HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1476 , I, . ,. , I 1," I,' ~-:- r ~;t-' ,- ;c ' ~i1- --:-__u-:-.:.L 'j; ,r I' -'/' , .. l... ,1" ,_I,z:~,& '$,' .IIi""" . ;1, " ! ! ' .... I, --i-----:-:-- - ,--,-, " I I. I, I I "I' ' :' I ) , I , I I' . '. Ii ,I I ,l:: 1-,'. F 1-" ',-,.... ' '.:':'..' i,. ;~', "'f ,: .::,~!::.:r,: _:-'-''-',~:,'~-:';~';'::::::;-::i:.-:q;:::,::;:;,;:::,::",::-,::;:..:: ::_;'-:';::::':::,:;;:;~i.:;:':':;::~ ':' i "~";':"':'f':";':'-':::':'~-":'~ ::':'.1, : ',' r '~99r6Q ~~d' t'aea~r li.touro~, har 'hu~~;~td'.~~\ att~r'na;c,~'hl tllC~ Ito~':f-a~hell~Qa\tell', and !~m~ r,06Ulli. ' ,r ,\ " ,I '1,' ,t \,' . . ", , ' I" ,I ' , \ , ',"', >' ".,' , , : I:, I" ' ',\1' ,h,er hti.sb<tnd; being al.lp.f "th\J ~e1ru ?f theestata of' Jeff,:Cv~~r" de.O'~q~ed, part~GS,IOr ;the :l~t' .-' , t:9a:rt" ,f()r ' a~d, \ ill OOI>8~der8tthn, 0~1i!'1"'\\' h~ndrlt~ (.~90.00l.D,~t~18. rs,. ' ~ild'\ ~tp~r "va 1~'ab11:l \00 m tde'rntio:n \ \ .' \' i ,. i, " . \ ' , , " \ " ,>: .~, ,',' ' . \ ,I:' ,\' ,,\j,to rile ,in,h!1udfAld 'as ,a}ld for~Y,a~1f'npd,.\as ~tt,prney' In.fac,t'fo, :the.:r-bovo n'n.pJed P!lft1os 9-ttne ~'" , , ,(,' \ ',- ' ': ," ", \ ' ,,', ' '" .. - . ,\,'" ,\' " , ' '''' ~ ' ,'\ \' ',', \' " ...'( ,Y1BtP8.~t,:t>y Ir,a HOble,aahd Geo.t'pe ,G. Brockett, p~rtle"u of, t,he 2n6 P!lrt, doa.gree to,:oonvoy all. ',',\ \ i \ '\. \ : ,"', \ " , \ ' .' "" , " ' \. ' ~,", ,,' '. ", I,,' "J, , [ t~o,ae ~~l'"t~lnp.\lro.\lll~ 'e{l!llld,()f',e~e~:"kl\nd "and .d~\~p.rlp~lon,'~e~Olli$to: tfH!, stat.e :01' JOff,C:,l"yle:r' " r/iu~rever~it,il!lted'ln\ the ~tu~e\ a'f i~lorlda~ ~pon tho rQllOwing'()O'~itldn~ia.n-1 te~~i, ?Ou,r'te6n , !'t!lGuaatld f{vehull,d,red ($14.500.00) Doilil.;s \lpOn the dOlh,e~Y"Of '~ab\Btr~~t s,nd ~ar.rll'ri~y d~ed ..' _,I " ,,\ .,' ,',: I ", ','.. .... ,'__\ , ,::' \ ,'. "1..._ ~c-c---"--~m_-----T--uherr1ng good--and-m6iohe:ntabletl He In-cthe-p/l.rt1~n3ef; the tst' pal't---;-'-'_"-- - __L___ ,- " . _ .. .; . \ - . , \, _' ~. '. ,:' .. \' _ . . "'" .... ~ 0\ ; .'.; _, . '".~ , '. f J.. . \. r,: -'~-' J',,' ItA,S h~r,e~,.86read:-nd ~l1derutood, ~.Y8.nd:,'betwee,nthe partIes. ,aerete end her~ln ,til8. t the !"- " '1 ,partleaaf.tl1fl,2nd part 'sha:1'1."have .t~n' rfo) 'da..}t~'after, ,the;-deirye~y. 'of thiJ abs'tz\!1ot fer exarniflll.:-2 ,: i ~ \-'.' . ,". . ' ' . - .' ~. . . - ' " . :f '.,tion ~!' the,~ame... '\',,:, ". , '>1 J?~rtloo0f' thl.3 lstp~rt !ll~o.'8.g~ea't~ fur'nloh~..a:bstrll,ot; or' tUleto:,~'ald,;1;~aieBtete,';'1iu.t,if: '!...._l 1. ~'{11 ~.. 'j~ I I ~ , f. ,.' '. I,' , : ! '\'1rl't'ten oplnlQll of examining counsel shows .defe..:ti:~,t iti~,' partie's of the 'let''p!1rt, h~'reb.>' 8.i!r'ee '~ t >.' .... >_' ..' .\'': :" -', __~.' '.:' '... _ .... "..... ----; .. ~ -~~~-'-~~--x__~,_ -~:-~~--~-~i.-;--,. J to retu'r{l~ho, abovo'referred,to ,'500.00' .~Q the part!!)S ,of ~he ZI'ld '~s;i',~. ' " ' , ' ., :, ". ,~-.. " - , :'. - ,..... ' .:" - , ; .',':. '. ~ . , " ,. . '; - ....'. ': '.. '., - " , '. , 'lncMe tiicpri vilegeof, p'Jrc]ll1ue hereby c;lv6n, i:J '1x~roi8ed and. ,thopricq abOVe,t1~;1;6d p,eid .' - , . ' " . - ~ - . '. .'