HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISIONN f i OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED:00 REVISION FEE: SCANNED LI- St tUCj5 ; , PERMIT # . ' u l D - 4 W RECEIPT # 3 3 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVIC S------__ _ BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION RECEI /Fjr 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982.5652 JUL ® (772) 462.1553 � ( ; ST. LuCle %anty,o1g Perrnittir1g APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS ^" - PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 6701 CAMPANILLA FORT PIERCE FL 34951 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: NEED TO REPLACE THE PRODUCT APPROVAL FROM SNAPMAX 1 "NAILSTRIP TO 5V CRIMP. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: CCC1326620 BUSINESS NAME: ROOF DOCTORS QUALIFIERS NAME: CALVIN LARS CHRISTENSEN ADDRESS: 2550 SE PERUGIA ST CITY: PORT ST LUCIE STATE: FL PHONE (DAYTIME): 772-280-8618 OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: N/A ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME: ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: 8317 ZIP: 34952 FAX: N/A STATE: ZIP: FAX: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: N/A ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): STATE: VAX: ZIP: 9123109.Revised FILE 06130117 E e. tit 1�-F..i s. •_V` 7 �'�� Cop I Florida Building Code.,On'line eage i -or 4 onal Regulatioa Business Professi j P & u wstaff !>tpts Fads 1 P 61iti AK nr d, CONCEALED FASTFNERS OR ATiACHMENT S ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PeOductApprc!va CONTRACTOR OR RECORD MUSER; PubUt , Uw D r-rr-T E: FL:# -APPHC600h;TYPd ,C6d&Ver*1on App ljo.. tio�n-,StabuS Comments.F1 Archived > Appjicad*n'odbil, 'FL17022-0 Revisfqn 2017, Approved LE Cop y 7V. dabi reapply. 08/21/17 LI/ JUL 0 6 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting Extreme Metal Fabricators, 4C .prodjjct.M6nuf�cturer 2160 SW Po DriVe Address/phone/,Emall pajm..Cjty,.FL . 24000 THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK 8034 (77,2)1872- I E SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS NQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT , MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO re -Authorized Signature mckuh,en, ' ho,,Cjr60MPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. Hvalidation�Technico Representative Richard mcKuhen Address Rhone/Email 2i60 15W,poFna Drive 1 oc)G— C) (77 !)872-80314 rjCh4rd0emfWnet 'ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DVISION REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE Quanl:y, As1sur6_K,o9- Re. pre,sentative REVIE! i Q it AddreWl`110;W/EMqll DATE- f I PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT�j JOB category 6�n R0g SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) WILL MADE subtiteory metat'goofirig Zid" Eva I lya - tiqn ;geodrt, kom a, Florida Regtsi*red-ATchlteZ:t or.a Compija6ce method .Florida P-co�esslonat Engineer" tva:(u660n Report- .Ha'rdeop'Y,R6Mliie'd,- Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed LOCKE-SOWDEN the Evaj6atJ6jn Report Fibnda license' PE-49704 QU611ty Assurance -En Keystone'certi6cations, Inc. 1 Quality AssuranceConf,:ract.ExpJiri;itlon Date 04'211Z024 Validate . d By Zachary'R. PrleSt, R.E. '&,valldbtlop-Checkljst - H6eddopV Received FLOOZZ. K7 CQL_FL1L02"_L"&0L1M= Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (6f Standard) Stindice. TAS.125 2003 UL, 1607 2 6; .u0so Equivalence e Productsfand6i`tis derteed By Sections from the Code 0 .aspx?parain=WGEVXQwtDqv2aBQPI,iPQQ,,.