HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1507 IJ' 't 2~6,' J' I " ' I , ,i. J, '. I ~ ,) /, " , :4' --, , , ,\- " ", " " : II t 1.'1 '110;f.~;~';::l;:;.;:;:;;~i:,:t~::,::;~~".:;;:,.;':i~;';';"~~'::;.. O;"';;.~:':::.;;;;;:_:;:;;:'.~~7;)~:.'.:::cC:~. ~::c: ::~;.~.=:;~ C~;;:i;:~::'~~~;7:- >:L,;:;' tltat "she intide' hei,del1' 'll. Pll.ty ,t 01 t~le lsaid ,Deed' ,)"! COHveynh:) e ~I for- the I p\!.r',tlod& Ofrenol.i:noing, I" \ ' \ , ' l '1" r l ':' . ~ , , I I \ I . t ,. \ \'; 1 \ . 1 I . ',; " i~~lin\iulshins \'an4 oon~oy1i1g\ all ~e, '1right}" t itl'&' ~}(l 'inyerest t \'Il~eti..~l~ '6i', ~O\/erl \ ?l,' o'~ \a,opa.l~a to . . .. ~ I \ ~ i '. . . \ . . .' . . .: . .;. _' . \. . _ { L .. \Pl~,~pel.tY., stntu,t,or~ or ,dq~~~tbl.OI,ln a.l1~'to t~,~',ln;:;'ds tJ~~:e~~~t,i'bsoribO~I&.nd"t;~~~.Ohe ~ex~\o\~~e~ , f, ,,' t'h$' S~1.~ ~eod tr.e;e~Y~\l_d ,~,~i.\tnt~filY1~~ ,\'1. ~ho:tlt f)Jl~ 'o~nstr~~l~,t"\ :fe\~;, a~,~l\el1el,\,S~1)t' o~ ooplpulsiop , or or, front her so.j,<\ hu~b(U1d. ,\' , r~ : " WIJrl;~S'S' r:tY ~1i:,'11a~: and o~f~oi'ai. '!leal ~~ 'li'&~~ l'ic~ce,' in the CO;Ult'y..,O'l ~t.' L~i'c~e; nnd', \' " '., ' II; ,\' ~__~_'-_--.----+.______....l_ ---- ~~ --~-'---- =-"- - _-!_- --\----~~- -.---- - . --.----;':~~\~---~ '~-: -.-o-:.-'-'-.-----.:~-~v;...:~-.:.1~~\-:.~----'~.--'-- : \ ';,State Of'Fl9i"1~, e, Wi~ u,nd yenl'la.st liu'or~sa1d. \, ' , \. '~ '- ~ . \ . 't. '. p . \ \. . ' '. \, '\ " .' , ' , . .' . : \ ,lIe).e~l'.',nO\la"" \' I <l ' \ l,',~~ury, J;u'olilQ,.31!ate~t'~/lla.rl&~9", '\', \ . ",... ' ' , ," "'V :00.')010' .o~ .xpir~.~ ; h" ", .. ,. - .,'. 'oJ f ,," 1 L " " " 'm' , b'~~:~o.ndreQ,orded, on ~'!lis tl\e 8~h: d8.J'.:"Qf 'Ju.n~.l<J:';~" at:' 4;15 po.Y. ~~ " ." '~ I I' 1. I \; .~ .~e?>. , ,:"'te't~ , ,~~, "CO\'' ' , ~e;.- '. ~-.*-. :e.' ~ **..~ ~ \i!.. ... *~~~ , i ,P'.:C."ndred, ,Clel'kCircu.1~CQurt. , . , \ . , . ~ . . .j ," . . - . .' ",13:: /J\" '~~.,', /"J '. ,/9~,~'~_,' D'~'.' " OJ ~/n,;L~,x./~""".~ '.'. ... , " * * * * ~ ~ . ... . -' ~ ~ . . '. -. :. ... . . .. - .. .'. .... ,*':t' ;~ ."l>f ~ ..,.. *.x .........;: ~':;': ,. ?". ". i!t. iI>._"""<'",;.*,,., . ~ .".','. -. . ~. .. . :.e ~. .' '.. .0 .:', .~, ~,. . *, ... '* '* .. '.' . .~. , , ;.. PA1,,"I, LUIWY .TO 'J1J~s'~. CAi:J;>IOi; t ,\ 1iA,;~W;ZY DEED, " "TdS IHD~;TU;,'tE, Ua,G.e, thisl?th'day 0:1' Ua:; .A.~D. '1925. 3E~;IEEl: r~~\.ULL:ti~Y, an1.U'aarri~il o:m 'githe' Count~: Of'~l,b,enS and,. state of l~ew Yor~:: party 01' tY:e first Ija.rt~:and.Jl~,2,S.-""? CA:,;?!Q1;' , ". s,a1.d l:nrtyotthe >'lrs~ pa,rt, for a.licl'tn co;isld,era.tiol: of '.;Le ,sum of 'Ej.r a.nd. 00-100:D,011~r-3 i , and 'other 'goode.nd val~ble 0011s16.erat'1.on to, tile In'lm'n-l Y3id."tiH~ rE?ceii}twi:el'eofis ,h~reby " .. . . ,. '.. < ~ .' , - . ..,' - "~",, .