HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFFlorida Building Code; Online MEMO W-11" Registration�lR C.E KIS Home 1d4, !r�Usec HbtTb6h6 1 �Su6mifSurOarge t5&�act�; ' F8C Stai r' ' 1, BL Florida _- J U N 18 USER. Publ ic A p p ST. Lucie County, Permitting L------- Omdua gpprova_l'Kanu">•A' 5 kj6hea-66nTis >-Appjjcj6dn j)j611 Apiljcatllon_ type ReWsioh -Code Wftldh Applicatl6n Staftfs" Approved' Comments 'Archived, Product 'Mandfo6twer- -Add rd§s/Ph6ne/Em6il - Authorized.-81briaeure Technical Representative Addresp/ - Oh , Add ress/phd_ne/Emall, daiegory 'St&diitegpry Page.1 of,4 1, Unks f Sealch, f 08/18/2011V; date rqaPpjy;08/211MESE 'PlANS AND ALL PROPOSEDWORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS Eiefreffifftdtal Fabricators; LEC : jj6d L ; "REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT' SW Portia DflvW!' P61rn City, FL3499,6- ie.,OAAV MAMMARY- ENI.ORDER- To'-14" MY (772)`872464 co M PV1 WFM 11".36L A PPLI CA21'11-1 C 0 0 118.1 flv6lid6t!66@iV9hbo..,c6.M- RichA-rd,McKUh-eh, fivallclation Cibyah0b.Corn'. 'K"- qafO'Mckuhen- :21:60-"SW Pbhia DrIv6,, Palm City, FU34990, :(772) 872-8034 eichan:i6ewatimef 'Roofing Metal .- Roofing _;1 ST LUCIE COUNTY /I BUILDING rjivisitm4. REVIEWED FOR CGAA2t=NG REVIEWED BY DATE C-- -,-2r, /r / PLANS AND PEJ&IT MUST BE KEPT 00 JOB OR NO INSPECTION.WILL BE MADE Compliance Method EvaluationReportfrom a F1o.r.icla',Regist6red! . -Atchitect & a:Uodbted Flbn-da Pribifeissional E'ngineer- 0 - Evaluation- Report - Hardc0py'Received Florida Engineer or-Arcfiitect Naine Whb-,`d6V-616pdd 1:0 C I < E B'O'W- b _E N". AfI6 Evaluation R60r't !Florida Licebse, PE-49704 ,.Quality Assurante Entity., K#ystbri - e-C ' erifflbca- ons;.Inc., 'Quality Assurance dontraqf Explratibn Date' 04/22/2024i Valldatdd By Zachary-k -.'Presf,,'P.E. 9 :Viii.diflon'iCITeckli'st.z,,Hi§edtopy RedcdWed Certificatd 6f4ndbp6hdericd RZ C.01 fFLJ:7022.1. 5-V Referenced Standa'rd- jnd'Yddr­',(df -standard), Standard TAS-L'125- '2003 UL 1897 -2012 580 2006 ,EqDlvalence_df'Peddud Sf0hd6Fds. ;Certified By ,,Secti.onsfrorn'the Code http://www.-flotidAbtiil-d-ing.org%pi/p ii as _app_dtl'. . .. Pk?Param= _E"VXQvADq92aBQpHpQQi.. 4/26/200 Florida BuildingQril"iiie " Page 2'o.f 4. j Product A,lJ0eoVb'('Method Method ,i Option 0, Date Submitted Date,Valld6ted 1.08/25/2017' D6te'.,P6ndIhd FB:C-.App,1J6V6I; 081;ij2bi7 Date -,Approved FL! Oi Mqdeli-NuMberlor Name, Descii I 1_7162.Ai MR,9-4=1 M mechanically attached, to,_15 32" plywood or Wooi fasteners, Limits of Uier Approved for use 'i'WhVHZ'�N6, ' " ' ' "d ' . If,. Approved for Mse'outsi ej­lVkIZ:.yes,. Impact Resistant: Not- Dcisighpiessure: +N?A/T616,A Other: Ref6r-1:6eva-luation- report f6r, conditions.,, liipfaW the assembly In compliance With the ln'66116don method listed In this report and applicable code sections of