HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1570 I' I ,I. I I -. I " ' I 1 ~ ~ J' f . ~ , ~ ! " . . 1.~. ~ I,. I ~; .' i".. ,,1'0 I' " 'I, 'f , "~ 1 . .Ii' I , ~ " ,I,!,. _'j." ~, . ~ 359 , ,if t J' , I , : .l I " II '" ':.-1 t.'. .i/:------"__.;..c....:-_...;___!_~--"---~ , \. " '~?;~':'~,~:: ~:~l;~: :=~.:..~:.-~~;f':::'.;;,..~;. ~~~:;L~:~:.',:.:..:.tlL..~':.:~ ~:~;:;~'::; L~';,:l:,~~:'>;j :,: ~;'f:,l~.:-".;::.;:~~ ~ ;;:;:;:~;-:-7.::,. r ' I ' , I . " I' f " " J .. " I ~p, "I ','I t.' ,: :' ,'"VERO: HIGH~B~ PJll,~' O~,.:\ ''.:0''0 1lI'~'R,A O~\ ," "I . I II: . ,-::.l~_~,:~:. (.:_:_:;~::,~..:~~:,:-..,',,:. ';~ .~: :~" ':. ......:.1, --"._' ,~::~:~~: ,.;. ':'~, '." " \ '. j .,' ; '. , I ' , "\ 'I ~O ;L., PIIUlR, ~T U\ " f ':. '. II' \'1 I 'I ! ' , , " ,( ~ . , ~ ' 1 ~! -. Ye\'o, 1101'Ua~' \" . ", I' ,,' I, I' \ I, ' ",I . : ", '..ruar,;v,18,;,19~fl.\ '\ \ ~ .. . ~., .' \ <.'. . l .: \ . .. .... ' ll'O.,1ved or\ILeO' Li. i~f.r\ and, William B. ,He8kett Plve Huildl'ed, Dollar" 88 oa8h pa1lllenl, ~~ \the, p~r,o~aee ot. iot~ tb'l1'tee~ '~n~ to~1't',!~~,. ~lb~~~~\ ~~~R~T,e~.,~ 0 me' ,a~1'~ e~bdl. Vl~~.~,n ',t 'I to..~~~: 01t1 ot '(ho~. PlO~,~da., :,' ' i "~' ?S <' . . ~"--'< . . " . .. <.' '.' .. i ,The, pJ,lrohaef( 1'ioe'O~'a81d propel't "18 n Ten," Phe,Hundre4 D ~lariJ('ll'.~~iPO)\" .. Th~}~l"'O.ot < . .-'..,".~~~Y ;00 / 1': ~ ablo.:..l>7t~PU':Oha..a.. Le~,L~~'t...' -.nd 1fllUam B. H..ete t ,~pon reoel~O~~ ht'l'anty dee~oo~vey~ng .said prop,e, tyto e~ld ,puroh....n ,1.to~etl~.rw1th '.b8traot, 0, " ~: eh.OW1~ 't,~e t1U.~t~b~prop~~t;'..t()' 'b~ :~ '.. ~e'. Ole,at"; a~f~~l'oha~~ l ~lble. - ,,'. , to' , '. , ,Y,ERO HIGllLUUt PARK- COlAPABY. ' ~ :;Bi'-JOh'~eRO-Y-~~t~Jil8~n; " " \', I" \ ;~,', ;/, \.', "I, ~ ~: f,;, ",- lit:, . . . ' , " \ . ~. \ . r \ I, \. ._~-" !~- .'. - ~ . . . "I, ' . '! t ~ " 8,eor "tl~',.' - ~ ~- - " . ,-,' . ..,- , , .rlled,aD.d, reoor4~d onthls tbe11~h,d.ay' ot Juhe'.,1926., ~, iO;4~ A.Ji. .' . ., , -...,~~~_. ~. ; . , . , , . 'f ~ . ..~ AG~EFJ.IEUT FoR DEED' ,'" ' , . , ' ' , ',. , ," ' '. I , ~qJfIOLESO' ~GRE~FJlT'. ila,de t~1_8; Ei'~ht:da1 'of ..June~l~,-~h,e.lear' ,o~ ':4u.r'~01"~",~~~ )~o~,and, '0, j '':1in.'h~dnd.alJd ~"entt-th.'BE'l'WEmI 0,. 'B.,DAVI~pal";V ,of '~e fll'et part. Ind B. H.