HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1645 ( I' " J ., I ,; 'I 'I'" I ';4341' ,;':' :." ~ ',.' ." ", 'j" " I',' ,. 'j' I,', 'I --~~-- LI__~"_~:"_;_' ~i.)' ~ ,~-, ~r "-'I':~;1",,~~,:L --~n"!'~'~", , , ,'L, .,"1- <"",' l' '. "~~'.r ~:, -I ", , :!,'" 1 , ,'. I ., i l. J ,,'. ," " I; I I I ,", I' " ,,". " " j , J , ... , 'I 'i' 1, ,', :' . I, ..." ',' I, , '.', '", " .' " .I".. , ' Jl . II"",' ' Jo --1 " ",' , , I ' , I" ld ' I, " ' I, <~f:'~~)'~ :=~~:2:-~~'I~;~~~,~;r.;:';~~~~";:.';:4;;~.:i::+;.:i.~~"~J:':':~.~+.'~.;t~::;~'=~: It, '~1~~br~o.',:Jf.~.~;~~~.~.;n41~" .~..~..,l t~at thol~'ft',P"'h.l~ f,'\h.,il~~t pOrt ~h~I' ~~I~~:j " I j., ',', ."., ...~t., ~s, i,~,4"..4alDl,.,.~t"ra,t,',,~~,' .~,""\,~", a ....r." ',h, ~'\,ll\~",' k,"'.' ......t.4,. .~~ .,',~kn., .1O,4,ge ,.,.11.0, ~\~U,r~t., .,','- i," "~;l, L' ""'" .th.. ~~04' ,""" ."0>:0Il(':' ~'~l' .....'ou'...n'o~ Iii t~~ l..~ bo..n.Uoto4 r.~....blT! . '. \', I ; 1\ proper t'~ elf'.~,'uat.i the',:fulli tlltel1', k4 .eanilis of' t~'18 lnst,qJ~i.n~.. '\"(', ",', 1\ :-, "':i , i " ' ' :\, . ': ' "', ,',' . \ ' \ \ .,,' \.' ' . '\ '\' " ," " , I' \ \ , ' :~d \~he .eaU p~Ue8 ~t ,,~be tlr~t p~t\:f~rltheIlSelns, ah~ thell' hllra. ~eabOY.,h~qr~~?d ,.\ ph,iDl'seB,' ,fUld e"',eri 'Jvt \an4 'p~o.li,ther~o:f, \ ,u.n.tq,it"h,e :e8,U, putf 'ol, the,' .eoon~p~r~~ .~er he~t~", 1 ' ~a.:ies18n.." aga1~lt ,th$SaU par'~l.e~fthe' :flr~t '~~tM4. ~h~lr.be1~~', ~4 aaal~.t'\all ~4 L" '.' . -" ", ~ r .' ,',,(u.(~'(n<.~ :..'. ,'" '. ',.... '., , " ,.,.' '" \ ~,,: ' , !' , -: .ver, per Ion" wq.oms~.ve~ l~w:fu~.~, olll,im1ng~r to q1~1.,the 8alDl, , sh~l1,and ',"1l1~ ~arrant:and ..lI, . f . . _ . . . ' '. \'. .' .' . \ '. : . , . . ~ . ~ , thesepr.li,nts :forever deten4. " . . ,-' .. '. " -' -. '-.,...., \ . - . ' tbls&11.natlon 1swUb the '~01n"9onBent"o:f'hu:sban48nd:..l:fe. where that relation exists.' t1f' w~~tiEs~ ,mREOP; 'th~8a1d~~~~leE('~t ". tb~tir~t' p~~ .baye," ~~r"Unto '~e~ ,tbei:r, h~d~ .'~~~~~" s!ta18 lach 1'n the presenoe Oft~O. SU'b'Bodblq '~1 tness,e..'; , . ' . . . '..' .',' . .' "81gneli,' sealed 'a~d" eS.eltvered ,In. p~es8no.,of~..S' ;~' ~ " ! t '{ , i . ! Ii '. ~ , ", ~: ,,:"~:j~~' c ; I. ,J ! ; i r" ;, \ , L:. . " ! ~..' i~ .S,~'~~4', .'. 'Bugt,n~ 1I,~Gidliart', ' , II: wat~. ". ." . , ~ , I ,~ . '~ .it., .' ", ."",.,1 . i , , ", ',., :, "., ., 'J"} , , , . . ' . ~ :, ,1 ," ,,"5, ".,. " , ....,,- :g. f .01"11181' , ., : .' .' lAB ro J ' ). " 'J"~ ~~," ,) , . G~land Ha.;el', (Seai , , Be8818 8"'1 . /. - . (Seal) . SlrUB), Or{J:r.oB1DA , . 