HomeMy WebLinkAbout96110404- ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODEDe 'art•merlt• of Community Affairs SQ 5050 FLORIDA ENERGY FFIi_IENCY .CI,i_bE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TION FORM 600A-93 Ahole Building Performance Method A CENTRAL PROJECT NAME: QUILDEN P ._rACI_iU IN AND ADDRESS: SHINN RIB !PERMITTING e�+ !CLIMATE FT FIERCE !OFFICE: OFFICE: SEC- ANNIW !ZONE: 4 1 _ 1 5 : _ 1 0 _ ; OWNER: CIRCLE H CITRI ►S :PERMIT NO. 0V ;JURISDICTION URISDIi=TI► N NO;661000 1 o New construction or addition 1 New Construction ---- 2o Single family detached br {'Ttl_ali_ifamiiy attached 2. .0 iTq + C f�77?I3. v'��►- _--- 4 If Multifamily -No. of +_Ini+.•= 3, ?i 4. If Multifamily, is this aIworst case (yes/no) 4. ---- 5. Conditioned floor area (?. ft•o ) J. 1957.00 ---- 6, Predominant eave overhang (ft., ) � ��, J-, 1I0 %e Porch overhang length (ft•= ! 7. 6. !ill ---- = a Glass area and type: as Clear Glass b. Tint, film or solar _.cr -en Floor type .and ir!'s+_ilat•ion: a:. Slag on grade (R-value, perimeter) 10. Net. Wall type area and insulation: a. Exterior: 10 ;_i'l' cr�t•e '. Ir±sulat.iitn' R-`•,.`alLae) an Exterior: =n Wood fr-.B —1 (insulation R-value) !!.Ceiling type area and ir�_•+_alat.ion: za. Under attic (Irr_•i_alat. on R-value) 12.Air- distribution =y'_t•,=_m a.e _Dl_a,_t.^ (Tr,=.1_a1atior-, _„_at•i� n) 13a Cool inn system 14. Heat.inoSystem: !4.Heating System: f r o Hot. watersystem: !G.Hot. Water- Credits: (HR-Heat. Recovery, DHP-Dedicated Heat. i �+_amp) 17e Infi lt•rat.i, q practice: 1, 1 or - IS. HVAl_: Credit.=_. (CF-Cei l inq Fan. CV -Cross `gent. HF-Wh ol e house fail, IRB-At.t�ic radiant. harrier; MZ-M+_al�_i- {re) 19.I.. PI (must not exceed Inn points) aZ T, �t.al A=_.•-B,_ai i t. poi nt.'= b. Total Base points Single Pare ad O. il_qft. _b. 24'2. il_.=eft. Double Pane 0. tll;-.nft- Sao R= it, 00 182.00 ft. 10a-2 -l- 01 e Iifi: "_6. I10sgft. 11aaR=19.007 2641. iits'aft'. 12a n R= = a f 0 +_arScond 13. Ty'peg Central A/C 'S---Y SEER- 10. il0e'- 13. Type: Central A/C ---- SEER:s_i�---- 14 = Type: Heat Pump ---- 14= Type: Heat Pump -_-_-- H' PF : cr' ---- 15_ Type: Electric t= F : 0.04 ---- 17 18. MZ 19. 34.44 ----------------- ----- ----------------------- ---------------------- -------- I Hereby certify thatthe !" 1 XnL and ; Review � �f the plans and specifications specifications covered by this alcu- We 1 covered by this calculation indicates lat.i,�n are in compliance with 1 compliance with the Florida Energy Florida Energy Code. J �1AlF�C�E E ; Code. Before construction is completed r�_>*y Ir-_\Af-Q �� i t•fii=• building will be inspected foi- ------- F59R42ZZ---� compliance �. � accordance with Section �- _ _1 553.908 F.S. I hereby certify that this bui 1Iding i in compliance with the Florida Energy ; a Code. , , , OWNER/AGENT: ----- i BUILDING OFFICIAL: I} DATE: , r_:; FLORIDA ENERGY FORM 60OA-93 PROJECT NAME ,'ANI:+ ADDRESS: SHINN RD FT PIERCE OWNER: CIRCLE H +:IT art•me=_r,t• of Clomml_•Irf i ty Affair-=. N: 5050 FFI!_ IEha!_1' !_ODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Ah ele Building Performance Method A CENTRAL ; BUILDER: P JAi_Q IIN :PERMITTING CLIMATE ;!iFFIl=Eo ELC ; ONE: 4; ; 511 6; S ;PERMIT NO. !JURISDICTION NO. 661000 I_ -'. 1. New constructionconstructione_�r addit•Neworl I. New Construction Single 2. family detached e_i r 'l M l_J 1 t• i f a m i 1 y attached 2. • l, G'.jzt-1 L+-- 3. if Multifamily -No. of units 3. I :.:I•. if Multifamily, is T•fl1=_ a worst case (yy':=_.,i;• o) 4. ---- c, Conditioned floor- ar-='= (_.q. ft. ) _+. 1957.00. .Y. Predominant ea'v`e overhang ?ft.) S. 2.00 ---- Por-e_h overhang 1e=r-I'_Et.kl e. ft• ' 7. 6.00 ---- - . Glass area and type. --- Single Pane Double Pane a . Clear Glass a . '_s , t_i = q f t. !_! , ! t _. q f t b. Tint., film or solar screen b. _42. 0sgft 0. 1, 0sgft- ---- 9. Floor- type and ir-lel_ slatn: ---- a. Slate on or-ade (R-value, perimeter) 9.a.R= 0,00 . 182.0ft. 10. Ne?t. Wall type area and -i lat e e ---- a. Exterior: i _+r a 1. !_.1 erle_r-!=vt.:= insulation R-value) 10a-1 r.- 4. i0, 1: t66. Sl0sgft• •y. Exterior: -. Wood frwMe (insulation P+.__value) 10a-2 R=11.001"126.00sqft 1 1 .I -e=i l inn type area and ir1=•I_a1at•ion. `--- a. tinder- attic (In-•u1at-.ie_r, P-•value) 11a.R=19.000 _641.i!0=gft. 12. Air di_t.ribut_ ion systems- ---- a. Ducts (insulation - Location) 12a. R= _. 00 -K I_-lnc nd 13. !_o of ing system I 13. Type_: Central A/C ---- 14. Heat• i ng stem: 14. He•at•ing System: 15 . H+_+t• water system. 16. Hot. Water Credits; (HR-He=ab Recovery, 1 DHP-Dedicated cat.ed Heatr�lump) 17.Infilt.r-at•ie_er,practice; 1 2 or :i 1 ;. i HVAI= Credits il=F-!_ei i inn F.ak. CV -Cross vent, ��. t HF-�1}lc,],e house far -I, Ir:,: -;; .T_ i := radiant. barrier-: MZ-MI_alt_i.-rer,l_i 1 9. EPI (fAI_a_.t not exceed 100 points) ) a. Total As -Built points Vie, Total Base points SEERll�i/----- 13. Type: Central A/C ---- SEER: tit, ttl=lam ---- 14. Type; Heat Pump ---- HSPF o 6.89, ---- 1 4. Type: ;Herat. Pump ---- 15. Type: Electric ---- E ; 0.94 i 1 . SK 44 ---------------•---------------I--------------- --r------------------------ -- ---------_t-•..y-----_-!_-----------_----_-------- HerebyHerebyce�rt•if thatt•rle plan a'_ arld e Review of t.,•je plans and specifications specifications c ve_ e 1'y t. Ie_.al u- s covered by this calculation indicates covered !' � _ this - _ e s � e v i tat. ie_+ri are in compliance with the V compliance with the Florida Energy Florida Energy !_:ode, 1 I__sde, Before ;_s_;r,st.ruct.i?_en is completed V \izV41 �y-_XD ; this building will be inspected for f 3 '4C,EI^''-mac.} T , Y� � compliance in accordance with Section I aATE ° ---- Z'`'-�� - - ------ ------ , 553.908 F.S. Ihereby certify that this to u i i +� i r'-Z i _• in compliance witthe Florida Erie r 'a`y' Code. ; WNER/AGENTe ; BUILI.eING OFFICIAL: - -------------------- DATE o ___-- 1 DATE. ----------------------------------------=-------------------- I ° I CO I •-..J IAI I !T•, I IT, I G 1 1 F-° I h+ 1 _ IAI 4a. - i_n f- I •. J .{'.. CID C9 7] rl 1 1 I_I hl IAI z r- -j 1-1 Iri `' M -F k-j 1 I c IT I- ry •'7] (1 I-i C i zr •-{ I-t IS) Z M I,I t-I iJ! -n 1- l i m !