HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1585 tr I - , 1, j - . ....~.~ 'a'74. I', J", ij, /', I' '>: /",'" ,) " '/",' ' , '. . 1\ .'... .,. t ,"J : J I ,oJ I" > " ''',~'c, ,I ',', "-:-~;',r'.I" ~~,- '-~~ I " I . .~' , f .', . I' .' i '," " .. I '. ,. , ., ,', ,;~,:.~;~,::.::~ ;;:L~~~-;~~;~':~;:~;~~::Y;S~'!F~~~,~;~:;;::.~~~;c~;):fF1;';;~~ ._,'~" reo,.ra~a j~~e ,18, ,i~26 .~ ~l'44 ...~'fi) , , "'i , . "", " ,',' ,':', .' ,'," ,,'" ,',fl", I' \". I 'at' ,'?..; M.- ;1'14"1, Cl'fk'UU'ou1t', ~ourl . . ',1' ", 1.1',1 ,~~\\v !:', "-, LB~'~'~~'~~'~.~~b.',~., ".ltl" ,. '.' \', I " , ' '. 'i' . \ 'I '; \\, ":,,',..,..,':: 1,'..\,\ " ',1\' :'; ,'" ',' d"., 0 \,' ',.\ ,.01",," , .t : '~$,.' *:* ..'. · ...~~1:._*...'.~..** .'-~' *- * ...'*-. **'.'. .'.' .'. .'. ....... . ... . . ..~ ... '~ .. t-"\-~..'.~O-C""~F".:-.'~CO-.,-. .'. .. .'.. " .,' \. \. . . I~ . ,." ,0 ,,~.,"\ ." '., . 0, . 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" , " \' , , " .'" . :. ,;. . . '. '. - . . ~ , WI'mES~.ETR."Zhat:-t~e; sald part" of ~)~ef~rstp$rtfor end 1n oori8!(1enlt1~n. 'Of ,tbesum, of _, ," . . ' o. 00, n~ .~ber~od~.n1';r, L;;'bl'~~';c\;'~1~mti onl ~Oll" ro t:o 11;1n~"d;" ~.f~Y' ~h'; ~e~ty o:t t h;~e'~.d t' -----.--.- -" . :," . ., ___. . .., .' " '. _ .' ". _ .. . . . . ,'p~rt. the .r.oeip1; whej:to.:tis,h~re~T eOknow,lede;ed, ha~gran,ted;ba:rgaIMd, 'sold. elieti'd~":r.m1'se<<J, . . ' ,~ ~ . ". '. . .... . . ~ :; r.le~Be~~'00nVeY.d,8nfoonff:rm~~ana,bY 'ihe~.~:r.sentB do.tb' ;rail', bargel~:-8eli~ 'all1'.~ remIse, ~'. .ro~e~ .!I', oomy 8 "":--"""t1,,"," antothe ,8 "t a p.r~y :~;- thO'.. 0 ~~d,p~,1ti he1 t 1i.1re 8;;d~.01 gn; f~,.et. r;.' al1th8t,'OU'tal~,port1on of lend1Y,ing'flnd being'1n the: Oourityof "t-. Luoie a~ 8tat.,'or.'10r1.d&' to"WI~'t~B.81nnlng 'at 't~N~rth~~st d~r~,~'. of' tot'__~i~~n.' ~~l'iia' S~bdlvi~lon 'Of ,S'~~t1.0~~;:' ' "'OW~Sh~P '35~ "'~nS~40~tl8t~ 8oc~'rdlng t~Plat'ot,s.tc1 "~~l>qiv18'~O~ :reOO~ded 1:0.: ilat ':BoOk 4';a~ ,pe~e. '.- . ~'...,' ',' ,.',' . . , , " ", "'" ',' '..' ,:: :, " , " . , , " .',' '.. .' ' . 680~S~.'Lu01eO~un.ty a.eoorda; tbtnoe',rul1_~s~. el'(rnt: th. Ilol'tb 'bound817 of' Said 10~: ~ne, ,hundr.~ " . :'" 'f1f1;y,(150),;t;~et;.thenoe.'r.UnSouth1re8ter~. 'to a '.polnt one:h\mdred t1ftl.(160):tut Ea8t of the:' · South"~et '~onier~ of'.e8l~. Lot 79;' th.e~.x:un'.W~8t :'alo~tt.~e'Bottth'b01lJ1da17 o~s~,1d .~ot ~Be.h~~dl'td,. . :1'i fQ'.