'I ' : ' " COUln'~ o~ DUVAL,' r J 88 " " ~' > ' .. , '. . ".'" . , ", ,-';t" . . ;1 HJ::EBY CBRUPT,:.' That. on ,~1B: 29 da,y o:f K*7A.D. 1,916 before 'lie I. If .;,01"1118e" . - , ~'o\,ar7.J'u'bll~ ~er8~nal~. app"Ue4B':1J81., Ha,ye.to __, ~e~l ~, an4,kzlowD to, !I' to'beth'e, i'n41"(ldv.al"4es01'1be4 'hlan4who,ex'~outt4 the' :i~i.goln8 ~onve7ano' to:Courtne7'A. O'Brien':.' . , . , . apc!'8eTtr.a11T aCb10w1edge~. 'the .xeouUort thereo:f to' be lierfree aot ."4e'..'ior the uses i,"J' .' i , ' " " ~ . . . ", \. ,'an4p1U'p088ltherein mei1t1o:nediand 'tl1e 8at'eS:Bes81,' H.,es>,thew1ft,o.:f the ea14Garl.nd ~. . ; ~ ". --'. .~ , ,Ha7e. '-on $. ee.ar.at, 8n('private~~1naho~ taken and' made'b, and be'fo.. ...~ an,d 8epar~eli':, ' and apart 1ro.llher: salO husba,neS, 4UaOkn~~1"eSge,that's~e ma~e, h.er~el.a pa:rt'~ totb~ ss14eSie4' .' .,. .' .',"" _.' .'. '. '. '.' . O~ conve1,ance for, the pu.rP()S~' Of,relllouno'tna.:, 1"~liJlqul'shfD8 :1l1l~' ,09~ve~lng. all he'l',',~l~ht.,tl ~ie.;. 'and1ntere8t..' whether O:f 'dower, or '6.f, separate pr~pert"8tatutor.7 or equU"b1e In ana'. to the' , ,.' " " ' , . ,. ',.;' ',' ,'.' lands theretn eSe8~rS,'bI4; .andtbat she exeouted sa',d deed :free17 an~ T.IWltari11 and. .1tilOilt > " \ " .. , , , ' :' aD7'oonstralnt,. feu, appr'ehen81on or, oOllpulsioD, :01, or from her eal4hll8banl. ", '- '.'.. ':. .....".. ~. ". .-; '-' . ~'~. ~ "..,," . : '. ,..... ." WIT~S'~, elgzultllre anaoff101.1' seal at' Jac.ksollT111e in tbetount"ofDu:rai' an~ i1iate.", ,'- 'an4 ,IU laSt a:tor.8aa14. ,,' ~ ~, "..' '~Ol'\li.. (leal) , . _otar7 )u.ll0 for the .tate of .lorlda at ,l~g. Jl,yoolllmhe1on eoptntJ MaT 18, 192'7. ".: " or, RIPA ) ,.. ' .', , ,) sa Oousn 0" SAIIT'L!I',) ,,: . ... , I, I,' an olf1o a1,1thorhe4 to take aOt.D~.led8'llent8 o:fcSeed8,~Y OERTI.rY,tb.t Garlall~ lives 'perlonall, b1owa" .. to ,~e"tbe' lndlT1~U~l desoribt4' in &nil' wh~ exeout,edthe foregolJiglns1;f- , / ' ~ . '. wIlent, and .tnat .aU indl ddU81 tb18 day .oknow1~ge 'befo're .e that. he exeouted saU' lns~rUIDint . . , . WIT~SS rA3 hand 81'id off101alleal,th1s fhlrUlth da" of -ai A. D~l't2e. at Port P1eNe I' , I I'~ in 's8,14 Count,. and state" --~'~ ~ ~\, . ~ i' 0.' A. H. atewstc1 ' .o'er1 ru~llcfO. tbe .'a'. or .1o~lda at large. V7 oOlllJlleaion eXplreB DIO." 19, .192$.' ,.' ~ .j 7' ~ - i I i ,. i =. " . .TUlle 11th 192D,at 8:~ A. M., -' - 0- T. ---- '. ,. G. 61dre4. ' Clert Vl.0Ul t I()vt ' .... / B, 8, /Y'-~j ~""A''lljL.A,~~.\~. 'j" -. --., -t..'...,>. ; i .-#...-