. . .': . . . . , .... . ,', . ,j' i " : as pro.,,~ded I, a;S,ree t.o.convey '8 '115 rC!).,l eS,tatQ to .th9sal'dpnr'tie's of. the, 2il'?" part bye.-' ~OOd ~.i:d ; , . . -. ",.. .. .' , ! $'t~rrcie.nt ',Warren t"y60~{i r .:!ci lti ;15 a co:ni;1,j'er:;.t,lonof~'1.fteol~ Tiiou.sana'( $16. 000 .,::O} De1.'1~ri3 ,free'; ; . '. .'-. ' " . . -: "",' . ~.". . . . . ~ ?al~j clear of 811 l1el'lS :a~ld ,fricumbin!;c~a ',vh$,t~oever except 'a!:> ,t!,,' taxes, asseS3"'Hmt~~ 'orl~po;lHion:s' .,," .....', " . ~ ; l' , " ~evled,'asdoBs~d ,or imp,oiJ~don U9.11 r,.,u1odtat~; drpri1pert:,' 8alj:l~Tl,ent to ,tM ~en.-r',l?24. ,:'1he .!';,. :;: , , , ,,. , ta,xe$: tot't:10 ';joer 192.~'ah} ~o (H~ pro-rll~ed betweon the Pff!t ies ,'l.er9to ~ . :. ~.O.,..', t., ',' r ' r. i "In, case t i'ie'prl vi,leee'()f purcllllse': i:er eby cO'} 'f~ll 1~no,~ ~xerc.lse,~ !l.1l1 "" :. ." . ~" '~ ,fullY 'p"e~f~r;:jedblth~ s!!id pa rtie~of tl1e'Zl1d patti' t,hoir i(oi ~3,: e~~cnt{lra, Ildrdnf3':-r~ tor,h or, . .. C . .' . ~Jdl51id/~;'), i1oroinpro~ide'd, ,~aid 9r.~,vl1ege ~h,311'Rh,Oll:r ,cea:.3'e'!111d ;th~t50,Q .qo so p~ d 'qr.cl.l,li,G c o~isi'de~e.d, b.3 11'-!uida t~a dQ.'haoS's ~a~nfJf the,-p81' tiQuoft.ho .2nd p;rt,' '.'flHI liq.uld,'.lt"o'd da;'ag~~ . . ,-', .'" ~. ,'. . ;.' , . :", . ", .:~ ",' . ,~ . . - ,- ," "', '.' . . - . - .... " . ' . .,' ~ ' '. . 'beinrl t;16 dU>:1a6C' a~rGcd' and,inderGtoo1 bet;'leen'tho~ p"-r;t,ien'!:ereinas trio a,;Qunt' of. d!hw,ge: o!i:fd . f . - '_ , . _": .. . ' ~ ' . _" _ ,~ ., . , partie~o1 the.'ll:l.t' p!lr't -;Y.ill ,hst'J ec '., ap:)e;of',tir::e'f;i1e~'\'li.ll 'pe j'~ded to,~Gt freeIt with 8qidpr6~erti~ '. . . "- ~. " " , i I, . But duri21eti~e: exist"noe o~ u.~ld ,prlvHe5e 9f 1rlTcnatJ!J, '".'JCr:' :3):'1U, be'~..:; gqO!l as pr'l'cU,c::able for ttiepartios o,ftile l,ut'p'rt ,t'o arr1ljlg~thepi1per\lt,e~o;rv,o.7" tile ,proper~:lher'elnbefore l:le'ntiqpild,' .. , tdi3 inat1:'u:::orit 3hall be bhlding.upon f:he, y::rtJes off th~lst;part, th9ir n<J1'r;:.,' e;(oq~~r3-, i I, ~ ' ~, " ~ ' r l I " ~ I r "" ,~ . t' I.:" ." fU ~dmirii8tr~t01:'9 ri~d.~B3!3n9~ "\fli;~E3S our 11'111d3" o.nd"d ea l~ t~.ld ., ;. 'day-of !!u:!; 'A'~'.D.J925'~ 30 al,ed andjoli 'tarod in ,; - '-'.: J. 1';,. Olv~r Senny,C'J;,:ler' i3e:^:tley Cu;;l er 3e'ntlj' C'lyler , L:-:;'L)' , BOntley'C'lj'1el' !is' .\~ty hi fact' fcrZm~~ preu'or ( ~:~;'L) :':,A. Grael~ . " ' "'1e~if;l.7 Cuylor ,(S;;AL) :jentiey C:lyl.)r as ,\tty l.n'filut fcri)ouglas, Proctor E~ntlyC'.I.::1or , ,':';::.~I.) BO:ltlOY C'J.yler [13 :.t ty b ff.1i:t :or '~oorcietta':UJ'.10od ' " ~ ....J " " ! ';elit :;;':l;:ler (v, ;.r.) pel\tley.,C 'J1.~r <)s;'tty in feot for Julia ..,;mr{)13 ~.; -Cv,cBar ':ontoe her;"IOnond. ' I, . I "'antl] elllle!' " _ (,::;,,~1) B'311tJ.o] C'ly1'~r- f,;: '\:~1J i:; :""ct :(:r :;~c;;.")l 1:0':; toll , I ':or1tli ::'l~'l..;+ _ (,,,:.;',.1.) , ';.ent1es C'l]l er u.{'. t'ty in r~t}t for Ue.nli ;08 ~!l~'~";\'\-,:':;;,,';i~'\,,-,,;,.,wc',;: . ,~:;,:",;-','-k ",. '\; I" ~ I,