HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1510 ,-' ',,' I " " '. -. r.' ,. i: I : I' , . , 1.- " U',1,.", , " ~, , ; .. , ~ " r- , .-;.- )-- ~ -. 1.....',. ,) . I ~ I, I' II ~;.;: .~ .,..~\. ~ ;';;'[. . "~" . ',', " ,'~.;:' :~~~:.f":.;~:,:~;,','~~:i ::C....; .;ii;'-:::~i,:;,,::~;:~,~~:~,::;;~:,::";~,~:~;~i:~~::c:;:'~~~~Cti1~:';::';:;:i1:;:; I' \ l I' ',I " " ~urt iD. ana ,tor s'~~:~ole,'aounllf ,111'>p~l~ ".\ , ,'" I ,l" ' " , ;', ' , I ',: II" ' .. <' I \ " . \' 'I'" ' I' \' ".' 'JJOOk i,"pag. ~~'\on'Karoh ~~",t,',l,~p..,,~ontainlng' ,I' '(I,,:','" . ~. . ' \ . - . \ .\ I' i' ",', ""\' ' \ ""'10' I.ore. .ore' o~ 1e..~ ".' ,\ ' "I I 'II ,,'~' J "\, ',\ 1 I" '\ I'~ \", \ T ' .'C,", ' \1' ,I l' , ' " ,~",: (.8.00 t.R.:JJ8iIP8 ,'0.-.) , , 1. ,\ ',\ ,",' ,~,:". ",", ". ,..', " ' . '::.', \.:',,". ,: I.....,". ' ,",\", '. ,,' '\','- .: '. \~\~~ .wUl1a.1.1 and s~~r th~ te~.{Ilente, h':re4J.t.me~ts'.na, ap~e,n&noe,s..theNunto belongi~", \ .' ,\ . \ '. \ \ ". ., \. \ . ,\.; or i'n, ,all)1tist a.ppe~tt.i~ne;.'a$ tb~.ii~v~r81on and.1'e!,'.r~io~ii,'\~e.~1nde~and ~ema1ndera"rent.~ " ~ .' . . . " ". ., . \: . .' . .,- ~ . . . . ".. " ~t ", . _ _. _ . . ,'. 1 .. . . \ . .' . '. : . laBUes ;anc1 protlt8~th.~eot; llm.l]iSQ all ,the eatate,:r1sht, (~1tl", inter..t., hODl..~.ad. dower.' , \'''', " " , "....',' ,,', ',' '. " \'" :', ,.' '. ' ,'. , \ '. ' '",., "," "'" ,', : an4r1e:ht, ot ~.~r. ' s~~~at.'.tat.~ ,pro~el-t7'" possel8lon. .:o1.aim ,an~. dell8.l;ld wpatso.ver,'~~'..la~'t ::, ~'--and ~ .qUitr, :e1ther"and~:bQt~, of ,the ,'saic1. par~, otthe r1l."s\upart,ot, '1~ran4.t~ .the~8uie~:'and " , ",' ~-"._" \ ..' ,'-'" ~ "~:' ,,-. ,-'" ....'~.,\.. ....-.-. ...'.....,...:... eyeJ:'1" 'put, &J1~ ,i)lLr(Ut~ ' th.~.ot. '!O"JllvB ..un>' fOHO:DD .'the above '~e~orl1i(d p1'eua1'..., eaoh' bd' eY'17', . :~to t~e'sal4."p~, ~t'~~".~o~nd:piu-t,' hl~ h'elr8,~~~~~iSns~ln~e".8,~Ple'~'~~ipiu~..' 'i~'" ",'~: ': . . > -. ',', :" ,. . . . .. ,"., ." _' ,,_t. .... '... __' _ 'd.teulb~7.' f,ore,ver.. ,'~' , " ,.' .' '" , ' ",' . . 44. t.!>. .~i ~u.. ,ot th~ tU:.~:~t, to" t!>... .Dll~h61r hOl".. :..It.~to''~ ~.aa1nl.tr&;;' . i ,t~ra. Jointlt and .ilC!-ve1"&j,l;y," C)Oy.~t.' pr~l,8e~d ~.e,to ,and,~ ~~' ~he.~io.~~.rt1, o't, tlie, seo~nd .: ,'p~t,: '~1:s: 1u~lra. .e~.outor.:... ~4Diln1~~rato~~ ,and' aas.1gn~, ."t!1&.t:' 'the8.Li'4 'partl.. 0~.t;h6' 1'ln.-t'p':iot,: - ','. '. . ", .,-. .. ,,'.. " '0' . . _' 'at}ht?t1rile,:ottl1e..e~ln8',~d o.ell~e17;ot ,the~e ,p~8~nts...&1'e 1awfullysel..o. ,,~, tee ,1I1.mpi.' " " 0':,,., good, ''ab~Ol~t.e.nd 1Dd.t~aI~~l. ',.tat" o~ 1mi.r1~ano..()~ 'ana. i~ .&].1 and,' !lin&u1:ar th,e'abov:e . "_ .... ' , .,: '. . - .. ....~.... ", _ ", .,' ' .: ",- - ( ..', ." .i.' '., "_. ',' _ _'. .' . '."":.''- :. . ._. 4..~ribed >>relll~~,s.', eaoh,an4 .1"17, and' have'a' ~o~"rl, t. tUl1 oW~~,a!1~....., .",. ,., "! '~onv87th~'.. 'i~ ~er and tom &tor..aid; 'that t.he, .aid partt. 'ot the .aeo~I1d 'pu.t,' hiS' h~ira ' .;" '. .",'. .' ". . .; . .' '-'. .' . .', . ",'. . ", ",' . -' '. " '. ",. ; _apda.sS1gDa~ sball'and.ay, at all tim,s il$reatt.r; 'peao.ab17 and Qu1eU7 have, hOld,'us.. 