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V~eU.n 01\ .iI!~~~ ,',' "\: t lI': ~ ,I...,: h~rion1,o.u~\ i1P.. \Of. ~,~bl'.o~tr~~'~\an(\thea~or~.al~,:;ou,Pt\.,~al~ 'be ,\aot~~li~ 'XP'n4~4 ',0;11' oon-::;~ l " ; I ; .l'.t:q~l,Onand .reot~on\\o~ \,eu~~ b~~1~~n8 ~d n.O~for'~~"\~ 1~ ~onn~ot~~~ t~~\I\~w1 t;li:.,' \.',' '" :,' \"0 ~" f. ,.,' ". 8.'-110, ~u1~d1ng shall be, OO'lJ8tl'UO~'~ ol')er.o~e4 ~n:UlJ' of .a1dl-.i1d I~tll .fh~' the\~ahs,.. ' ~ , , ' . ' , , " , ' " ' :' ,. \" " '",. ' , ' ' " " " " \ " " ' .' " ,-- " ~ . '~ ep.o1\floa t'ton~a,n4"l.oo&t,loJi of ,the ,ame, ~hallha,.. "b.eD: appro~'d\ b7. ~he pazot.., of ,~he tl~e't .. . ~.' . '.... . ",' :.:'< ,'; ',- ".',' . -,-'. ._, -. ".---~" ..." '. : : j' part"U8 .uoc.ssor8. r.pr88..ntat1 fte' or, aSG1SDe. ,\. " .~ .' . . ~. ,'. - . . ,....', . ". .'" , . : . ,1' '.~: no buU,dlq8 O~h.r t:han one: "814!,Jio.'b~ilUPJ 81id One .pr1.a'~'.:~ase s~~ll' be:,.r.t'~4 ~.. ,'i.' _ (.~ ',..,,: _", ':'~ . -. .,:"' .' ...'.. . . ,'.:, ,\. :~ - ,"': ..... ~. . '_'_,:',' ",..- ~ ' r on. anT' 60' fO~.1;~,~. 1i1'hout;t~..rlt'en'00~sent',ofp~tl' of: th'~fil'.~..p~t and '!iOblJ.;1141na r - '," \j'~u~; ....'04 .L~i~"4l.bno.tI,.~~ ~"'fr.. th.'fz:.ntrl....f'uri.'ri~.~~ .~b. r' ; 41T~810n, or f~CIIl aDJ' etreet, er at a, 1....41!1tano.,.tbai18',f~.~ 'f!'_,~he .814.. Un. ot &071e_. ..' ..', '. .. '.' '. - . .' . , ~ . ...... ',' , '. ',-, ". . - . . . . . ',,' , ' " " .. ',: y et a~al~tl.41et ~:'<~~~~ f..,\ fro. ~h~;J""~. l~n..'. , " ',' , ," ",' '. . , .. ' !~ t .n~ ~l.&wrul or',i~O~a1 ~~~,' .~a.~ ~~_4.,,'ot ''t~e~:rell~''. "b.:r~bl',oori~e4,~' no.r .hall"tb:.,~_'no~ aUI' par\tb.r.o't. Do~'an7' l,n'ter.8ttber.~n b. ,8ol4~1'~aa'4 'o~.ot:herri8',' . . ' .' . - ". : ~' :...: ' . .' '.. .~. . ". . '.,' .. :.' , ..-.- " . , . ,. '- .' '.' . . - . - , .D.~~r',l'..~ to al't'per.cm'oth'~ ,tlian 01 the cailoall~%'ao~.. 'P,oyicJ~4 :tba~ n~thlna ~er,.1n _.00n1;&.1n84'" lball pr ev~n' . t'h.' .k.. p1~ .an{ malnta1 nl"of8~rY~ts ozi,;~h. aa14::pr oP'l't, 'tor 'reason. bi.... fUlli !' ,', ," -...... ..' '.', '.~:.' :., .... ." .' .'.... ~ . '.' . .,~ .- '" -..,.... .-.: . :_':,1 :.. :"~' ..... ..... ".., : ( use. ". , '.' , , ' . ,_' " I.' ~~ '. . ~ , [2. ""\I ~~ ' " (, ~~. .~. ~. ,.' i}. ' ',~. " , '{.", ~ ~. ;,+ ' . ~, I' t, I', 't, II ~o r; . 1~::,. /n.".' :' ',..,'., , J!., ,,' ',.' :,~: '.... .... '.. ~,~~,:. ,'." ~ '~lJ" ,,', F ~. ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~, l r ~ ~ t, ~" r 1; ! ~' , i, ~. . l' ~ f' ' I ,,' .' '<l ;p-- .' ..~. " . , , ~" ' I~'. :~o..O~t..14.~~fl.t '.~~l,.be ~~1tt'.4 .1n'..~ p~' '.Of~a1~;,~.~~4~n80Q.. bl1t t,bere'.e~~il.b',':: . .L oon.,tZ'11ohd bl' 8a14 ..oonis parl)' In. o'onn.otl~n..w1thaW>r'li~.no~,on aDf.qfsa14. land a ~ept.lo' ; , .,.',' . ,. ." .... ..' . , -,. o. . " _. '. --,-_~, tank 1~ aoo~.l'4aDO" :With. 8PI.Olt1.0'atiOn8 ap'pr OYe4"b, t~.~.~artl', of the, fi.rst ,par~ :~n wr1 t1ng .:.