HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1496 . " ii J ., ..' ,I . . . . ~' , , I , I, " r-'r'-i-' --, f-~ .--- ,I,2,Sq':.. -: I', , ./ I i , ! , ," , , . f" 'i ~ !. '1 " " )", f",. .r . I J .. ..- I i. j I ',I . j {. 'f.---; " . - - ~ . 't' '/~--' ~~; ~~ ...:;;~,:-." ':,c~ ~,;; 'I:,'::~';";_~..:'~, ,.--::~;;:- ~-:,:~:c~::: '~';:~~:_"'='~";':::<;;'-V'::':.~~~;;.:;~-:;?::;',;:C;'-: -~:.:::~?;;::.., .:::":t:",;,;-t;::;~~:'::;;-:~:;;:::':f~';.'~;; ;::';~::::;':;~~-:;:;':T-6;! I \ , ' j P\U'llOt3e 9f\ re~\oul'O'illO Q.ud te\l1,'uq,ul,'Sh~hG' t\J~d oO~lVoy~t~'a1f hor 1.'\(;\lt "i 1~;1t1~ ~nd 11\te,r~st \'~Jle~:ler:-, jf' \ 1 \ I "I , '! ' " 1 ' I. " " ' I 1,,' , ~,' ' . " ' ; , I", ~' '\' ' , '.' . " ' 'i" I . ,', tot~d\!,el'. h6':,le?tel:!od .01' ~f 130:para.t, e ,pl>01!Orty" sts.t'utOI~:y or (&(lu1 rluh'1~, 1~1 :a;l,1Cl~O tile l~ndf 0.08\)1', l'be':l " I \ ,I, ' ,', ,\,'. ",' ," ! .'. \ . ' . r t '. .\ . 1 \ ~,~, - - -' . . i thel'ell~1 al\1l that 'ah~ '~xoo~,tod. 'vho sald deed i';reoly and '{o'luntaril:,'1 ,t\u~, wi thout '8.11'JOOinpUl810~~' . \ ~ " ,\ \ \ '. '. 1 ." \ . I. \ ~ ; \ .., " \. , \. f t ',o?n!l~ra.li\h ap1>:l'e;,enS~pll. ol'fel.l~\oi ~l'\frOll';l ,her'8ald.,hu~ban{1.;','\ ,;'! 1','\ :, \" \ !" " , " \ ' . r' . , ~' \'(IT:;~S ,m.y 1:n...vtd and oi'1\i.oial' selh, o.t n'ol'en~evl~l~.. Ooun,ty \ of Polk 'a.no., state of Plort:O-A.", tnt-a. ~ !_~..' -. \' H \ ,i \ ' . ~. _ ~~.., ... ; \' . \ \ .. l . \ . \' ~ 12n~1 dl.ly of}tri.y A. '~. '1<),25. :' \ , ~, I ,. ' ,,'( '" ,\ \ " , \ r ' " \ \ i' , '" ",,' E~h~l :~"L lIe1i:,\'.\ . ,', ,,': f ' , ,I" ,i\ota.riU>l\b1i<?.~t:.lt~' )r'f~a.., ~t. l~ee. .' . - ',' .,.. '. _:14:r : Con:1i~l3 ion: ex~ires. ~'~b~ '7,' 1.92.9. ~" , , ,I \ ' , , .'_1 \ , \ "r,;"..,.~"~','; " ..'.., lID ... ::. , \ \,' ~ . :\ '(ii.~..Seo.l ) " '. . .\ " .' "'" . ~ . .', '.! \ , \ " .;. ; ::F1.:..,ed 8.nq, recorded Oil vh~s the ,'9'L d~'.y ,o--f",Julie;~ 19,2V.' at .1(}.;~4J,..1t., , J ~ .\ 4t:. ~~.' . .', :: \, ,-. P. ~.C~ 'Eldred~_Clerk,C1rc?ltGOnrt. ' -~-- , ; .). ~ '::: I: ' j , 'D~"; . ,~,..,,' ~e~~' " ,: i,,6. " , " eY~,~. ,...._..,~~..~~,~~~-~~~,~-" ,~, " ,. ., . . .Bit '~'~;$~","'D~~. ,~ . 