HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1516 . ' ,. l ., . . , . ~ . t Ii . ' , 1',: ,'I I, I' 'I ' '" ," ' ! ' .'.1 . , I , . .~,. . , , f' 1,. . L" ~. ~ .. \ _I ~ .:.. . l '/' ~ f ~ . '-", ~~_ _' _ _ I __-!: ~__ _ ~ I >~ -~o __,: ____ "'" " ,. ,;'," "1' r", 'f , i I' ,.,:-<' .r~~ :' 'I" ", 'i \ , .; I .' ' " , L ,I.r '. ' . . ',^ ,I, i '! '" , , I " " I ' ' " ' , :' I' " I ' ",'" I II' ,', ~ :~~,~;:~:~.f_, :::~'~'r;T';":' ': 1 ,':." '.~',!,:~', ~l: ~,' :~ ;::::~',';"~~:;;'~:C':::-~~ t::;~::,!:':~~,:::::; ';~'~!:':'~\;'~'fj~-:-~" :;~1:-,~~::'~~:;i:~;:::.;,;,:::::,:-:;,~':'~'::::r:~-;:'~~~'~ :t:;':.~;.:t~-;;,-,,'t~~;;~;-':;';~~r:: , " ", I Wl";' .0' .~wtl1 km ~ahd known to' ..eto be' \11e ,lJ1d1"li~Ual.\ o.~.or,1b'c1.',ll1~d' whO ex.ou~~1 th~ ,i, \ '! I 1, ; ,I: '," : ,\ '\' , ' I ' I, .. I " \' " ' ~ < ' \' , ", , I " I " \' :; t~J...t~ ,'~eed,\ ~d"tli.7'aokno1rle0&e4 b..to~'il.';t~at th~ '.xibute~..~he'aa4~ :tree17'anc1. " "", i. " "" \'" :' . , ,\ \ I \ 1 I ,I I , . " ,,' I' , i: ..' ',I.,' ,\ \ \ \ ' 'ij' ".,[' ,,\.,olunval"1~7...or the,~po". vbe'~e1l1'~p1"e8aed.:;,,' :,' \ ',\ " ,\ '.. ',', . ' " ' .. '. l' \ ~,; "..,' \" , , '" ',I ; ." " \ ',", . I ",I' \ ,.1. ' .\,' " ,', \'\, '," \', [1:, ,; " , \''1. ' , And IJ'urth;e1" aeton" !hat' ih,_ 8&14 ~g&1'etJ'ol. knoWn. to lIi .to be th~ :Wi::re ~t. tHe' leald,' ,':.~ ,'; ,\':, I,~ .r01u1 f. FO~,~" on.~, .e~i.rat"'aJi~~rl.,ate",e;~lnatl0n\~aicen and ~~ebf'8D'cl\.~~fO~~~. ~.p~~ elt \: ," ""','. ',"...,\"...1 ....~' ,- , ",,' " L \ ,', ! .'an,da~ar'trom, be~ 8&14 hU8b~~,d~c1 ~ow1e4ge that ~~e made h~r8~1-t\a pa~~ ~o .~ld la.eec1. I '," ' .. , , \ ,\' , \.' '\' ..'. ' " .1 ',~or 'the, purpo..e ot .'rp~uno~~r.l1n9..u1.h~1l:6 a~ .oo~epng ~i ,h.~ t-lgh~~ U ~le" and 1ntere8,t, '. " . " \ , . - -.' ,'\. . .' - . '.-" . .'. ,; ., lwhether.'bf dowe1", bome..t'AA, or o~ .eparah\p!'Operty,8tatutor;yor:'equUable, ,111 ~d to'the, ' .. 1.: \.... '. , . _ . . '_", . . :. ',' . \ . ' . .. '.. . . _ \'. . ~ . . \: ' ' . '. '_ . .: .,: _' " . ,. !lands 'Ai.orl b,e4' th:erein, and tba t "be, exeouhd'~he aai,ci deed ~ ree17 ~d:Y01untarll7.axid wi tho~t "." t:,ani 'OO~Pui.lon~" Jona~~~ln't" :~p~'r.ehena~on' ,?f,1:,8ar,ot'-'Qr ,from ',her '~aid b":'~and., ":','~": .,' \. .. i..\ . . " i.. , . .... . 1 .~. - 'I." . "" .' '. . . ,... '.... , . . . . ~" .' .Une... my' ~dandotfloial 8eal at, Phna.,.. ~buri~7 'ot'PhU~. and .tah of'P~nna. 1;h18, ~ . .. . . .. r '.3'05' I . I', . , \. ,I. " , .' , I: , \ " ;-,,' . \ ~. ,~ ~~'....- . ~ ," J ' . ~ ~ :' . " .CbaS..., H..l'.aoook. Jr. '.BotarY"Publlo~ \ 'NOWY,PUBLIO ,,' , OOIllil1a.,10,ri expire.' JIaiooh 2.,', 1929. , , , , " t ,~ " r.... i .:.. '. 4. .~'" . .. -' . . - ' . . ...' . . . ", !,lle4and l"eO~rdedon th18~9tii~7"9#, .rW1.,i~25,'at' 10;07.