HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1584 .-'--'. ~- l j r ~..t. i" -, . : ". ) I . j :' .. ;: I : t~ ,I ... i . ,1 ':"~'~T;"~:l- r,:;,~~',~;~::~;;'c"'''~':~,:'~~;;i;;;, -~,';:'~,""-, ",',:"~;~,~';',-:,,~~::=7;;::~"~:'~C:'~~':; ~~'.-";:'c-;:~;;~:f~;:_, j , I ' , ' , ' I' ,I' ',' ' " ' ',~ ',' " I, I, ,'" ' (,' , I, I" ' , '\ ',,' ,1" ,', ,~e~~:rm tl\' 'o~~enant8.h~~t1na:tt~r, me Ptioried'on '. ----p~r,t 'to. lie ,mad,e, and p.rtormect,; the' aeta. I" ' " '. ,i .' \ . '" '_ ,~ .;----\., . I , . ~L. . .,~~. "".11" ..:.. ,-' '-~~'.\'" ,_ \ _' \ l."" i pa,rUuof ,thef1rBt', pert h.reb7" Qovenabt ah4 ..gru :to 'o!)n.,ey and 88(1!lre tb the' :8aCld par. . '. ~ ~ ",' ," ~ ..... " '- ,~. \ . '\. ,.' ~.\I . \' \ . .' I. l' . \' _~i......--, ~~. 'ofth~8t~o'nd\P8rt'in, ~e, simp~.,\' o~e..r ,of all "nOWDb;tlD~88\What~~e,r{by.a,\8~O~ ~d' I inlff,101tnt de.d, the' ;tot, p~"oe, 'or paroel of grol1nd 8i tuete,d 1n the Oounty 'Qf. 8t'. 'Luo1e ~' .. . I. \ '\'. \ \.' .' ," ,.... \ \.'\ \. . . , State Of 'lorl1l8t Kn"'n and'desor1bed "S foIl-OW.; to~w1t1 " , ,. ~ ~ " . \ ' .' \ \ - .. . \.., .'.\ \ .... \ - ( , . Beg1noQIEast' 11ne of R'18!lt of ff~y' of Publ1'o '1.loa4'on' 8out.h at land of' n:' lJ.\ 'o4'bold . ~ \. . . . ' . : '. \, ~'. . . ;,' .~. f.,". . . .'. ' . ..".. . ~ :". '. \. " ',(."," \. :: ... . ", ",3'16.4,ilfee.t south ot nOl",th,11ne'(),tlto~~"8'quart,erof,1l0t't'bi..e8t quarter Slo,t10n 26,.- , , \ ,";~:"hW~8~ii~~,sohth:'.tf8n~ 39 ~~8~';lllea~Ur~'d ~n~',8~,ld'~'e'8~'i~~eof"88~d ,Rl~t ;ot W8'~t',rU1~\',t~.noe'" \', . . .', ", ','. . ': ' .' ". . -, " ," .~'. 'd_._'_~_ ~ -. _ '-" ~. . ~., 'i )~8Bti50' ~theno. -South'})a,rall.l 'w1th ,Buld, Right~o.:f"a7: 5Q' .' 'theno. ~'1est:. to ,ss1dBsst 814e ' ;.: ", ~.. ':'_,.~'".\'. "\, .,." ' " '. ,: . ~"'~-""_...' " ',' ~ .\'" : ~ "Of,.f~1ght o,f .'"ay, ,.~,~eno. ~o:rtll'x:lt tQ pOin~'o~~eg,.nillng., ~nd t~ ~8t~ pa,~~ ~Q~, t~e S80- ,ohd P,art ~.rebY ~oovenant'B and a ~ee8 t'opay :the 'Bs'ia. perties' o~ the fi~t'~' the'surA ' , ~f' ,S1x,H~d~ec1 'Pft~Y'~01,18r81n ,,~~ '~~e~ fo.110~~~:'.~hre..,~un~r'e4'f1~~,'-($350.0Q)'",.. >>0118):'&...' oaSh, ,s'~dlr~el ,~d~ed' (.300~OO) >>ollsrs ,~i1' J,(8robp16t.~,..~ 1~2'1.' ,191 tl10ut 'i,rttereet unt:llsa1'd datttland to p'8.y alJ.'t8Xls'~'essesBemnt- " ' ~. ; ~ '.' . . " . .' ". > '" .' . ", ,i.vi'd' or 'i1l'l~oje"" upon add 'ian:'d,Bubse,qu.erit~o,tbe1ear 1926 and, 'to ke'ep the, buildings , . .... "_', ,~,' :"'. . I:, ~'. _;." ";" ,.,. ,.'.... -', '".-......, "",'" ", "", . _ ." ._....,... ,.',' "'. ""'. -.' " ..~~;,.-.-_._.. ._._..... 'p.ponssi,d-'pt'emises.1neurtd. in some,c.Uompa'ily 'satcl.sta'otol'J'.-t;o, ~e ,pa~1es of" tlie",flrstpary: ' . ; . ..' '. . ~ .'~ ...;" , . .~'" - . . . .; . ~. . .-' " '. ".' # . ... . . .: ", 1n .8' sUm',not less tha~ -,,..:'--,.l10~la1'S ~~~~ng ,the t'erm, :~,f 'th1s 'sgr,ee,me~,tf' And, ,in o'~~ oftbe ,fsilure ot the' 8aid' party ofth.' 8eoQ6~dpartt6 I:l8k~, ,el ther, of the', payaents, or ~P'81"' - .' :'. ,_ ". - .' ..', .: ". '.' .. - '._ .