_t m -- 17 i i I-i r I 0 1 I.- IAI r M r_ !ZI 7l I-• I !Li 4i! I LR I �,1 -{ t•.i I •-1 I =' I I,) t = 1 C. I _ ! _ I I I I { 1 I I I t I I I ! I �'• 1 I I f,�i 1 1 I 1 I I I I '_' f h` I I •r1 I h+ l L , I I ifl I I IT, I I CO I I I I I t••1 I I I I I 01 I iA:l •,.1 � t•.�l I_n I IAI III •• J I11 'tl CO jai I �]••' {••:i — — I I 71 if; C m m m I fji �I LL It I Cl cr Ili I. ,t I fl � H 'Y 1 r• I U7 i , Cl 1 IJ I III 1 ,'t C =, L1 I ! ! r1 I- SE I # I Qi ,-1• -,I I h:i R, I I i I]_I - I to.. III F ' RI I III LL i a I I I I I I � III .. I-! Ii I-+• h+ I 4% i �n r•:i F-,• - iI1 ��I r•.; i]`, 4 W i, T, Al ii j m CO D I W I If! I 7] I 3 t -n i l H I-,• I ly I I_n I to I I I I I 'II I z I -J I ,T_t I ° 1 m 1 _ 1 r I � f I I_i I IT_I I I I I I I rl 1 r'•�I I --f I I D D I r•:i I :n r I ° I m I = I r L —I I I iJ;I 1 I 1 1 II I 1 71 I h+ I 17 l> I ° I i—i !-I t•��I I --I '-i I I I i I° I I I I 1 I I CO fZ I:J j I (J) I ° Ic Ifl .s i-I j m I I h+ I I]', J _ rn CO IJi CO Y•_i h:i h:? -r- i n 110 ia:1 -.1 r•.�I ° i,5 C. _ If! If, Ifl rrrrrr-rrr --{ -f -1 - { --I -I -! --I --i H H 1-4 H H H 1-4 H H Z_ Z Z Z Via• Z? Z E:EEIf!if!if!if' Ill m I a:,. r :i .I, h+ h+ i.... — 4's t%. i ,, CZ. ,,,,,,,,,,,, J .•J 'YJ ISI III Iii CO J 1 Ii F-+ h+ IAI 1:41 IAI IAI F-,• h+ I 1 i.,,j I--,• I:.t! h+ i-'• h+ r+ Iy;l I -I r I •.J i 17 , G i Iy' Cl 1-1 l> I .a , 4:,. iii I--4 K) iii FA CA f l j I i_n I'•�J I:.n i_n '- ._ _., f .f] 'Li Cl Tj �r H D m (0 CO D I I mt 1� t M 1 it t � t -n 1�1 H ID ii ni CO If T H z IJ My ;-INTER CALCULATIONS ►LATIi IN•_+ .,J,, BASE ___ ; = AS -BUILT KAS::---------------- , DRIEN AREA x BWPM = POINTS ; E 65.00 -3. 4 -221n it ; :_{ 60.00 - : i , 4 - 114 , I 1 w 117.00 -3.4 -397.8 -----------------------------�- ,. 1 5 • • COND. FLUOR . TOTAL GLASS II AREA AREA - ----------------------------- 1 c 1,957.00 242.00 NON GLASS -- AREA BWPM = POINTS ; ------------------------------- AALLS---------------- ; xt. 1592.0 1 . 1 1751.2 , ; DOORS {------- , t ; CEILINGS li 1174.2 , , FLOORS ; L INFILTRATION--------- ; 1957.0 4.1 8023.7 ; TOTAL WNTER P+ iINTB ._` `J11,2j , TOTAL .. SYSTEM = HEATING ; WIN PTS MULT POINTS ; --------------------- 9, 911 ..._.i 1 . 111 10,902.35 7--------- 1 TYPE BC: ORIEN -I_OMPON AREA x WPM x WOF = POINTS ------------------------------------------------ BGL TINT E 20.0 -2. I_I -_ . 04 201.6 SGL TINT E 45.0 -2.0 -.21 19.3 3GL TINT :S 15.0 -10.2 .94 -144. 4 SGL TINT S 15.0 -10.2 .97 -14 .0 SGL TINT S 15.0 -10.2 .94 -144.4 :SILL TINT S 15, 1I -10.2 .94 -143.2 SGL TINT W 48.0 -2. 0 -1 . 4 128.3 SGL TINT W 24.0 -2. 0 -1 _ : 4 64.2 SGL TINT W 45.0 -2. 0 -. it 9.: ------------------------------------------------ = HLT . .GLASS ATT GLASS 1 GLASS FACTOR POINTS T'_ POINTS ; P! �INTc, ------------------------------------------------ 1 . 21 _; - = 22 . 0 -' 96 . I_17 ; -147. 1 `=' TYPE i .-VAL UE ------------------------------------------------ AREA .. WPM = POINTS E::•::t• Wood Frame 11.0 • 26. 