HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1549 !' ' I I' I ' ~3'~!"CL!I~~'~,', i. ,',,! ...'!"~!, 'I~"t'ru · ',J,', , > ;,':, /,<', , ' , ' " , I. '. (.. f:r ,#. r " ", , 'I ", I ' ~ ' , " . I , ,,~t:::-~':::~7.}.r';-~'-:;~~':;~I:~~-;:~;C~~~;~~::-~:::;:"~:;':.~::.;~;;::.;;;:;:~~;~~;~~:;::=~:.~~:::=~t~;;;::;'~;'~~'~~...~t~f7;::Ji~:'-~~-:, '~l. I I ~ijE~\r,CER~U.y .th~t~o~ ith1~,~ai P8f8Qna.liy,aPi'ar~4. 'l~~~o.relme~i a:n ottlper d~~~ , Ii"~ 'Il' ,..1.' ,all tl\lOr11,d ,1;0 i~d~1lf~~t~r o~~~s\ 'a~ ta~e"aOknOVll~dsments,. O~~W'H'. ,KA1Ih\ '~~\ADl?IEI,Vi.\ KlJlN Ii :h~8, ,\', I \ " ", \ " L "W11f~ ," t~'Ino:weil }\llown ~o\be the .\perfJO~8 de8\o~lb'ed. 1ft u,nd. whoexeo~ted"the\ for~gol~ 'fowe,r;~~r;', I I :,t.,'I,' \ 11 " ~ \, \ " .,\, ",'" ,,' .' , '" \ , " " , , ' ' ' , ' : \ I \ , " I, ' ", ' I'" :: I Attormy, a~ qloknowledged' bero~e lml;t that 'they exeputed the sainetreely end voluntarily': to r th~1\ " " ", ,', ' 'I - ~. o. I' ".',' , ~'o \,' I', '\ ' .- "pUrposu,thar~'tii expreued. ',- 1.1' , '.. "" ' 0 I' ' , ,'0'. \. " , , " " " ' I . \ I' ' ',' , '. \ ,",' '\, , '" i, Nf~ I .~H~nCERTIFY~:,-tha~y~e'S&1d ~DlE ,W."KiJ:Qf,1. .Jt.nownt,o me to',be ,~thi~w1f~, ot the:,;, \ '.'. '.' . . ,- \ . - '.: \. .....'.. . , , 's8.1d OTTO H. KAHB.' on 'a,'sepa'rate:andpr1vate' <<;xam1n'at1ontaken and ma.de')>y eJid- before :me, eep.< i . \. . - - . . - ~. ", .' \ .: _ ' " \" _.: '_ '. _' " ,. _ ',' -.' . _ -" -. :'. '. ": . .. ~_' \ .,"_ ' " ".' . \ ~ 1 ~ .:.', "uatel,y and, apart fr9m her,'aa'1d'husb'and/dld 8OknO"le.l~e that she made' he,rself ,a party to t~~' , . , . -. - .' . - '-.--:- ~ ,. . , . .' . . \ . ", to~~g01ng' in'~t1'Wll~nt'.forthe. pwo~e' ot' author1zirii,'and e~pow8r'1,ngher' ,'~81d\att,9~e~ 1n t:a~t '. \ ; : 'to . rerio~~et' re11nqulsh and' iionveyall' herr1g~~.' t1 tl~ ltM 1~te~'s~.' Wh~'tl1e~ ot 'dowe1', b9.~e- . ~ '. - ~ . .... . -, . , . . . - , . . ...... . .' "< " '. . . '. .' \ . .' . '.~' " . . ,',' . --.- . -~ . . " . '. . . . . '. ~tead or,of separnte,pr,o~rty, ti'te.tu'to~y or e~U1table~.1n ~D4,t:o"the, la,n<is:~88orlbed,there1.p,,: , :and th~ t ,she e~eou1;e'~'~'he a'oov!3 'en~ 'roregOs,~ 1nStl:Ome,nt .:tredy ~d v'olunhrlly,' and w'itbout, .. .' . '. .' ,. . ".. .~. . . " . -- -.' " . .'; ~ . ",-' .... .. " . .'. . any o'ollipulsi.orl oo~stralnt, 01' '.ar or or frollher .-$a1d h~sband',. " . -'. '~.- .--... ~ ". ~' . . .. - ..'. . . . .' ..' . '. ' , ' i'lITNtsS, mthand, eJid ottlOia.). seal,. at New YO,J;'k GUy, 1.1 stud . ,". .......'.. ],.,. . . . - '. .' -.-' . ---:' :t.- ., ; ~. .' \ (;oun~Y'1md"sta1;e ,th~', ",2nd day: or K~;Y ~ 1.n'- "1924 ~ .' :"...:..1..- .