HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1638 r I . J . l '.... ;',. L 1,,"~Lcc.~'I~.J',I,, _.' '...', "',~r"', \1,::", ,.JI_~.i"-'}~~~7,_ >;+~:::' -"i,;~;~;~,:.~~:~;,~~):~" :1~:. ';:~~:~"'~\:L~\~~r,~il~;~:t~~O;~":;:"~.~~~~-~ '0~<~;!~,~:~;;:i;..,~~':.'1: :,\:,'1.'... 1 !., ~~',,~O~' D~u)PiCd, ,C~~~tl'..:~ \., I, ,~, ,,\'\ ,,~OR~ PIBROII~~AF !Rt1~f'.'t1lf.m 'II, ',"; \, '. I , I 'f. ' II' ',\ ,.:. 'I . .!aU8~\D~, \ " ,\, ,.'. I ".,,', I \ ~ .' , \ "" \ :' :\ \ I '. . \ (. : .' . ~ " \, . ~ ,I 1 fl118 ~lI1>~TtJRE lfI'~sslm, that ~h. 8l'Ult~l'. ~! C04SIf J)~niu~~OuPAItr". oor~orat1~.: \ '\; '\~'. '" I[ , "~a,n1"4'~" .~ ~_1"~40~ '",. ~T'Ylrt~...f ti..~, 1.... ~ f th. At.to '0 t\i~.~l~~.'o,; .a4 .. . \ · '.ooniU.~r.UoD ,o:f ''-nDoll~. \(.l~.OO)\, ~lJ~'h.;r ~904,' u4 ."'~1U.b~.09.1~.lbrat,iQn8. ,In''h.~4, " . ... ':... \'. ., ," . \: . '" . .', \ . .)a14,' oonve78,'and.~I'~tS.'~to "PORfPIBRCEBABX ..;.tm' TRUST,"COMPm.-... 'oorpo'r.t~.on of \, \: . ,..' '.'. ,. "':, 'a . ,\ ", ' ',' ." " "'~~rl~',. .. .,~~li.., UDder, the p;r~T~~!10mto:f/~.I'~,.t',:.~~r.~t.4ah4.'t~.).Ot~ ~ 4\~ 1Q:f'.Jun. '!'.' i>..~, ., ~'. 1 . V '. '. _" , '. ~. _ .' ,_. .. . . \ 19~tq4'-uo1lJl.-ae, !~S1i .WIlb.r".-.-~h. .:foll~wlli8 h'ol',lbe~r..al"..t~te'ln th~ OOUntJ' of 8t~' , , ' , " '. \ . . ':' " " ~' , ,. ' , : . '. \ L,a01e an4 8ta1;fo:f ,.10r1eSa, h-wita . . ' , 1 . ' ," ,.' " \" , ' 'h~ .D~rth .~alt(it) o:f'the.'!or1ih",.t ~ar~.r, (Oi,) , 'O:f'~1l8 .Ofthwe8t,'QUU~,er(nt) 'of .,., . 8'ouon'Jfin~,t.e~"~9),'.~1~ thir;t1':":f~ui' ,~34.,>.O,'h.' R~~'O~'~J' (.O).iI~~~~.' .' '" .,..',:,;,'..,.".: .,' -,,>~1.0:~'~...: """.,' .'./"~>':.", :,..'.. ,:...... :',." , . / ~"'e8t~.lf (wtl,~4,the "eat halt. (Wi), of th.:Eu~ ha1:f, C.I. o:f, S.ot~oD,thl;rtJ';..thre..(33) . '. '~'.. ,. ~ . . .' .. ' .. " ~ ..... , .. . .' . '.: .' . . '1;);1e liorth.. ha~t ~Bt.I: of 't~e. .lfO,rth.Bal:f'(Bi-) o~: 't~e~orthe~~t. Q~t~r("Bt) o:f f),80~'10~.~ ,to!u-: (24) ,~h' '...-...- Ult',(8i) ,~t the ,lorthW.lt ,~U't.r,:(,,), ,o~ ',~li'\'OriJl...t~~1i~,,;' . . - . . ," . - . ~ .' "",. , . " . . . - ..... '.. - .. . . . . CDtI' .uHozi'1;~.lT. .J12).. iown8hlp'hlrt,.-iour .134l':'outb~ ~u8e: 'thlrt7-n1neC391 laati . .--". , ", " --..:,.... ~ . -i;: . ',t :. m- " '-,. . . f- .- ~,.,.. ~{ . " \ ,.- .1, ,,\,- -- i: ; : ~'. j ': . ~ ti . ~, . ;. .1; : -I ~/j " ",'I , -' , . '. ~ ~I '- ~ : ",. ! ,8oy,time ortll1188her08fttr.' , ...'., " , 1Dno 08S8 .hall 80J' party, to whO~ 88id ,premlus, or anyp8rt'th'reof. 'hal1.b..0'onYeft4 . ., .' ~ .. -'. ~ . . oopt:l'eotteS, to,b' 801d~ leutd or 1II0rtflllseA b1.88,i4 'lnete., 8ndl~ n~ 08S~ ~:hall 80J'. p.rt~ chal1,ng~lth,B81d''li'UBte.'1~ nlation 'to e8~4'11;rtiDl8t8. be ObUged \0 e"/th~','PPlfo8tlo~ " ; of .8111 ~Ul"Oha8l' JDi1,nnt, or IIOrie7.borrowe4 or,~4v~no.'don.'~ld premil;teliJcO~be 'obli8~d't,o . , " iriqull'e into the n.oess,lty o;r- '~'4i'l)o" o:f any aot of, .~ldTruete'lI' -or be pr~Til1gedor , ' , a,., , ,',' GoUged to inquire into 8Oyof the (termS of 8aidtry.Bt esreelllent., . . Th. 1ntertBt. o:f U~h and .very' benetl01aI? her~der.ndof :a,~l PfrB,On8,olaimingUJ1der i thelll,18 h.re~y deO:18re d 1;0 b.e ptl"Bonlll prOPtl"t~, aDd ,to b. 1nlhe. earni~gs, .v8ile and, p~o~e.e48 . arisinS frO. the 41ep~81tion Of' the p;r'IIl1~'~; the, intention hen ot being-to vest In t~. 8e14. . - . . ,~OR'1',PIKRCPL R!1tICA.NTL']'RtlST cOt.lPAJlY tll.,entln.I.ga1r.a~q,ultebl.~le 'In tcr:jll I f: [. , ~ f i '. i , " l , .1 , i i } 'I i J :ot the prtmle.e 8boTe d.8~b'd. ,\ " 'i'h1Bo~l)n1anoe-.18I1l8d. sU'Jeot to s lII,ortpege dnted D..o..ber 31'-11920 :for 'lve 'lun4red.' , , . . i Thou"neS Dollers ('600,000.00) pl7,abl. Deo..b.r31. ,1927 ,with Internt at elsh~ per oent(~) per annaa. I II 'lfI!n8~ ?fKE1meP the Jut Coa.t Denlopllen~ C01lpSl11 bae causld theee prUtnt8 to .. , j .J..