&..)(.':, \ ' .~: ' , ~, ';L- :., '~'. .c. .m:dre4;, ClerkOlrou1t Oourt. ' _ - . . -. '_' o. ~. ...., . . . ~ . : ',.' . . ..~: :. .'~:~ . , ; , . ': ',;' i~e:t :' ......fe(~~\ " , '(\"" '1tecC)~...' :,..' . . . - . '~7"~;7?t~,',,~~,' ,]).0. .Ul,... t , ; '----*.....'. .*:'....... .:.;': .....,.'.,.. ......,* ..'... .... ...';"..;' *. ,..e~, '".-e._. ~.'.' '~..'" ._, -."_ ,'." e;.', ..,". .;...... ,,_,~ .:.'~. .'... ._....... ~ , !. S.XIR8YET AL ':, c.' '~ ~l)It{G. ~ 'TO I.... le.&. S <a; THIS Ilfi>ENTUU,madethe,'t~' da7 .ot lune~; A., ]);19'25" . . .', , .. . . . ~. ". ~ . . ~lmy,'hl'~,.1Ze ~',;b$re~'a:rter ~ete~~ed to, aet~.'~dlords,' "reterre~ to 'a~'T~Dant'" '"t' ,,' be~een, '.r. 'S.~IRBt:i anti Rum A. . " 'anti c. ,:rWREDDING heretnatter 0..' ... . ~ .. ; , f i; lJ~ .- t: , ":, 'WI'J!NESS~H, .t~t. the,' l~d 10~4 'f~r ,and 'in ~~ns1deratlonot' th~ ':rents~' h~relll~tter re8e~ed" ai;1dQt,'t1i~ ,~OlQen~d~" stipuiatl0n8 ,~'In: oovenants he~e1n: si."'.v., expres8ed andoond1tioned ,o,n " the part and b~halt, oftbe <j;e~t 1i~ b, pald~,kepttpertQ:nl.1e'd- and:M.:l, tUle4 hAve ,~ted;' . . _, . -' '. 0 '. . ." . . ~.' -.~.': .". ._ _' , . '. . 'de~18ed~'re1.~~e~.. and b7thesepro8~i1t.8~'.gran:t, ',demi.eand release '?J1to' the 'tenant, ..~ .' ... .... . .' ,.- . '.. .- ,J..,. . "',: '.. ' 118"8,' ,thepremise8',si~te'ti lni'or,t Pieroe, ftorida, ,knoWn ~d;c1e8o'r1bed as," BO\U1~ed on the nortb b7 ~ter "J:V~I1U~,' on :th$ioutb~7 ", .", . " . -. , . . :n~rl4a. 'A....~ue" on ,the,east 'by ,SOU~b 'Seoond ,Street, anc\~ ., , . . .. .'. .. on the,weat bi P-lorlda ~at ,Ooast ltallwa.~ ~i.gbt ,ot' wa7.' . . " .' ." - ." ,- . , beinaa bloo~a:~proX1mate17 100 ,teet bi 360 teet. .' 'tOlU.VEm> roJiOLl> ~e "'ala. premia'e8 '~1ththe ap~urtena~e, thereunto be1'O~lng ~~'o the:,te,~a.nt' tor anu.dUr1llg tbe,teJ.m of ten yearecolDllenc'lng on the'10th 41<< ~t .June, '&'., ])'. 1925 -.nd in41na, tbe lOthda7o~J~e -.A.. D., 1935, unless 8a14', hl"lDa8~1 be .ooner tertllinated;or.thereatt~r , , .'. , F': f ( ! t:~ f" , " [} l> F". !. I, ~ " ~: extended as,hereinproV1ded. 8e1; fortb.' The lai:1UOr4s oo.,eA&nt andagree'wl,ththe'te1i8llt thAt at the t1til6&nd .eal1z. ot thls indenture ,the land 101"48 are aelud ot ..111. c1,em18td prtuliaes a:a of .. good, ' s\11'e. I' , I . - . - . _ _ . . - _ . ab.olute and lndeteaalbl, utateot lnher1tanoe ,in the law" 1n :tee .1mple. I ' , Tbe tenant,~ee. indoo.,enants to pay to.,tb" ~8.n4lor48. At J'ort,Pleroe Bank &,!ruat , , ,The tenant 71elding and p&t1ng rerittberefor ae'herelna:tte1" ~ I, "'1 , I I. ~ ,000p&I1T, or noh other plaOe, in ort Pi.t-oe, u the landJ.or4a' d"1&n& h, or 1I1ghYbe muttlAl17 - t.6r'Md upon, !be toll~lD6 rent.,' nam.1f, I !IO '.rHOUS.ulP SZVD HtlDIIIID Ct2700.00) DoUan " " ,.