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'.'.. .. _' f . : 1flTuSSfta, ~t the .a14 1e 1;1 801' dOe. th1&' G.a1'l.aee unto' .,;u.: 1...ee, and.sald],.,.see dO......,. . . . . .. ,~. . . - ~ .' '. - . .. - ;'. ~ .. h.rebJ' hire and take ~,t.nan' under sald l..so~ .or 8paoe..o. ,Z)i1 SW1ae,>.~a're'Bu114.1Dg'. \., " > ", ..- , '.: ' " ' . '. . . " ". '.' . > ,', :. . ,.' , ' .: '. :" ,.' . . , liit.te in .or~ Pl~roe ,J'1.o~l4&~ .to' be Wled. ando()~u,p1e4 b1the. l......~; a';l'~letl Slo~~ ;.;' :', " '., ' '. :- ...... '.:' . ..... . '. . . . "... . . ~ . ,"'. . . .' ~ .' '. ' . . . . '.' . . ., and..tor ~ ether purP.08eq or use w~taoever, 'tor t~., hl"li ot.!w~ par8 " 11ght. MOnths b.glnnlns ' '" _. ., " .. ";'. . : ,; . _ . . . . ," "-" .l! <: . ." .' . ,. the ':first :4a7.0~ /~~.19~O. an4~nd1Da-. th~ ~"rat, da1 ~,1'eb:ruarr 192:8 ..~. a.nd~~or~h~ ,~"'~'. . {,. ,'. 'ot'&1 rental Of Thi1"~ 'lwo J;lunc1r~d Dollar.. p~b~e .1.. ~oil~WS: . . ..j- . tlOO.OO'P'~ ',,\h 1Ji.advan~e on the '. ~,lr8t 4&1' of riOh Iion.th,~ ail pajment!l to be madeiio.,the' " ':. .' ~, .' . .~ . : . " \. . :, ~ , ." . , :~ . ;' '. . .' ';' ;0' ..' ,1tB,~:r .at the. o~f10e' or . the .1e.,.0:ri#Port PieJlo., nor~4al or' at. stlOli oth~r.place &.i1d)O suoh' ". ' '.. .' . '.' , . " ._', . "," ' :.." '. . ." _' ,1 . .': 'oth~r p.r.o~,'''' .the l'5s0r.1I&7. troII'.time tot~... ~a1pah ~tl-wrl.UnB." . ,..' . '~. tol101r1ngeXpre88 st:ipU1i.tlonS~d'o~i.At-l~IUJ':,u.. lIleA. :.. ~rtoi tffi 1.a8e'~d ~e' . " .' . . '. ." '.' '.;' ' ,..', . '. " . . . .' . . ,,' . 'hereti1.:a8senhdto bl the.'leastel .'. . . P1r.t~ . !he l~'~!Jee ~ .h8:i:1.' no~' 'a.B1DWth1~ l~e.S.~'~~r 'SUb~~.t ,the ~rtU~se.. or ,~Dl1 p8.l:i;, th.re~:t no;r use the 8ame ~r &nl part' th~r$~t, ~or,pem~' th~..am~ .:Q~ _Uirpart--'th~J.e~t, to' . be w..a. for &n'I oth'r.'purpo8':t~.~ 'ab~Te.'..Upulat.d, n~~~. ,~.altera\i.oD8 'th~~e~~' ~,d'~1. . -' . ,- ." ,.", ' - ' ~ . ' .": .::,:, ac1d1tlOu,. the~lto, 'without-the written oOn8en~_ or' the~le.sOl!r-&n.ci.-&l+,-:add1t1Qn..---t~ture,B ; '.. _~ . " -- .": . '. . '. '. . o. . , .: ,," :. . " ...- v.'' ,: , , ", ~. '. -:",': . . ()r1,mPJloy.menh ~hlOh ~ bt '~c1ebY~h,e 1.'.~'" .~xoePtJilOh.b~.:.~ttloe' furniture, 8hall beoollle' . the. p1'Qptrt1.ot the1e8S0~. and'1"ema1n u,ponthe ,'prem18e8as~.~part.th.re:)~, ana. be 8Urr.ndere~ I' \ . \'. . . . (1 ' 11 "LJ-,.. -: i t' I - j .w1ththe p~Be8 at the tera1natlonot thi. leas.. penon ',' ',."f . "r18k' ot the,l.asee, or o.nei:- '1ihereot,:-azid 'le880r .Ihail. not b. liabl.tor an$damaae..aald: . ' '. , . , '....'...,. . " '.' , .' -\ : , . peraoJ1fJ, property, or to the 'lels..ar~81~,.trO. the ~e1;111B orlftkinB' ot wa'er.' P.iP....Ox. :trOll any aot ot .negligenot o.t, aDJ oo.~t.nant ,or 0~ou.pant8 ,or.the 'building .or;ot ,~~ other' . , . ,; . !)8rson ~eeve~.' 2h11"4I-fhat the tenant ahllllproraptll ,xeoute an~ OOlllp11 with a3:l' Itatutes, ordl~~oel.~'8, , '. . .."' ,J ' ".' ' '". o~ere.. regulat,ions ~~. reQ,uirementa or~heFederal. sta~e and~UyGove1'lll~nt.and ot,a~ anel ail ',their DepaJ:'tme~t. and: Bi.Haus, applloab1eto 'eald preml,8es. tor the o()rr!ot1on~ fl"evention, "and ",bahllent ot ~U1.&nO.8 or other grlevanoo8, :1n.' upon, oroonneot.d wlth laid premls.. -'(1' i'l .ll I '. I. du.rlI18' sald _ . .' . . .. _ f ' ' hl'll;~d,sh~ll &1:.0 prom~tl1 oOlllp11 with, and .~eout. all rules.or,der4 and ., " . . I" I of the South.as,tern' Underwr1ter. Assooiation ror the prev.ntionOr tir.., at h18 . " I' - .. - , . regulations ownoo.t ~d .xpenoe.' i ~.I In the even" the prem1ees shall be o.eatroJld or 80 damaged or ln~ured b7. ~ir. or the .1--.:r. or th18 ".mln.t, whereb7 the tame 8hall be ren4er.d untenan- . , - . t.b1e, then the 1.ssOr ~l haye ~he right tprender ...d prem1.e. tenantable by repairs . . It .&,1d pre.laos are' ~tren4.ered tenantable wUhin I&id t1lle, , " " ' /. I ' . . Within n1DetJ' dq. thort'-. .....;,.,..