\ '-.' , ' \. , '" ,'0' ::- : 'N~tart Pii~~~~' ~ta~:\l~t N~W"Y~~k , ' 'J4r' oomm1sE!1on exp,iresf," ' " . ,". ,... "ifotaZ')1' Publio, ' Kings' Cqui1ty " " Ce'r1li:ti(late t11o,d i~l,UewoYor~ ~o~' ,:~ :;::r'.Kln.-..Co~No.197. K. Co.' ,,' "neg~-:-'lio.5055 lle.'/ York Co. ,llo. 96 " "B. Y. Co,,- Reg. No. l)11.3'..'1.{y 001%\- ,m1ssion. expires M~ 30, 1,92D ~ . ~ ; .~ " .", -.f. -----,.- ..' , " STAT~ or liEi'i YORK '. J' COUNTYGFNE,'1 YoRK ,) , S,81 ..' , 'I: : .i-lmREBYCERTXFY:tl!at'on"th1s d&~personall;y '~'ppea.re~ b8rO~~DUi an ottloer, duly au-. " 'thodzed to administer oaths arid t~ke aClQ1owled~ent'8,' OTTO Ii'. KAlUtand A.DDiE w.l::A1m, his ~wife ~ to lIle well-!tnown to bathe IH~r~'on'8,de80'r:l,bed : 11'1' ~nj Wii?~'xeo~tQd ,:the'. f()~ego.~nf! ~ow~~. cot': , " . ,'4ttorri,e'y, and' a O,knowle !lged ;befoJ;'e ,me:tl\at ~ey' 8,x,eq,ut~d the. ,ea~e' treely and' ~oiUlitaI'lly~o.r , " " the p~rpoee~ t\1ere1n:expre'8sed ~ .nliD I F.JRTHER CERTIFY, that the stJ.id'bDDIE71. K.i1JiN. ioiownto,m8'to'.~ the wire. of, ~' , , the sa.id OTTO H. K.i..ID\. ~n a seParate a.nd private exa.mine.tlon t,akenan~a8.de,oy ,end, /,)eto,~o'me. separately a.xid aPart' from hep said husband, d1d a'oknowledgebhat sheOmad~'herself a llarty '._. ., _ .' ' ._. . .,< '. , ,1. . .' '._' .. _'. .' ._, , . to the roregoing :lnetrmEmt't,or,the pur.pos'e of authori~ing and:empoweJ;"lll8'her 8aid. attor~ey in -, !aot to renounoe I 're~1~qulSh, and 'c~nvey uilaer~igh.t, tit,le, and ,.tUtere':lt , wOe,the r <> ( do''''e.r,' , , . '. ."' .-' . - . . homestead or ,or " 'sep'ara teproperty ,statutory or equ1 table, 1n aPd to the lands deeOl-1bed , '.- '. - '. \ , . . - t~ere~J1,and the.~ 8he.execu~e~ th,e ,abOVe. I.:nd ,toregoing ,1nstl"llll1ent f:ee11 and v.oluptarllr, and , w1 thout ':en)" oom'pul,s1ori. appreh.ells!.on'.. oonstraint or 'te~r>OrOl' '1'rom her ,sa1d husband. :~ . \ ,. '. '. . . . ~ ,', \.' WITNESS my hand' and otrioial ~eal a,tNe,w Yorjl; 111 said County and State. this 13th, , ,'d~y orJUhe. A. 'D. 1920,. " ", H~~\~bit:~l St~~eOf' bew, Yo.rk:" _, 14,oOmmiuionexp1res: ' Jotary Publio, Kings County. Certificate fl1ed1n llew York Co. .. KintsCO.No. 189 K.Co. Reg. no., 7920.,' li.~ Yorltco. No .36 N. Y. Co. Reg!it710lJ. l.{;y oomm1ssic;n expires Mar. 30. L27 I., , , ' ~tate or New York. , County or Hew Yort, ~ ) I s.: '/ I, JAKES' J... DOllEO.oJf. Ci.erk ot th8 Cou.nty or U.w York, &. m I &1so Clerk or the Supreme, " / " , Court ,1n and tor 8&.1d oounty. I' DO CERTIFY, ~ ',t said Court is a Court ot aeo rd. 'haV11~ b/-y, law aeeal; that I ,"Eugene H. Faul who.e nace 18 ll.:.b80ribed to the e.n~xed oertitjoate ox' proot 01' aCk~owledgment, ~ ~,