- httpg:/Iwww.floridabuildingi.org/pr/pr� app -All Flo.ri& B iildin,g'Code Online -�.. Product Approval, Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date; Pending'FBC Approval Date.APproued Method 1 Option 6 08/18/,2017 08/25/2017 08/1812017• 10/10/2017 Page 2.;of4, summarv, of Proaucts•. FL #� Model; Number or Name Descriptldra _ 1--'SV Crimp" (R6 261gaup. steel, 3/8' rib height,:24" wide lapped roof panel mechanicaily:attached to f5i32° plywood oO Wood Deck -with' fasteners {dill of. Use: IrestaTlatton;Enstructionsa Approved foe uee inHVHZs,No Approved, for use outsida',HVHZ: Yes 'FL -I- R?" II FL l702; 1 5 V_CRIMO,, iikodf Verified By ; l cdce 9owden, P E 49704 Moact.ReslstanK No Created by Independent Third Party Yes Evaluation Reports. Reign It+ressure: +N/A/ -Table A otherrRefer to evaluation reportlfor conditions. Install,the �Li7022 R7 AE FL 17022 5 V CRIMP ssr:odf assembly in compliance with'.the installation methodalsted in Created:bY3ndependent.rtttrd Party Yes" ode sections.of FBC. Refer to this report,and appitcable code, ;manufacturer'slnstapation instructions: ., •. . 17022 2 2 - "5V Crimp" (RS) 0 032 Aluminum, 3/8"'R:b height, 21" wide lapped root . panel, mechanically; attachedab 35/32°.plywood, Arwood De&'vv,16ekposed_fasteners' , UmNs of tile. installation Instructions �(.j?022 R7` tt FL 1702� 7 F VLRIMP 0 032 ALUM car dd 6 A' Oro" u$e in HVHZ; No Approved The use outMdi HVHZ: Yes Verified By Locke 6oi�iden', P E. 49704 , Impact Resistantp^No Created by Iriaependeht Third Party Yes Design Pressures +N/A/ -Table A^ Evatuatron Reports. d32 Other., Refer.to eyaluation,reportfor condition's.Instaii `tbe ri,�7o2z R�' (� FE 1702 2 $ V CRFMP,fl assembly:In dompiiance with,the lni tatiation:niethodalsted in ALuM ssr:odF this report,acid applicable code sectipns of F:pC. Refer to Created by=independent Third Party.:Yes manufacturer's installation Ir+3truciipm,. 17022.3' 3 -"" .5 Nieciianical Seam" (R5)' 1 5"rib height 16 wide, 24 gauge steel,,standtng team roof panel me0anlcaily:attached .tA i5/32" plyvtood'dr wood deck witlidlps and.fasteriers; , . , .. , :_. .. Limit of Use InstaTiationInstructians Approved foruse lfi HVHZs No_, 7022 R7 I! Ft r7022 3 1 S MECE J�IJZ{ AL 4,pr6ViW for tise;outside,HVHZ: Yes impact ResistaMi No gga'm 24 a ksr..6 Verifled By`L'ocke,Bowden;,P.E: 49704� Olwan,Pressur6:.+N/A/=Table A Created by Independent Third'Party Yes "her Refer to evaluation report:for conditions and Evaluation Reports liinititian$ of use. Inkati the: assembly in con fiance With �t17022 R7 AE F! 17022 3 1.5 MECHANICAL the instaitatloi) method listed in this report and,appficablit seam 140i Sir o E' ' code:seO6ns of FBG. -Refer to manufacturer's installibo'n Created. by Independent Third Party : Yes rInstructions. 67 1;702Z:Q 4=-"1.5"-:Meehanlcal:Seam" (RS), 1 5" rib height, i6 wide, 0 0326 aluminum, standing seam, ' roof. panel mechantcaUy attached to 1$/32" plywood or Wood Deck with dips and fasteners; Limits bf tise• Tn;rtailation�inatructlonc . Approved for'.us.® in HVHZ No `n,; 702,2, R7 Ii FL 1'7622 4 ;(3 HANtIAL-_SEAM Ypproved for;wse otrtSldB'',HVHZ: Yes ALUMINUM'ccr adf.' Verified Bowden, P E 49704. 