HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1617 , , " ;' '~ ,.AIUl.un'!', ~BJD '-. " 1 ' ~Is' IBDPTUD, Kale thia' !W.~t"'.I~ti'4alot"~', A. D~' 192&~ BJmu".i"clerl~t,..~ .t1~.~ ,~ f' i ... " . ',. - , . - :- '. ", . . # . , ',~~:-awilhe~l~~. E~ ,0. U4e~bt~: .'U. ottlle co~t7"ot8t., 'Lou~.ln, t~. stat" o~ :J&18:aourl i '! pan.1:'~ 'ot. th~tlr8'part, an~ Alb.rt ~. R'hJ'ba~la ~t"the"',cit7':0f St~,t.oul. ln~'he$t.~ "0'- , ' 1\ \\, ,', . " . \ ' , I; ,)fl~.oi1r.l pa~7 ot ~he seo~r4 part " , ','.. " " " i I,:,. W1!1fESSB'R,!he t '.... 'ila~4 ,Par'l..ot. ,tii. 'Uret part, i.. '8114111 OOJW:l4et"''i:io~'ot..th' '81111: L", ot, tb,' ..' of OM' a~loil00 D~U.~ni .4' oth.r' Ta1-u8bl. ~ons.14'~a'.I~DII"~t'o tn.. in ha. Pald ,b7'" .~. ". . .:. -.. . ' . . '. . '. ~ ...----</'--.--...-,-".--- .:. -, 'tb. .al4 par" ot ue Moon4 'par", thl!. reoelp\. 1Ih'l'.ot i.8' '~.reb, aO~oirl.48.i, ,ha.T. sr8nte4. .' . . " . .... .. -' .. ~ . .; 'b.ra..int4, 'an4' eoU to the' .U4>>~"~tth',' .,~oon4p....', hi.. luilrli -~D1 . a..i8n.' (O"T.r~'h':: '. ':. . ~' # .. ." -, ". ,., .. t' . . ' ".' '. . . ....~. '.' .' . . ~' . '. . . " .tOllOW1.os.4...0.~il1~U' iana', 81tl1a~1! 111'Ds aD1 ~'e1Dg' l,n the CiQ\1n~ ol:S'. .Lt&o~'. sh.t..t 'l~r14a.~ .'. . . to'!'1IU:: ' \;' \ " o , ;..' , '. "h. W.., 't1l~n~",a~re. 01. '~4lot'..nn (f) anatll.lortll UT' <<8t .or..' ,.., . , " _. ._', " . " " ' \' , : " ' ' ":, ; :"ot tneJa8' ,~en.an4 ~u.a~wi4r.Ub.' Cl.o.oa) aOl'..~t~.o~ six (6) "in . ..-3.0'10D~b1rt,...to\11" (M),.phip thlr,,-t1lO 0( 88) south"ot' BaDI.!hlrt7~~ . . " " ;, ~ . - . ,- .......'. . . . ' ", '. - . '. . , , ~ .' . " . .. . 'nin. (~i ),'..a8t, a., :th. .~~1t 4..1IDa~',4 ~nth.. ,last ~ener~~ p~a ~" .~ . 1a~., of the"In41an~1:"er, ,armsc~..pan"t11..1n..the:.o.ttlo.0f.t~.Ol.rk '01' 'Ile Cltoun coUrt o~ .al4 Count,. . , . . : ..... . ~ . . .. " . . '. . B..pt,. ho.:rer~\1l4!l~8h\ .or., f~~publlo ,".<le, 4r~n..~ ,o&na18'~4 ". .. .' "- . . '4ltOh'~', a.. 'h.~; on: the,pl_, ~t.a14, la~a ..II4~b'~l1e p'ar1, .~f .th. 'tir'" part. r ' . " 'f~' " ',{J " Ji .. ". '. :'.)" " (.10.09 I.t;l.Sta_iJoan.J' " ". ~ . , '. I.D4 th. ,sa14 pUU.e'-ot th',t1r~part' ~o her.b;,tu1l7 warr.nt ta:.t'1U. ,~o .al~~aul, anel 1Ill~4.t"n4~Ii.' u..,qll-~tUl" ,1awfl:11 ol~!.t.ot 81.1. p'l'8cnllt 1IbOI:I8oeT,r.' " '. '. II .'"8S 'WHERBOP, ..tb'8.i4PC'U~8 or' ~he'fJrst par~,haT' h'.~~nto. ..~ their, ~an4. . . . . &1')4 ,..ai.. the 'ar ~el ,tar ~1r.t , ' Slgneel,..al.4u4el.11 T.li.ain pr.s.no.ot u.. ' :' 'v--- . ,.......: .'. aboT. ftUt'-Il.., pr.hr~ot ,.04e, Jre', (s.a~) wllhela1ne 1:'. C.' ut..' "(S..l) ~ . - Sf ATE 0' JlISSOOlU . C~ft 0' Sfi, LOUIS '--. .- " . I !JEREB!' CBR!~J'v.n,at onthlll 4."p.raonallfapp..n4 b.tore ....11 oftlo&r ,aul,: :authorhaA' to' a4I11ni.hroath.anel tak..oknft1e4aaent., PI'.4erlot W.' Uele, Jr.'o~ ..il . -. , tn01rn an4tnO..n to' Ii. ~Q. b. ~he 1'D41T1411al aeeor1".4 in' an4 1Ibo' ,stoute4 'th, tor'80i~' 4,ea, ..-.' " anel h. aokno'1I164ge4 ~efor. me ,that he es.outelt ~h. .am. .tr.el, ,ana TOlunt..ll, for th.' purp08 es . . I . " there1n .xpr....t. ~AJl)---l--ftm!H!B ClR!l-J'f--ilbat--th. .aiel .1-1li~. kDoWD.~,g .. to be the wit. of' th~ .alel 'r...'r1ok W. 'ut.~ Jr. 011 a ..p.rat,' aneS prlTate eaainaUon t~'n aD! ..4. b, ana . J' I l,i,~l.,o . i, - . t b!tol" .', ..parate~ an4 apa.r' trOll h.r ..14 .bo..~4, 4~ aomow,le4ge 'hat. .h' ..a. he~.1l1f , . I, ., _ _ . '. '" . . . t. '. apart, to 8&14 "'e4 tor t~. purpo. of r'110~no1n8, r'l1nq1l111b1ng_4 OODT91ng ~l her rSBh', uu.. ~ li1t.r'.';.hethtr !of "o..r~ AOII..ha4 or of .,parate prop'r~" .t&tutor7 or 'qu1table~ in &D4 to'" l_,..aor~~~. tbn',lD, a. ,&at .h. .sMuh4 'h~ .&14 4... tt"17 aD4 Y0111ll~arll, J -:... -"">'-'7,.-,- ~;..;;:..:;..,; "'-'-~'}.,;:i;'.~' '_. ..-.. ,i