HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1595 _._~-'-" -. -- "',- '--",- _. ...._n _~ -.r .,__ I' t < j I 'i f I f ,f ':lS4" ~ ';1 J'" I't,: ". 1'1 '. \ ' '.", ~.I"'-;, " _';'-~., ___~~ _L,~I. '~'. \". :.1 . I~~~'-~T': ' I,'r~~'t'-.-.-~~;:', i-~~.~--:-{', L~7cnl,,:l~~=.- . I '(, I' " I I ' I. I,". ' , " " , "., , ,', ,,',' I I " ' , I I ( , '1" t,. ~~i:7;i:~.::.~;~:.:,,~-:;:;:::i:r'I:'~~,~-::;;:':':' :~~:,,:;~~~~;::;;~:;;:;.~"::~~::':::':,~~::::~'~~~;~;;;':;.(,:~:~~~~-F~:r;~l,:~~"i::;:;::::::t;;.~:~:::.:l~~:;~~;:~~:.:_~:-;::;.:~~, ! ' ,JOlnr~.! ~TAllS01f. ETAL ' :- Ii;" !\~ II TO" ' ~t'" \ I'" '\, JOHN. i7 .1;9' BltlBif ")'. \ ' ~I, ,~'~ .r " I .~' '.\ \ ' ll"'.\, 1,1 ,'...., \"';' \1' , . , ' . I, \ I.,.. ,WARRA~Y .:PEED'.,," . \ .' 11,1 ',' " " '" ',.1.'.'\',' .~ .~.'\~. " ~ ,'.' ,\ \.'t .. I ,. ~,,~ ",,',', ':, THIS: nlDEil~URB,.' mad. thts. Blev.nth\~,>>,. of )lay, ..:.. ~D. 192~, n~~; 'JOmf40. IWiSW, '301ne4 I I,d , , ' I \, 'II .. ,', I \ ' II I \,.'" . ' \,'" ' " '.." ,\ - , " . . \ . , ',- .,' . . . . ' \' \. \. , '- ' ' ,\ - , : ,.1" by\ },{,u~):' L. ~1\S~lh ~B ~ If. ~\ ,~f tbeOo\uqt~ of P~lm. Bea}Oh, i,n.the ~~ate, o,r,\I',l~:1~,~' ~rt1.e,s:of ", \ " \ < tbe \f1illt Part, 'and \JOHl(J~ of:tnhBU 0-: .tl\eo\Qunty, of P..IQ1 Beaoh,:~n the' Stat": 'of rlO~laa pa3;"tiee .~ ," ' '\, \ ' ,\ ",., ',' . \, .i,.,...> ',' '.\,,' '.. ,\'\....:\ ,I, " ,\ of the, seq~ndpar1r;, \ ,\ . .' I . .,' ., .. \' \ " ',' \ : .. \. , wm,Essm~, ifha t the, 8a1dPsrt1~S: ~f t,heflrstPart.. ~or"8n~\11n.o,ons1d,erat10nOf'the' :. ~ I 811i!l,of 011,8 ,-'Ju~",re'd \ Dolla ra and ot her :,,~luab1:e oonQ 1d~~t10'n8\ to theml1,n hand paid .by the \ '. \ \, _ , ,\ Y:. '. .', ,', :, .,- ....r, ",' ..,' . , sa1dpa,ity-ofn,th!Jeeoondpert,'the:reoe1pt 1the.r8of,'18hareb7 aoknowl,ag....ed lilve granTei\, . ' ," " , " ' . "\ ',', ' '. ;" , ~: ',' ,': '. ' ..' .' " , '., : barga1ned~ 'and: sold to.the' sa1d, party -o:t the I!,eoond, ~rt, his'he,l'J'Banf.aaslgn,s t9revu.~th't,;' . , '.. ' .' . \ " . . .- ~ -. .' " '..",: .."". '; . , . , ' '-~, ' ','. " "',, . , . ': " - .,' " '. .' . .. '", ,':' .' ""~ . . -",: ' following d,sorlbed.land.,' Qltuat"~' 111ng .sAd bdng in 'the, Cburity of St.. L~o1e,' state of"lorlda';. , . i" t'o-1r\~: ..\:'..,., \," ' , . - ." '.., .',:' , ' , ",. ~" - " ' ,-,' '. .' ~ . ' \ . , III t~t:p~~oe?r p.rod'~f .land of ,GOvern~nt Lot,' Pour ':C-4)S~OUOIi,'~9~/ '. TO_ship 36~o'uth~' R~~ 4-1 'Bost,'eltuate, '.lYlnaa~" belng~, t~e oounty;: . ;, . . ,.:." .. ' .'~ '- .; '. '-~' ",~,,-:.,-, .; ..' . '..~ ;~' ' '. of St. Lu01e and :Stete of:'10r1da,ciesor1be4 aB fOllOlrS:, .-: ,~:'B~'~~~~g '8~'8: pOi~t ~igb:~ 'g~~dted~b~':Ei~hti,(~ot:. '~~'t'86uth frOID '. ,... - , ; '..-'".' -- ,~', '-. .- ". .,' '.' , ' ',' '. '. - ,~. .' . . 