American Legion Post 318 [p% August 21, 2012
- Constructability Review
Engineering/Public Works Comments
1. St. Lucie County Right -of -Way (ROW) permits will be required for improvements
within the ROW. Please contact Engineering Division at (772)462-1707. Two
separate permits shall be applied for:
a. A ROW permit application shall be submitted by PSLU for the force main
and the water main construction. A copy of the approved utility agreement
shall accompany the application. Permit 013-041 approved on 3/28/13
b. A ROW permit application shall be submitted by the developer/engineer of
record for the construction of stormwater facilities within ROW. Permit
013-031 approved on 3/7/13
2. Please provide additional information on how the force main will be installed. Is
open cut or directional bore the intent? Additional work may be required based on
the method of installation. Comment addressed. Minimum of 36" cover under
roadway, 30" elsewhere required.
3. Valve boxes, meters, etc. for the water main connection shall not be located within
the sidewalk. Comment addressed.
4. The 15" CPP pipe appears to project into the sidewalk section. To this effect, please
change to an equivalent diameter elliptical metal pipe to reduce the projection into
the sidewalk. Comment addressed.
5. Savanna Club Boulevard shall be kept broom swept at all times during construction.
Mud, soils or other debris tracked onto the roadway shall be removed immediately.
It is strongly recommended to install and maintain soil tracking device(s) at all
construction entrances to the site. Comment addressed.
Lydia Galbraith
_FroM: Patrick Dayan
Vent: Friday, April 12, 2013 11:22 AM
"jo: Lydia Galbraith
Cc: Michael Powley; Ron Harris; Connie Lawson
Subject: American Legion Post 318
Attachments: American Legion Post 318 MnSP Constructability Review Resubmittal 041213.docx
Hello Lydia,
All comments have been addressed..
Patrick Dayan
Ext 2153
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