FBC1..Refertb; madufacturer's installaetoh-In4rtictibris; Installation Instruictibills tU7022 .97: II FL 17022 1.1, 5 V CRTMP -�&,I)df -Verified Bin, Locke -Bowden, P;E-, 49704;- Created by'Indlepdndent,Thir'4 Party Yes Evaluation Reports -1 &17_02 1 2 IR71 AE - ELIZQ22, -1 S-V CA ssr.bdf Created, by independent Third Party:.M-� 17022-1 L.IFF11IL5 Of Use i. Approved for;us I ein H V*HZ:'..No, Y Approved for;use outside HVHZ:., es IMpact.Res'istialn-6"No Design Pressure: +N/P/-Table A with 0.032 AiJrfilnum, 3/8!' Rib'height,,2111 wide lapped roof panel, mechanically-aftched-io 15/32'�:pilywood or;Wood Deckwith exposed: fasteners nstallation Instructions �FL17&�, 112 -ft K- 17027. -Verified- By. Locke Bowden,-P.E. 49704 TCreated by Indep6ndent Third - Party: Yds Other: Refer to evaluation report :fco,cdhditiorfs:lhst-all.th assembly In,complian.ce, With, theinstallation method ljjsteAn', -2 this report and applicable codb.'se&16h1s of FOC. Refer to manufacturer's Jnstallatl'oft'instFdcilo'ns. - I 17022.31 3'- 1.5" 6echzinical,S6arri­ -(gs) Limits of Use, Approved for use''in HVHZ-.''No ,Approved for usee- outiId_VHi!Yes , Impact Resiitant:Nol Desigh Pressure:. +N/A/ -Table A: Othe1r. Refer to eV61u'ati6h,(60ort-F6r,.66hditioht and limitations of. use. Install the assembly'irrtoinpliance With the.installition'method listed in"this r cl'apollc6blci ' ' i ' C f - t"', fqpi?q�pp - - _ code sections of FS ;44�' e;'r to Manu ac u rdr'�'Iristallatibn instructions: 17022.4 14 - %,_T' Mechanical S.eam".(RS)' Limits of Use Approved, foruse in HVHZ;. No: Approved for ''use 'use *outside HVHZ: 'Yes: ,Impact Resid ' tant: ' +No Desigh Pressure: N/A/-7abIe.A Other: Refer to evaluation report for'conditions and limitations ofuse. use. Install the.asserritilyln compliance with! the Installation ,method listed in thfi report and applicable code -sections of 1713C.-'Refer to rnanufkturer'sInstallatidn Instructions.. 5 - %, In. 1\16117S&lp""(R5) Limits of Use - Approved for use in HVHZt No Approved for use outside HVHZ: -Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Peessure:, 4-N/A/'-Tbble A, Other, Refer to evaluation report fbr condition d san Ilmitakions of usq.'Install'the aissehiblyjn compliance With .Party. Yes' is'rib helght;'16"Iwidej,24 gauge steel,standing seam: roof panel mechanically attached to 15/32" plywood orwood deck Wiff clips and fasteners. Installation -Instructions ,,Yerified By: Locke :Bowden, .P,E.,.49704�. 