HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1574 t 'J , I 1.'1" I,,',' . .,' ! " !. I' i I I' .' I , - . f~'-~ I " '" " mdti:')'~L:~ _l~',~li- "",,- ,'I[ , ,I,:,~;, .. ! ! ... ., . J ' 'I: .', " i 'I.' ~ 'm. ~~f~o;'Tf::;):r;lt;'~~L,!:':':~:f::~,:,~':d~:~~p::....,;::+-~~",,;.;:~.~;:.~t:-';t~~~~~~4'~ I,:!',;' ~,A I~;;' \, \", t"~~'4 an~ Y\.cio't4...~n'~1Btb&.12.h4a~ ~t..J\lqe'.l~)3~, ,t .9l50.~.Jll.,' '.: . :" \ "",'.1-' ':1; I 1\', il'I",I!' I i \ ,\ '11, ill i \' " ,I :. I, "j ,Ji', -:, II "i' ': I II, ~!i i, ",'~ " \ :,11. i,ll' "\ ':' ,,' I \ I ',P,. ',0". ,Ei~\red,'t'Ole, \'.k",', o",r'iou1, i' Cj)'u~\\.;".."i\ ,'.' , ','\, I'jlll I \\~jl l\ 'I~\.e~ \ 'I' ,\ I ,', ~ ',~'\' 'I ,\." ',;,,' I i ,\' \ \, ~\' . i' \ II I ,,' 'II" ::" \~~~~~e" " '."", ~,~ _' ~A:', ,/),n ~o 11 'I" ~,\ \ 'f..ev- , ' ',', · ~1 ~(I,.~~r)l,K,~ >>..C! \ . " I '. ' '\ ' ' '" '..\ , ., \ , '\, ., , 'I ,>', I,' " .., >,m it. .:'.. ...... .1..' *.*.. ..... .:'...... ...*~' j .' \. 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'," . . , ,: '"., ,..' .'. ".~ltdgd. do givi~, grant. 'l>ai'galn~ .,.11~. aU.n., J'lIllis....rel..s...' .~.o:ft.ooriT.1 and' oo~ln' . ,.' " . . '-", ':." \ ., " " " " ..,-; -' ,,' , ". " ':unto the eU4graiittt. '8n4 hi8~i1,i8 andas8-1'gnS.1i:l' ft. slmplt. 'the,landS' 81 tU'att ',1n .," , ,'. ,". " '.', . , .. . ; ':"'" .. ,"'.,.' ',.."".'..,.,,:, ' , ", ':" ..:' ' ".' .- St. LU01.,UoUiity:; State .0f,~1~r1d~.. 4.80r1~'ll ..8 ~0116wsi !heBaat TW~nt1(20) ,~ore8.' ": of T~a~~ ~'lve'f5),tri,8eotlO'~ 8~v~n' (7).'0~n8hlP'~h1rt;-two '(32l80uth/:~.n~ 'birtY-~~l1t: .' ':,.-.' " .'" .: -- ',_Y ~ '" , . ",' . ,-. . . " . '-,' ",' . "", . ," ," '..' " "':'.., '."'. ..,-...... ". " (3CJ) :l8st88 the ,omt, 18, de8ignated on t~e laBt g.n'1'81p1at. of ~an4s of the Indian !liver " ," ,', , ",' . " .." ",' . ,l", ' '. '" "., ." . : '. i'sl1U oomp~Di'.:fill~ in the offic.' of :the, U~erk of t.h" "'1ro',,.1t Oourt.' SdntL)ioU.' OO\}n1;1, , " . ,."' ' .,'. '",' "'. ,', .. . " . . ",.'" . .' .' . , 'l~rrda . - '. , , oOTen~nt. w1t::8.81d, ,grente~.. ~1a ,hiirs .l.g~l repr,esentaUvu, and 8eslgn~,: ,That $ata: gra~tor8' e,re indefe~s1bi1 eeh!ld of add 18!1d in ,fee 8hiplt; .th8t 88.i~graritor8 have fu~f P9WU . end lawful' r1ght. to' oonve1 aai( 1andslnfe. s1l11ple,' 8S af?naa~c),; that it 8h*11.b.l,awful for BeU' grantee ~ ~lsheire ..legal re:p,reBentat~ves and aElsignEt, at all timts ptaoea~ti-an4" . ' " .