HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1537 '1i'326 r . . '. " . f. '. . I," I ,.."..', ~ '.: ", Ii.. . , .. " '/-;' -- ~. IlL. .1,{..' i.' ...,.1" 'J,f..!"~. t" ~i'l.~. "'" l-l - .. . ? ~.'.. ~. -; ,. -.. I ' 'I '-' I' t" , ' I. I . ,t. i , . Uci:;~;;~;':: e~:t[;:;t~..;:: ::::,::;: :~~"::;;;;:~:~~:\;C;!:~.":;:/:~~:"'~;:;:F;"~i.;.;~ ~~~7;;::::r;:,>~.:i~:';;:;;;~';:.'i~;;:::;':~;. :';;.::'et~~.;;:~. ~ i' th'NO'~p. wht~.ot; leJ;t~'nb7a~ow1.~.d:, art4::~h' balazio"o~, '.ald'I~OMe. mo." 1.' wbe' . ~ !1-. ,'I " ' , !, "l \,' , ,I, '"I I. ,./.11 -:-,' ,,', ' , .', , ' f"., \" i -, I,' " . i '\ II,' ;,,' ';\"P~&1~,1n;ll~~II&nl;1.rFollo,,1ngr,to-W~'t,I,~. \;i, ,: ' 'I',}\' 'I i" 1'1 '" 11 ol.I..,j . ,. \ ,';' ,'I '\.666.~, >>tie Marq~16th~,l'26,,).., . ,; \"'. ,~', ", ',',' ,\ . ..' ';', \' ..' ," " \ ',I , I' ,\, ,I I,~ ',II "" .666~O ,~~;~~,~~6~hl\i8~!.',)' ,'~~h\,1nte~~,,~~a,e~ll'8~-:>>~r"ammm,..,,\ "1\, . \ ;'." ',\ \ .668.~ ~ Karoli 16t,h, 1'28..) ,.I , ,\ ' " ~ . '1 ',...' .... ..... '.',. , .' . ~'. ' .., ,\' '. . .,', .' :' 1J.1 'o~ th'a' in,ta1,iaen't.atore"'ld ar8 ....ldeno.41 b7 promlesoiot'Mtea'ictent1tle~ with thiS";' ",' I . . "Ml""~~nt.n "\", I:' ""'" ", ,',' ~ ~,~, \ ....',. '\.:1, :._:'.~: ._~\":',' cI~,,:. ,', !,' ," '. '.' , '.' . '. ..., . '.... . ,\ \, " ,t ' , ,~h ", :.' <!h.' P~~~l~l'~.;iJi:'er.~1; o~.a:~ cot 1;Q.e 1P.~'~,t,8.\ h'~e1h ,~"ll~red"t~ ~~, ~ade\ 8hall~~00m.', ~..' d'a.'~G. plqabl...it~ou~ ~otl'oe,' Qr, ~ttaanG., ..t\~. 'Laud~r4&le BaDk," frpt Oo~ 1n,tl\~QUl ot ; ..... -,- '". . ", \ -. ""',' _ ," ,." \.l:" ~ . , ',1'$., Lauderdale, 3,tat. 'o'tn,o,rl~.' " I.' 1.' )" , , I, 'j I . . ,. -,\: -. .' i' \. ~ \. ~ \ ,. I , <:'.' '- ' \ , ~'.\ ::1 .' ., .;. ~ .... ." -: . .... .,.~. "-, _part7,c"f,~he'..~n4' pari,OOY.~~I,~",q1"~..,I',"" "... " '.~_ " L ' to 'pa7 '~lt&X.~,..~ll.n". ~4;-aae"8lIl.nll' ~loh shall b.' 1.~i7le"lell.,o~\1mpoaeO;,:'Q.pon:,: , ' . '. . .' "- \.'.. . '. . . . " '.. .~- -. . ..',' . ~ '. " . the, ab.OTe G:.sorlb~4. ,proper~7 ~ube'll~erit':1;o tht7.ar,'19U.- ',,' " ",' " . -' . ' . , Q-' " . . . . '.. ~ " ,,2~' ,It 'the ~t7 of the.eoond' pai'.11 ahail ~&lito"lIake.. 8117. p"lIlen~_ot taxes',.ll.u'or ;,' . . ':...':,\.... :-' ',' -'-". ., ''':- . :;..:, .~. '. , ", ~ "',-'. ",':': '., .. ~.. ,--.-.-' .-." .'- ..' ~:., ,: -., -'. <." ',)",;~ ., ., , assesslIlenta, ~he p&rtTofth~' t1r8~"Jh&l1' hay. the right"to:P"" ~oh :t.xe8, lUt~, or ,aQ8e8.1Ii~.,' ., " "'~-. : . ........ - ," ',...:' .' -. ' 'j"","""" '~""'::'.""" .~ " ',' '.-':'~ ....,~... "~.' 'w1,thO'a.t, ....,..,iDg ..qopt1:Qn,1iodeOlare~hle oontraot-tor~elt.o,,'O~~o, deolare' :th~.'bl.1ano.,or ~11', ' ._ .~,:. "_ '. ..:....~ ..,. .~:..' :.'., :" '.' _' . '."~"'" ."",.' - ',.' ',0.. ",.,'. .'~". q.;-". .:;.... ",.:' ....'.,.. " ...~' ':P1+1"ohas. prl~' for. ~ald. P1"Ope~1;7' dut, ..s 1:lere1D&n~r. t>ro.,lded, ,and'.u.pa1Dlen~.o.,ad" ])7th., ',;' , ", ,part~~;t ~he ~1.