4006,ct;"e 4ntt No„ By ",Locke Design-Pressore:'+N/A/ Tabie-A .created by,Inde'endentThird•Party Yes t?thers Refer t0 evaluation;report:for conditions and Svaluation:Reporii Iiin&b5hi of use..Install Viie assemdiy In compliance with F1"� 7022- RT AE- k,li-622 4 MECHANdix SEAM, the tnsiattation.method ►fisted in this report and:applicable AiUMTNVC1ssr.odf' code•sections of.FBC..Refetr:'.W mianufacturer's'installattan Created by,independent Th:rd'-Party: Yes InSiF.t:ctlons:. : • .... ., -.. ,..., , ..<.... - _. ._., hops.//_W .flanda'building,org/pr/pr._apP__dtl:aspx?param—wGEVXQwtDgv2a$QPHPQQ. 2/16/20.18: Florida Building Code Online P4gel-d-4 ihe,'Ihsta!!aPon, method" listed In -thip.repoft and applicable Wfacturer's 16stallation code sek , tlbnt of , FBC. to manufacturer's 'Refer, instructi in., Nail S&lp!' (R5 .V r i6 � attached to to 15132"". ro 6fpa6eIpe0ani0!Iy',attached . 'piy,w fasteners, god or.Wood Deck With' i, 1 mAt"6i'Use !pp;xq sp-pAidilt, S' _�j -, : AppFqVdd,-&r, us6�litHvHz. No rj_,j7d2X R71L 14 02i6 1.0 NAIL -STRIE A 032 Yes ALUM -;sse.2d IffiPact itemi'ma., No Vilified. ­ . a S 4,9704 y-Lockee5dwden, P. Dejjjn. 104siiiie. +NjA/Table-A Creat0d, bj. iftdepenide6t Third Party. Yes Qtlter,Refer to,i: afukiorl report for,cqnditlohs, and :g"Iu,abon, � P.0, PP, bons limons,of useAns60 the'"bisirnbly Imcompliance,wilft F', 7622,�P%7-4E! -1702?X 1-04AIL.Stki In' this rep6man.d-6pplicable ALU ;. skjodf 6d4;sid6ns,of FIK. Ref&lo rnin,�6aurerls.;Initiliiiion' C�,ei*'by-IndeiJ40defntThfrd PartY:^*es 17b2ll 1p. 5 .5 in. Nail �tr (P .5� r1b,helght, 19, 0 steel, standing seam wade, 2 "gauge rqojfpanW inkkarl(611 y,61:606dfolt/32. 1"00 deck with fasteners` , 4P 4W fdevt�e In, "v" , z .. g 90 _P!C! I Apprcvqc�fdr.use, lde'HVHZ,� Yes 'a-MW Verified By: Lodke SowdPn;,-P.F=;A97U4- ... 11 " 11 1Mpa4jt*p1[sftnt- No .1*­. Party Created by Independent lrd'.Parlty.: Yes. Chitign'Pressure: i.-NI/A.I�Ta , ble A - . "ro jcon 004h valuation �repfoit , 0Itj0qsapd Riii6r to e r F*Piortg Nail'strio 266A st6iidf, LM)27,117 AE FL,jZQ22-,Z-1,SUaiI'StrjQ ­y 1, , ­ tniated'by1nd0peifd nt:T�ird'Party:- eS jIrnka6oh§,of use. Install t - mbly ih'C�jfnpljancia With the flat on method listed in. this report and.aopiltille �cqdesect[onA,C.0F.,BqAodr-fa,man ufj#4pirskstailatibn .instr kiligns, 17022.8. :8 MAXRJW'( R5 ..goPg4k stoj lapped roof nei,, to 1S/32-':p1ywC6d,or-wood , deck , with exposed"fasteners" Installation Instructions Appilayiii4t for bin HyHii No: . 11. 1 , . rA4�4, . I . Apprq4iw fbr,use coutsioe0vivit; 8es Approved 0 17, 4*p"7 %I -W�A Q., " ". P vefiffed,13y., Locke Bowden, 4970 . Ir"Pact R,4#�nb No Created e0end ianiThIrd les I . NOw'Pj iv+NjAj-TabIe,.A ra��!v gyal,imatibit Mpurtlil,, -AE' . othervAefer to e"Iubil6n reportfor dooditions and A,76IZ7 k, 177029l EMAX-Rfb.. SSr,Ddf Ilrnitivoni of 6ie,'16'itill the assembly<in corii'011ancamio Created. Yes" by Inde0endint Third'i?6rtVY the ins,611-itiob method listed in this 66IJort and applicable code sections of "FBC Refer to.hfanufictUrerls Installation instructions,, ji 6aUge-k46ij lapped To mifnrtiCfiiiiJd11y 4tW'ai4&W' ­P/32-,plvWOo06r odd exposed fasteners " Umft OF Use 40oiedlbrvsii 1n.,HV'M& No: . OMA PjBR RIB tki a Approved for 4 se'9LA*!#q I "Y"M Yes: Verified "By -.';Locke Bowden, PEE: 14­97.041' 1mpact,PASIstdntf.No; ,Cr.eatW,.by Independent Third Party: Yes00GfrIi;0r6ss;0r,e: 4N/A/-Table; A Other: Refer 'to; evalliationreport rmit FLM27"R7 &.2021,g 06k. RIB ssr,pd .foriconditions.and linnititions, of. Use w Install the asseIrribly-Amcornplfancehl Created'4y-16deOendentThird,'Pa-.',Y.es the, 1hstaI6tjqn­method listed. in this keodrt and apolfcable`. I coae secilo663or Fit. Refe . r to manufacturer's: uftcturerls. instai atio. n sir c6 r--*M, rNG-11 wl.Kassee 32399 The State ofRdtida is An AA(EMATployer.. Q'«o I ht 2Q07-2013 . SMt I a of Mrf . da, :, Pr( ny Stitem AQMMI 11tv §tibemnt,:.