0 2.00 452.0 Ext. Nor-mNt•B1ock in 4.2 1366.0 3.26 " 4453.._ Ext. Insulated 60.0 5.10 306.0 Under Attic 19.0 2641.0 1.00 26410 j Slab -on -Grade ade .0 182.0 2,50 455.0 VOTAL x CAP DUCT T x SYSTEM =.==CREDIT = HEATING RATIO M ELT M ►LT MILT POINTS ------------------------------------------------ 1671 S.i. 1_.7 1.00 1.100 .500 .950 . _ , 4cc. ?_ ***************************** ***************************** === BASE === ============================= NUM OF x MULT = TOTAL BEDRMS 1 3527.0 3,527.0[ ========================= ***************************** ****************************** === BASE === ============================== COOLING HEATING HOT WATER POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = 15809.3 10902.4 3527.0 3 ============================= - . ' ************************************************* WATER HEATING ************************************************* === AS -BUILT === ================================================= TANK VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL RATIO MULT ----------_----------------------_-----_-_------- 40 .94 1.000 3302.0 1.00 3,302.00 ================================================= ************************************************* SUMMARY ************************************************* i === AS -BUILT === ================================================= ' TOTAL COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS 1 POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS ------------------------------------------------- 0,238.61< 13774.8 8456.0 3302.0 25,532.82~'' , ================================================= ************** * EPI = 84.44�~* ***************** { / /~�-_. ENERGY GUIDE For detailed information of the EPI rating number- or- for" ' any ITEM listed, ask your Builder for EPI= 84.4 D A Form 60OA-93 or Form 601_ B-93 '-------------------------------------' The maximum allowable EPI i=_. 00. The lower" the EPI the more efficient the home RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATING 'SHEET ITEM HOME VALUE WINDOWS.... = ................ Single Tint. INSULATION .............. . .. . Ceiling R-Value......... 19.0 Mall R-Value.... ..... 4.2 Floor R - V _! 1 ue ..... _ . _ . 0.0 AIR CONDITIONER .......--- SEER ...................... 10.0 HEATING SYSTEM---- .. . Electric HSPF. — ........ 6_._ [CATER HEATER ................ Electric EF.............. 0.94. Gas EF.............. 0.00 Solar- EF.............. OTHER FEATURES .............. Low Efficiency High Efficiency SINGL CLR DBL TINT , R-1ii R-30 i --------- X----------- R-0 R-7 '----------- X---------' R-1 ,+ R-19 , 10.0 SEER 17.0 ------------------ 6, :_ HSPF 12.0 ix , i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '' - - - 7-1 '---------------------' 0.40 0.80 I certify t.hat these energy saving feat.ures required for the Florida Energy Code have been installed in this house. Builder Address:* 1 Si n i.1_ar e2---------- ---------------------------------------------- City/Zip -------------------- � -- Florida Energy Code for Rui llin Construction - 1993 Florida I>epar-t.ment. of Community Affair=. FL -EFL C ARI: 9 j