HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1562 t I Ii j / I . I ' t" I I') I' I' ' , ,__ ' . I""'\;i;';" ",I " I { '11, ", 1_-'-r2,I, . I' ,.:-, 'I " 'I , , ' I,' . " I " 1.0, , '1' ' , I : , , ~.:t>.J'~-;:~';~~:'-'I":!':~!::' .;,:~:~.:~.; ,:.::. '~1'~'~:"'>~~':::' ..;::.:.l't::~,~,::~~:.~~.:~~~~::.. t::":~~::';::::'~:'~f'~':'~~:;:;=;;':=;:'~ :::::::::\:L;~,"~~:~~:i-t~~::t:':::~::;";;~=~"l'::~i':;;::':': !.' :'. If': ,,", It 1~ ll1U:tuail'r~deJ;.t~,d' ~dt SBr.."d theJt it..~' o~e~ ;o~' ~wb .010 ~o~, oon~'1po~ J>lot~, ,',\1: ! I. \ ' I " ,l I,' , .' .' I,., ,:. ,I I I, \" 1\:" '\' "l! .,em, th. ~~p \he~~~~b~~d~: ~s~~1be4' (l~~lrea."to ~~~~e I&~d' If\>te. ~,,~n. Plot~ \t~t ;~n ~o (&r ... I' : 1;\ 'i, auohIPon'(6:'~~ ,10~' ...o~no~1'I1e.. ,\hO ,~ore~~.g 'OY'llU~',o:rr..hl~~~'" 11"7 ~. oono~ru.\ '..'\ t,!?! .\ r'as'a'pplY1D;s.toa 81Ilgle\llQt. '- \, . \ . . ,~ " · :'(!HO'h~ herein Cio"~~'fed~~liuonabued ~or~4ul~n.ro';;'1l 'thor.h ~ ~;'l~tl."", . :: - '.. I. on\ ,tl\e P..r1t7,o~,the t:~8t \p~.., ~b auoO.S8o~8.\Oras,8f~,t\,o r"~lo~ Ji1~m~.lr -ll'PI6...1J~.: ~. ". I \ ~01ir owne(or th,at '-7 heraatte;l\be ownec1 bi 88.1d ~t;y 'or the.rir't p~t, ds \'SUOO~S8~8' 0'1", \ ) .: \" . \'. '". .'~. ~ . \ . ' . i \ ' : \ _' , . , . \ . ~.81gn8.', \ ,\. . \ \ . ", ,,' \ ",. ~ ',' ,:','" , ' " . '.', ','; \ . '" ' ' \T 'fO~ W1.th'all, th~ t~nemen~s~' hereditaments. andappurtieanoe.:, nth ,eve17;'prlv~lege, rfsh~'" i ", ,','.'.. =", ',' '. ' , . "',.'." ,.,.. .'::.',"" \ ) t1tle,:1ntereat,and o,~t~te.,.rever8~on; ~tod~r andease~ent..the1"8tob,e1~JJ61ll6 or in. ~1se i _. * . \.' .' ,.. ._. . .1 :e;pJ?erti.bill18a. . , " , " ;; . ..." ~ ".. . - . . . ,~. ": j ','. ~O, ~~ 4IID ~ HOLp the, ~s~e ~n ,reo S1mp1e. '\~o~ver. ", ' " ' " ' '.:j , ,.An4 the' 88.1dpQt;y of'the 'rlrst, part d,oth' OOV6I14'Ut wj,.th th~ said party -of. tho se'oOn4pa~',:'- i -,', " '.' ," ,r . . l:t ... ~ '. ::--.' . -,' ,0 : ..>._", .. ~.. . .' ~ " .: \ '..;" ..' ," '. 't,hat It'18la~i7:8e1zed otthe 'sa1.4',premi8e"that they 'are tree,p.o~m a1.1,,~oumbranoe8, ~ ,..": ',"", , ' " ,', ' .' " ' . . ._".,' .. ", ." ' . .' ::. ...... " " ('that' lth8.a gOOd1"~~t,an4 la1dU1.~uthOrl~y"to se],J..: tlle,.