HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1550 , , J' I ' . I. .. .:.', '1l_..~_-:-~,:" ~~.~,~l:_:,~: ~:,' ~,7. ::,Xl:':~',:-~;J _I ~::,-,:~-.:~,t:;:.~-i~~:.~~:..::.:;~::;;:~:;.:;.-;.:::~-;:;.'..~.;.~--;~,- ~~:.....;,~~:.._'.:;~':<~-;,~:;:-:.:-~;;,.,.~'=':::::::::};;:~~~~'';':: , \ ; I I' I . I.: .1, " ." , I:, I , I: I" '; I ,I" \', " I ' .. ' : d '(,. \ :'.: "11 ~ttht~~'X.~, l~.t~en~1 ~a8.'..1i ,the ,I time':of ta~~~th~: ~8fllel a ~~ARY "l?U8~~O~ a~t~~~~,Il,n~. ~o,~. ' I, r.. '~a1d opunty" ~uly o~rr.m1s~i~~U~d a~" ~w,olrl), and 'q~al1tl.d, to. ao~JaB 'la\o~;~tih8.t . ~ ~half. t'u~~ in ~ne:' ': ,,', " 'i, I \'; ," ,'\ ,', '\ ',' \' ,\ ' , . " \, . :'1 '\ O~.~k'B O!t10e~Of ~h8 .C~U)1~Y\ of Ne.'l:or~\\a O'~,t1~led\; oo.p~', Qf h~~ ,,~.po"D:tl~nta~ \tl~,1~fi,obl08'.',' \ .~\' as Uotary 11lblio f~~ the ,Cp\.U1\Y of K11l88 wi tb h1e, autograph '\8 itnafUr8;\ t~t 'a8 ,Uoh Notary' MU'o ' ; , ' , .' ,I , _' \ . \ . i ' _ \ . \', \ ;' he wa~ duly,authorized ~, the l~w. 9t 'the State Qt.N.w,Yor~to p~oteet ~ote8i ~o'~ake a~ oe~tl~ ',',; \, " \ I',' '. \ \ ~" ,." '", " '; d$POs1t'i~n8: to \adm1h~8ter oatha 'and at:tirl,l\6t1'o~; -~b',talC. aff.id~v1t8 and' o,er~1fy the ao,~owied'J. . \ ,\ " \ \ '\', I ',\ \ \ ': \ ", ,\ . " , " , , I , mentam p reoto"! deeds and othe'r written lnstr-wnente '.for lan48,'tenements and .heredltllment~, ~o' , " :.' .,' " \ .. ..' ' '.; " '," , " \ ',' ", '.' , '\ , ' " .', ,:, " j ,b~ riad1n'...,ldeno.. or r.eoord~d in ,th18stat~; and' further.. that 1, am well' aoqu.a.int~d ,!lth ,the '). I \' \ " ' '.' , ,\'., , " '.,' .C_" , .. \,.., ' \, \ \ ' " _, ' i'~' , . , 1, haJ1d' wrfting or Suoh 'liotuy Pu.bi1~ and v'tJrlly\ believe' thai; h1s '$1,gnatur~ to',8U.oh proof or aOk';' ' \ " . , '" . ....,.,' . \ : . \' ".., .... . ~ . , . '.=---------===--- .' . \ , nowle4gment ,1"gellU~~e., ' .', I'N n8Tl:~OuY W~Mbt"i,:lULV~ he~unt(), 8~,t, '..nIY' h~ ~d' ,~ttiXedthe se'lil, ,or 'said CoUrt' " ". ,\ ..' \ . at theC1 tY, or N~w York', 1~ ,t~ County or Net' ''york. "t~dll,.15 d&7 ot.J.une i9~:. .'.1\1 :,'\ : If \ ' ,~ %, , '.I ~; ~:\ . ~ 'I' /' ,'. ,0, "'" ".,. . : " ,J. , ~' ' , t, F f. i ~' [, , ! ~ ,. " , , .i ':t ), ! , ':, 1i' [ . . 