HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1629 'r '41'8,'.'i'~'~'" ,,"'" "'+::"I~ '".' .' ";" '10 ......,',.':-,.,.. 'l I'" ."".! ",0;" ."";'"'''1'';',' , . ,~, ,~- ~, ", .." "."I.~' ;'C '; ,j .'i' ~r'+;' "/, ':', ~/~,~,.\':, I':>,~' ~.,:~l~,...7'~I:::<'>t'~,~,~;.~~~,.o. ~~~~~:.:~~~i,~;".i.t~':~~~,;=,:::~':=:::--~~~',,;,:~'T;~~:""""':;"~~~~~~~.;"..J..::,~~t;"~I"';::~~k ':';;::-:-~;~~:.;t It \,.; , .', ' , .~,' " ,; I" I' '. I ,. " I I. ',.', I I" ',t "L' '1 . It.df'. ..I~OB~GAIU>,BT.U, '1 .." " ..l -,' .,." "to' ,:\', It " . S~ISE ~UI!, ~Q! '., " 'i, f;'; I:' .,....',,' ,.l,'I~AJln])UD\. "\ "'.' 1 ,',', ',,' ",.' ~ ' ; " ..' , ,\'. \ ' . ',' · _.' , ' , \ \ \, " ," r I' , " . ., ,\-' / :.' \' 'tllIS, Illpl lITUWI , ~~ae'~tU. 2na 4&,. of J11I11, .A. ,De ltU.UfWBD It. I. Eo~~"aral andRo"e~..+J." ' ~. ~oble8~~,<hl~:~1~,'.\ .~~ S~,~' Due1:~', Co~tJ:~ '14.. '~. ~r~)J'Ar-~oD8. ~~ .'I'lil~.',~,~.o~,\' _._~.,,, I.:' frl' ( 'hi8 fife,. of la8bi,lis'on. D.. C.. par,U..a, of ~he f1rat, pa", C&Il~ SUl1;l'i.. ~'Ul'~t COIlpB,Dj. .a' o o I"<!> , " , ' \ \ ~. 1:, (Por.~~on 0~~D1~'4_ and e~~u~ ud,r',1;b' :'la..of, ,'~~S.tde \ot'l.~iaa.: of' the'Coun1;I, of st.~"\" ~, ' ! . \, ,".' \ ' , , \' " ' , " \" \ Lllo1ebd 8~~. ot 'lor14a. p~t, ',9f 1;h.;"eoonal\8l',,',II~8BD. . tha1;'he ,.atci ,pllI'Uea, ~f 1;he ,I ',. ; . ~. ':. . ... . . '" . . ' I : .:, f~~"P~,~." t.o~, $Dd"lil o~al.a~r.t10~ !)f:~hl 'aus:o' .tlO.bo ~~1;~.~":t8iu.bl~~O\na.1a.r.,uon8. . :, L~. 1;'he.l,~ hand >>"4, 'ther'~e1pt .11U.of18. h4\rebl-.okp-o.le4p4, ha.,., II'Uha,:bargal,'n.a~''; · , . - ~ ..... . . _.' '. -. \ : . ,- -: -'. . " --,'. . '014 .n4 "ranafur.4. ail4 b" the.1 pre.en1;,' do' (ran'. bU-S.ln. ..11 an4 ,tranaf.r unto the .aia o. " . ; : . . '"'. , -~. ~~~ ':" . .' .' '...... :.' . . ~ .' . . . -~ , ~ .' \ -.: \.. .' - .', - '...., .~ par1;io~ the .eoODd:put: an4..U..llOo....orsa.n~.~8tsna ~or.".:r. all 1;h.t.oer~a1D'paroel of .1~nI." " .. ,\) '., -"',." . \ ..- .-_._~-_._'.~- . ..... ',' ,,~.. '- ,'; " -',,' i.ybg'-AP4 b.1nsln~he' Gou1;,' ot~~,. IAOle, ~ ,Stateaf.,rlor14.t. .0r.p~Uol1larl;, 11180db~4:,a8' ,1,\ .1 .' \, . " . ;," ',' '. . ,follOWSI . t..,. _.; . '" " .. All 'of \l(e south..a" 'Qua~h'r (8~), ~f ,th'e. 10 rlh'ea,t, Quarter bEt)' " _: '::'~\.-.n4..&11',~t '~~~':,~~ht".~Q~8rt_~ .('~.t)' 'Of 1;h, '8~'h'88tQll~.r"(s~):' .'.'.. '." 2..~,~..' '.., , ' , ",: "',' , :::,.' '..', " ': . ',: '...,' ",": al11n S'O~10D.28. 'lOJrD.b1p 34 so~th.. Rani.. StEa.te:', " . _,'...... ..., 'llao.:,All' '~t:the' Jorthe~.t Q1ie.r.hr .(liBt):~f ,i1eso~theaB,tQ~8:rt.r' ';, fS.) ,or S~OUO~.l.~, fown8hlp,-~;sou.tb. Rq~'39Ea8't.' . , ',' ,'; Bxoep,t1~., ho~e~~. 'fro.tlle d~bo~n ,a.sor~~ed,p8rn1.