~~\" p~t '~1, ,b.ar 1n~ere8t' ~t, '1ib~ rate ~t. ~~g~1i' p,~ o,n~' pe~"'&mi~ ~~!Il:,~.hi' ' ., ' . . . , ~ ~-";:.:Lo~1;~1i~'~'Qt~~ '; :' .. ,'. . , .' ,,~.!hat ,U.', ahaU'beoonB1dered as' or't~ e8.,lioe ot, t~18'ooi1tr.ot, and that "1r 1;he - . . .' L' :-' '". ~. '. . .' '. . . , . . . ',. ' . . 'P~t1 o~ tbit' ..o~nd 'put 'lJhall' ,t:ah 'to _D- an7 pa~.n:tot prln01MlQr lJ1te1"i8' 'r.quired .he~-. ", .;.. . .=:~..:~;.2~~Erb~2~:::~:::~&2~:;::~. j~:::~~~2:::~:;~~::.;. ............ ...'.. a~. . oont:aot ma7be dfH'~ared, null ~n4: V01~.and.t~r.t'1"'ted, ',' an~ the ~art1' ot t~.~i,~8~,' p~rl,8l?eJ,i : '/.., "retain all' s\lll.o~ .cme7 pa'1d upon the ,pUrohase'prioe' ~or sa1d'la.n& .... .rental ~O~ ,1i,he use anG.. ", .' .". . ,.' ..... '. . , . po~..alion, bytb,efPU1i70t theiJeoO'~dPiU-t o~ 'tli~, .ald 1~n4. ~rl.ortot~~ ti.iDe~0~8~0~' ~taUi,~;. : '.' or, at the option o~the part7'0:f' ,the t1rstP&~~'l1POi1 detaULt in:tlle mating otll1Y suoll," . " ,. '. - .... ". , ,.'. '. . '" " ". . paJllent.o~' pr1.n01PI.1.~r,lhte~at 1d.thin thirttda18, ...fte~: tb.e same8hall b~()OllI.edue., or. 1,Ji.\tb:t',' ". ....., . '. .,.... . .', .... '. .' - .'., , .. event '01' cl81'aUlt ~n t~e'per.t01"lllJUoe 01"' &n78Uoho~o...enan~. .t1~a'~lon,o~oonditlon Ot,th1.: . _ , - , _ . . .... ..... . ' . , ',l, . . . . ". ' ~. '.. . . . . "oon~raot" t~e entire. b&1~O" re~i~~Wlpa~,dup~ntb~ purohae~ pi~oe,ror,,~aidlfU1d~~" the, ~~e, ,,' " o~.suOh def'ault eha1.l1Ii11u;lCl~ate17 b,e0 OIIle, d.ueHfJld pa1lblEtw1.thou~ ~otloeto.or demand upon, the. '.~. .' - .... ", ' " ,-.. . . . - . '..' ". " '. . .. .. . . '. - ' . . . .' . ~ . . '. " " : , . , . .' ", .,......-.. , .' -' . . ' ". '..' . PU~7ot, ~~;.eoondpaz't, e.nd -7 ,b.'torth"i~h, oolleotld,b7' ;t,oreolosurertpl"()oe.111ng., orb7..., . '" ~ " '. ,'., ~.:.. . . - ".' . .......,... ..... : ". ': _! ' . ,..' . . ',..:' . ~:. ..: th.1;wIut~t1on,ot ~an,y other su1t c>r a01;~on autbo:r~zea: b7 law.. . ., ., . . . . , ',4. .I~ the event of: def'~ult ,llL thepa,m.~t!)t~ ~. ot :mon'7 1'811Ulredto, b,' paid und~r' ,th. te:nile ~~th1s' oontraot;, b7 ,the :part1 ot,1i.be . seoon,d Part, orth.t~lW:e,.ot t~ep~ty.ot.th' '. S.O~d,:partto~ertorm all8 oOTe~to,X" ~UP'4au.on ~~ th~8 oontraot. w1~hlnth1rt14a1SD:ert' atter such P&11Ienteha11. b., due 01' ~uoh per~o~no. requa.d;, the part7 q,rth...oolid P.rt . ' - ' .' . , '. - , '. >. ~' ". ", I. . ",' . . oovenants &lid &gr... toP&1 ..11 ooat. ano.. dpenah whioh II~ be lnourred by ~he' party ot the . . '. J ". . " " ", ,. ~_' . . '. ___~'__ " ,.,' ....' .'. . -~- --tl..t-pan--1n- entol'01li8 oo~leot1on- 0~-.a1d-'8um .or 1Il0nej' 0,": per~onanoe of thi8 oontraot b7, : , " ' .' , , . . ' ' r \ . euit or otherw1..,..lnoluc11ng It ",asOnaUi attorne7~S:r... ' ' I " , . / ,All oonnants a.nd agN.metl.t. hereinoont&1n.d ehlll extenG. to and b. obligatory uponth., h.lrs, lecall'e1fHe.nt&Uve. and' ass1&U ot the respeott...e partiee hereto. , . \\ . . .: ~ \ . .' , ."' " :1 ,'the parti.. hereto ha.,. exeouhdthls 1i18truDlen~at V.ro. J'lorlda,' the . ( f wrl tten. " f '/ , I TBJ: CANALLUD8 C01tPbr , ~.. -, 'lI!; '. -- . ;- :.- ~''''';'''"", c~-~-"~'-'-;-'=:.--:--'~'~-r1' I t'.L~kr7 f. \ <<'- .