HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1604 . " I , . I f ..j -- " Co. - -c.;; ~~ ~~~~.,:.\ +~~:;1 :r:- .F':::;.~:_':c.~;:;:~::;::;;~~' ,=~'I'::::;':'::T::L:' ~)::;-;~;;::;:~,~:d:,~;:-.:+;::;.l;:O:?!.:~, 'l: 0 pa~ty ~a ,~bei ~l, a Il~ t~,n~' \' f pr ,t~ ~ur ~o~ 'af ~~.au~al;.lt: '~'l~ n~l ~ Al;,s ""d I;; on~ :v;~ f 01 ~,' I ,l 'hdr r,.,ght. ~l'tl'. ,a{1.4\\1n't~r,est .~h~her, ()~ 40WU:"of\'Of ~para teprobef~' eta tutory\, ~r ~~u1tab:h i I: ", 'i' ,I,. \ I " ,! ". " ,\ \' " 1\ ",\ I. ',"\' : ,'\ .; \In.,eDd,dl ,th~aQn\ ,~~~~\l\nd~earlbed~' and ,th8t, eh~ e'xo~u,ted.- ~aId dl,e(\ tre~~1 8~d :V:O;LunUq',ll~'~ ',;, I , " " , \ '. , " ., \ ' ' I,.'" , . , , .. ""', ',I :J\8,nd,W1 thout a~ o'~n~t1'8 !nt.fe~ r. apprh.eD8'\OD. .or, OO~P~iS1\on .of. ot':frODl h~ 'S8'-4 h\\Sb~dd.',;, " ,., " , ' , " , ' I , ' " ' , .., \', , ' '" \, " I " :' : \ :' ~1Itnis~' 'mY:ei.g,.-tur.e .uid offloial '~ea,l\at, Pot~' ~ie'~e~ 'ID'theOonnty of: ~1~tILuol..Sta.'t'. :,'. " '. ,.'-. : \' ',\' :. \ . ~,' '..' ..' "'" .\ \' ':. ,\', :' \' " ',I, oi"F~~r1~$~ ,(on'th~~e l~t~:d.~:Of Jun,. .!-. ,I). 1926.\, \ "'I." ..', \,\ ' " ",' .' ,',., . ,C \ \,\' . \. ". _' . \ .( (, V: '\ '\,;i ',;lI~rtna,Rogero ", ' , \ \ '!', ,,~ Notary Pilbl~O\. for the, S~a 'te of Flor'-da,t, Large. I .. ".-.'", " ',' lIYI' oomm~8Uon: expiru ~lib.6.' 1~29-., ',.. : I -I ,. \.- ',' ,jSTATEOF (JEOROIA'(CqUiTTY~OF'BIB.B: \ :' "', ~ ","" .... . \' , . ':,/' I,he~e~y ,o,rtfty ;thi~\ ~~ t}~l~:'~ai"per8''>,''~l,y 8Ppe8reti'before'~e 'a~h~l. ~u ,<)'a~..k~Q~n',t9,' , f me to' be, the l!1 f~ of, J." R. ,Odom, end a~ 'o~~. 6f:the parties .to: the ~itMn 1n8t~eDt,' ~~ on a" ! t separate ~nd }l1"tV8t.examina't~on taken. by an~'befor. Ine,.....aqd 8tfpa~tel1 and',oport from. he.r 8~id' . , I hU~!>o nd, d 1. a oleo Owle dto ~ hot . he~~d e heriiol t .,\ par tt ,~othe ..~ d,l.at_.nt :'. 'for >th.e ~"'" on ..' . I 'of renounolng,rel,iri~i8h1nganil 00,riWY1~ 'all' her right. t1~H~8n.d In~erost, ,whe~hero~ dowe'1' 'to' " '. : " '.., ; 'or of -separate pro~.rty, ,statu,tory ,or'.equft~ble', in abd' ,to ~he'l~nds therelri'de,~qI:'lbe4,8ndthat ! - .' .' . ~ . . . .... o. . ...; 'aM' e:.t'eouted. Bai d 'ae.d 'freely 'aDct'volunt~ rily. ',sndwl,th.nt any oonstral nt .fe~~..'a p,)r,lih~nSlon; ,: i' .' . . .. '. . _" - , . ','., "'" : ". ,_. ~ . . I '" " " " '. . ' " ". ; or' oo,mpulsl(ui of ol',:tromher ~81d .11Usband. ~ '"' .'.'... '. .-. - ::.. ~ .... ~ I. . Wi~~S8 mr slgriatUl'e' and ,Qff1~1a'~: 8ea~ at'Uaoon. i~,the.eountYOf B'1l;lb.S~8t" otGeor~la.