'ii' '13a~ f' .', ! I. ,f, I I) ~\_l 1 ' , i l. I . . ; I I ,;.10, I,,' , \ . .. . ',- : j .:A~ Don&,gan Cler~. , ' . ' , , , i .'~ i':iled~ r6t' .~O'ord. ~hi~. June 2a,~ l~ 25~ .~O:~l' ,A~> y..C\~"" ',' ,,', ,',._, ",' ". . Rereoorded.~ . ,~\. "P." C. Eldred .' , ., ~" .: " , ." . , :. " ",:." - ~ ,.' , -aerK C11'Qu1 t CoU~,\. ," ~. " Se '1':. '~~FP' ..'.,.. ".BY~'AZ'.' .....J.~.D.'C.' ...' ..,., ~': ..' ",G. ...',.' '," '," ," ,~,' , '~._____ -- :--- -:--____ _,;,__,!,___':~..":.' ~.._~ ..:_-'-:,0- ~ ~ _~..,.,:-~ _ ~:--_ _..,~_ ~_y:" _ -: + '~ ,!C),', " WBDJ(IT '~~o~om :.. 1. .mrSSKL'L ,i .,., {, D,A.! 'x':,'- ~ .. ,,'C" . , , "." f ~ .' . 'I,ST~ OF FLORIDA, ',.~ , i. QOUn~70tS~,. .~lel > , ,,' , . . . , . '.., .".. ',' . ' : ", ~::"On'tJ:ll. 41V,p'1'80n&l~~ .PJea;r~~bero~ ..e Ji..J'~"~~~'~bo, bel.liB, by' ....t~.t,_:q..._,. , up..'.' &n4 ....,.., that he 18 the sr&Z1d.on or 8U1an Walker au.ell, 'th. grt.nteein. a pat_ent :' ' ':, ':" ': .', ' ,'. " '. ' '\,'.. ":",,',:", . .', . .. .__~r:, ' '... ;tr_ th8 U'n1 te~ 8,ta t4t. 01'-' Aa~l"loa t~ 8_~W.u.r lu...U, a~OOrd1nB' to p&~.J),t :r,oorded,in '>>eel ;',: " ' " ,.., " ,,' " -,., ",',' '.' '., ,'.', " " ',' "'. '. ",., .1 ~~~ a!~, atp~" ~7. Bre..-ari.OountJ';norl~ BeQ9:1'da"~aJ1d, ~~1&nttur.tbA1""~&r& that ~e ... pe~oD&l17 aqU&~t.d Wi th', SUilazi P. llus.e1'1..----nt"i1:Sned' 1n ,the pett ~lon t11ed in, >>88d, Book ,II!", it. t ,p&gi646~'B"Tir.z.dC~.7, nO~1Ga:a.ooi"dIJ" t~t 'SURn '&U:~r,~.ellan4 su~~.' Rus.ell ,l.t~ : ~h" beet ~t hi. mOWl',Gg.' &~dbell.t"on.'&Ild;,th8~_eper.~~': " . . . '..Jo. ,tua8.~1~ , ': " , Sworn 'to aD4: 8ub.Ol"ib.db.~01"e.e: : ~1. the 2.,th4i.7 ot'.. ,'1926., . A. R. 8t.nrt. " , c '! 'ot&17 PubliO' ~Or' the 8taho~' norld& .'.1 ' ." QCiaa1..10n 'Jr,lliJ'e. ,Deo. 19, 1928. . ,. . 4' .' ~. ,- . , , .-, 'p . ',," Jliied'&t;id r.oorded~i:i thi,'a the' 17th4q: of iUne,1926,at 101,02..&.... : ": . - . " ." ," . . . ' ", . " . .-' . . ',P. C~Bl4l"ed.: 01erk ClrouU COUl!~. B7 ~. /JtudIBPf~.:f).O'" -: ~\~~ :. ~e~~ , . ~~ . ...~c? ~ r -I . " '. ::...,-_:~.....-'=--.,---_..------ ~#>= 11 ,c.~,~:~{;:. -'__';;,;' ~~