HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1469 25'8 ','[',' "I ,) ". . I ... t. ,. ,~ ... I.. I ' I' r" I ,'..., I,~ , " " . :.L;:'~~'~:;='~~~~~~~;~~~:,:,:::::';8!~~~~.~~~,;;~"~~:;~::;,~~~~Zf~~~:. ; hldDu, PROObm E~AL ",' ' t, ~:'" "I I"; TO, ,I ~' "'" ' " , ~};llT~Y' qU~LiR ~i' '1 " '" 11: "" 1 \, ,\.\" \.' li\\" '" ,1:, ~~ ',', , "'," Ii '\, r' ,', , " "\ 'POWKR, OP 'ATTqWEy,1 \ \'11;'," \ '(' ,\ \1- I' ,,\ I '\ 'i; \, l' , ! I , I " ! ,\ ' ,\ :,; I I Tk \'\, '\' ':\ \ ' \ \ I. ' \ I. r I.', ' \ ,\" ,ORRTlua~9A, ,\\ '\' '\,' '" j STI 'E\r.:..~";'Y"R"l '\ \ ,'\ '. III.,'" \ ',' "\1 " '\' I '\ ,,1'" l, " A'l: v.1l' '~.II\.! ,DA I' ,~ I. ",111\ ' \ ,I . 'I.' COUNTY 01 'BREVARD \,:.' \ \<", " .: " II" ,; ;\ \ : \, ,~'", '~' '~'I,' II,. .~. proaoher, Cleric o~ the: ~!\1'()Ult":90l:1.~t'-1'O~J~!.~r,~f~Cou~ty~~,Fio~'lQ~:--~DOHE~IitO"OER~rrfL \\t,ha't',~~~' ~ttaOh~O . 0 truo '.n.~ oorr,.~tl,O~PY?~. . .," I .... :' "", ',' '. \ j , " ',' ",powER Ojl!'iTOIUiHY #llQ29,"1' , ," \. " . i.. " ! In Wl'1'UES5 i1H' or I ha've he~8~to,8e~. ,my 'hapd ,uid' 'theae el :Of,'sai4 ~?ur.t' this 'the 5th d&y '~f, June 'A. ' .''' \ , , \: \, : \, '. . u. T~,:rrosoher,' - , Clerk, Circuit Court' 'BreY~4 County.' Florlda.' " -- '. "" ,/ i~':)' 1" .. ~.~ --;--. " , I I ,'I 'I, - '-'o'~-"'-o;-"-r , .. i ,( C1,ro :.' \" ) " \ . . , . .' ~. i. \ '. i I l>OYIER OF, }~trOPliEY, q' .~ HayWQod; 'R1.cfow, 'Jul1a..wonroe.8ildCaeaar Monroe', 'h'Or, h;U60and,' and Ra~helt po~'tell"~~ !~~hs',p,ostd~i' he~S:Of ',~pe estab), ,()f, J~ff ,cuy~er't~eCea6'~'~.: b>"theseptos6nt'J 40 ~!l'ke:' ,.:' .~ . . .' . . . " ... '. . '. ..' ~ n.onU~Y' Cuyle~ ,our't~e and, l4wful a~t:~rne1 ,in~a'ct;for ns an~ ~'ln,,()ur '!ia~ < \ her ;h~sbll ~" belJ)g the 'c'onsti tu:te fillld 'a9Po'11~t ,place and' stead. , , " , ,,' ,G1vlI1~~~1 ~rant1t~g ui1tO,~h~,8,aidBelltley ~,U'Yler.',our.sa1(La~'torney .1nfaot,: ' ," " fu1J' powor:s.nd author! t.Y to do.imQ~-p-e1".fo.rin' 811~8.nd-:--Q4!'~-l\V----!l(:.t.,ani',th!ng-~Wh'1tBoe"verreq -l1s,1 to aJld";~L F neoessary. to ',p~, done' c.OJj;~rnl~~" ~'lr 'itlt~re~ts' 1n" th'e estate Of~ Jef~' CuYler, 'as' ,h~i rs~ beneficiaries ..