HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1612 :-, '. -- ,-- . ".- " ( ~-~ 'f,' ., ..., h " '. f " I' , ,:'- " /,' '" '/_ .. -4-; , ' '. '. . I, ,,1' f.L.I~"'i."..~'~~': " ~I'~"'lt' , ,! 'T~ f . - . " r . . 1 .. r ~"' ~ ", ' ,\", . . . " ! ' '" ',I I , . J' ~".").. ceo;:, ' "',," :,> ,',1: ," >' ~,,' ee'", : : :" ,!',:;,';;~:;: ;'~::: :;::~::::;:;:;~:~::; ,;;.::;~:,:c!;;.=,,~:;;i::.;;,:,;-;:::':",;',:"';;i;;;.'i':c::;:;::.'" i ,i',anld F'~ ~.'\.Che'tl~er, tb'th~'i. :t.:,C~1'n~r ,of the 8Q.hO~~~ H,Ou.c;e 'lot in:, ~la\JilUS~( .:'~.'a. tOo :.trf,\~lt{!}~riot:\ i I.' ~,I ,'I ~'XhOl:lpdonrott,r,nd.ln cOll:J1dernt1d,n of,tl\o 'P83m'o,n~ o.t,rent' bt,tno'rnte of twoh'tyrour ddll,n1'o, ' l f' II, 'I' ,,:', thr('Q .' ': ., ',.',' " '.',' \ ""'1' ,'i ',' ,,' '... \' '.1' ,1 e~~rj.J:'jOnth8,;pa~'1l~1~ 1,11 ad vanoe, ;111~ ,ti~~ I ft~:;:hfJ~ OOlt8~d e~d ~:tdn' t~,I\~', the~;1.d 1,ia?}~~L ~honlPH?;l \' " 1 ke,o.p u'p: tho neoeS8s:ry rep~,irs 01\ ~he'pr?,j03i~ ,ant~'l' the. udd' hadley, ilo S~"'tf.','Gh9il,beocino ,or: \~e. f\~' ~hl'bli' tlm~'~t':ta a6reed' to.l;l~i,l'1~ th~ ~'i;i'H'r~ .ii~~;'htt'E~' Tho~1pSOIl th.e aai~ p.o:n~8~~ , \ ; \', ," " ", ' -"" " " ,.' . " " , , " ( :rot: ~-h~ s;~~ o~'l:.1:ne-,Hm~r~d' 4ol,1ar" e, I' , ' '.. \ , \',! ' 30ft, roS:d 18'al1oVl~d: by, County C6;~?iSJdioBar,a 9.10n~ ~,.8i:d'& QPo;1nd ,for .till) pub~id. ;' } "i.' \,' ' , '\, , " " {'o' l" ,'., ('Hnd'ley ~;. S;m~:t-h , , j'" S18Il ed, C-1-fm.., t, ,Lo13}101'' ,'lSt.'.- , i ' " C Sa-tr,ll)l!t. S:;;Hh.' ' " \\1 1'01' li~;jfe.y: i~. ' 8m1 tt~ , ',',<1. .. 4' '. .. . ~ '.1" '~I 40'1 " ~ ,"" , , .rr.'l ' ,. .. l '~'i' \. , .. '\ ~ , , '\ , !. -, ' ! , \, . ,', , (, L.I"ThOm~faO~1 -, {:Harrl et E, 'Tr.OlJpsOU '(, ' , . . " y . \ " '. i. ~""" ..~ . . l ~ " . , \'. .' " , I ~ ! :,r ! r , i I " ;. .. .i!~lled ,and,rccor;'ie.d, 011 'thtd i5th ,d'~:l.o'f; JU!le.1-925. nt 1Q; 16A.1I.' ; , . . : ':.\ .,.. , . , " t, i ? , ' ~~ .~. 1 ~, ~ en. "tJ. ( f i' i 1 I,' f j i ~ . ',-'.)37 ~-:-j)w4}/d~ ,'D.O. ~. ~ . ,,: ~",,', s'J " ) ,: ~,-- , .'.'~'" ,)J j~~. '(, ~;, c. ~lare d ;,'~ ~erk Clre,n1t C()tir~.: , . '. , ;, " ' \' .. ..' .. ." . .'". . J!r, {&' .. '.'. ... . - -. '. . . .... -. ' . .' . .. . ............ . . .. ... . . .. .".. .11',... ,~ . .. .. . * . ,. ... -. . y" _..... .7'. . ...,~ ','. . . . . * -';',.,.* JI-'. *..... .... . .....,. . . .. ',. . ~ .,,-. . . ." " '{~,,\O HIGHT.Hrj) ?A.:U: CO~ ~ TO,,' LO:JlS,ll. ',DELLE1\l,!AU WAHhiJi'1'Y DELB :?H1S IllDtJiTU:-lli.lla3et,..ia l(,th0i9.~of Apdi.,~. D,19:.5; 3ET\I;;1:J/ ';If)ro<li~hlanj,~si'TCO!l19~ny '8.Cor.';)cb}~ion 'ex19t1!~i; tin1(ll; th'~'l~\'1s' of thost!l te .o~ i'lor~d 'i. ha~:1;~g qu pI' inc:j'-~:ii pl,Joeo 0: " '" 1?lslnesa111the co\i.nty' '-6f. 3t,.V.H.:1E!