HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1641 4302:''','''-' : ,'; '/ 'u ' ,'0 ' '---~'~I) )--,' ~,.' "., I'~. "', ~, -,,"",' ;,~ .' , ' ~-;'-1 "'f. ' "-~~T-7j':'Ttc-. '~.," t .,. " " C~~-"c-~,~~~r~~,~,~,-,.,.. I, !' .1 I I I' ! : . { Ir:=i~;:'!';'~;~~'~"'~~;'r:,:;:~~,-~,:~:~i,~~~;~-,::.:.,,;;;-~~~~~~~;::::ti..r~::;:;~';::~:;;;~"'r~~~::;.~,t!~~:t;;~:';~.;~~;' t '. , . I ~ ' . ,,! . " t. ,"' I'. . ": . . ~ i' .' ::., .1,.1 ; 1 r . \ ~,"~()'j1er ....1~7 '''p~'1 '... ...-. " '~\: to' \ II!". t ,I I ,:' 11ha~h~1l ~qhltO~C?UP.' ::',. I, I '. .,; Ii. :.' '.'UI8 iNDoTriBl, 1I.4!lth'~ .~'Il 4~O:f ~.Uf.uar7 U.' b,. Booaler '.aUi'-'~.Jav', a \~rporatiOJl 'o:f \ ' ! \ 'th~,'t~t','ot 'l~rU., :1l~.t1n1 ~ t~ ~rl"lP~l' Oi~l"l.na',pi~o~ :'~:f'~'81~". '~, ,v,~~,'t.: tu;~l.,' ,I . '" \ ;:. \ "I'" \ t . . \' . . . . _ \. \ . -" \. ' I: : '~;:. .01Ult,.~: '10r1~a,: P~~1\ O~ 'th( ~l~~t -par.,~ an4\~~1...lte'~' toUPlt~~~)llP Of.~",~~t. !~s. ~~'.~ooDa,/' \ .\ 'Ii'.., ~pU'" .' \ ' ., " "';., '''' I' ' " ,,\ ,'. ~ .'.." 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LuOl..:.ountiflo:tl~a.;motni.8D1 4.BorlbecJ'a8t~~10w" : .' .~\ ., .' ,.' ".' , ". "; '-'. " " ',' ",' '...., ". .. "'. .. , ' :. ., Lot 11~.,~ (16)\ lnBl~okllgbt it)) -. thl~<a,ei.cl' m.:4.8u1.~.ot,to li.n. tor. .~ora''''lu.r,~4 ' .'.-,-. -, . :, '- ' ""-'" ' .:., . - '-', . . ' . ", . '.". - . ,~. -/:. .' - "...~..... ':. ...~.re.,t'paT1n$.'..oi '~I.wo04:A4:41Uon toV.I,"O, ,llOr14a. 'aooorUna. to 'pl~t. r.oor4eeS ,on P84$' ,*8 of., '. "' .......,." .. . , '!1:a,~look ,2 ot :t,l1e ~.o.ras.i .i, ~L~ol' Q01iDt,....'l0r'14~,~., ':,:' :. !((lllvi.uiD TOHOLD'm8AQ~'. tog.therw1th:.l1 "~\J...n". 'l~PZ:O~~t." hertaUa.ent,88neS ~ ;, - ;' - , . ", ". . ,0'. ' . . .... .'. ' :' , . .~ '~apP1U'~'nanoe. ~'ro.unto _.ioDilD8,' '.~'. ',th., .~~~ p~t 'o~, tll~ ~ "~0~4':PU~. eM~.;'-: li.lr8, aneS 8:~81~8 ' : , in :f... sl.p1e for'eT~r. . . . ':lllA ~~.' '~l~'P~~" O:f ,the.tlrst ~att, for~t8~lt"U" Sb.O~~8.or.., 'l.g~l~.p~...nt.t~~...~. , . . .' .. ., ,- . , '.. .' , , ..' ". . " -;. " .' '. ~ .-' , '. "".' ". . . ~ - " : '.- , --.., " '. .' ~, , .., -,' .:.. ,,'.BlIPS, 40..s 1:i~.b,.oo~~naa'wlth 8a1'4 pa,rt ot.~the ,810001 P4l't, heirs, '1.g.l',r.p~estn:taUt~8: aD.~ ,. : aS~lgUa. .that...it 1~ ln4~e.db~", ..1&84, ot~alcl.ian4 hl :ft. ....1.p~..; t~at' .1 ~ ..l1.8. :full. pOller ,ana 'l~wfu], '.~ iSh, to oon".,. 'a~4 ,land ,1n tee S.1II1." V ~or.~.ld.. t'qat 'it, 8h.ll , b.' . lawful :for 8814' .