( 150) :te~~;' thenoe~:riin ~o~thea8teri.Y810rig,t'he 'ViGil t '.bou:nd8~ of u'ald>lot to P'Olrit 'of begll1n1nge. ' , "';' , '. '> ", ' , . ..", " ',' '0 ',' ',,' ". '. " " 'to have s'nc1 to 1\old. tl)e 8sme in iU'eImqle' tOl-ever; and',th~' 13eld ,pe'rty.. of the f1r~t part cloth: " . ~ovel1~~t' with~. sa1cipartY ,otth&' ee~Ordi>~rt. t'~8t it 1~.' iaw1'~l;Y 8e1.ed~'f t~' 881d,prem~e'eB' 8ndth8t,itba'sgO~18ht, a~ta ia'wto.l'au~horU;Y t~ Bell, the 118m"~ and 't~e' S~'1,dP,a!tro~ the firsr..... part. 'doee )lereblf1tlly ,.arranttbet1t1$'to 881 d' lend and wil ef~nd the 88m. ,8g8'1nst,the lawful' .. . .. '. i] I "; ..; " ,'I . , .~ -- . -j 0.. ;' j , , , ' , "ol,aII!lB ofaUpersoi1!3 whomsoever.. , ' 'P~~ID~. ~~RT,HELERS~~h8t th~s~pr€ 8~ri'!.~~_are~!ld.~_SU~J.~t' to}As foUowlng'%Jlree~ ocmdt,t1oDS' r~strio~.i,ona ,al;1d' 1'1m1ta't,1ons;.~PP11~n~ totbe'~1a.UaJ;art118...~ooordin8 t~ the"r'oo~de,d ."p'lat o,t .,>. . '. BaidUereTllla.artd :!'hI0h OQn41Uans, .rt~triot1~n8 'Jlnd l1m1ta,tIons $rit1~te.nde4 to lie 'and ehall ' ~ .' ". . . .. -.", , . : I: . ',' '. ., ._ .' .' .' _" . '," _.' _ .' _ be flooepte.d as oovenants'ruon1ng with' the'land.8ndllhI0h'.Shel1b'~iodlng'~11~".~pon the. heirs, P8t- eonalrepre}lentotl v:S (lnde.ssi gns 'of'the'par.tt of the s~oo M 'oeM" who ,by t;h'eirao~ePt~nr~' ot'th~s:' , instrument 8grees 'to ~'blde by aDdperf011ll8aJ4 ~strl0tfo~s' atlllt~t1~~"8n~ oondltlo~' 8B'~ne o,f " .' ~. : ~ .: the eX}>r..esliI oonsiderat10ns of th~se presents, . -, . 1. No re81.denc:J.!sh811b'fJ%'fJ()tIHL.Q.i'~Ons:tru.a.t.'d ,Qf '8 hS8 Qost than. $3.000,.OOapd all . residIJnoe'1osa1d UeraT11la shall be oonstruotedof o o'ra l' rook, oononitej stu'ooo. oonorete blo.9k, I , . hollowtne" briok .or. mixed oonstruotion. or, Teneered wlt h oora1rook orbriok, or, f:ra~e ",nured: with s~uooo. aDd shall 'be. along.8pan1sh; Jloorlsh. Venet1anor eil1i18 l' hann6nlolil!l typ~s of aroh1teotur.., and the afo.rlsa14 amount .sb.ell beaot,uel17 4txpinded 'on oonstruotion and ~reot1on of ,such 'build1ng end not for f... 1n 000neot10&1 th8r.w1th~ 2. ,'No bulld1ngsh8ll be oOl1lJtruoted or erected on an~ of thl.lots of J.lera.Ula until after ~ 1) I . __ ---,..~_._._~~--- - ,/ the plene sp'oifioat10ns' and 1.o.t~onof th."8e1l18 shell ha~. been approvld ~ the pa!ty of the first part, ltssuooG8sore. representatIve8 or assigne.' 'r d I ~L p~lT8t, ~rage on t)8"8t 100 ~ 169 ~" rut !'roi-1t1ng on ::1unr1sf'ul....ard. / .' L: )"3 , "Jl' . -.: ..