'CreatedW independent Third Pa . rty: Yet Evaluation Reports Created by Independent third Party: Yes t.S'� rib height, 16" widej 0.032,"alLiriiihijin,.stiiridlhg seam roof panel mechanically attached to 15/327 Plywood or Wood Deck with dips,and fasteners; Installatibri Instructions Fr 17022 - RT jj I FL,17022,4"ME I C. . HANCIAL-SEAM', ALUMINUM -ssr.odf Veriffed'By: Locke P.E.49704 Created by-lndelpdndeni Third _Pafty:-'Yd§ Evaluation Reports' 'MJ_7M_•1,7i AE 'FL.,17_022_A,MECH6pCjAL SEAM ALUMJNUM;ssr,nd Created by,1ndepe6deiif.T*d Party:; _ , I - , V:, Yes, V rib'heig ht,,'W' wide, 26 gauge steel, standing! seam ,roof .,q - panel mechanically attached, to 15/32".plyWoodl or wood deckwith fastdriers';-, Installation- Instructions IL14022 0 11. LlljJ_Q2'2.5_ '1,,0- _N'J*LS��fpl ssr:Adf ^Veelfled.BV: Locke Bowden, P.E.49704 -Created by-Indepe-rfc1ent`ThIffPaAy; N&I Evaluation rt Repos. fL1,7Q& R 7. AE' F'L, 170-2-2-',5 - j, 6 - Akgtkj E ssr, rid �Createcl,by 1hde0end6nt7hlrd.P-arty: Yes, http://www.flon'dabttildin---o�K� f a-p-p-;,�dti.-ttspx�?'param=wGEVX- wtDciv-26BO Q _�p'HAQI;, 4/26/`2.Ql 9 Florida Building Code, Online , Page 3 of 4 the lnJ§taIlati6"6'method listed in this report'and applicable, code sections of FBt.'R4fdi­ manufacturer's installation! instructions.. 17022.6; 1,' rib height, 16" Wide' - 0 * 032":bI , urninum, standingseam roof panel 'nie6hahicall y attached toattached to 15/32" plywood or Wood Deck'w-ith fasteners; Limits of Usiii; u -Approved for use iri HVHZ: Nq,,,, Approved for use 6uiilde;HVAZ: , Impact'Resisiant:: No; Design Fressure:-+N/X/-Ta6ie A. Other., Refer to evaluation report for -,conditions and limitations 6f'us&.­1nstali the• ajgembly Jn:complian.ce with the lnstallatiorf'metho'd"litt6d.'16..th'i-s,r.('j p. 61ftf and applicable: codesections6fFBj ' installation 17022.7 tl.15ilif; Nail Strip" (R5) Limits, of Use Approved for use in HVHZ;. 0; Approved for use oiaiside:AVHi:Yes,' Impact ilesista Resistant: No Desigh'Firessuie: +N/A/-TSbI6A Other: Refer to evaltiation report f6r condltions`and, limitations 61',use. 1ristall the as§eMbly in.compliarice with: the install . atlon method listed in thi§:r6port-anclapplicable cocle'sections of IFBC; Refer'to minukkfurei's� installation, instructions. Installatlbn,Llfiftirkktkins� )FI-17022 R7 .11 FL,I70-2.2.6 1,0 MAII- STRiP'n,032 ALUM ssr.odf.- 'Vehfied B I y,: Locke-6owden; . P.E. ;Cr6atdd by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports _Q I TL,17022: t�� AF?FL,17022:6 1, NjM1 STRIP '04032 -ALUM :ssr;pd ' Created by Iriftendiiiit Third Party:- I(qs -1.5'` rib Might, 19" -wide,, 26'gaugesteel, standing seam roof panel mechanically'Attached to 15/32" plywood orwood deck with fa§terferg, Installation Instructions :M1_7022 V; iT­lLj2o_&7 4.5-N - Verified By: Locke Bowden,'PZ 49704% Created br�.'independent Third Party-. Yes' Evaluation Reports OL17022: 0 AE A 17022.7' 1,q Nall qfrin ')9r"A eci-WAF Created by Independent Third Party: Yes' RA. __' nel mecharically'attachedto 0012.6. 