HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1534 I.'.. ') I. ,~, II, ,I -,",1 ,"Il" I ", I I. '1 .,j'...~3:'2'3} I,": ~,Ii ii" , '-."" .. :' I . 'r .\ '.' , '" . " l. I I. " I l . '. f'. '/: 1'1 ! - . - f-~ . ____. __ ._, .,! r', _,;',1" 0 . I ,"; r.t . ' I I.. . ,I I' '. . . .'. . ,-1 " 1 . ' ," I." , !,' ,I. .' ., '. , " ~ 'I '1.. i 'I . , . ;'.. :.' . .:.. . , ' . '. 0'::" ,." ;~~ ~... " . , It'" I ....l '. . . .0 .1 I" _, I.." i! '. '.' ~ ':\,l'~,\ ~,~J t~e.wi~Ul..lth1-r~i(8()~~ ~Of~l".tli.'~ll"~'l'ott~~'thb~~U.'." Th~1 ~~', ~/~n~~o \~~~'\ l- i " ";'" ,',:'t'! .1,' '.'11b.1S~ ,~~~ '~o~,i~e >>~J~.~~ 'hmOT1~ Pl~o~,',e~, ~~~..). alh~~t10~,.o 01'\ ", I. " , l" (.',.\ f: .aUit'lO~'"Whl0h 'U:u.o~\'oon:torai' 'to ~thl~ agreement..,__ 'to the'"h1es Qld 're~~tio~ 'q(the' I.' "I. I : '! '~'a.1'." ,1'," ,. .\1 \ . , . .','\ l" ': l :, . .. "", ~ 'u..~ . \' . .' ", b,1ng~\ . .': \ I'" I,,,,,, .' , ,,' \ -f--' ,:,' I' I ." I';, ' . : ," " -, "j ~lttha' x.e....!;l."eby 'e:oo,pt. thep!ieIll1e.. 111 .:the oondlt10Jl ~.;y.,u.' in; at th, \ beg1nning ,ot . !.\ ':\ ,\ ~ 'I" ..,.; ~ :~i~~l.e~e'. ~4 ~e.~ .11b._lnia1n,'al~'~rea1'.',. 1~ .' th~'\ eam~ . oond1 ~lon;," Ol"a.e;t' '~d ~.e~a~ ''(I'';' : "~:'. -',~. :'~., '\'~.. ....': "I'.'.' t,.-.:. "",' '.- '_ ',. '\',.. . '-". ,"'., ..'., "'-of':> ," ._"~. :', ".,-'.,., i~. th&7 area~ the oo_en~tme~t,o~ .ai~t;~~.:~~o'el?~1Dg.oI4J ~"o~.bl...~ ~. te~\ ~1.1~,"'1 ~ the u. tllereo~ '~4er ,this aBre.ent,. and to, u.k. go04 ~o ...ldl,s8or'1iuDed1ate17 . .'. '. . .. :..',' ~ ""'" .' .".'. ". .' "_ " ,. '. '\ ~,' ," "_ ' :.: ..... '. .. . .. '.. "".,. . '.~, '" ' .... -, .... '., \' 0,: -' " u,p~J1 d'lDan"~ 'dam8B' to"water app~t~.o,r'.1eo,trlo1.18ht8 01" ~. 'r~... '.:,t)p11~o...' ,,:" >" -' .. '" .: . . ':..', -',',', .. ...' \:,~.'., .. '. ..' < .. . , " ." "".. \ ,,- . ',.. ..'- . .. . .. ' '.' Ol'app\u"te~o'8 .O~ .~4 p~...~: o~,~t ~~~~ bu1id1Dg"'oaU8e~. b;y an't~t .ql', ne~eot .0~'1."8"~., ; :, orot' a>>;y' per80n ,or "P'~o____~ . the ..plot ~r un~er tll',o~n.trol. ~~' . th.l.aiB:"~;' :, ...,,;. . . . ". .' .' ,'- ',.