HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1547 ,a'36, .1, 'I ,/, , -/ I. ~' . , I I 1 , J ,'. , I 1~, ,j',I) ,P ,. . ' i ' , . . f " , r 1', l' 'I, f. 'I.' 'I~!' ',('.1 I' -' , " ' , ."[ I , l' " I' .' " I I' ' " . \ I', I' . 'r :' .,: : I'. I - :::-:;:: .;:!::.-::~ ,:+r::-.::,:;:,'Z.:., ~ ,;. ;:o.:~~.,:,:.;:-:;:~ 4:-::;::;' ~:I:':'~~:~:1.,~.:t;:;;;.:.;.:~::;;:;;:::.;C~;"'-'~::-:'::"":;:'~,::~;.,t,.::;~;;:;_::;;;:;::-:;-::~:: ~..;.: ~~:..:.::1ft~;:;-;:;:;.'t I I '.' I't,'. ,.J '. l' 'I '," '1 ' I .' "l".,:,It>T,TO.~;I.&r'fI~',.i ..~I; ,-TO". I" r I" ~'T.\Tl'REES<<'. I, -+I~.ul-T ' 1'\ \' ; , . ; \ ':, I' ., I' II; i ,; \, . I ' ,~' t. ., , ,'POWER . . '5 Q~'l \'.. . . _ATTOlUfEY _. \ .It .'".! . . ., .,;\ \ . ,I 1 .xBOW ~L I4EJII~Yi ~HESE ,:P'a~~N~S""!~t r~e, 'OT, TOJt.:~. and I AD~I. ll: W.. , KAHN, \~~~'~1t~~~ 0/ ',.< \ ' 1, I 'I " " .' '\" . , " 'il ' I " I; , ,.,' " .I'. ,', I ' . \'" ' , l{ewY~rJc city, S~a te ot B,ew tort, 'do' herebl.bllke, oonstitut,e ,am flPpolnt T., T.' REES~, ot weh . . " -~a1.JIiDela~h ,'~\~~ .)~a~~ C~~t~,'i'1~1,Id~~'0~r"t,~e an~ 'l.Wful ~"tofPe~, torU8',~~ :Cion o~~~'.; 1, ~18.0e 'b.~d .'~~d,'~o inegotla~e; gran~, Ibarga~ \~d 'Q\el~ to a~'Oh perso~. oi:' per80~~.:oorpo~a.Jlon' ": ",.", " \ , " , ",,'" "':' , I ' ' ", \," " 'o~ooJ'Pol'8.t'10'ns, at the Pr1'o~ or Ode ttWldred'T~Ol1,aand'Doll.i:a'(~lOO.OOO) net t'o,u8,on te~s~ ' '.'..... .,'\",..' . c '. "." -',' ." , . \, '. ._4 ._~ \". \ _ .' . ". _~.'..' . - "'. . , ~ \'. '.',': . .;' , " tweri,ty p~r ,~ent' (26~)' ,oa8h,~d ;the, b~i.an.oe: Olla, ~W~., ,thre'~ rnd' four ye'are, with,' 1n't~re,8t ~1'~ i , '," ,,' \ '.. . ' " '" " , "'" , ~1Jl:per oent .per~-annum. peY&\',l.e' Bemf~aimuallJ., du.lis:eoure~,bY val1d~ :1'1rst liens .o.n the ~a~d , .' - \. .... ,'. .' . \., - . \. '.\ \. . :~.' " ',;" ~", OJ .' '."> .. ~ . 'property.', .~hetollo..,1ng deeorlbett.1&nds a1 tuate 1n', the "'ounty of St.. Luoie', st.t$.:.'ot~ior1da,. "',: ..- , \", \, '~,~ \,1 . \' to,wlt: .', ... , , . . ~ , . 0' ': -.-.- . , ,', "', Traot 1. . ...' -.,';t 32;)Outh',o~ Rangtf, 40, Ea~t. , . Government Lots Four,. Five and 'Sl~(4. ~. ,ai;1d 6)' .~~aeot1~n' Bl~ht8en rie,.:, ToWJ:lsh,1p .'.~' .: '.~ \ . - .-' . , .' .' ~ - .:; Traot 2.' , .~. . , .' .' . - -'" - .' "" ", . . . ~. \ . ';,' 'OomiiMt~01~ at,'t'he'Jlorthwe~t ~~rper 'ot ,Lot 'lhre.e (~)Seo,tiOn.'l:~elv.;: (12).. Township' 32 . ' - , south ,or Rilnge ~9Eas,t.. ~;East:46 QhdJi,B' to ~iiv:ntio' Ooean; 'thel1Q~~outh 'al,ong 8a~4, Oo,~.an . :.:~ ae'~obn~!lety (~'O) ~7.