HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1485 r~ J :','27 '~t " ,i, , " I l 'r '" ;--:-- , i 'f ,j, 1 ',t ._, ,,', ' )', I, , , " '" I ~ I !. .I" ~-. (. . , : rr ",' I ---~> t ".' ~'-' "I _ 'l , , ., I , j I, I' ',; I " ,',' , .' , I, I ' : ' ", ,;. i ,,',' ' , ' ':, , 1'" I ' t., I' ,', , ' " , , , " , I ,: ' ' . ,I " I ,,' t' '.' , ' ," ! i I .-:ri,;,;:::-.:::::,,~~~~'~~:~::;:~:tT:::;l':~;-~,~..~ ~.:~':~,.;,~,;:~~:;::.~;':::;:J:"~~:.::;~:~:~t.~,:~~,~2~::;:'::c:'~;:-:'';'::-';';::':::::'::=~~ '..:,,:.:;;.~~,~\:;;::s,~:.;::;::,;.~~~-:J;:"':';';:;~~:..L:f'~~!:~:0~,lb;:::'::F'~=:;-~~' , I" ,I, .":' , " '. ',I, j \' " ",,' , ' 1 I :,l'pa:yab~"e ,agatnlJt 'sa1d!1.;~i<li\nd all; 1ml)~Ve~erit~ thereon, n~w.eXi8,t{1l(;'~;\'\'Il~d:cl~ma.YI'h~reafte~"be',l ,1\ \ \,", ' I \ " \ ' ' , ,\, ,'. " '/.. I 'I ,\ If" " -" ," " , . ,\' 1 ' ' I < I 1, ' \' \!' " ".' \ ; , '! \ 'made, tilGreon. :, I' , ' ' \ "I ' \ i " \ ,;., \'.1" " " . II ' " , ", ., , , , \ . \, 'i " ., I' \, " ' \ I , Onl.i\~ll pa~e:~t of tl~O s~s 6f 1\10~ey anU i1n~o~st' ~dre~a.1d,.. ~nOtJ~\lg\ aJ.l8J:l~{U\ts eXP,E\nde'(" \ ' .' ',.. ' ", \ \ --, ',\ : ' , . '.. ,\ ".. ~bythe,:8a1d, 'Iiar~ ;of' the, f1r~t-\' part on ~QQO~t ~"f taxes ap~ sp"o1a~ aSIJ~$81i1e.nts, ~~ rede:npt,i,'?,n, fr~r:i \~' . ' ,', \ "',, ',' I "'" ,,",.\ tax. sales, the s.a.id ib..~ty 61" th\} first p,art\ ahal~'o~nve'y' said' :lil-np.~o,the: ~a1'dpart~' or po.kti,e's' 'j' \ . ' ,', ' ," I' \ ' . , ' " , >(0/ ti\e\.. seoon~ Ft:bY 'de~d,h.~ ~:M~n~Wl edged; ana. \ldrr~t'~l\lf t~tl.e ',\~8" Qf ~te ~hereot:I;;b;ut '~eed " "': ,\ , ,~ to' OOll:thitJ. ,the foliow1l1g I oO,l1d1t1olUi." proV1sIons .'and reS,t'r1ot1~}1,9: ,". '.. \' \ , \, ~. ;,.'\" ~R~VIDED. IlEVER~l~SS. .'ri:es~ ,;r(l3~n~3 are clJ.d~ '~\\bJe'o~~toailofthe"foi~\)i1I18.e~pr~s~ed , , " \," \ , "', .. , . " , ' ," , ~ond1t,t~ms, ,l'f?s1i;'riot1ons M,d lltAita tl~~S t, ~J.lIil'~1~ to,' the ',said Pfo"1~er~y ,\ and ~'Ihi~l~ oondlt,isms" '. . , .- '., \."~ . .' .."- , . . , . . . - ..... . '. . .. . - .=- .res.tr1ot'lons and. 1 iml'tatj,ons, are lnte~lded: tQ be., and SillUl,beaocePtei:1 ascoveilants J.'1lnning\'/lth, t .", . _' ....: ~ .., ", ."- .' . ....0. . . .' " . ' . ' . '".' . . . . , ".. . .'..' ,_'. ~' sa~:lan.d. ,~d whicr. she,ll. ~e' bind1i~al1ke up'on ');he 'ilel!~; represe,~tatlx~e ana, aSS1~3 Ofth~'.i-', . 