- c_ '.. . . . . '. . . . u, thereof, or t~.perform any cot the o()v_,nants ,on 'his part hereb;Y mad'e snd en1!er~d, into', th1s', oontraot shall,' at the option ()~ the parties o~~~b&--'t-17e~p8J'-t;"be-forie1teda'nd hrllllnllt~cl . . :.. . ."~. - I.: ~.' '. '.',., ." . . ~. . " . '. : " . " . .' ," "'., ~ .- . ".' end ~bt party o(,tl1e ,se~ndPa~sliall,t()rfe1t a~l~'yments_d" b~ ;hill) ()~ ;tl,118':oontreot;" " 'and 8uoh PBl,m4l,nt'H8h8ll.'~e retained 'by the' sald, ~ J't1e'8~f ,t.l~ <ii.ret:psrtin run ,S~t1B,f8~tlon ,~ , , -8M'l1q~1dat1on~ oct Q11 daIll8ges by the in "s~~'8~n'd, '8 nd 'the pert1~s:~f~l1e': ~iret ~ l>8~~ehall, . .'. " ',' '., '. . ",... ,.' .....'.... . ~,' ,.' " --~ '.. '. . .' . :. '.." - ,1 haVe therifl'ht ',to ~I~8nhr ,snd t~ke pOBB,8aslon' .of the premlseBafOt'esald without be.1,ng, ,,', 1)~:1?I"'toSny:a0t10~,tbe~'e:for~', ' ", '-'-'" ,'" , "I'l! ,ISlruTUAtLYAG~3D~ ,by anA betweent~e ,p~r~l"Bber'et~",that t~~ ,tin1,~ ()f pa;ymen't tlhall be.",ane~Bent1el ,par,t: of' tb,1~ oontraot.' an~~tJat ~ll' lioYene",~nd ~gwe..ebte, h~re1n o,?n- ts1~ed"S~11 extend ~o, ~nd ~e' Obl1~~~r~:upo~n the l:le1r8, '.x~cutor8.; ad!lllnisir8t~~e.,8nd ". 8'ss1,gns' o,f, thereBP.eQ'~1:Y8.'.~a~...t,1 '8~~--'- .---:~-~::-~- -' . r" '--i -; -. .'r'~ '! l I,,' ; r' I " ' ,,' .. \ ' ' , 1, ',' .. I, ' " I , , ; ~i , 1'" I . ~:,'- ~ . \. i,j,: .' . . \ . .. .f'," . :10 on; '., r u',', \J :1 -, ,. ,. " I . " ;l. ,~ ...... J .~~ '.: . I' , t'. 1 J" '. ,~. ! . "3,73" , I I , f~..i . ~ Je', " , , , , " I, ' "' , I " , ".. " F 0' J Y !\ ~. . , , . , IUl1ITllES<! ;nIER&OP. ~he pert1,es to)bes.8 J>rteente have 'he1\! unto, 8~t' their hands and 'se~IB ,the'da1'aPd'~Y81ir~lrst abore wr1t:ten.-, . . . ,. ., ~ . ',818ri!~8ealedond ,dellv,nd',1nthe, preeellcI~fl L~'~A. UOll1al' "8~ ~:"Clover' " ,G.'S..Uc.~l1~n, , ' ilono. ,H. lIcC'lIUan, Walter Dobo "(S,~l) Eo; L.Bobo . (Seai) o. D.'WyseCSeaJ,J; atulah, B',W'yse (~eal) ..'. > ,; , ( " , --~- , BT A T30F fLORIDA. StLuoie 0 oun t;: . On th18 saype raon~lly appeared before me. an offioer duly ~ , authorized to ts~e " aOkliOwled8'll1ents ord~ed8, et~.. l1'alter p$lbOan,d~. L. Dobo, bi,s w1feto me well known, and known to 'bethe persons, who n:ecp.ted the w1 thin, Agreement'. and, Aoknowled(tedtbat' they exeouted ':he ,same for the purposes therein, u;presae.. .And the, Ba1,cl E.L; Bobo ,w11'e , ',I"" ----~--~-_._~ ----------'---,..-~--- of the said "a1 t'8r 'Babo ~pon an nam1 nation tak.n _ me, ,.apa1'Stely an'd 8p~rt from her' ,.--~--':.-_._- ----.~----. , " hUSband, ao~nowledged th'at she ex~outed the said A8J.'ument frUly aOd, voluntarily end . ' I, .,' ' ! iwithout any oonstraint, oompulBion.'aj>p~henalonor fear ot1or,trob1 her,sa1d bu.soanc1. I ~1tn.e ~ hend and .~1.t111.,16t:1 4a)'~ot roh,1926:_,-. 0., " ,p. ~Ul. , I.,..l. Moel1~r ' . Notary Publio., Stat I of ,leu Ib'_ ' OOllDiBa1on expin. No'f. 15.' 1925 ~ ' 1 ' - ,-- , v