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' , '. , " .'.., 1 I .. ! r.1gbt~ title, int.~r'8t .&l1d'le8tate'~1 '.'{'l"S:l.OD, rema1~1ler anti ;e,..em'll~hh,retQ ~e16~ng \O~' In . . }; 'I I" '\ ',' ' \ \ ' . , ' " " " ( : ,I ., , ; a.D:IW189' .a~~ert..\n~: ", \ .! \ , ,', " L . ,.\', {.', I,. ; ,\ -,r " .:' " I I . . ' ',' " \ , " ,. , \ I"" , \ i ,\ :\' .: i II, f:,', \ ,fO,'iq.~ Alfl), ~'HO~t\1e.~.~n f" ~1apl~'ro:r~V;'r~\' ,., ,:. ':., ,", '.." ,I I,\. " ,1~{ \ ".T'.'. ,An~ th..ald~t~,Of th~ fir,.~ ~.rl; Il\Ith'~onlWit w1'~ th..l'i<1.>>art74t,th4 .....d 1lM'1; \. \ ..~hat\-1t'~81.a..roi7. 8,obed,01'.\the .a~4 pr:emlse,.~ that th~1 a.:r.,tree. fiom ~~,lno~b:l:'ano.8" .~4 . \ \ . \ \' \ \ . ". ." ~. . \ '. . ,- . . .: \\ ' that it Aa8g00~' rl~t andl laWM au~hOr1ty, 'to' 8~11. the, same, andthe~\...i4~ putT ,o1'the..1'l):'~t' ,',' , ~ . . ~ - \ . '\. . -,' . . - . . -'. ',' . \ ~rt. ~o.s'hereby' fw:ly wa~ran't. the tl-tJ.O to _alG: land, andwii1de1'~n~ the .am~ '~8."n.st ,th,. : " -.....' . .~. - '." . , \. " \ '- . , . 1aw1"ul, ola1ai.. of aii per80ns 'whomso-ever." ' . ..',' '- .,. i' " .'..::":,,.'. ..,., '..,\, ; \, \,1. ' \'.' ..," '"r;, ',' ,.,' , ,.:-I~'WI~~a ~HBQO~ ib.e8~.~dpar:ty. of ~~e fuo8t. part.' h&8'oa~edttlese.p~8ent~ 't~' ~e. ~~gned. \, . '. ," -. - - . \. ~ ". - . . " ., . ".' \.. . .'.in 'i,ts D8a~ by. U8 V1~6.-Prea1d,ent.., ;8Dd.1te oO~01'&te.8eal' to ,be att~ed.,.ttested"b7 its ", . . . ." '. . - ". .' . - . , . -- '.. . ',: ,'. . T~o~s~e ,the~~8.J?d" ~ar:';'~ove' ~1 tn~. ': . , , "., '~~' " . '. . . '. '. - ," . .,( orp. --Seal;), , ' 1,1 ;',\ , \ \, ,'1, ; -' ,~T~D~&'~~oqMPm~. · , " , \. "orge MoIntosh :.,.. ",'" Vioe-President. .' ..- ; 81gbe4." 8e~ edan~. delivered in our pn8eno,: ' , 'Wllllam '..tRansen., ," , :1&r~tL. JtoIntolh. ',' ..... ~' . ':'. \, .: ',(.~60 ,1~~.Stamp '09.n.)' ,I . I '. " . Si!ATB OF " BE'f' YOU ' .... , . . ,'OOUl'f'l'Y OF HEW YQ~~ :' . . , -, ", . ", .;- "' '="'- .' ~hereb1, 'o.rt11"tth~ton' th1Q29thda.1 01' KaY ,AitD.:).925.'beior.e me per~oriali,appear~4. '(1 ~ "', .... ." . ,'- ~ . . . .... Georglt>MolJitosh an~" Oarl B.E1mer reBpeot1ve11V1oe-PreSlden1ianl1'T~eaaure~ ot Am8te~, ~. .' . ~. -----'-"-- ,-- - .'-.- . ." , . " - '. '" . -..,. ", - " ". . . .... -.... ',- - . ... . Dev'~opllent &8ales Oonip~, a 'oorporation under t~e, laWsot,theSta11e'o1'N~.. ,York,. time mown.. and mown,t~Dle to,~e\ t~e"p.r.