~o~' l~.. t)i." r1ght.O~';'~&T of ~ubl1o.,1"oads&Da .aJ'a1,nas~:oapai.,or dit~heB. aa .; 801111 on th'f~atof8&14 la'D48 ..d~ 'bl 1;he.Floria'. .~a8t:..coa81;:'R.aj.~1 ';com~'~. &,lid. re~oried:1n t'heot.tlO.e,Of'..~h' 'Cle*of :the',clrO\1~tCour1;'. '_ "." :>" .. -' .' t.' . of: at.~ :r,uo1e 001lJ1t,.. J'lor ita." . ' . , '-" .' """.,,". _ '" -~ . " {)" . T.OGB'fHER with .~1. ti~_.lit8.':her.U t..nta andapPU1'tt~oe', w,Uh ."'1'1' pri rllese.r1Iht.., . . . , ", -"- - '. " . . >'. . . ..- ',,: . . . ,,". . . t1tle. ID~.re.t ~~:eBt.te. Oo.er and r1ght of.dower, ~v'rBlon. raaaina.r'~4' ease.ept thereto .... . ~ . . .' , , ~belOD8~~ or ~J1 &nJ.1B~.. a>>ertaJ.nl~B: '?O HA~ ~~ BOLD, .~tle';:8"'1~'1ee ample for.,e.e~~,:': ":.', _ the ..14 'parthB'Or' 1;'lie ti~tPart ao..'o~:"e~t,.wuh. th,e a81d part, Orll1~,.eoODd 'part that 1;he,. are 1..fu1l1 B'1s'~Of, the B~d pr~.laee.. th~ t; 1;he~ ,ar.. ~re., frOll all ~i1(~1DIlbr8D.otl and' 1;ba1; thel h.Y. 'good right and lawful a\l~~~1ii to' sell 1;h~ 8111e;, an4the aaiel p~t188 'ot the flratpaJ.tao. 'her.bl fulil..r~m1;tn~1;1tle~Olia14 'land. '.an~'~ ii 4 ef~Dt the .~.:' .; , ,,''', . -~~ t] , 1 , . L : ~\' . . aaalnl1; tll. 'la.ful 01&1_ ,ofa 11 p.r 80nallb omao..,.r. . .' . ~" . " 'Beal.tile '4al ana feef'. ab,oft ..rUtin. 't". , ~.' B..,' r.obleg-.r~ . , (S,eal) , Itoae II,.'. EOblegard ,'(S.al) , : ,rank An!l.t.ong . . (S..l). " S1gnea. sealedan4 d.11.,.re4 lno,ur pr.senoe:. ..~;-~ ,w .c. Bagge'" , . " '. Mrs. J. D. l.14r14ge ' ,:1'A J.. D. :R~1J1S " , . ... 'tG Frall~' , \J , 1.11-08, eo. t1bb'~Lg )BellhS. Arlll8trong.' I -- ",. , . > ,. , ' ~.111. S. A~.~rong (S~al) , I . StATE OP 'LORIDA . .... "J ..._-~.. " ~ t COOIft, or :ST.LUCII. I tilmBBy, Cl!:R'l'IJY. "hat on .thls 2nd a&, ot .JUDe. A. D,' U26.btfore ae pereonaU, appeare4 ." . -f,. . R.I. Eoble~ar4 an4 Ito.. II. EC:>.1?~"ar4. ~1s .~~. ~ at tDoWn h be the p.zao.-"'aorlbe4in ",'.1" an4 who .exeouted thefo~agolns oon.,.,aDI:I. 1;0 Slinria. 'r\11tQoaip~ aDd""-,.ral11~otqo.l~ged '" , " , ' " '. ,'.' ' exeoution'ther.of to b. tAeir fr.e .ot ant, deea for tl18 UB.88 aDd pUl'po...' thereinlDtntion,ta; f ~ ,aD4 1;he laid Bo..II. Eob1egar4the .Ueof 1;li. aaid.R. I.- ~blt8ard,on . a.pe 1'& 118 an4 pri.,.1;e . . an4 ' , " . .uaiDatlon 1;ak.n.aD4 Ma. .~, .n4,befor. 1l'.I.epara~ell' and.par1; fro. h....~dhU.~~~. ,414 j aoao"lel,.. that aha a84. ber.elf . P..!'tl t oth,~ ,.14. ])..d of COD,",..e. ,~~, thl p-w:po.. Of' , . .' , I . r"ow.nGiD8~ N,UDqUlIhl~ .JIll oOnTel1ng .11A.rrigbt. 't~tla aOlS In.tet..~. .ae tAer. of 40wer , r . or_.!.!~~!!>~!~! It.I'~Jl!.~tl'u~1;.tut.9rl or equU.b1., 1n an4 to tll. lansa'1;hereln dtlor1bl4. an4 " i' ,/. ' '/