'O~OU17 ' .'-. "f,pos..'ss' ~4' .'~~01 t~. ,a~ov~" deIlOi"1b~d premlses. ' a~ ey~~'part an,d'p~~ei- tbereot,\'~'th~t' ,~ ' ' . . .~ ~ - ..:. . .' .. " " .' . " , . . .'. . '. '! . . -. : :..' ".' .' " . ';.,.' . '. . . . . , "'-,l"~.sult; t1'Oubl", -:olest!Lt10n.~viOi~10n:or d1a~~baDlt ot, ,t~e...i4..partles oi, th.ti~.', Part" "':thetr h~1r'.or "8i~. '.~1'. ~t arii' ~th.r ~"1'80J1-ol'P~~80n.l.lrfunYOla~lDg' 01" ,to ,olal.the 0' "-".,: . . ," ....' _ ",' : ...... .'.. -'.: ,'" '..~'..> ~', ; .' ',__. .". _': ,', "" . , " '8am..J tha"t the allia., aU' an4 'slD6Ular, are ~ee, olear. d1Sah&rged and un'-noumb.r.ed ot, ad, tram , \ ..... '. . . " - -, :.',. ".,'.,'. ......".. .~," '. .~',. ~.:' - '. . :,~ -. ':. . '>" " &11 torm.r'and otheZ'~i~lls, ~l,ou~'~c1'lnouill~ranoes ot,ltha~ n&t~ IUld klX1d 80ever;that the .~ld' P&.1-tl'. 'ot,the, ~lrst .P,~t ,tlie.li'he'l1-S''- ex.outoZ'a, andl.&tlni.tratorlJ' eao~' e.nd .veri~, S,ha:11 , , .' m~k8.e~oUt~ ,~d,aOkno.wledge 'suoh 'hrth.r;ando.t_~ed8 an~a8s~oes a~/.b7 'oo~se~ l~r~:: ' : in the .law 'illaybe 00D81~r.edreuon-.b1.7 ;t)roper, t:~tt.otuALt,e, t;t1e:rul1. i~tent ~ llleanS,Dg o~ ' . . . - '. -'. . , . -, s" . . ~1. instrume~~.; , , , . And ,the sa~d 'partie8 ot"the t1rst:pi.rl ~or '~h~~d t.hei..l' .l?-elrs~ the ab~'. ,c18l1orlb'd' premls.. andev.ry part;,and'p~rOe1., th'J'eoi;uiit() the ~a~p&rt7 otthe ,Btoond Par:t...b:1a he1r~:aDd"S81gn.', ' . " ,." '", - ". '. . . ," . ..... .. " . ..... - ',. " ,~ " . : '-', _ -,., _ _ .: . 1 ..' 88&1ns" the, '.ald P.artle~ 01: the, tir'~ par~an4t~elr he1ra:"~:&Dd~salnat &l:a~ :~~11"7-:ptr80D: . 0.1': p.rsons '.holllsoe....r la!'tul17 olaiming. i)1" t 9 O1a1m ,the NIl. . s~ i i.z1d ,will. warrant and b1:: , . "'. . . .0 , ,'th"~ ,pr.s.nt.~ornerd'tend. .':' . .' f I . ' ',11 t ~ ",' , , 'f l; ,.. ! I . I II!. f , .' - J :l ." --_./",-/,,, , -":'" ,:',,: I) 299 -,-~ -.-o-:~o::*,': -, -J~-,-,": >~,t,_- :_- ~~:,J~,. '-". :_~~~_~_ .. ~ __ L I ' i ' , I . ~ c., . ~.. -, . t' ";':' , \ < \ \ ....' '" l ~ \ , , \ , \ 'J i' , , o '... ' "",' " ~,) :' ..:, , I' " I 0 :Thi'. 'alienaUon ~"W1t~, th'Jo1n~eollnn~, O~h~b~~ and.w11'e,Whe~' that' r'latlonexi8t.~.: III WITtlESS 1lmaE0J', the sai4putleso1', the firs' part ~v. rhire:unto 8et th!tir",han4a and : , . '. . . . ~, I' . . . - "~.' - -' - . ' : ., -. .' . .' . seal. '.aoll. in the pres.no. 01' two aubaorib,lng .itn.ss.,.. . .....,. . . 'fi J ; Signed, seal.d and dl11vlre4- .~n, P1",s,en~' ,of U81 " P. .W~ W~ll.., We 8. Talk&: , .. L. 0.: Rarbreoht, J S.8.1:) sOPhle~arb;'oht, ' '(S.al) " i , I :STJ.TE .op noRIDA ) , ' OOUB1'Y' OF 8,T. LUOU J, SS. CE:<<Wi I llERDY ~I .' that \ , . On th1818~ 4q ot .June, A.D. 1926. betore lie a ,no~&rY pub).io . Stat. 'of Flori4&. perao~~ly appeared, L.c. Harbreoh\ and So .. ". - - . __ __,'_ - _n_.'__ _ _'..' , : . 'w.11" krio~,&ndJciwn, ~o me to be tht. indlyldu.ala ~.orlbe4. iD and who exeou~.4. ~h. tor'~lnc I , , ' '., , I oonn1&Do.' to W. K. Ko..le1 and 8'Y.ra1l1&Qknowle~4th. .xeoution th.reot to b. ~'lr :froM ,.CJ~. u.4. ~,.~ t91! ~he ~.. and purposes therein .. tion.a; and the 8&i4. I.'" . ,'4L. ,.. '