HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1594 . I F-'.' _T'., '--,-- "",-,:-:-;,_..,-~,--,."",.,:.,:---.., I: :~.._- '-r \~-.,_"", I " L",~ '~":~_'~I' . I ,~c"i:~" ....\,.,.;,;~,.;-'~~a , ". " , I " I . 'J ' . ",' t. ,,t . .j " " , I ,I I' , I " ,I"., ' , ;~:,~:.: .~" ;;:'::'fT~',:" '!;\'r';~ ~'~:'~="~"'!,"':':;;:F' .' i'"7f'~.;;'b;.;.l':'~~;;:;;.tf;:~;:"~:~1:::;:"',;;~~ '~;~;::. ':r: . I", :,' ': I'!, ~OGRT,~ W:1~h:8~~,:th' \ t~.~~t~~' ~~e~~t~\~..~~8rtl\ 8p~rt.~,~o,..,. ,~th: t"? pr1Y,~leg~", ~~8ht,\ !' , I l t1tle,,'i~~e,:r~,8t:'l\de8itatetrel.ve;r~10D, ~~alndir" 8t\,d eaat1Dent th~~o b,~lOngln~,,~ :1~ a~1Be, .:\alwe.rta'lnli1gl !iTO ~V!:: AND, 'roi~Ll\\t~. s...'.in fi~\81I1pl.:to~evtr., I , \1" ' . "~ \ "'" ,~': ' ,.1~, ~e~ld'.'~~ of. th,' ,:f1~ par'd'ot\(IOO"narit .i1l~ the."S,aid P8,rti 6ftbl,s,,00n4 J).rt '; ha~, ~t ls ~18.iuriy ~e\ll~~' ,'of. t bt saldPr~~8.'.;. ,t~t ,th~)-,8r.fi.~. piau' In~inbn~e\8~,8nd, \ , L " 'C', '1\' " , .' ,\" \ '~,' I ' "I I " I \, , l : tha\.Ub88':goodrigh~'and"la~~l' ~thod.~y to ~l1t1i~ sein.,; ~nd\th.: ~Dl~p~\r~yof\ 1;l1e ttia',t , . . ' !, .' ,," , ' ',\ '~ \ ", i \," ", I .,' , " , ' , ., ,". ,," " . '\, , ' \ : ' , ' ...0 I ~, \~' ,i ':P81't dOes, b8reby fully warrant thct title\ 1;0881<118114, a~d 1d.l1' defend the slme agu~nst.,th. . 'to .. . .. 'l " ., ~ \ '. ,..\. , .." \',". ". . . .: ". ..'\ {! , ,- ~'. . ,,'."";, -, ; o- j ,1,aWful \ 018, ~8,:Of .ll~r80n8,.hPmsoeTtrt Ex~tpt,ing .taxes. for 1.~r~~926. " \ ' ' - ,t' , Iij,mil1Esa m~~OJ, ,tht "aid par~' h thf :d:rst parthaa. oau'aed th.tiep~~eents.to: b. ; ~ - ~. . - . . ,~ . .' .'. '.' ' .. _, -, . I '. . .: _' . c.'. ':, \ '. '. '. . '. ... _ ,_ " ..' . _" , [ signeel': and ita' oorpor8te:n8JII8 and Ita .oorporate 88alattl.x'd 'by,1ts Pteslde'nt.. 8i1datttES.t.d, by ; ~ . ..:\ \ l \ . .. . . \. . .. \ \ 1\.. ,('II' , F \ Iii L' \ . i '~ ''. : '.--\ " , -SRUIN,OLE pURl!, ~,OuPA1iY , ' , " .' ~." , . , , \~ ;R. tf. 'Kobleger4 . P~',~1dfJnt. " ....- . 1 91gn8d. s8a1ed ,andd.,U-nr'd, , , Ib e presenoe of:' . , .~ W. Walsh , ' , ;~ " . A'tT:BST: , , , Prank 1.1"1D8trong . S~ ?l'eta r:v. . . ". . ". .- -- -~------_._-~------,-~"". - , " . ~ .---.---4--' (150'.00':.f ~R.9t~~B '~.) . I', S~aU of P'1or1d a, St~ Luole cOUnty.. " :,~"r ~,,' ',' ....'.'".," :; t ,~ f I : ~'. , " " . , . . .. '. -. . , . I~Elrebioert1r7that .on tl)1s ,~lift'.8Y 'Of:Y8.1,~. DL1,926, before me" personally 8pp~arei .. -,':; , .. ' ~ :,' , > .' .... . }l. If. Ko~legara:..' Pre'sld4lnt of,;SePllnQle ,Frilt',o~m:pany~,8 oorp?ratlo~ un~e,r.the.18.li~t pl,orld'., to' iDe .ell moWn "tc)b. the ,pereon.s '4,esorl1>>e4 in' and'w.~ex"outed 1;h.tore~iogoonv.ya~e' to. ' , " ''',', " o.u:.:.~ . Hubert F. Krail1;l, aDd .0000owl.dgedt,he exeoution thetibf to be: ,his f:t.e. aot and dud as l..d. " .' . ' " " . 'offio~'i.'tor,the ,u88e andpu~o8.e8 th~re In ment1.oned;, 'and , that. he"8tflxe.th~reto 'the' offioial 8181 of said oorpo~tl,on, and .th. ~ i!1 Instrument 1s tbfi .eot ana' d~e~ of 881d oorporat1on.. ' " "" "n~be88 mi. 8ignature'sndotf101alseal at. Por.t Pieroe in the CQWlty of St.I.uc1e' enu ,Stete ~ .ot 'lor Ida, the de;y .8.ndy,arlast ,af9-I'.. ~ ,D1BtriQt "Of se , . Rupert R' KOblegard, Jr. Ilot8ry,Publ1o'i State ,at Large. Y,y' , 'oomm~sslon up!res lleoember '19th,1928." . " , " ()ll this2Gth daY of )l81 A. D. 1926. .' Before mep'er80nallY8!'Peare'd 1o'ra ilk, Armstro'ng.Seoretery of Semlnole hq1t,~omp8i:w,:e~ oOlllorat1on unilerthe, ins of Pl~rlda, 'tomew.n mown tob.'the per80n"d.8oribed,.0 and 1'110 ". ..". -. ." -' '. . ,> . . - ' ' . .exeouted the :for~going -()on"'ya~oe.to Hubert.,. Krant., and ,aokrDwl,edged the execut~on th..reof U-:-todbeh1s fru aot and dud as suoh offiQ.rfor the uses and pur:p08:e8 thereinmentlonedl and the t he attested theforego1ng instrumfmt as BuohSeoretQry end that the inatrumenti,13 the aot end deed of a81d oorporatlon. r:D ~ i'll'tntu'moy 81@Tlatu.r'e,ind offloial 8eal.at 1faahington D; C. Inthe Distriot of Columble,' , the 'day and yea't-list-..i'"6-r,ellafd-.;c.-,---.:.c- ___'___~.n._ Frank I. Brown / notary Publio, forth. Distriot of Columbia. U. S. A. 1.ty OOttlJlli8810n'explrU,reb. 20, 1930. \ I \, ; Piled end , 13th day' Qf June ,1926, 8t 10 i'32 A.V. '~ ../ 1./1 ,,-' ~e(\\.\e P. C. Eldred, Clerk qlrouitCou~t.,. .er,o(,~ , By A;..u' V/Z(~1-f d3t!e..~,c. >>.C. , I - -~~---~~ ----- _"'" ~ - . 3'~ I I I, I/~:- 10