~. DABIS $l'd: 'i ,/'-.., , ! , i , i "j -I -!'I ~:".~' J '.', . <.1 o. It. DAVIS TO, ,', . ' " ..-,,-,.,.,.,,-------,~.--- ',I h'le, _ite IOl~' .6.Iav1. porties ,ot :theeeoond Part. i " , ,WI TIIESSETll, That if the said pat'ties o,f th€ seoond part .ehalltiret ,meltetbe"paymEli hand,' , , .:..-pe1"fOl'Ul the--o-oven8nt8,here1n~fht' Qlent,io'ned on their pal'tto be made 4ndperforined. theaaid' , , , , , ': 'p8rtyotthe flrBt'p8~t, 'herebl oovenants ~ndagre6~' tooonveya.Dd8ae,uret'()thes81d"P8t-'t1'e~ot' . , ". . -. . ,~ the 8eo~ndpat't,thelr heire. exe~uto1'8.' adml~18tt'&tore ot asalgne',ln 'tee~imPle,.,Ol~~ or' all : inoum.branoe8 wha t~ver "b;V a good arid But.tio.1ent deed,the lot. pieoe ot' pat'oel "o:f,gr-ound. situat": , ' , .LO~ '11. of, Uob~e and Hot.tingball sub-41 v1elon, ',being 8' eub41T1ehn , ' ~' the South ....6 ~e,t of the Swt~f '!{Ei of. SBt of, tbt liol"tb16~teet or the ' NEior SEtotSeqt~on 4, ~oWn8liip '36 ,south~ Range~O.bee~~ 'a ,plat c'f whloh ..J>" '. f 18-l'eoo1'd.d In.P,la' BOOK'f ~age41 .' St. Luo1e 'CoU:Iitl're:o~rde.' ,and thtl, laid parties of the ,eeoond pat'~ hereby oove,nan~a 8,nd 88re~8 to P8Y, to the 88id party, Of tbe flrst part t~~ lull ot looUhen Hundt", ed 8~d'j-ltty &: OO/1,OO~1l8t'B. ,In ,the 1I8nnnfollOlr.1~ ,$30.00do.n. $20.00 the 13th de~. June" $26.00 the 8th ot July', ~20.00 the '8th ot Augult, etg.OO ' tke 8th of sept. !1'hen lieglnn1ng the 8th ,of Ooto~er. $16.00: pe\"!-,ODth'. untllthe .8um of th e .~' , :' ; - f , , ..... . . .... , ' I above prioe has been paid. , 1. " .~,.1th In\e1'88t at the rate ot 8 per oentum per ./Dna. payab-le annually on the whole ewD re- _iolns from>tlme to time unp~ldi and to pay 811' ta.88. 8S~e88ment8,OI' impoei tione that ma;v, lit / ' ( legally lnled 01' 1mpo.ecl upob laid land 8ubsequent ,t,othe , . upon aaid prem1aee inaur,e4 ,in~:me oOllpany eaUs'taotot;y .to ,- year ", and ,tolt.ep, thebu~ldln8. I the part~ (If the flrat part. <1n 8 8um ",-' '. not leu then l>onal',.! ciu1'1~ the ter.. or 'th18 agreemeat. o And i~ oase of tallureot the 8aid ~.rt1es of the seoond part to: lD8ke either of the Ptiymente or Bny )II1't' thereot. or to pet'ftorm In, I, 1 , of the ooy.napt. on hie part hereby made end entered 1n~o, thLe oontraot ehall. at the option :';:~; '~\~;'';'''';'-' 'J