'sa.i~ pa'rtj 61' 'Pa.rt~EtlL~f' the -lJ~CO~l~ part, t\n.d'O\t .th6",.p~ty 'of~,he' first P~t.VlhO',:'~bY a60~'ptarioe' ""; " ot,tl'li~ :1.~st~ent'agree'8 .to ~bId~:'b~. -pe~form and adh.~re to: said' b~o~ditf~n~~"~est~iotlO,l1~~'and.' , ' , ',' , ',' , :', , :",',,' , ' . t: ' " ' , ' , :' ", ' , . l1raita.t1j)ns.tls one of the' e:3P.re8;~ ,ooi\dl~iQxl,S,..,ofth~~ep:re~senh.bu.t O~y for ti"le p'e.1'iod., encu..l~ , , : i , I, " ", ", ,I', ; ,i, / ' 'I. ,.;', t ..1--'.'-; .IL,~~J.,::';-_ ,''\ d~" .1" .' . \ \ ; "I' \ ~: ~ " :; Ja.riu~rY'lat. 1935. - . '. .. ' . , ,\. ' .~ ,l~' .Tnat n~Duj.ld1ngsl~ul1: ,~,e 'e~cted":on the 8ai~'i~l,d ,exoeptfor prlvate''<i~:,e.nllIi-i>u.rp~se~~'. . ".... ., . '.:' .>. .' 4 -'. . "', . ," . .' ..:' ..... . ~ '!.. ',,' "~ exoeptus}ial,ahd ne<fessary out'-b:ui~d1neS. and ~hat th~IJa1,d d.Vlel1~'~g, h~\~e ~J.tolusiVe- ~f the", '~" ',_ .'~ . ,..' ',..c- :._" '_ . :.,".,. ,'.:-;-.., ~._' .,' -::. _. .- .' .' ....." , ; bu'iidi~B. sha.~,l cost I.lot,'less than '~3QOO.OOt ,\1hlQh',prioeal~al~n.ot, lnol~~d,e:~ChiteC~ural ex~ j, penso$, o~" fee's" ,and: ?hal'l: not ,1nClulle-~ othe". olass o'f' lnp,:rove~~hFs save' a.nd, exoept' ~the-ao~ual ' " ' , " , ,', , '~',' ' ,,4 , ' m~teri~l \and oonat~otlon oost ~f the said dwelling'house~', :." : be "2~' 'Thatno,t<>moretha~ 'o~e, resid~noe.' to~etherwi th\{s~l:'andc no.':;es~al'Y' out:"blill,d1r~s', ,shf:\il er~ohd'on eaaho! s/.?1.dlots'. '. ',~ .P , J. . ' 3. ','That' no unl~\ri'\,ll,or 1lll'1oral use shull be maa.e o:f<the, 11re::;1'.oes' hereby ,ae>:eed to be' oonveyed. hQr ..hail the samabe \1.Sedforany,o'ommero1aiI}u:l'i)ose;'~or-:.hall~he same 'or any'llart thereof; "0; ,.C, , _ . '. '. . -' - r. ",' . -" . . .' # " ' ~'....' . . .' '. _' . a , '. . . . ,':. . _ . : . ,.' ~ " . _' _. . ._,' .' '", '.. ' .,....".~ . .' '.' "",. .. an';..-.l~eres,t therein be sold, released 'orothe,r\'iise CO llvey,e d 'to any,plu'SO'ns o'ther thtm :the "Ca.u.cas1.an .." . . ".' -. ..... . i' ,. ".. ".....' .,' . ~ . - . , ".' " .. ." - ,; rtl.Ce; .,prov1dedthat,riothlng ;);~eln co,l,tendedsho.l-lpre:v~ntth~~~:epil~ and.maf~t~f~lillt?' \lsual, and - .' -. . . ,'. ~ , net;)essa.ry serVQntsoll the pl~operty' for 'reo.sQ,J\abief8l.111;:r use..' 