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PutT of tI!o',' . , BeoondPV~, ,h',r~pre8ent;atl:ve8 or a.-e1Pe.' and .rese"e~' ~'o h~'.lt, hl.bpI ,'" .' l'O>>N""t~th~~or ~.1gno:~~ riSh,t to 'lI'erv1~~. ~'~b....d~'O~lbo~ P""J>~"'Tfo... ^. ., '. ',",," " '. \" " , ','H \.' ,this purpose.' , , , , , . . . . -. - *'/1. . '. .f>' .li~!.i.~~~,\ ,1161'0'. .' h1~ ez>>"".' '" 1I9ro~e'ib.. ~b.Y'.'Dtloll"d 1.toll1~ rOOk'd,'~~ll.d :~ad..q~"iIak. 'P1"~Tl.l011 tor Wa~~1"And :el.o~tr~c . s..~~oe. ~' , , ',,'. . P. ',,' ,', '", ", ' 411. th4i tams, an4l"el>1"esentatl*es DI&.41 pr10r. t1) thcj ~1me'ot ,theDle.k1n1'o~ th1a ' ;" ',' '" ' ',', ',' c'-' ":,.,.." ',,' " . .', >,,' "" '",. .:: ' :',' < '" 'oO!1traoi; ue o~Ua1n.ci h'~e1n.' " , ' , .'., . , .. ,,' , .,"" .,"'., '" ,,', H,.'" ',' '.. ,.'.,--~.,'~,--...'cr.:'..':"--:-c,...o_~",. ,.' '. ',.. . ,~. .t~PUl~nOne"~01"e8a1~~8'tP~'aPP'1.~ ,lo' .nnli1crhelr;~~.xecritt01"8~"41!11Ji1~tr&ton" ,', . ."".....01'll 0IId ~"16no ot thO re,peo'h' ~tlo.. .' . . ..' . , IB,1flfiO;SS ~J'. the SeneI' and the 'Pvoba8e1" ,have he1'OUZl.to '8~t! the~r '~:ah4 '. .' . '. . .' . '. ..' . :; . I, ;', , i I -u ' , ;i '::\.~~r'~ .~:~ ,',...", \' _"'," '7.f," \'- -'.' \ ' y :\ , , '\ \ ' \ ,. 1'1; ,. :\ .\ \ I . \ .~ " " \ " \ . t, ~,'" 1< " fe' , f'Ui' :.' ~"~ 1-. ~ ~ L: ' " r,;. . ~. .' ~ ~ . h ~; ~, ~ r. f, .~ ~, ~u ~ orb.toJ,"e,the 2~1"d1:'-1~:t..1\1l7,1926, an, o~e:the '2Z,1"4 4&7' ot: ~aoh~O ~. : ~ there~t8r~ 'li~-t I' prolai... ~op~ to', H. Po.ell 88ward,-'o.1" ord.e1", &'.~ '~& ' ' , , :. ' ," " , " .' ,', ", , '. ' " ; , . ' hust ,oo...~Stb.r8:t, n.a~ -the lumOt two H.V~d"~ek'1 Jt220.(0)~ollar!l, ' quarterly, f " '<"" " , , .. >,. , ' "'.', ' ", ' ,',,' ",.. ' k--'--'-. ~ i . Jr1!h, 1J>~.".. 'c.&Lo1xpOro."t '. per 0/Ull!l0 t~o.. ,6>>rU ~~~; 1~2li. llD~U'h'.,,, ot ~o, Tw.nt7 Two 0 Huved., (tIaOo,.OO) Dollus 'and ~te1"eet t:1"Oul AP1"1l~31"4. 1926, '8J:W.l' hav.e ,seal. the ,C1&.T and70ari~1".' ~b,ove, ~~t~.n~ , .&.1i~e8' ' , ' , H.' a. ',Blr~.U , 'H.l'owel~ S81ral"d ~ . .(S.e&1 ) ; ~. krntyt, ,_ran ' , (aea~.). '. (S~&l) .. '~ \ .Un," " - In 't~. ;prolleho.-ot H. Ji.~m " ,~ , ' " , 'aertrUd; 'C~ , Helle1" " (~eal ) 4 ' , (StalJ ,.Ua Helle ~ :. f~ . L been pald aSafortlaid. .l'Ued fIJld1"eoo1"dedJune 9~hi9~6. :ai; '11.02."; M. ' .00rt1"U4e o. Keller. , ' P. C.B1~d ',' e(\\\e.1 , In.er).: ,C11"0U1 ~Oou1"t _ , '.H1teC , B1 \.("~,,, '~~~~}:D., o. . .. ~* * · .'.... * .. .. . *'..~..... . ...'. ~!..c. . .. . .',., . . . . . .'. . . . .' . '. . . '. . . . . , . , . '. . . .,. ,. . .'.' '. . . '. ' , - ''''fl.' " " , ?' ~. ;,," '-" . 'UxsnORG, 'mnlG.\RD lAND OOKP.urr.' , . 1 /' !:at8D'DI.1l!Uftl!l, ,Mt.4eth18 2nd' 4q ~t J~e 'A. D. 1926, U'l"REQ 4rmat1"oD6, Xobl.ga.r1l and OODlp&nt, a OOrpozoat1on en.t.1UB und.e1" ~h' law. ot theBta~e ot We,t T11"g1nla, : ( , ' haTinc, U. prinoipal PlaG.', ot 'bulne88 ~n the OUT ot Wuh1ngtOll, and',D1str1o'ot , , dOl_bla, P&1"t7 ,t thet1r,t part, and'Sl14r1." haJ.*tOOllPaDT, .. corporat1on 0 B&Z11zed '. . ! " .~ " ~. - . ..we-----ol'-' . St~te o.t Ylo1"14a. ~t t~. 00Ul1t7 otS1:.l;uo1. ana. 1 State o.,t J'1.o.1"14.D., P&rl~, o~_the .eooll4 p~t" WIDUSftH, t~t the .&1d panT otthe ~';tor"" ~ eoDal4e1"aU,o.n o.t the .. ot ~ J)ollan and ~th', Yalu.ane Oo...U.U...UODl. , , , TO SUlIR;J:SE P'RUIf COllPAHY . '. . ""'_~ ":_. __ r'.,'> .~ -, --...\ ..( . ~ ,~;;;: ::.J':,;_7':"~> ::.i-'-:. ~~ .-;-:~. ,/''i~''j:::;','''i<_ :~~~.":;. ,-'i.",-,',~",- -" .... ~'~-'1r