HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1528 ,. . ',1-:-,' ,'ti17 j ,I ,.' ' I 'I.' ' " ,0'--------- . ". ~,~,J"~-~--~~~~I ,....~.:...._" ..~" :^:;I~,:;,;,c;,;;l ~,t:;1 ~".~ ;.'.~ ::-;~~~-:;:L::e,:;c i:;:,:;,- ,,;;:,;,:~';c.!:~~~~.:;;~L~::.:;-.:.,;;r,;;:::;f~ :;::~ ."";.,:.~.I:~.:S;~,~~.;;:.i' " " i ''it ,. \ '\, ' , t' " ~" . :',., I' r I ,,\,. "I :1'.. I ~ I,: t I ' I. 11.\ 'I ,\., I , '{,I"'.',,,',', 'I' '. ,.." ", ",' '., 'h ' , , 'tl' \~h"~ ~~e~ aN, ~a~il i~1..4. ot the\.t.\C\' p~..+.e~l,,!tha.t~el'~~l,:tre., ~~ &l~,~br~o~tl.\ \, ;,' .' ,', I', 1,;'1 .~,\tb:at\'~.,; tJ...,.' ~Od r'l~~ ~a~awM '')It}1orlt; ito '8~;11th.8..e~ and t~~t'~1~ ~~1~."\'" " ~rl' '.: . 'i '\, Of t;'t~~ '~rt 4ot, ~ i ,h,ere\T,' ~~''I.~t,t he"U tl,\,~, ~f to :,\.'.i~ l~,;" ",~d'.,lll.1 .~t ~~4',',t~~ ',"~\;'\ " t. I " "fo8a1ns~ the lawrul \ o~a1a8 of &1:1 ,peraOD8 \.hOlll.o.vtr,~ I ' ' ,.:~'n , \ ,\ 'II : \ , " " ," "\ . '\ ' " ' , , \, ' \ , I , ' \' ' , , " \~' \., 111 WI'J~_S wmmo'.the'~a~'~ paruee of the firB~ \l"1"tha.,e~e"~~o ..t ..1;hIU i1ii1j5-'-" \ > " i'" .",.,.,' I,. \' '" .' "'J ',\', \ L II \ ,:1 \ ,~d 'SIal, the 4&1, 'a.nd'7Iuabo-te'i,n1tten. / :\ \, .' ,:, .I), \ ' \, ,\, ,..",' \ ,,', : '.. ", \ i;, \ ' ' \' ' '1gnld. "Uld ud dl11.,ertd in our presenoe. 'I . " " , ," . ',' - 1 . . .. \. ~ .'.' \. ' I . r, I ~.~ II \' j' .. 'i J \. .1- , '. . J , , ~ " " " "~ '~ . "I:, ..., . -- . . 0 ' 0 " . . . ;~ '~ imRBBY C~I:n, )u.t 9*1' ~h18' Zrd ,U7 ',ot 1:Pl;' .to', '>>. 1926 b~fore- me peno'nail): appe~ed.. \, ~ a.-Bruoe : soo~\:' ind .~ "0. 8oott.h~1I ,,It.'to'~''ebown to:' b., ,t~& ~pe,r'onde,orl,b'edlnand " "'1 " .ho:,'.xeouteo., tb,e f~~~gOiPBoon.;e'~~oe ,to B~ Bruoe 8o~tj ',In~.azid'i.,ver&l1:1 ao~o~l.OseA " ,I ,< ,.\,' :',t1i~exeoutiC)D'~her~otto ,b'e,h18' free:;~ot an~','dejci'f~~'th~,'wi'es'an~'~~o.ee ,t~."~' " ' I , ' ," '., , " , ,.'" ". . '-', '. '~i ~ ::t~:::~. ~:..~~:::: ::~G:;o:~ ~:;\::~::'.::::n:. .:::~:;t:;.:.::::' . ,1 ) .118rlald husband," ~O: WokDowleq.d "hat' she made, h',r8el~, a part1to the Sal4.' DI.1i ot Oon- I ',,~'~oe, tor:t;he jnlrp()l. oi~noui1o~~~elinC1~~~ns ~d"o'onveJ1ns'ai.l'~e~.ri.Bht,';tit~. ? ' .' , .' . ~ : ' :.',.. '.. .". .. 0 .. . 0 _,' .. '. -;.-,' . 0."...'" ,.. ;..' .. 