~8IIie,~4 the s~14 i>~t1'~t tli~ t1r.t, ! ,', , " " .' " '_~___~~~_~~~~'_'~"'C" . , ,',' . '.' . ;'parl doe8 hereb;y f'uJJ.t warrant', the 'title 'to, 890,14 lan4, '8J]Q.' w'U1 4efend' the .ame 'aga1n8t the, ; . . ~ . ~ . . ~. '. . .... '.' . ." ~ J'laWflU ola1ms '(j)~ all pe,~.o-na, 'WJ10m8oe...e~. ' ..'. " , '. " , "35'1 , ... . ' " -r'---.,.:'-.', .~ . ~ ' . , I' ~, , r ~ I. . , \ ' , . ;';: iN ~TNESS, .~RB:Oi' the' '8~~d partyo~ tl1e' flr.tP~.h~'O"~8~~the8e P"8~~t'S'~~ ~~818rie~ 'In fte118llle.'by',1ts' V1~e..Pres1d"nt,~ ~,'1t8 oorporate ,seal to lie' a:t:tiDci, a~teatedllyit8,' ',' f...aouro~, andyoar. 'ab~nwrl tten. .. . .&IIiltmD4Il D$vELQ~ &" $.u.EH cOlIP~ . (Corp~S.aJI) .0.01'68 Kdl).to~A ' " ',V1oe..Pl"es14ent." . ~ , , , ~ f. ~,'. ~ tfi ~"', ( ~. I ' f "L! \ t 'J. " , , " :0 ,: , " , . ~1Bned, seai,e4ari4. dei.i v,reo. {.' . .. :",:0' i 111: oUr"pre8.~0e: " , . William M.'Hansen Jlarguet L .)(0 llitosh , " (Il.ao I'.R.'~tainp oan.), , ,ST~.I Or.NE.yO~. , ; COUllTY ,QF llE1f YORt ). '. . . . .' ., . -'. ...".. . '. . ," . -'. ' , . ,~ hereb;y~ert1t;yt.llat. ~n' th~;8.9*lid.a;Y,C)r~. A. . J)et~920 :l1etore 'lie 'pe~~n&llt ~pe~ec1 ." .- . .. -. . GeorS8'KoIutoell an4.Oarl. B. Elmer resPeot1v.e1.y'nee-Pres1dent anli.~reasUrer 'ot.lrut'erdam Develop-. ' . ,- " ...... . . . ~~ .'. - ;'".. . ": .'-. '. . lIent& Sal.e. OomplU1~, a, oorpora ~~on u.n~er; the',~.80t theSta te of 'Ji"~ ,YOrk~to~lile ~OWl1' and .' " ,:mown. tome to' be ~he.pe1"80nadesOr1~ed1n ,an<<i Who exeouted the ~o.regOlng oonveYanoe to, Wd.t,er ~ . ,",' .... -.. . .~ -',' . . :1[. Kohl" ~d 's8Yerall;y aoknowledged the exeoUlon'thereot to be their :treeaotand"ee4. as noh J oi~lo.rat,-.t~.r' ihe usuand pm~llrlUA' ~h"~"1"__~Jan~~"Jan~ ~hat'~hel .trued th!treto the ~:t.tl,lJlal: 'seal ot .aiel' ~orporaUon and 'the .aic11n8tl"Qllent1e 'the ..ot and'deed or' ...1' oo.rpora.lon. . , ',. '. . . .': . -.' . , WITNESS 1A7 si~tUre&ndG:t:tlda1 .e~-a.t Jfe.~o:t'k C1ty1hthe Oounty ot'llew York-and . ,: , I .' '. ' , . Stateo~ New yo".k the 4ay an4 1W last ...tore.aid. /. , . " ;. , 0.0.' w. He8a llOURY'P'Om,I<1 new York Ooun~;y'llo.167 Regi8ter's No ~i708. 1fT oOll1ll1aalon .~1rea Karoh ao,' 1927. . I ' .. i '11,84. ..nd'l'8oorded onthla .the 12th U, ot lune,,192o,..t10~21 J...I[~ P. o. I:1.dn4.'" C1 '\ " ,~:..\W# ,,,'\Je. , ot~ '.~~f . '~~~~-~'-~B7 ~ ~13~~.Q~ -,,:,"-,{ __,~t -..._.-!.__.....-~'-_.,-:----.--:----~.....-~_-4"...:.r.. -r _-.,