~n's :.d'8o~1be'd 1i1',a:ndwho,'e~.oui;d ::the1'~regoing oonTe'7anOe~'o, ." . - - .' . .. . - ,. ... . '." . . . ~ ". . . ." . . Irene 'B.. Kueean4 'Severally aolO1owle48edthe exeouUonthereotw be'thelr 'rJ'ee aet' :and'deed'~", '. .' .'~" . '.'. .:""".: 0 '. ::", - -". '. '. .' .' '.'...._. ,:.,";' '. ~ ';' .':. .r'.' . ~uoh or~1,oe:l!s,1'o~~~_!3.~and.PurPose8th.re:i.n:,ment1oned. ,~o..that .~h~1at1'~e~ th~re~o,the' . of 1'101 &1. seal .Ot8a1~. oo~porationand "the 'sa1d l~trum.',l1t '1a\th~ aot and deed otS~d' oci~Orllt.1on.' ,: , ,',~TliES.8 .ID7" 81gna~ur.". ando1'tlo1~' 8'~ 'at Mew Y~rk 'Ol:1;Y' in: the Oounty Of. .New YO~k anti ~tate ; ,o~ lfew.Yor:!t' the .4a7 and 1'l'; 1...1;: &toreBald. . . !. . . " . Goo. W~' ,Kese . , ~ llOT.lRY PUSLIO. ". ", ' . , , Ne'ir.;YorkOoW\t7 NO.' 167 ,Reg1ster's NO.70S, ~oomrA1s81on,eJ.CP'1r.s Kar'~h30t 1927..' ~. '.. ,,' . ,;. , ,118d and reeorded on thi8 the: ~thday o1'J'uJ1e,19~5~ lot 10;25: ~.il.' . -~-- - \~ .' .' . P-.. C~.,Eldred,. Gle.rk, ClroU1~ Qourt... .\\e~ -oJ e{\ '. , . o~G' . , t.c:) fJ " , . 0 . . '.. '. "'.. .* * it< * '" ,,",, * .. '.. "'. "'* .. .. ,0. . ,Jti '. .. '" . '" '" *.. .. '" '11;>'" . .. .. '" .. .. ",... ",. * '. . . ~. ... · · .. · .' · · · · · · · · · · '-" - .... · · · · · ...... · · · .. ''3-'.-' .'.. -aa'. .- .... .. . a... .': , ! - .' - ,. . . .. -- -'-~. , B7.~ ~,{i~ D.,O. ..".".,""'.ij',.,.." ',;" ,. .'- '. ..."..'. .;; , . , .AKSTERD.UFDBVELOPKEliT A .SALEs '00. !fO W.A.LTERM. "MOHR " /; WARB.A.BTY DUD' /; , THIS. IllDDTURB, m.aae thl. 29th dA;yO~Kq,A. D,. ,1925. ---- BKTWUll jaat'er4am Development and 8al.8 OOlDPIU11i a oorporat1on ox18t1118 unu.er ,the laws 01' . -' .... < - '.'. . . .'. I , ,"" .' ' . I i the State or :liew York and duly:re611te1'Od in the Sta"te' o~J'1orid:a.. hulns U, pr1nOlpUplaoe' at " " ~ I- -.: . , . _ _ , . : I ~ . . ' buulnei. in the 01t7 or New tOrk, Oountyo1'.Ne. York, and State or He. YO~k, 'p~t1 01' 'th,.~1'lrst ;- . . J .A fl' _ ~ ' [ '", I... , .. ... .. . . par , an er 0 Re8ti.d1P8 at., 2899 'a;Lentine ATenue, ,~ ~6-'County of' Bl"onx ~d ;3tateor oi I . . .--.....-----------,...-...-- , I ...., .w . i, '; :,,'.!'.,..c.:." ".,.'..' ',~"i;' '.'.' ' ~ ..~ :\..... New York part7 of the aeoondpart, . 'I ..,."