- '. - .. . , . .... .' . " .' .. \". - . . >.. ,!hlrt..nthi n' 18 . exp"8~17. e.poeed an4' unde~1iH4'b;Y and. bewe"D the" puUea ",0 tlh,b ;~e~rnent', . -5. '.:. . - " c'..:.. .. . t... . .. .' '. .. -:.. ',. ., . ... "'. ' _ ,'. ."" ",'" ,_ . . ," '. .: .... :.'.,'..",' \_ , i . ",". .." _ . .. .. _' . .. . '.... .. _ ..:_" .. .. .. ' .. .. ,_ .. .. _' ", . _ '\, .' " '.... '''.":~. . ,\hat ~he ,landl~r4, iI~l'.n~1i' be, 11l\bl.. .~or .fUq ~. 01" 'ln~~.b7'wate~. W~~.9;tl m.~ .be' sutl.ll1.4 ',' 'l.'b7'thee~ld ',t.n.n~ 9~ '.~~ per,oD, ~rdiol" a~other~ 'or 1~ur71"e~u1~lDsn., :th~ ,'; , .' . . .: . . i ~ . . . \ . .' . ~ .",' oare.l..~.e.~ '~igenoe, o"~'1aprope~ oondu01i: on the j)a1't. o,t ',~ ~~ ~~nan1;; 'o~ ~entl,..or.. '. ; .P~o"""or b;Y'I'.ason ot tbe~reakag',.l:~8bg.or-'obe.~t1on 0~,the.w~hr,8e.e~, or sol1 a' -; t. ; . . - . - ~. . . = \ '. :..... .'. .' : . ", ..' .' . ". . ~ . ': '.' }.... _ ~. . .j ,plpe8 oJ'other 1.~:1D. ,Or Ilboutt~e'.~lA.~~~..' ' ..,. , " , ". ., . ". . . :. " . -' . -"-'. '. ,.' ,... " =,' '. -,' ," ',' ". ..... - . ~hUr~'eDtha. ,~f ,-~he le.~..e '8h&llb'OO~' .1na~en~,oro~b~~to~ prooee41ilg. ~.ha11'l)e:, lte~' · . ,by or aga1nat~hele88ee,. b.ror. th~ ~nd.ot ~ald.tera t~e l.ssor 1. her.b7.1rreyooabl;y ..tho~ ,. . '0. '. '" "'." , . . . , ., uedat its, dpt~on, to ~rorJIiil~b, oanoelthlBleaae, as tor a.detaUlt~ . 'Lessor,m&1: _.l.ot 1;0 . . -. ." .. .,'. a ' . ~ .' " .: ..', '_"'; .',' _. ';'" , ._ . ," . aooep1i Hi1\ '~om suoh ~o'.i.er, ti'u8t.... oro~erJud1!)la;l'ot~lo..r'dU1"W the' t~ ot tllel~ '.. :: ~o'o~anoi.""~t~1u.r.:oap&o'1ttnih~U. a:ft~~t1;:l..~or'''l"lght~'~G~~t~lne'd'l~''thl.,:;~ ' . ' "oontraot; 'bu1;~O' ~eOe'lVel'. '. tl"tUl'.e ol'othe~' J~~1ai.OU1~~~~rehail.,,~ver.ha.,. ~l"lght~' t1tl~',' ~. , . - ,- '~. . -. . . - .~. .. ". . . . ':0 ~.f .. . _ . . .' I or 'ln~el'~.~' in . ~~t9 th.e ,abo"e.ad~80rlbedPropert7'bY V1rtue~t '~n1a .' oo'ntraot., . ' . . . ~~enth.. . Le"s" liereblW'al-v:e$ 4lD4:reilounoeer,or 'li1ms'l~. Ud.taail7,aJ:11~~d' .&i.l .ho.e.~eaci . . . ~4 ,exemllnoJ1.'r~ght,~e' .Ilat'.ha:,,~ ,now.,o~h.ioe~tel:,Unde~ O~bl T11't'a.~ot the>oona~t.t~t1oD, . 