~~~'; , thei1b~ 1;~,8't pa;r~llel :Q' 'first l1~e; 4a 'o~a,.nt!J,m~r. ,O~'i~8$",:to,.In~~~n! Rh6r;. th~qe,lorth alonB- sald ,rh~r'nln~t1 (~O) yards. in~re Orleasto p01nt of beglhn1ng,. . . ..". --. . - ,-' . . , " . -." . " t. ,be~~, " p'.art:Of ,lot '3. ~eO~1on 12,; Townahl? ~~, .Sout,h. its.118e ~9E.s.t;'an(t.pari of, ~ots Thr'ee;' ,and F~ur (~' and 4) ot Seot1on .Seve'~('1). Tow.ns!llP.~'~OiQu:tb;aange 4l)' East~ a,nd oontatnQ~ng Q"" . '.~ ,r " , tWeniy, aoree. more or ,lees. --'Traot a' - . . '~, ..., .. 'c' ,,) ,:,'.,',..., ,,' , ~. .. " , ',Lo,t~~e 0 i.Seotion ~l~h~een (~t :l','Of. S.6otl0'n,lSl.in' ~l0Wl1Sh1P, 32 Sou,th"or ital18e 4Q , Ea8t :o'f~heT8llahas~e. Medd 1anFlorlda...,oontabi1n.g~. 92 aores. ao'oording to ..the Qifiolal,: plat of. the survey otsa1~ 'land l"eturned 'to t be ' G~l;le'ral' L8nd" ottic,e 01' th~ surYeyor~GeJ1f,)ra'l'. . ~. 'Traot. 4. ". . Fraotional Northe!lat' Q)J.arter ,otNortheast '~arter (NE~1/4" of Nt-l/4) ,lting East of , J, .' . '. , Indie.Ji,U vel'. ot ~eot1()~ Th1rt"en. (13). ,Townsh1pa2' south~ flan.g~ ~9 ,East. . . ,'rraot 5. . .~ Go'vernment Lot Two (2) ot ~eot10nSeven .(7), Township ~.2' ";3outh,'Rt;U1~'40 Ea8t~' , ~raot 6. -~ - ." ;:. OOrnmenolng:o.n ,the range, line ~1.7~ o~a1naNorth ot the Southwes:t Oorner of, Seotion' , . , . . Se,en(7); rr:own8h~p '~2 :South, Range 40 E!1st at thf:t' land :'of 1{. D'. taHoo~e ; theno8,ge> west 1'2~5' , , ohains more o,r le.8stothe'In41an~lver~ thenoe1'Un North ~o~ the bank ot,88,idr1ver ninet1 , , , (~Ol1"rds - to the l&nd line 0 f land roraeriy owned b1 W.' 'R.Sande:-a J .thenoe ,East totheAtlan tic. " t . .." .' -.. ' , . yoe9J1 47 .ohafns, qio~e orl,.eee; thanae' .~outherl1along' the, 'ooean .de'&ol-i ~~ the aaid .t. B,. 1&."100h8;' , 11ne; boOing oppoe1tethe 'p011li 'of, commenoement; thimoe West along ,sald l1ne34.5 oha1,ns . to the point '6t beg1nning;' b'e1ng ~ p/;rt o~ LOt ~, Seotion i2:'to,wnahi.p~2. -.Jouth 6t'~{ange ~9,Eaat; 8lld ' -- '. - -------...----~_. -.------........-- - .,." - -alLot Lots Three and Four (3!.and I) of' ~eo~10n,~even'(7)".ToWnahip 32 South ot R&l18e jO.~a8t.. oon'aining20' aores. ~ore or bu. \ ' " "'I 'Trao t 7. 'i, , . The South Fhe al11 one-halt (~-lJ2)'aoree ot Lot, Three (3) Station Twehe (12). ,Tow~ 'I t ship ~2 South. ;tange 39 East. ' i Traot 8. I li.lao tho ~ast trao tot. iam' beg1nning at the, .:jouthwest, oorner of Seot1on' 5even (7). and thirt)'-....n (37) links; thenoe-i.li:aet to the Atlantio Ooean on 'a line ~&J"alle.l w~th tho .'- . " , ......-r,--~ '