'f , * * * .,;, * *,' '" .*,,,"'. >i< '" ,,; i ~>:<'''''''*'';' >!: ;/ +' ...:* ';;:*,,* '" *' ",'* ~ '* *- ... ,* *'. '" *:* * '* *, ". ""* * '" ~ t ".. · · .'. .. .. .. . '. '. '. · · '.. .' - ~- .. .. .... ..... · .:. ." · . · I" , ~ ".. .. · .. . . · · . · ~ ~ ..' ..~.' \ " .' HARY~ :1'., CADZ::::':-A.)J T9 " , :1t,tIC~'~Y:,: " " ,~ :.., ....,. . . t.., . "'AGR3' ~r~~;'f 'FQ:'CD:"-P;Jl AHnCLES OF .aGf8.~,tE;;{ J :tud.e ,this4'd.ay of,J"l.tnein:the' ;;eu1",'o1' o~r !.;)r{i, Q,ne t!;)'..~n.:r;d ,nille' ~'I';": ~.' ~, ;,~,'" ~ ~ ~ f,.. .' f \ ' f . i ~. " - . Inn?-red MG:, t-,jcnty-fiv'e 't }3Ei"u~H Ltar~r. F',. Cadei.~'end par-,ty', Qt'- tlie; tii-3 t '., tl . . . . ~ 11 ~1" t , 'w: d..\.~ 1 Q e ;:::by pa.l'ty. ; . '~ o:i:tlie ,geoo:,ld. ~u~t,' '. ~ . ,.;'1!~:.'ESS~l':r: ~:.~a.t ift~~e~sa.id. 1:,e.rtY.'of" t;,e'~ec~~~d llo;r~~~i:u.~1iI'~t r:1a.}te"~'tEe pl:l.;r~el!ta and '},)er1'olu tJie 'CQ',elHlll ts ,hereir,a.fter, ,.ient! medon he l~ IHn't to he'.rau.de 'c.r."o: ;{n~f?'rmoA.." thesai d pll.rt~{ ~ ' ," . . .. .' ',' . - -. .. .... ~ of't1::e ffrstPal't::creb;! QOVellant~,~nda.-..;rees' to, conv,ey and MS1~e to' the,,~a.id !larty 'of th~'.,. ' ! . [- r. i: ~" , . r . '. '. - ...... .."":. .,-.. ,'. ,". '. ,'.., -.' 3~OO":G.. lJur,t, LEn' l<.Oil'3 ,'e;(e,ct,tor,;., : n'_:m,ill;,~?tratol~;j ?l.; a3'3.icj131'lnf~is:l/121e,:.' cle~" of all.in~. ,..' .... "_ : ," _ -..... ..... 7:.0 ~. ", . ,<l\llibrar,CC3 .:~:~teyel.'. b;{ a ':';0011: all\:3u,.t~i.c':.~l:t.d.eed,t;':o. I>:l,eceJor,'~al:cQl ot :z;ro'Uld~situ.a.ted 1n , t},e CO\Ul ty' of St. L-,l:C ie.'~' Stut'e of ?1~ .,~:o~nl:j:O:t..(1.,cie.;lj'ri \joG. a3fol10:'iS.. tQ'-iii t; , ,Block',.,,:.,.,' . Lot, '~k/2 ln, Caden,ead):.iu:o-dlv,.ioiotl ,:.IAaa.390j,'Fla. . '. '." ........."- '. ,...,., '. .- > . . '-'.. . '. .ite()orde~ 1'1atBoo"k q-p8{;e2~ '0 >>' ~ ' I i it' t". . , ' '-deli :..el'Y' of',:,~his cot'itraot second ,I)o.rt .~:,e~Jb;,r,-c,;,Y{;""on:~~ and,' ~<:.;:cecs"to,'pay "tothe.said, .iJ~rty '?t,' ,. ' ,,' '., v' , ~50?.. "( ~"i yo Iru,n{U'ed' 1. DO:l:8.l'U .,in ,r'Et,1:i~e r~ol1'o':/~n~ f2:\l::). ion'; 3a;J...i,n6 na.. fi.'O::4d.tlte. ,i1.tl,btere:;rt':ai,;. '~]i:e' ra.te-orG;; pel'centum '. ~ .' . ., a.nd t):te, sa1ti. "a.i't,~' of. ti').e 'Le . n 1'.3 t ' ja.l't, the ,5\1.f:1 of , ' . :per . ~11llUlll; pll.