'o'a:u.dlan. o~: the at'ate o,tJ'lOdda or or ,&rrf. oth'~ ~t,ateof,ot t~e l1nl,tedSt~t..;' ~~a1n8i : . . t}le P&1llent O~.a1d ~n~al .0:1' an;y POI"U~~ theJ.'8ot, .01' arq Other9l?l1g~tlon,or4am~~t~t Illq a~. '.orWa.under th~:: terms ~t~i~agr.e.ent. . 31x1;e~n~:: fil1s,oontra~t'~h&ll bin4;theleas~i" 'an4.1~8 ~~1gnaor'~8uo:o'~i80r8t' a~d the hetrs. aa'81gna.a.4IIl1n.1Btratol"a' .1e~al. representat1,..., eueuton ';or.. euoo.s8ore,. as ~he .OE!.8e m,a;rb., ot: ' the;les...~ .' . · . '. . 0 . . S~v.nt..ntha' i~1a~NtOod ai1d: agreed betwe~D~he 'p~t"f>>8'he.ret'o thattil!l'. 180ttht , . ,Bsenoe ot. thi8 oontraof.8nd tb,18app111. to~ll th~te~ and. oonUt10n800~t~1n.~, here1n~ .. " , , :, t.' I.. r f- r' f , . ~ -. , ,.... . (t. i , :'.1 . . Lt', . ~ ~, t t. ' ! 1. ',' ~, . ..:" . . . , L ! [. i 1,'0,. \ .~ ,- , . . . p~t~.e hlret'o ,t~t .wrlttn~ notloe', ~allld ~. , ,", or d.11~ereG. to theprellue81ea8edh,reunderehall OOIllUtute ~Ut~lo1.~t'.n0t1o.to 'th', ~ . . . , .' ~ - .. ." .. - . " '1188e.'~c1, .rl,ttel':' not1oemalledor...11veredto.theottt..-Ofth..l18so. Ihall oonaU1l11te " J:~ght..nthc~t 1. underltooc1'..and agreed. bewtln the Ii . -'\ - " . --'. .' . - ,.; 8u.t-t'--1.1fJl~'lo.--1;othe lessor, to. OO!Dp17 with tlle-te1"lll.o~; th1. .oontraot. " . " ',. ,. _, f '. .... . . . . ~ .1,n.t~.nthl The r1ght., o~ the lt8BOI"Ul)der the torego1i1, lha11be o\UlUattve and taUUr~ on tJ1e ; - ., ~ _. '. '_ '. ...,.. _ ,. ,0 . . . _ .'. . . "':> ." .' p~t o~ tht l'slor to txero1e.>>romptl, anyr1ght. gl..n thereun,dtr8hall ~t operate to tor~.n~&nT orthl .a1drlgh~,. Ii .,.. . /.. I, , tWenti.tll:' '~~ 18 turtherunder81;o04 and: agreed between thl Part1e. hereto that: &n7 oha::gea , '8B~1nat th~ lUan b, thel~Uor tor 11"10" or tor work dOn. on the preml'sea by order f)t the.~~ . . . I . , 1'. . _ .' t . 1',,'" 0.1' oth'rw,lu aoorUng unurthl. oontraot ehall be oonsidered. as rent due, and shall I 'bl 1noluGAtd in&D1'jl1.n ror nl1_ '&11., and unpa1d. I' " purpo.e.' he:re1n ~..ee4, the da:j and Ylar aboYP,1fl'Ut.ne ..........:.. l sealed and ~ty<<ret in the pre.enoe ota , ; >: ',1.- f.,. ..(l.... ..' ... _~,'., ...~.._~,. . .~ r. '. , ...,.,.-.......---~---_. ~- -4 .,.~-------T"-._'-.;.-'~.__..,.~<p '. I I ',I ~~ l ~ -. '-fd. .,.