HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1489 278 I,' 't 'I,! J I " I.. , , .j /, 'i," ! , " i : :.U \' 'r " ' ,-+~,,;,;;~'f;.~::;:~'::;;"."3i:c~~~;::~-:~c~~~~;;~~~-~~~;;:;::~~'~>~:f;;:f;1'':;-~;;::;::''~!:::';~~":~~ ,! ' the ,porso~, ,deaor'1~Od 'i;11 ,and: w}~~o ~xe~~t~~ 'tho' "fpr'eg~i"ng deel},; ~,da.~l~~,~ll b~~d b 8fO~~,')h'o"t;)HLtlhe Ii,', '> I I .', \, < ", \~ ' , ,,' , I , ' . I, ' \ ,. \ I ,I \ I . " 1 exe~uted :the ~Bme ~~ely'~t\n4.vol~~~ii~Y ~o~ t,h~pU:PO~08 t'1~e1\'l :e~:p'ress'e'<t, I ' ' , . \. ,~LI'TT, I: " '.', ,', ~ "" ", " \ I ' I. ,I 'I, ' .' , \ , , ...' " 1(, ,1\'lIT1~flS 1IlY."l\and. Qild ~:!'~Ci~,\S'\~. :t;fiest 1>~~~eac~,,'count~ ~1>~-m B~a;oh'f:nd, st~tel,~f,.,,( , " ~\ , \ ~orlda, :t.h1s 29th ~f May, A., D. 19...0. ' ,\ \ '\ \ I' i , ! ,', .' ,.' \' \ . .' " ' Ann:etta }'(. C~wle' I " , \ li,otary l\1bl;j,o,S~a.t~ of F1orlc4\ _.. .' ~ty' O~~la~l.on exp,1'fe~, F~h:. 5;,'~9.~9~ . '- \ ~ :. J" , 'I I '. I 'I J I" ':" I , ) '. ~ ; I t. . \'" '. \ "I'\" ,i, I \ \\ "'. ' ,\ " \ ,', 'I " ~'\ " , '. \, \~ \ " \ , \ 0\ ,\ ... '.; ", ... , , . I . ~~,~-..:- ._~~.\ ':-;-~-;--~-~---.---, \' .. , , , ' \ Filed ~d 'reoorded on this ,5tij: day of JUne"1925.,at~O'i4~.A..U. . .. " " , I. i.\ , \" " " , ' , , \ ,,:. \.' , , , , i>.. c:'El4red.cfe~kd1:l'ouft COurt'~" \ :' . ' .' ',. .' ",' ,'\\e~'. -:-:--~e(~ '. , : -eO<'~' ", 1-0. , :...,; -ft "~i"~~/f]~ "D~C':~~' ~-~ , . , -I{ . " ~' :',',' .' . '.' '. .' . '. . ",'" " ; "l' "',", ". * * ",.'it< '" *, '" ,,"' ...~**' :'..,.... ~ *'.~ ** ~',,-* "'''I .. .. ,,"".' '..>Ii'. ** '" ,*'" <.....** ** '. * ",'-it .,; *~-,: .". ..'. . .'.. ......... . . . ... . . .-'.". ,,-..,... . '. . . .... '.' .-. e,' . -. . ......... . .ti':.., . .. '" . . ~ . .. . . . ..0/' ,'_ " . ' .- , " lJA3 ~" 0.' ,WATSOn, ,.... , ." " . ',: J"()llli li. "CRA'N.FORD. ..' , .' TO )'(.ulRAli'l'Y" DUD .' .. . : nus' IlmE1:-r.l.mz. ~ade tiil~,2lst~y' of ~y~' A~J).. 19;';0. BE'l';'fEEl) . man. ot, th~ County' ot 1>a.:i,.".n heach.: :.1n'th~ S~~t~o1' 'F:lo rida.":Po.l;'ty ',0'1' . ., jas'.-O. tia.tson, ....ast!\il,e ~ - . ~ : . the :f:irs.t, p~rt. '~nd'Jov.n, -' Ho' Cl;'awfoi.'d .01' the c.ount,Y01' Po.1.m Be.aoilj~ri. tile Sto.te 61" Flor~da, ,'pa.rtyof tr:~ .'becond 'part..,' ' .' . i1IT1::ESS,~l~.Th~t'~he sa.idparty-'ot t'nefl.rst part: ,1'OrB.;n(l ;1n oonSiderl:,l.t1.on .of, tl1esUf;i o~, ' ~' Ten' J)ol1~rs ,(Jio.'oo;) an<1:otnf;tr 'yalu.a.b),.e,' coh!J1dei'a:t~ona to i11m:'lrt:hU?d,1>~ldbY ,the . p~rt:r 'C?