~:a,b.1e Ii f.lO.: h\)L~: du.,~ .ani.p,J.a.i,l~r on t::-{c ve; ole' ,sU::1: 1"~'l.~i : ~:~' frO':! t ine:tp t1::l.e' \U~l)aid, . . ~ ' , . . . -. . .. . -" . ~. .. . 8.lid topa.yall'ta.,x,:;s-., a,>seS3!,lenti3' 0;1' hl:V9Sit~'mgt,"'at'-!~,aY'1>-o'1:eell.,~lyle'vi,ed'Ol" bp(f80a,'\.11)~n '. , ,', .", "., /' ," " ',,'.',. ,,' ";. ',',,' <,' said. lan'dsu:013e;,ue:~t to. ,the year... ..ri,rlQ tOkoep :toll!,! pU:l.l{j,in0:s-ui>,on,so.'1o.'P,reni-SeSi.l~.S\l1'ed' in: 80::1e cO~<L>a.i'li:sati8fact.o~to the 'p!l."i'~y o~ , . , ;'..,',,/' t}i(; ,nrf3J:; ?a.r1:., 111 ~-S'um!,o [" .l,t:,S3 .tiHm~,L)o.uars . -,. .. ' d.urinet1io ,tel'm Qi;Lis, aurce:'1ent~ .. .... '. lu,lQin cllae ol'fa,ll~e pf t;~e' saLd.' pal"ty of t:;esec,oEc.. lo.rt'", ~ ,; ~ -" , " , ~ - . :'. to ,r.i8,ke"c Hher .of t}"e pa.j'!:1ellt1 or a.ny J?(l,l.;t- 'J,.ereoi', '01' ,toper forn any of . ' ~~. '. ~.' .' .\ - ~ - - - '_ . . ~.. . -.. . . ,. :., .... ' ~ ,..t '7""'--,-pUl'~~~l'O'Q~' LlQ,d.e, ~,," edo!"eo.i~t~. th's<?ont:.-o.ct s..w.l. :aj; tLeofltbll.--OJ. the covenli, ts ',on ~:(}r '. t1\epa.l.'ty, of, tlle 'fh'~t po.:.~t; '~be i'cll'fqited alld ter.:1inu.ted'. ,and 't~:e. :pe.l',ty or.iilQ s-eoo~ldj)ai't, ~ild 1. :Tort'eft OJ.l ,. . , ' pa~'t1eHta uo.',.e by hei' On: tiliA oontru.ct; and:r,~cJ~. ,1>o,::;~.;nt3 ,s;{~n b_~ l'etuil'.d oytiw"Sd.1-4:pe.;ty I th;:-i'-il'1 t r "..I'ti.nJ'~,~!\ '. ~ ~ i'!\~ j; j1n o.;'~1 ]1~,d d.!lt1.on oi:all, -4h'i.ll.L;esbyh.n' au!.?0i~:e(1, and , I' - , '" the :Jll.i4. po.r,'..:I 01' t,'co i'irat J.lo.rt 3::0.11 "o.'i:e Le ric.,;;..t9 l'e:-eni:.el; Q",.", '';20.;{f} ~)0330U;Jioll .01' t;,e i I 'lI ~ pl'~!:liB":<1 aJ:oresuidvJ,tMutbe,in<< Hable to ali;j MUon, L01:erol' ~ , \' J 0 .~ I~' IiJ ~r,J.cjAi.LY i~G:(:X~.by an<\ )..1,(: t".tCC;ll the vru'tiGS "ere'to', I thu. t tile .tLl.~~Q'!'~.l'~~'L1.(:nt, ,,~il{.:J.l,_ b* ,a.n o,saer.tfc.l.1'Il1't of' t.;;bco..t:rac,4, and. '-21 not'. all . 90V.Cl1UI,t$ ar,(, a..:;l'eei,-e n tJ' "el'e'il; <:) ontail'e a. I ' I' , · ;J , " , " -... :"'~''''''.~ I.....'-~~-~-..,..'" ,....-;..~,". -..~