'l'fliS :~n:'Ovisi':)n:, ilO;.lev<;;r, shaH " 110't, c,ause forfeiture w\leGstne hoh~er of the 1'ee'),s ~Sh_l to 'be at ~iaUlt. , ,~., T'nqt no buildh.e ahall.bo oonstruot'ed or ereoted .ut '~ ;less distanoe tho.n' twen,ty, feet-" : fNa the i'ront 111H,J of Stl.idlot. 'or either of them. . . ~ . '. . . . . , 'l> ' 5. 'l'nat tithe sa~d .lla.rty 9,~' ]/a.rtleS."of the second 1>a.r~,. his. 'her or, ti:eiri.eirs, reptese~t,itiv~s 'i ,or, ~s~i{pl,s"._ora.:-'! l~o~~,e,~~~~n~l~l.~er~_,,~,1:~he, P-'i~~~7~:[:11:~!. b.!c-~~l'~~.?~_~,~~r/_~~!\le,. o~,~~r~~~_i--,,:~!,-~~~~,~~~~, :prooi}edings,' s'hall, ;fail to cotipl~ \"lith ~1\f ofthe,ab'o've'umli'oret;Oin, 1>e3trlotlons,~10n8" , , , or :lil!11tn.tion~ \11thtn S1:dy: clays a.fter -.~'1tten n jtic~ by ci~u"to' tlie ,said paty or ,p'al'tle.s ,of the' :.s'eoond .l)u.rt., ili,S" iler, or their' [leirS, ' peraonalr,eprescnto.,t1 yes o,l';aSaigU?, or any of them, i:. t Ll1e, 1'lnst kn~~-m a\idresa" liythe said., party of the fi;,st pa~t. ;~is suoces3ol's.:pel'sonnl, rei>resenta,tIves . or assigns, or' 01 therofther1; th~n .the sa,id above' ~esoribed a.n(i conveyed: pl'Ol)erty.fJhn 11 il.1j]edin.tely , , , , , revert to t},le, s'o.idI'arty of tho first' part, j~lssuoces30rs o,r a'asteria. \"tl;.Osh~~l been'tltledto , " ' ,f' , ,,',' ' Inmed.iat e1y enter upon' sai<i-, l,lroperty ';,i thoi.\t notice, n.n(.., ttiJ::e po~ses,sion of theSI:ilJo".;t1 thfull" -.' ' . ,ti tte' 1n fee Slmple,togetller' with, a.n i;wr0ver,lc;ltsthereon.anil no waiver Qf any of t}tese con- ~ d,l t10ns. l1Di tntions or restriotion. ,e;':j?reo3ed or, inplied. Or fallure1'or any leneth of titie' to , I ' erL ONe the SW"J6 s:,all co:~~ ti tute a. b,;-r to' suc}~ enfvrClment ato.ny'time. ,"-- ~~. / . It is'furtLer,u.n:..e:ltatood aUll a.,;reed tlln.t IJt'.l'ty of the first llal't \/111 not mn.Y.e am! cued to -----~.. :,1.. . .. '! any lot in Tu:oicer Terrace, prior to January 1st. 19~5. ,.;riti:Ollt tIle a.1'oreso.i4, provLlioliS 2.1l:d' re- , ; ;triotions. '.0 .:. " nt;l;Ju.1c..t,;d, W1.1~ ~,;r~,e~, by ;;:.nd., bet\leJOll ti,U .'artie,S ),e.r.'l~,o!...,.~,;l~.,tin '<-,t.e .13,v'ellt of .n___ '. It ..is i'U.1't"~er.... - c " , '1., I , , the failure of 'auid. lJai'ty orpo.rhes or l,.:le ae0ond. lja.l't to r,1~/..o [..11:'/ 01' the ]fa.;",lont3 herein yro-, ,,';' ,I y.1j1e' fer 0. period. of 1'01.1.1', tlontl~ fro". Q.llte, of la.si " J.) ~:yu un t, all Ilone] l.>~'ev lolt~lJ' 1',i dJY' suid