't'he.:No1,'t~WG..terly oom~r' of.the said GOTl!'mment Lot; 1(he.noe runn111g, ., .. "', ,. '..', . '.,"~' " ~n ,:, "-" '.' , East.r1YaDl.parallelwlth thelTQr'therly 'line of'seld ,!.ot.i; the ,Atlantio ': . . "'. '.': ',,' , ", .- ". .'. ." '.. ,---3" . ". :'. -' ::'. ,-" -, .' , ,..-' .: ...' . Oo:ean; thence, running Southwest,erI,. 8]JUig .tBe' 8~1d' A.tian~100c~to the" .' .' -. :~ -.. ..," ,', .- ": '. ~'.' .:.- .'_:-:~ '. " I ~ .- ,"'. ". '... ;. '. ". .. ~. S,out~ line 'of ,the8a1a: LQt; 'the,noe, 'ronn1ng ife!!t,erty,alQ.i1g'.the '801itbt~lY' '. . '". -_.; :. l . " '. ". , . ' :, " ,'.-. ,_:' _ '. '. .'~ " _ . . ._ . , lil1eof the ~sal d: I.o~ " totbe, South.est, come x: of the881d,r.o1;~. thenoe;, , "~~n,lngno.l',ther}Y'810ng the WesterlY line of the 8a1~ ,G.o.,.~ent Lotto.: --:~~...- "I', \ "..~, \. \ ' ~ _\ '\ . " . . I ; "." ....., , ' , . '. ; " .' ~ '- /J of sa1,d'Co~rity.. th.:p01nt ot p'18oe of"beg1nning~ Subjeot t.o ant and',a ~ t-1gh~ s.and".ser.;a t1ol1s'ln that: ~.rta1'~ ~,eed" ._---"---;, '\. " '. '. - '." . ., , for'said is nele from-the 'TJ-ust.eeof ',theIntemll'lmprov8lDeli~ ~dt', dated .l!8roh~th; 1923~ reoorded ip DeedBoo~ 63, page 26l.~ofthe pUblio, reoords. . .. " , , .0 '($22.0.0'1 .R.8t8~oan.l hef1rBt .p~!,tdO hirebl :t~11warr8nt'.tl:1e'titi~, to soid"land and:' ; .. ~ . . will de fend the 8ame ,ap;a1nst the la~fu.1 olams 'ofall'peteops wh~8oever.. . .. .. bJ " ' ., .' InWITlfESS "'HER~P, ~h., a8id part~u of the,f11'8tpart, b8:Y~' he:t.;untoeet . . " .., . .. , and 0881B'the day and'Y.r flrBt,abov.wrltten. , "..... " . '. '';' ~ . Signed, s.....al.d and de U."-.red . 1n proeno.' of u"s: , Jos~B. Oorwili JOhn.S. Olsen -1: '1. thelr'h8olB' \ . . .." John J.B8nsOn (8'ea1)" , ,I JlarY' .~. HaI;l80n (Seul) ~ STA~E OFUEW YORK OOUNTY OF I~W YORK, I, ~RZJ3Y' CBRTlYf ,the ton ,this ciay per ~nallY a ppes:redbetore JIle, 8'D o~floe I' dUiy , , ' a~thor1zed to ,aam1n1sttr.oath8.n~ talce aokn6wledfllJient8, JOImJ~ . HANSON ,and MARy'L.1{AllSON, his w11'e, ~o, m..en kOOWD a~ knOwn to 'me to bt the in4h1,duals desoribed 1i1 a'n,d who exeO,utfd; , . '1;he:to:rego1ngdeed,,_8ndthq aoknowledged be for elutha t they exeout" "6 'A ,L 1-e i,;ua, I I ",i! 'n.'" ..l1uwlli~li i "Ir. _v-- N..' ":.111" .....ll....ll.. the, same freely aol. VOlunt~1lyfor' the purposGS there1n expressed. '" .{ AIID I ?unT~~ CERTIPY!bet the 881d HARYL. HAmfOll kno,WD tome to be tpa 1I11'e ofthetsa1d , " ( .JOHN J. HAnSON on a separate and private~X8m1nat1()n taken a~d _de by andbetore me,separsUllY ~nd 8!)art"from' .,.r "ald husbend, d1d aolmowledsetha tS~~~!Illlde heraUf a ~rty tos8fd.deeif: for the p'llrp08' olf r.~o~n~ fng, r'l1nquleh~g an4 OO~.,ey1nga11 he~right, t1 tle and lntereet; .,..---.---. ---.....~.