-, '$.110 stat'.) Clf'llorldEl'r:att,r, of ':t::11'} ,Hi-s,t psd.,a:.n.d.' Lou1~)I.. " ' , .. - '. , . , ~'.. ~~.'~' ~ . Dell errpe.n 0(' tll.ci (founty of st.' V,lcle. q.'m s tn.t '}.pr, i'lQrfdn. ,pa':r~J~f the3~coild p!l.rt.: ',iITllE3S'::;'i'H..' . " . . '. ". I" ~. th'f.l.~ ,be, said !,<:.rty,of the 'firHt ,p::,rt'.for <:lid In ~on ~i:ior!.:,;'lcilotth,'l' ~,ur;; 'of ~7en Do'11u,rf1' ;:nd ,ot1\ or 'vUl-.:ub.le cOQsi j ore.t1.on!.lt.o it, '1 L h9.ldp-, id. ' the, rocoip't whereof, b :-,er I}by :,':l(;~:Il'W14'ji:'9 5,' ". .7 , . . 3', ir~.!1tod.,'. b<.lrg:li:-oi~' ;;01d ~\l,le.llec1, Taml:,ed, re1,oa,-,ed.,~ ol1V"~;,~e'd ,"':uco' rirmoQ'. ~/J.'b~T ~;-"G;;e' pre sen t J do fh ~r". n t'. rurg'1 hi', 'so'll. a~ i e!i. :ro,~ I :lO':~-,Jol e.Lt..J9,.'.?,O'~~..l~'; ''-"lyl '<:0 n~lr!:l ',U)!;'O: '-i; ~e, i3o:t!d':' of.6,e 2?COnd 'l~rt nn5 his h(]~r,il b.nj E.33iG!!~ fo.r,evcr., 'll1,' thatcert~in~pF-r<.:e1 o~ l:.:nd .-~ 1y1'I1,;; an,1 beine in tae, Co.unty of 5t,; 1'c 10 and' St'i~e of '1l'10dd5. ,.~~.r_e,:pa.rt}~ill?!ly. je,~,o~'1 bed r-:a , ; : '.follo 1'13:' . " , , . - ... . : I,.ot tour: .c<~). 3~ock,.'nir:eteeri(l9). H1.~hlD.llct ?r.rk3uMi v1"Sloll,.~ on pl!l~~f'S~ch :~ bA";1s1,on niedby Vera: :Iii.-;l.ln.nj ~s,rf cO'.'1patiJ~r; tf;e ' . . . ", . - -. - .' " , office of 'tiH 'Clerk. of theCiro:il t Court of 'tt .Luo 1e County;: Plori ds. 1,>roy1ded; lle...ert"~leuj. 'that these 1l,~133.9n~~'Urernl1d~"tl;,lbJec.tto tho, fo'llo~m.n~e x}r o'sa cond.1 t1 on f;l i.:n,Jr~st de t1ona: .:ioresid ende dh~l1'. be 'erecte1oJ' oor.~trllcted tit,~ 10;:;" 'co cit t:~ oin":3'.OOO... . ' ,,' S',ibJect too, 11 taxeS or !l.Sse:HJ'TIfjnt B if 8.1~Y be IlJ\'"1ed for the ,e'1l' , " 1925 13)11' fl,ll. dubclO(j,'l')l1t -?ears., ($2.50 I.R.Sb:::p,; can.)' ~~ . :""".aj :--'.", " i ; t:. r' c . I ' , , ~OGL7!lLF. withoull 't!Hl'lt"eno::jOnt0,~1eredita::lOnit[J1!lnd'l.:'p,il'ten9.llCe3, ',11th evny privlle;,;e,"d.sd, ' , ' ',1/' ' , tit10.~illtor..:st !:!ndeatnte. t'3ver3ion, rfiri',aLder ~no o380rnont t:,'~r.'to nc1o;;g1r'e q1' irf 8.PJ"7idO ,. " ! . ,I _ . ti)p~r,t'.lillh0; :0 HA'i:~,U:j ':0.:011> tile Srl';.C ~l,'fee tdr:lplt) fO,rever. I ' I, , , An1 'ti,Q .JaU pm'ty of tr.,<l first part 10fh cO'lori'int:'1tH tl.o ;,;al1 phrt;;{of 'thr;'-.; eccnd pr.rt " , J' t!,wt,', it 1::3 l/l'llf,,'\ll;" ';017.0, d, -o'r t.he i..lal1 pr(;,;.!:;cc; ,tilo.t tilui' [;rO free of all inetl.'Jib1-a:!",cea, 'md , , ,\ 4' .- o. ,. .', I . i . ..... . thn t it' i:'~~ bOOd"rli,:h': 'J.iJjl~r/1ful .)1 ';.10l'i t:; to ,i,)ll bo ,w:;;o'; 'lno the 'Jal1 party 9f t j;(,> first p!:.rt tl':;"ld J,el'O},;: f'1\l;,' '.v!lrr':nt tidl title to u~dj 1:11:1, '"!r-~ '.'lq1 501en,i till: lE~:J,) 'J.'d!1;Jt thIJ of all 9~r~onJ ~nO~J0ev~~.