~ ' 's ri U'k\ .,,', , " 1 ' '.\i \i 1 :'.' ,\".\ i ! {. " \, \ , I \ ,\ .' " ..~ * .'. '. '., '*..... .... .~... "\. 111 ~.~...~ '. . .'. , . · . o. ." .:~~ t, · · .~. ~ ......" '~',: ., .. · '~ .,.' ~.\. · I' '.\' ~ ~ . . , " ;, ;; ~ r ;' "fi'" ' c, t . ~, f'" t~: ~ 't J;~::" . ',"',U.,t,', . ~: . . ,"' , C' , . (P.OO '1. ' R. .8tain.P8 Uan.) 8ub~eot '- all taxes, an4 a8SeBSments for t:he y~ar' 1926 aDd aSBe8.sme.nts. . ' , ' al18ubstqu.nt.taxts '04 . ~, l!' ,.' TO;{AVEAND'~O HOt>> ,tbt 88J1.tog.th.r.lth,t.l~. ,11":e4it.m..nt.r'8~~ appur~.n..not8.. w1t~'" th-'~ s81d gTa nt.. .ttnd hie he ire , n4 a ssigns':.ln '. fuSIDpl,. , .' . ~. '. . , . , " '.' . - .' " .-. "'. .Ull> the 8a1d grantors tor th.ms~lvee:8nd 'thdr h'tlrsand :1.~l'rtpr.,Bent8t1.ves.~ ." . ~. :t , ' , 11llUit17 t.'!1t'.r ul>on.:, hO~.4,:00~uP1andenj018.14.l8D4,;' that Baiel land,i8fr.. from 'all '~iDoumbrano.;II;~h8t.881d'8rarito~..tht1r h41r. and l'8el r'eptts.ntat1"f'es. w1l1 mike su~h. . , . . "'. furthU' aS8U.ranOe", to,p.rfeot the fee elmt1t tiU. t~ 8814'; land:ln'8dd gran'.t~hi" heir8. . " I ..' .' . ',',' . , ' ,', " '" ' , , . ...,. .-.', '. . :" ..... , ' " - .' . . , ' . . "legel'repreE!ent8.t1Tes. a~~ 8ssS1.gDI,.. m81, re.sonabl~be ~qu1J"t4; and that 8atdgi'entor.e f:. I ! I J ! 1 .' ' . dobereb1 fullY werrant the t1tll to .,81d lend and' will dden4 the same ~g8in8t .the'la.f.ul . ~ qlalms of ali:pereone whomeo.ver. , ' .' ;~TlTESSth' haM~nd ...18 ot :s81 d' ,grarit~" Slgned~,S,.ltd and >>.liver.d~in ,thePresenoi~f Carl W.. Sore nSlln Otto H. 'soh:rum Htrtha,Sohru1l (~eal)1 (Seal) 3;63 r r c-',~ ,. \ .. ~ . \ ,I ' " ~ . " ~ ';' ' ".'; the day end~t8r f1rst "bov.-.dtt'en.~--'.~~~ 'a':,',.",,'." ...~ ! "".; I ":~ ',1 torotbl U. Baoh. , I STA~ or IO,WA cOtmTY 0' SOOT! . ~\- - ------'------.'-----;~-------'-----r--. ---.--------~.----:--~~~---.:-- , . ImmEBY eER'lI",. that on th1s day perBone1l1 appe.red b.fore me. an of'tio.r 4ulf . authorized to adm1nht.r ,o8thS and takt aoknowledglllentB. OttoH. !ch~ and Hertha,8ohruJa . . '. . 'f. . . " ". ..,. J" .:)l1B wi::. to m.t ..11 kno.~ ana. known to me to be the lnd1Yldua18. atlornld in and who n'9ute4' .- ,J "f the for.going d..4. and the1 aokno~lidgtd luton' m. that tht1' ..,.0ute4fthe ~.--=--_F ./ , ~oluntir11yfor the purpo.e. th~r.1n .xpres.td. :1