~". ..... .: . , . . --: . . . ~ ..,. ; undn,h,i.s will or,'Qtiler"1a,etoae~1., rallt, or any' otper th1.11s'ret'a,t1ve to 'sa.1.d 'eBta,te, as 'fully' ". . r '. ': I , : ". , to all1nhrits,aridpurpoaos"aB we, might, or, Qould' d~,lf perSOrll~:li: PF,ca8:nt., Wlt\ f,Ull, pow~r ,~f " aubEi.t1t'Ut1onand l''eVO<lUUOll, h~'re~y,'r.ati...:tY1ng Sld :coni'irm~ng all'that,our Sai,d 'att.orney or his , Bubst'.i,t\lt8 ahidi ~,laWfUU:ldO,O~ 08.,1;18 t o~e done by ~virtue thereof\ heub'y'r~t1fy,hi~''ana ~6n- ';, . ' ',', .' '. ...".' < - ,.' . ' .. ::,,'.1...,..' ;: , ~ ,'"/ -. ~irm,1pgai]. that our'" Baid',at,tornei or<h~s.~lbst i tuteahall 'lal'lsfall,y door o/l':lseto, be. dona by', . , . -,' . ....'. .' , ( ,v1rtuethereOf" hereby'r,atlfYfng and oon{irmin~ 'partl cuiarly that 'certa.11~'contl"./lct~ etw,een the" .' ..' . " . '. . - ' . . . . - . . .... .. ' . '. , '.'. s'i!d 3entle;1 Cuyler, a~o'lr attoriles and' Ira.l~ob1e3 and~eoroe' G. Bro'ckett'.,and\vhich 1s dated tbtt, . ' . . . 26th day OflA(l,f, A. .D"1.925, ".lu\'l.iQh onr Oa1d attorney did ,<,:olitr'act :to ,co!l\"e,y ,311of.ld.s and our , interest> in the said /ef~~r ~ ate,}o the 6,8i~' Ira lioGlen aud George G. BrOCkett; foT' and ,in ooriside,rat 10 n of fiftae~l' t.:.-^"'~d ($16.000 .Cb r Doi1.aro . And: further:glV1'ng ~nd.' ~rant1ng unto" O~Ir sard; attoz:ne, '~lie ,pOWElr to,act .>.. ~ ". ";'. .~ .. <'! 6~neraUy ao OIr atto'rn67 ~111' fact wlt)~,refor,el1ca t'o'the a,~oresalcl, p~p'pert~, and ~,~l',~th~r' ml)i~~r~ concornlniS the afpressid property 1n wi1i<:l h we may b,(t 1ntetest,ed' oraor.-c.erned, 'and1n,o~ir behalf to exec,u te ~ ll,s'.lcri in13tr u!ll~ti t~, ~ in~ hi.d iHg wltrr,ant;i .deed or ,'d,ec~8 ofcor.v~'j'a~ce a'ri.~ t o1,o~s11 ' _,l , , , , , , I, SUO'ilact~ andth1l1~~, as f~11l1 and as e.r'feqt'_uuly,ln all reJ,.pecte as we ourselves <<;)o,uld do' 1'1' per$on.l1,Y pre~ent. 1 .1." , " ~~ ,'\ And';ve ,hereby for O'.lr.s.elves. our heird'.exeoutor~, arid administrator,s rat1fr ' . , i. i. &nd confirm whatever our said attorney in faot shf:,l1 10 OOl.lee ming our lnt8rC'st:'iin tile' said Jeff, .'. ,-.~ I . ; ,Cu;ller, eate. to b1';irtu_\o{taese .p,r,esei,ts. ' i " . . .' , i 'Ill lf~i'i;~SS \i;LR~Oi, .ie ,[in ve r of :~D;/'A ~, D .HZ5 . ;, hel"~unt~ t'lot OUl"fand8 and i:iC81s thia 29th day in tfio,preseuce of; k,ma ?r'oc tor (~eal) I' ,~-t-, -. ~. '-r ~ignQd, aealed'!illdda n'let-ed , "'/ I' DOU61a8 Proctor her, '~I3,oruei;tn Y. ;lajwo.?.!:.(sea~), ~8rk.' , ;;eorgat ta,;~~ay:"{)od , ~(sca1) ~ J. P. Cookey: Jr., aelen Q. Crannell ) AS to J ... ._,..-"~..~.. ....'.;>.;.;...c. 1_~ ':