~the seoond part. :the reoe1pt 'iltlereQfis ,hereby aOkr,owlodee:d., :llaSi;:ranted. ':'ba.r6::l.i~led' and 301d. to the, ,: '..,"',"'""",",,..,:.',",~" said 'party' 01' ,the, '~e90nc11}artJ l~iS, ii~lr3an~ .a.ss~n~~,1'or~~?i-~. tl1e: fO~lOi;(i~"lali.~. s~tuate'.' lyinG, ' andbeii~: 1n .theCoUnty of~St .Luo1eimd State of Fl.e.rid8.,t~~w~t: . -1 ." : :11 I~ .'j Ji ' .,~ ~ " ,TheliortllYl6stquart'er, f12,'(t)of :ti:e' $O'U.tiw(est ~q~rter <,Sllit a.ud the' 'SO\l.tj~ hQ.if (~i) of th-e'sou:thwC3t q'llA'rt'~~' (3..-1*) of the :r:ot;til'aes t <l',~a.r ter (l,w.t,), 'ofSectlon Thlrty,.. t','IO (3~). To'm;Sl1ipT'nirt~~t;;ree(i~) South 0'1' H(,I.;~c.?orty (V),' East'. -', 0'. ,"i : ~ 1 'j 1 : . .' r , , Ti.lS, dee'd beill~Gi~en subjeot~o 'a :mol'tua.:;o'i:l tl1"e: u..-loUnt, OfT.l~rit~tWo,~l1OuaaJid F1ve,'Hu.;idl,'edDO~lal'S (~~2,~OO~OO). cx- " .e,op."ved \U1~er date of:' MaY 19th, l<)~Ot byJ'us. o. ,ilatson in: 'favor Of 'Jus:t1n K. Ail~eraon. c.ovetlll{; tllo,liere'in d.e3or1bed: .and , , oti,er prope.rty, one-half' ;}f,/l1ich a,o.id:1l1ortguge, 113 heregy : Ei,;;su.r;1ea. ana., ~raed. to be po.id,by h~rein l?~1.i'ty of tlleaecond pa.rt~' " :I , t 1 .; , , ~d. the 8~id party,ofthe first part does ~;e:reby fully wurruntthe tj;tle to aaidlund. and nU1. a.efendthe Sa.r.1e agllinst the lavt1'1.uolo.lm~ .ofullper~OnaYlhO;;12oev~,r. ,. Ii; ~lITlr;';;3j ':n 3 H.E01:<' , the said po.rty of tJ1'3 first ya.rt~:D.3 ,!;e1;.O~o QPt~.~!8.rfd and seal the "'':'' ,day and. yeur abov~ '.'/I'i tten. Signed. ,.sealed and. delivered in prcsenoe of us: , , , >, , Jaa .(). '.-lllt30q (Seal) , .~,~~, ",,:,j\ ,~ '~i " 'I , r " ~ I :1 1 \ ' 'I -'--:1 . !::d',h,rd C. Fandel , .A.nnetta.';l. CowIe ... i t S1..tT~~''':''?I"HDJ.. ,! I 'I COiJliTY OF 1,)A.L~: cBEA.C;t. ,I . " 'I I IL::a::DY' CEi(i'I1....'[ Thu1; 'on' thiu d~' )erno:lul y ugpee,red before co! an Of:":iCC1' d1uy a.~~Lor1zed , <, .c ,_' ",. , ,Ln'---..:...____ _n~~'__________<._._ ~~,-'-.------'--.-~~-:.......l!~~~~-"' oaths a.nd. ta%e1uckna,/lel.lollent:J. Jus. O. ;:1a.~SOll to ne 'o/e11 , Jr.r.O-,rflto be tjie pora;m } '" ( 1I'. and './11.0 exeouted. ti,e 1'oreco1n;; 'leed, and., ua1oiovled.t.;ed befoL'.;) (;10 tl11.\t he I . ,~ :'"i.io.'f :,,',.'.'+'1' '-t '0'- adrilfnts ter L~, <', ~' -'''''-''' --:-.~. ~ iI