- ---"-,-,-~ - . . '. ; .,~. . . - . ,-' - :;.' "" '. ~ . '. . . part of the .eo.na 'P8l"t~h'1r8~ 1.galr"PZ:~s.nt,atlTtS anaas81gne 'a~" aU, 'um"'J,.ac.ablT. ~a . .. . '. " " ". ':. ,. " ,,'. ' ',' , :'. ". - -, ',' ',:" d" .' '. ,_ '" ' '. ',' '.'- , . _ . '. ~ '. -.: ", '. qu1et17 ,to .nter'J1P.~n,bol4,' oooup,.,Qd"I;(~o,. .~'cL1anaL thatB.~la l~cl1s-:f~.e :from all 'ln~ ' , . .' - .. "'. ; , , " ", ' -'. ... ' " , ' . -' . . . "~ ,'~ ' ' ". ." -.. .bratlo,e81 ~4 'th~t 'it loee llereb,7 :fll11i'~arran' th., :t,lUe t.~ 8.14 1ancl 804 w111 eS..t.nd',b,.....am. ' , -a'S1nalt the.iawful.~l.i~s.Of..U p'.r8o~~.whO~O~Y~~.' , ..", IIi WITNESS WHEREor~ th,e par1l7 .of ~he :flr8t put' h... hereunto' atflxec1 it. riam.aneS ....1 on tbe " . ~ . , , . ar~:f11'8t ~boYe wr~tt.n. . , ., ,'\ . . ,,\ .,'- .," :~8t.~#L4::::L~D thO . it,' J .~qh, . Jr' . C e.'A. Gl"'A'. " H0081e~ ".ltl'CO~PaD1 , . ,B, ..li. Wlil1Ulll, PreaicJ.~, preSenoe .ot; , . ' , (.~ .00)1. R:. StampB', 'c~'.f '0 . ;'~:'::' , "" " \'", . "S'1'.1B qPJLORIDA COURTY OJ VOLUSI.1' .a , \ , \ ,\ i' \f 1 ; i 1 <) . ., ~ :..\ .~ ..',f: ~' ;::. .}i . .{ '-I . ~' j , .' ,"~ ,A '.~,} -", ".'- ./; ;' ~', fJ. . , . , .. , ), " , . .' " .: ~ . . . ',I f'; , ,'. . r ,P.r80nally app.ueabdon me .tllia da.v I. X.IU11east"'---u"-me"wdl known as\b. 'reddent .'o-tt11.-------:--': ,- { . ': .,. '. . '. .' ,.'.' , . ',; ". " . .'. ,__ .' t; ,,: !; HOo~1er, R.a~t100.Pan.v, '. ,Oo~po1'at1on of the h.te ot ~~o~i4a.. and as the. "am,pusoll 'deeorl ~.cJ:,ln )'; an4who .x.outed the 'tOi'Agolna 4ee4an4 he a~kno.le4ge4 'tilat '~es~8he4 the.&am. an~ att1xed.th. I, .' , I,' , '. . iI..1," 8a14 Oorpoi'aUon .to 8~1~d4eoeS; tbat h~ i was ~Ul1 authorho4~I1'rei1n1io b, tli..loarcJ .:f Dlr.eotou 'of .u.a IorporaUoD.and tbat 881d d..d 18 tile .ct ma ded c)t .a1'4 Uorpor.Uon 'or *he purpOBeB. ~ ~ ..t :forth. , ' - -!"._.~._.._..----:--'~-_.- -'-. ---....--------:--:------;--._.-. '-.' ~ IN WI'1'BESS WHEREOf, I han hereunto a:ft1xacJ rat name and of:f101.1 ..al at D.'/~ona B.aoh 'la. ~h18 / '30th day 0 ~ '.al) ; \ '-, ! I ',1 1 1926. i \ .. .~\.e~ ~\ . ~tj ~(). J~Q .f 1~28. . , 61. ,0. .alk.r .' . lfotar1 'ubilo, ltate of ~1a. . .11I ....,...1o~xplre~/" '.' .otar, ,uhlio, Sbte '0 t 'lotUs ,'/ ., 'Oolialls19n .xp~r.. Ootoh..r1~.th s..l. ). '_ __ J ..--_.....,;,,'-.....- .. ;" .' ~. I 16th 1926,' at 4.86 r. II. . P.C,-:14rell, Clerk e1roa1t Coldt-,-, , i, tol)\.a,~~.~." I .. -"'\ . '. " .---, '. ,'. -'~ '..') " . "1 . 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