- , Prod= �,kpprpya! Adepts: uildiAg.org/pr/px� CTE X D _4pp� dtLasj5x?Param w V Qyn 4vUBQpHPQQ--- 1/16/2018: ,ht,tps://wwW ridab Palm City, FL„34990, Compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 (6th ed.) Compliant with• Florida Product Approval- Rule #,61G20-3 Compliant: Keystone Certifications Product: 5 V Crimp 26GA Steel Roof Panel FBC Sec.11S07.4.2 Yield strength: 50 ksi min.; Attached to min.15/32" plywood or Wood Deck w/ min. OA2 specific gravity with screws. 24"Coverage Rib Height 3/8" Corrosion :Resistant Compliant: TBC Sec.1S07.4.3 Fastener i (Method..1 Attachment):.;#9 x:1-1/2" Hex -Washer: Head wood screw* to penetrate 3/16P min. thru deck or 5/8" embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficient length to.• ei et requirements) . Fastener 2 (Method,2,31 & 4 Attachment): #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Washer Head wood screw* to. penetrate 3/16",min. thruAeck or 5/8":embedment into wood plank..(.*or sufficient length to meet requirements) Underlayment: To be compliant with FBC Sec., Chart 1507.1.1 Slope: Shall be in compliance with FBC Sec.1507. See Fastener attachments above . Install petails,., Tab1e,A, M Allowable.•Loads METHOD i 1 _..METHOD.. 2_, METHOD.3,.. METHOD 4 DESIGN PRESSURE* „ 86_PSF _ ..-93,5-PSF , ..` , , 101 PSF 228 PSF __ ROW. SPACING 16"oc.. _16"_ot......... 8„qc FASTENER SPACING,(ALONG...Panel,width) ;;. . 12" o.c, 12.o c fASTENERSIZE :'.. Reference.. Data:. ARCHITECTURAL TESTING, INC. TST ID#:1527 UL 580-06 & 1897.041 Test Report D05893.01-450-18 05/02/14 Test Report ; M66.01450-18 12/18/15 TAS 125-03 Test Report 1305893.02-450-18 07/22/14 *EQUIVALENCY-UL.1897-04 is equivalent to test standard UL 1897-I�r� *Design pressure margin of safety 2.1 Locke Bowden,.P.E. does not have, not will acquire a financial i .+� �cgAi'ft ,cunng or distributing products under this•ebaluatlon: Locke Bowden, P.E. is not owned, operated, or,contralled by acoApad40mbbdfilaturep, or, istributing",,products.undert�is report. '�' r3 FL17022.1 5V Crimp (26GA Steel), 24" Wide Roof panel - Details Limitations: 1. Underlayment to be compliance with current Florida Building Code (FBC)2017 6m ed. 2. Minimum slope to be compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 6th ed., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61G20-3. Compliance Method: 1-D 4. Engineering analysis for "project specific approval by local authorities w1jurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. 5. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report. 6. Support framing in compliance w/FBC 2017 6th ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for Structural Loading. 7. This report does not imply warranty, installation, recommended product use outside of this report. 15t32" or greater Plywood, or Wood plank 24 12' 3V o�notausJ Panel Profile Nominal 12" 1 Nominal 12" O.C. I O.C. ' Fasten 9 x 1-1/2" Min. or #10 x 1-1/2" Min. per 'fable "A" Hex Vlbsher Head Screw Spaced 12" o.c. across the Panel Width Panel Refer to Table "A" for Spacing Along Panel Overlap Length Deck-15/32" or greater Plywood, or -V1bod plank