0 "'.' - :' 0 . .. a.n6. :iDt.r.,t,.b,ether .ot dowlr,orOf .oarat. propel.'tl~ li~atl1tQr1'01"equ11;,"l>le.1D"anG. ~, ;; the lan~" th,rein ~sorl,bed. .ind 'thAt 8he .xeo:Uted Hid Ae8d :treei, and -tolunt';111 ~d ,;,;' ~', without '1.n1 oo~t~a~~t, f.~,' ...ppre,hen31i~or'oOlllpul,81,on ~t'.~r,~o.~e~,~~l,d,~~~~~." ',:: ' . , ,1rImBSS." 81pat~e' and ott~olal :.,eal ,~t ...., Pal. Beaoh in the County' o~ l?&1m Beaoh .' " , J'lorl4a the 4aJ &ad .,ee:;'la:at .af~relald.': ' '- , \,:,,' I, a. Bruoe, soot,.' , i' '(s.'ai.r' > :' ,(8el.1.) ..',', .i ,_, 'Jlarlt Mahen I, Z.~.B&1Dberg.:r . \ , , "," :" ", . " l(ar)" o~ So~t' :~, ." . , I I' ~. \ \ ' " .' ,\ 8t"AtB: OJ', P'LORI1lA, " ' ,'.' "COtilfTY: ,OF p~, 'BBA.OlI I. . t" " l-' t ': I:e, ~. . t .0) , !, I' 1.'", , , . t " :',Z.E. Bainbirdr' , ': , '.o~al7~nlo. ZIt.." of ~loriu My o~mIIs,8B1on .xptre'-&' Jc. '1.7, 1926. , , , itA 1925 atU&~ l.. .~. ' o ..or . 't)., . ' -: "':1e('\fv"~" '(\"'" " ' , t'.;' 1f.ecPt, ,,' , " , ' , ,r,,', ,'. ~ . ~ .'.. . .'. .,. . ~ * . .:.. ~'**!~, *:* .. , .... ~ . . . . ~'... ~ .,i .. . . .. .. ..'....... ,. .' . .e O. '... . , '.' e., ... . ~.." .. · e." e." . · ~ · · · . *. '_.-,' .a ~-,,;--'" , · STATB Q~ '1LOmA: OQ~,O"S!., LUCD I ~ _ . . . , -, _ t , P.r.onalll 'betOre theoun4.ln1ped of tloe;r, , "uthor1.ed :b;t the law8 of, sald_tate to, a~1n1.te.~ O&th8t'Opll.~ rr.euwf. KI11gh,,~o~~~t'h' 18 ,a 80n ~dhe1~ 'at law Jot,' K. .. <<night. ' ah "., .~,~ oount7~ 'deq....~d,'t.Il~ U ~uoh 1. f~llar wUh ~i.~tthe b~~~. ~ta1ri. ~t,the'.tateot th....~d,M. w~ xn1~'.~'1nfaot ~ed~.U W.' XA1glJ.t~ ' and tha~ M... high',and MO...,.. b18h' nre one 'Uld ~e a.. p.rson., , . ' t,the ."id Mo... .~ Inight' or M. ,,~ Xnipt. dlet !pt..taM' 1D. ~t.1 LU01,.'O()un't1,' l norl4a,' ud left uhl. lole m40nll aurriY~ helr.at l"wthe fOll;ow1na P~~.OD8.- .ho . I -'-. -----~ , . art no. ud ha.,e at all. t1iu.. 'be'A :the oull heira ..t law ad perlOl18 ..Utl.,. to share .~ , I the e.tat. ot the 8&14 .... ~1pt Q4er ,the law. of the .tate,of norl4a. to-ri': Jlartha,X. Xn18ht. w140w, who 1. 110. ,44~ &111 wbo 4.1~ lI:ot l"tUr17; Joel.. KJ11&bt, ,btml' ~ ,_' i. . aM L ',In' t Bl'blrt ..Knight a.44ID W, !:night, llaJi'ri~ .. Xn1ght .t ~eun , I. \, - . . - - . L. En1ght.1'hat th.~, are no deb".' ola1a8 or 4ANun4a ot ani na~e Wb..taoe.,.r due or ow1aC I, 'b7 the ..~te ot the .&~ .. .. Enlsh1;; that &11 debt., o1&1u, UaIlw'lot "TQ7 Jl&n.H ~ ~~ . _0_. . -~~,....-,. ._ ~li,_~~"""... J ~ .... T ~ T".-------.-..