~~:J ',".,,~'.',., ,," .;,-;, '. " ". ;, '" 'of theCo~lty of liassalJ, Ulld' >ita.te JflievlYQrk 'p3.,i-ty q~' the se~Ol1d part, ,\1!Tl~S'~:n'.~. t1'0-.t' t;~Er " 'ao}2:0Wl,edeed~':j-'~3' c:ra.rited,b,argalne~.' ,sold, o.nd, ~'~allsf:el'~edl o.nd. hy t1~esQ I>~'esent3 (1.0<:3 .~:ra.l.'~ I 'ba1'gai,,n, 3Cl1a.nd. trai~Sl'er ,u.n::o tl:o said. :lu;ty of ',;Le sQoo nd, ;o.l't~, lUlU., ;li~, heir; ~ld'~3,3ic::.;n3' ., ,'i'ol'ever, tul k4t cel.:t;,.ln'j,'Ja.rcel of land. ly:nC m<i. ceine intLe, COlil1t:: 01' .::it. Lu.cio &ted stabe ~fFlql'ida.~~o.r~ i)~tic'Hal'l~- d.eso'ribe~. :is:::'ol.).(M,fJ~, ~~ " , , ' '. , , the"w;rt~;erly ll::.:.l'J." o:f Jecti;in '34~ ~0\'iIlSh1'p36, 'J,:mti~ 1'0.:;'::;,0": . ,40' ~.n3t ,1n st. 1:m,ndred t',le,nty Lucie Go~J.J"~, .ot~'~e o:r'TIor,iful, Uoiltai.;i12,ie; tl:ree t3,;.of~Qret 'lie tl:e Sa.r:1cdore of' le3s.' Subjj3ct to,'t,l:> eX~B tiTlt:: 60 l.t;;<.l(:;C3 ~f 1'11 i.rty-t\io", h1u,l<lr~d' ,(93~OO ~OO j 6.o11ara 8::'011 w:iich tlJ..e first Hel13 on said 3.oo....e' ~6SCl'i oetl ~)1'e;\ls'0a be\!lG l'tiyi6.ed r' in boe:uals~lp:j. , ' , ~a.id r:,ortt?-6~3' bearincL'.tere$t at t;f.C ~'at..: Of oi::;l:t . ," .,.,:" (B~) o,er ,cont\l:;l n.:1d, iJeiJ:g }!a~'a blO. on!); tiloah,c. tr.ree years ~ -, , , TOG,Z~:~~l ",ft th a.ll tJ:ete11euent3~ l:eredita:,.en ts :lI1d. ,,"_,yurtena...'1ces I '""ith e.Yel'~r ,1'1 'In e.:.;e, titJ.,e. inte'l'e3t :md. e3'.;u~e, do.lel~ (111(1 r1t;;I:t .0:: U;);:Gr; l'ever3t)nLre:l~1:;clel' :.!.::c.' ea.~JO',~}:~ l~iL}: t, ~~.~el~':: .~o , , belonch:c,' 0.1' 1" a:<r:ise n.:'})ol.tnil:U,,:;: ' :;"0 ~n0. t~:.e sa.id pi~~';~:~!": of" ~,,!:e i.":rdt l.':":rt ~,~A"'f~' :,~2~j' ~;~=;:t~L-~--t-.:~o, -:3:t.-:;.e~i~ -, --t~ 3~~:i~e - r-drev-ai~ ~-'t~" 1 .. ' . , <10e3 ~O'/(;I,;;.nt,Ht:: Li0 Gaie. )a.l.t:: 0:" '~;:';)'.3eco;:rl )a:.'t, I , L:. i! ;'f i:r lu,[J;ullt,/, seizeD. , ' , , of 'tl-..e :Jo.i;"~,' l)r-c..lis.e.~ t t::at 't~~,ej;" ~:"ra iOl"e'e :'l~O!;l ~ll' .~.I:e,~.u.1Ji'a:~ce3 :;.~1U. 00 - p . , kG. t },e :,t'.us tood ri:;!.tru,d lu'.:It\ll o.ttt,:Ol'1 ty 'coseil: ti.b ,Jx:e; iil}c., ~:~'" add iJai'~~' .;yf'tLl: ',ad '0", ':)tu't a.OC3::cl'.ea~' i\ul~' ./::::'l'~i,nt .he ti:;l'-, to SUit;/ 1;:',1:(, :,,,;:~ I,~ll lie':::e,;"l t}.e a:;~H), :'>"';<'.inst ";f~O , , f ilu:.ri'u1 0:.0.1:13 01'~J.l ,Cl';):)..G':l"Ih:J ,:3:0\'0,'. ii,' l. ';~ I:: ',':Iit:~~~;;.t~~u:,,):?, ~::.::;_ 3~i(1, _.'::i~t:r~ o ,i', t :~o fL,:,) t ;. ,. '.'O::~.t ,:~,3 i: 01' ::'.1; to' 38 t "_in L::J;cl i ' D.hU 30:.:.1 ',' t;:0 dc.~' '.;.):6. year ['.JO'le, 111'1 ttcn.' I" };'u.'l.l 1~l.n(:.~' (..e0.1), Ea.',l)tOl1 J.. ;:f;'I1.,3 , ' "",>-~'-,:;-._..", ,'cr,/:O(:-:i - ~- I;. BuraQaer,