29.6�ug6steelj. lapped roof pa. 15/32, - plywood or wood deck With exposed fasteners, Limits.of Use Approved for,use in HVHZ No XpproVed for use 6u611d.e,HvM2s.Yb.S .Impact Resistant. No Design Pressure: 4:1\1/A/-T615la A_ Other: Refer to evaluation report46KcbrRdItI6ns-arid limitations Of use. Install the assembly.In complibricii'vilth the Installation method liskedjn4hJs,rppoii and applicable Code sections 6FFBC.. Refer. tq,.manufadturer . Vlmtallatl6n instructions: Installation Instructions k7022 R7 !fj: Pi 177077 a'EMAX. Rib- SsL-nd, 'Verified By. Locke Bowden; P.E. 4970.4 ,Created by Independent -Third. Party: Yes Evaluaiiap Reports 'L EL-1770218 EMAX Rib,.ssr.pdf Created 5'y Independent. Third Party: ,Yes 17022.9. 9 i PBR!MAX!';(R5) 26-gaUge'-st6el, lap`odd roof'panel mechanicaRy attached to 115/32". plywood'or.-wood deck with ei posed fasteners. Limits of Use; Approved for use In HVHZ: No'' Approvedfor use outside AMi: 'Yes, 'Impact Resistant:- No :Design Pressure: +N/A/4abI6`A Other:'Refer to 6v'a'l:uation.'re�port,forlcoiriditibrfs and limitations' of use: Install the. asSembiyi .� I n compliance with' the'lhstall!P Von method llst6d in this 'report and applicable Code sections of FBC. Refer to imanufacturef`s` installation Instructions., Installati, - on Instructions - FL,17022,,117 11,FL.47022,9'EBR RIB ssr;rid Verified By:-Lock6 Bowden; M_49704 ,dreiited by In ' dependentThird Party: Yes Evaluation FL17022 -Vi7rot.3-17,12.9 PUR Rl ssr.r)df- Created by Independent Third Party: Yes contactusn Talljjhaqq"e FL 3239 'The'State6fFlorida ls-6nAAIEE0:ir-nploor-to-vyrlh'lit2bbi-4Oi3state ofFlorida,::Liacystatement :,:.A=ssI!iIIl tv tat mp'nta Refund statement Under Florida llaw, 'email iddiessesare public records; if you do not went your e-mail'address released 14 i to a bubllc:recdrds . request, d6 n6i.sefid lectionic mail to this entity.,Instead;.contact the office by phone bfby traditional mail. If you have any questions, Please contact 850.497.1395. Mrsu6nt to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October V, 2012. licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emalls provided maybe used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record.. It you do not wish to supply a personal address, plea's4�,pr6yide,ttie,Dipartriie , nt with an email address which can:bie made r available to the public: -To determine if you area licensee under Chapter. 455, F;S., please dick hap_ Proclud: Approval Accepts: M M F—RRI FE M Credit Card Safe http://wwW,.,-h"ofid'abuildincy,org/pi-/nr..-4pp,,,, as x.par4 Otl� - - 9 - - - !11==iW6VVxQmA D-qv2aBQpHn -P - -,QQ ... 7 4/26/2019, I = . ­ - ii, '. Imo' �;.,. Ij Palm City; F1. 3499 th' compli;§iit--With'Olorld-a',6'611'ditig.C.;iOe.,'2017'(6, ;edj� Compliant. with 'Florida Product Appt.ov$ Rple_# 616204 Compliant. Keystone Certifications}` tv, Product::'S, v Crithp,16GA Stoe't R66f Pine'l,-F6&Seci1561A'2 'YiLild;strength:gQ,.kp"rnirt--i;Atta-thLd'td.m -pj in.,14/3,r ywood.or Wood. -Deck ins/min. OAZ.spec '!,fic.,g'ralvityw"ith:screWt.'140j;-Coverage: Rib Height! 