~:" y. on,thia;' the 4, ~D. 1926:;':' II ." r : r 'L~~~.~.. I, \ ' r:t; J" ~.~. , ~".' :1 ' ~ rl ~., ' ;t .! (~ t~\ .: i ~ ~' . \ , " ; . i, I. I t ".~-~~., / " ,) , ~ 'i ;. ! , , I II 'I' , .', I :);'-~l",~~~;~'';',-:-~~~~+ .~, . .~ - ~... . I, .f I. ...:. , I' , , 1 I 11'I,39~ ./ I. 1 I l.' 'I' , ' . I .' 'I , I <l ~t., I : II . <0\ , " f .- . l f ,~oe, L. ltontgomery ll'OtaryPuQ110 Blbb.co.'(;a. 'l.ly oom.., exp'..'4.;.lG-2'1.' : . , Q , , ., ::=-.' FU'ed aildre oorded 'on' tl}h , , ~'~h,,~ay ,o~~ne..l~?6. st 3;4,9 p.U~ '~(1 ", .' .. 0" ,;,'\. ,', '.QI'I.' , ' ". ".. ~ '-.1 '^, '.1: , "0' D.C.' ..;. . " . \, ,.p.e:.- EUre~!. O,le.rk cl.r'o~~t,~ Oour~~ By 4~'~.j~~ " ,', .....\. ": . ........ .... ..,...... .'. ,~................ .,x.... ..... .'. .,. ..'.'.,... .'..... . ~.;~. .'....1:1 ,",. ...~.. ...... .'. .:.......... .', ..1. .....' '-.,e,>......" ) \nl.E. l.IAR'l'IN t " ~ ' .~, " " TO O. L. 71IlJXLE.' ABSIOm.lE1IT" OF OOllTnACT~"" :IClT()j1 AL!i rom ,'BY THE,S! PR&SEmS: " '.',~h8t 1n 'oonsl'diration o~ 'Ten.DoliafB 'ap,d .other 'Yal~b.le oone1deraUc)Jls.;.I. Wm~ E. Uert1n. , . I an, unaarr~odlli~.: of'-Wut Pal~BeaQh, nOl',1d8,do'hG:rcib~ Bfl1~ ~I!Sir.n8..,trimsfer and, .O~DYe1to'.' . '," - " .' ". . " . j,O.L. 1Jlnk~8. .~o~t Pieroe. Plor~d~'.~ll mY :d~ t. titl t sDd Intel'e,~.'1rfarid to tha,t oertain, ! oontraotfromG. W.Bingbjm. 8 baohelor tQ Wm~"E. UartiD' detted Uay-30,.1924,-reoorded' 1-n Deed " BOok 61 at page 496 otth~ 'Publio' Reoords 'ot S't. I.uoh eounty,.,rlor1datoove~1;Dg.th~ .:t'Ol~oTdng .' desOribedlands. ,to.,\11t: Commenoing ()n' the, Shore of the 1.1JlQtIo Ooeah at ,the Southeast oorDer of 8eotion thirty..ho (~), InTowneh~p thi rty-f~ ve ,( 36) Sou 1;h o'f Hange forty-one (41) East. arid thenoe following theehore' 'oftbe Atlantio Ooean ,. . , , tOB polntf1:ttean hUndred (1600) feet llorth O't';-tI'le$SUha at, right angles to. the South line of eaidSeot!oo 32 whioh is t,he point of beginning; . I thence r~ west on a line parallel with the south line of lald Seotion 32 , to't}~ ,w8ter~f tM ID,di~ Ri.,..r; t'nenoe run north and fol1'Ow theshOJje or the Indian River/to a p01nt whioh 18 eighteen hundred flBOP) feet no,n'h ot' , "', I . , , ", , Jlleasured at right 8Dglefil'to, tMsouth line. ot s.ld Seotion 32; thenoe eaat /. onaline parallel to the 80uth 11ne of hid BeoHon a~-tfle.--s.horro-t''tM- ~ i _ , , "0"":.-",:. .,,"'. ~_ > ~.~-:-' ',;.~.:.-.t" _ _;::::,