~ , : 6..: 'IOb~l14~g'oollDlonl, 'knowna8' an' apartm.nt 'ho.U8,.'tor :oooup~tl'on:of~mor.' th$D one tamlll' . ': ... . ." '.' ,., ~. '0..:, . :.00 1. - <. :~',.'.' _'.. .' '~,'- '~ . ':~o,r "","~~.nor ..hoapi tal.8h,a~1.be.r"oh4 or'u8,I4 ftirsuoh p,urpC)'se~ on .~~1d lan4,'~ep~. that , 4e.~gn.:t~4 1'01' 'buSl~.se.'prop.rt;l' ~l'P8rl..,~t",.th'. tl~" 'p~rt'..~ '..'. , ,,', ,'" .~..,." ,'lI~. IIp.' or., blU,l,)oar4iiofan)' ~lJi!i o~ oliaraotereb..il ~.: exli1blh4. d~epl.,.,411 .ooqatruoh4 . + 0 .., .- .' . , ." , ,_ . . .' O' .' . 0 .' .', -, "'., . .' ,:or_1ntdni41n...,s4 8ub41T181on:.1'tbout '~he.l'1h.zi oona.nto~t.he parl,'o! the f1rl~ri. .' ' . 0- . ,8. .110 lOtoi': loh.ln.a14 cbd1 ~lelon .811':11 be 8ub41 ,.tile 4 01-' re-eubU rib4.1 naoutth. . '~ . .... - , , Wl'lt\en~n8!tnt', an4 'appro~al of P~'tl',Oftb.'tlt8t..par~., ' - ' , - , :~.. -!he' p~i'Ylli~. ,an4 ......n~i..:he~~~' tOl'inr.r....r~.4...'O a.l{'p~~1 of the fll'11t part, , 1 t8,uoo...01"8 aild ."'.lsne, to ~r~t ',am' _lntein ,pole., \.1r.s~4o~,,,,uUable' ..qu1J11.ntf~ " ..1eotl'10].lgbt; Jlo.n. hl'Supb.' te'.pbonl and 8uUable.'Qu1paea.t for ~ 0'h.er~tllith.a~4" . .- . ,: .to l...,....ter maiu, on'or:.ln ~,ehar ~ f"'Of:~ll' letJl4h.r.l~!tQnT'l'e4~~On or'in t~~8f1)ot \ strip along thee14.Un.. tbez'.ot. wh.n naoe'8sr)',to ...in aOO,B. to'. tbe .fl.... footetrlp ~...; , . ' ....,. . "., .. . . '~."4. 'a~on, .therear Unea of '.ai~ landfor :UUn~7;p'urpose. andfor'e~~D' p~po8"':.~~ ..il ~8 'o'r.epai~t' r'IIOTe ,or r'Plaoe .ala ~01.8" eq.u1pl;'ent an4.mal~" th.:.al!i'f1rst partl' 'haii baTe.. ,t~e r1shtfo'r. 1 toU.. ltecent 'and '.plOl"'. to ei1ter,up'on s~1d 'pnill1aes In:r..a~onabl. mann..- and at reaeonable 't1.... '. 10. . 'rut it the, .&14 l,o,oD4 pC't, b18.belre, per8ona~ rep~~sentat1'V8sor' a8siane; or anY' hoUer'or ~olaer~. or t)1e p1'op.rt)' her~bl' oon....'.db' "lr*q~ of aP.7Jud:01al proo..Cu.ns.. sh8U. ran to COllpll .1th .n, ot th.' abOYe &114 foresoing r..tr10Uon.... oon(!1Uona or Ihdtat10ne .1t.biD . , ' I. '.' - 0.- -". . - . '. :' , ~ . slxt, 'd""8 afterwrUten Dotioe to the.ai4 .eoo,nd Part.., hi.' he1:ra~ repreaentat 1-'18' 01' ~8el8De~ . . ! . . . . -. . . or aDl.r()f'tb_at Camhn, l.t. er' at tb.1r laet ,known &44re88. bl' th. .ud/partl' or the' firllt , 'f . '" .". -"., ; part~ it. .~oO'.80r8. peraonalrepr...ntatlv'8 or a..lsn8.~lther of tb... then ~be ..14 'abOY~ 'd,"Or1bl4,.n4 00n:~8l'd propertl' ebell1..dht.1i' r'Ye~t. 'to tb. '..U part, of tbe fi!.t .' ' , "'.- " , , ' .' " "":" part. its IUOO.SIor. oralllsna~ WbO .haU'be entUl"'o lramedistel, enter upon laid propertJ ,,' . '.', 0 , . I t - 0 . . ..~j._ wt~bout noUo.; an~ h.k. po....slon oftb' ....with full title ,ln f.. l1riple. t.se~btr wUh>all , I . 1.praY._ta thereon. an4 no .aiYer of 1m; of ,th...oooUUona. UaUaUon8.01' rublot1one. .. ~ ' ~ . I f - . I, .- 0,1' fanur' for aUI' lqtb I of U.. to enforee the ,.... .ban