318" 'C-orroiidh'itesi'stant.Cooi,p!ia''nt'.i FlSec.: Fastener.1, (Method. I.Attacl 'fflgn _Xd-ijXIHex-Washer Head .wood -strevOw t6pdrittrate, 3/16"Imin'. -thru-deck'or,S/9".!e.m,be..drnent-irit&wdd�d..-Plank (*,6e9Uff1deht1ength-to meet : requirements) Fastener, 2 (Method 2 1 &,4Att6ehrheht_ )!410 XI-1/2"" Hex-Wa "fier'Road. Wood screw* to pendttAte'3 16"cinih, th' ru _.dock bug/9'embodrWonflirit wood plank. (!1or sufficlient.tength into 0, to MedtireqUitelM dn Underlayment: To be c6molicint,"withTOC. ecl.,Chart.-107.1.1 — .. I 'S , 4. Slope:, Shall be in compliance Wlth1Fl3C,,S'ec. '107.. Install Details:! Table A Allowable Loads. METHOD I METHOD 2 'METHOD I METHOD4 DESIGN. PRESSURV -.86 '-93.S'PSF 01- PSF? PSF: ROW -SPACING 1 .011 `6.c 16" ox.. 90 O.C'. 6""Oxw FASTENER SPACING .(ALONG Panelvidth). :1 . VI.b.c.- 12" ox, FASTENER SIZE #10 . References Data: ARCH11TECrURALTEST(Nd, 1WC-.'T5T 16#:j9jj- :.UL580=06 9,1801-0.41 T66t ;Report , oft '.03893.011-450618,osjo2j14 j Test Aeooil TAS 125.'03. Test. Report; D05493.02-4038' -61/11 it *EQOiVALENCk;UL,18.97-0,4."is,eq6ivaloiit,-totL-#stitiidird'OL.tBO.i '*Design pressure: ,M;ot;#iii,dfiiifet -2:1 Y .,I A -9 1,- 'Locke Bowden, P.E.-doe * noth .v­,,notwill acquire a 11nanclil under this e%WUa.tlofii Locke BoWderv, P.EJt,­ndt.6wned, operated0-ont 1d' e 11 `0 robya report. U a F:v 0 pk'�­ . -0 Or . i , comparfVC)rnW -6-i dis't�itiuting, products 0 FL17022.4 24" Wide; Roof Panel - Details. - Limitations: 1. Underlayment to bex�ompliance with curredf'rl'orida -Building Code (FBC)20176th ed. 2. Minimum slope,,tb be compliant with Flor'ida)3UildiiYq Cdde2017 6khed.,,'and per with. Manufacturer's rifference. 3.-Productsare compliant--.forlgfate-of,r.lorid'a,pr6dudtapproval P* Rule 1131G2078."Compliance Method: I-D 4. Engineering analysisfor "projedt'spe-c*ifi'c:8ipp-(OV-aI by, l6cbl'-authorifies w/jur'isdiciion is allowed by Othef registered engineers. 5. Fire classification is not part'of this acceptance,:,-,.,sk*&ititdi-aphr-a-gmval'ues are outside this report: 6. Support framing incompliance w?Fb&=-2017 61fiA,,,,ChaOte'- 22:for Steeli Chapterand Chapter 6 for '23 f6rWood,.a'n, aptpr'l Structural Loading. 7, This report -does notimply warraniy,,'irisfallat'ioh,.'recomm'ehded'oroduct -of useouiside ' this ,report; F i I e- n'e,-,"' - -1/2Min. lorl -#I0.X1-1/V Min. **19"A! foiRpw Crimp Roof Panel 'Spacing and Desigik Pressures Hex Washer Head Wood, Screws Deck; 16132"otgreatbrPlywood,,or Wood plank 318" .PPfIONAL STMAT109�� �- Nominal 12 O.C. rPan-el troflle- Nominal 12! b.c. z .' Fasten P.7-1--j/27Min. de #10-x-1-4/2"Min. per, 'fable, "A','' Hex',Washe HbadSc r' -rew° Panel - - Spaced 12" o.c.,across Ihe*P.!n6l'Wdth. Refer tdTable',Ar fde Ppbcihg Along Overlap- Length' ng Panel; Db'ck--'l 5/32",oe greater plywood, ,or - -Mood"plank