre~ent'6 ti yea, ~nd.'a.ss.1 ~ls.ari ''':.. ..' " . . ,'.", ','. -:, , ," ,rnay re~son8 bly be ,1'e<:1',11 red; and 'th.at: Bsld, grantors., do h'eroby .fUlly, werr']nt the ,title . ". . '. . ...' . . ,'"; ", .' ~-a~ful' clai:ns o~ all per sons whor:is~.ver ~ . -', , : -:,. ". . '. . to sa~d '.~,<,"'",',.,'" .~ .~ ~ . '.' ... . ~ land ,rind '/i11i defend tile same: ega.in~t 'the ", ~ " \jIT~l.iSS,~e han'd,ano. $e~t. of add g~8'lltor8. , , " "r:", Signed, sealed 'end ~eUver'~Jd in tho oresence 'of: E'a~ in r~ad li1S ky'" . ' ,X,, 'C ~ i.elnert ~hed9y lin~ yonrfirat above ".'Tritten. O,8~ai.,d Hadl!1sk; (~eal) {S8,al)' , A!111io ~\adi!1sky',' . j. ~TATZ pi! lLOl-tIPA .' >COUli~Y Ot5T. tUCIA " ., ':: i I i' ~. i" . , , I H.Eh.:;BY CBHTlb'Y.That onthf,a d'\1 pe18on~lly ~PPe!:lr e{ befor(me. ,an otflcer duly -'au:t~loi1 z'edtP;drilinfater': oathS w-id' take, 'acio1(l\,ied'ir;l6.n ts,6~\f'~d'l1'aHn6ky' t9 Qrno:1iell' ~noWI1:; ~, ~.' ..... ',' ,c" ',- """"" _..~'. , anLkno\irn to me to be'the' iJ:dlv"idlla1,'des9r1b'Jd in and ,..,hO'6K6Cl1tod tne'for~goill" ,deed, ano' " ~ -----:- c--. .'.: _: . : _ ,..' - , . '''-..' ; . c . . ' ,. . ". . '." .' . - '. :-'. ".' ',\ h~s ack!lQwledged l;le!ore me ,that he exeduted thes.a.rnQ freely: end, voi',uifar11y for the' purpose'.;; ';, c:.: tr.~reTn e~pr'es$e~. . , ,C' AIm I' l!'UR~'H?.R CERTH''', Th9.~ the s~,1d Annie Rad1nskykllowntomo"to l.Je the ':IUe of the I' ,,1 .." j: ,I i . 1 - , ' , , ,'said/~swald Ru.d'll'wky on a s~pu_rate, 801 pri'fate eXllo:l1!l'i.t;1cn ta~enand ,Je'9sxutel;.'o,ndapart ,frob her :-31 d 111lso<m{}, 11dac}t!;o"'llooil) that, 8he ma-ae: /H~r'8'en'~!i pert7to : said 'doed torI the purpone :0: reno.'ll1e1r.i:S. relit:'l1l16hin5 .fWd c'cwvo.ying all her ri~ht;, ,title end I ilitero3t. ':,h'3ther of do""'~r,ho:ne3t1e~ldor of:Beparute property. ~t8t>'ltorj' ,0.1' ~'lu1tnble. in ",.nd , ,( ," , " . , , ,,' " ,', (,', , ' , . "to the' lands deaorlbc,j tr.ero:n,Dldth~lt she'e::q)C'lted ti:e8~id dee:lfree,~Y!lnj ,.-ol!11,1~ari~'J,' ( " ' ' anJ wIthout, any co:r.pu811oll, conntr1!i:1t" appre/16JiHlon or ,foar of orfro~ her 6,iid hUfOboll<i. I ., ,. , !fIT..t:SS my i1(ln~ 9,nd( offici'll ;.!!ml '.It Pt. I'loree. Collt:iOf :;t. Lucie !l..ld ::'tat-:: of ?lorldu, ,fJ"," ~ ! .:~ this 4th dn~of !... D. 1924. ~ ! ~1 w1n' jiad1nJky ':lotl1l"y I'ubUo .. 3tateof 1-'16. :ly lCQ.':;lsuion expiros Oct. 6,' 1927" ~