HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1646 , I', " " /, I, . I i' " _ I.r! :1.' :..!lr;~.': ,/... ,. ...', 'q43.5,. . I' II , ,:' " , I " ~~~~~;:fi~~~~~~~I~~~~;:~~l~~,~'~~~~;~;~ ;~~L,:0~T~~;;;:~~:;'~~~:.~:~~~~~~~t. \ ! " .1' \: I b'" I" i'. ,I \! , ' \ \' ' II:, ' \ \'\ ' \ '\ II", , II 1 , }, \l'I!':Oe\ .iB~As.wt;tJ"\(\',!-~,, I" ,'0, ,II I" OOttR~AT'~.'~'IRfM, ,'.; I' I I ,1'1"'\" (.' .. "" \ '" "'\"'. " \ 1\' " t "')'" " " ~ ' , \ ,'y ','\\~.",\\~'Cf:O\BTR1'~.CT,~~R:'D~.Jt~;',r" ", "':':, \~\. '" ,':'\','1; ',"j~,::.,',\ ., 'I" . .',' . .~~s 4G~'.lJad~ .... ~nt~f~.,\illtob7';'~ ,b~t~.~ ..' ,~.~ '~f'.~.~~'.f or~li~~o".,'t... '. i", u ' i ' \F~::-'LUOU Oo~t7,\ 'l~rlcfa." ,party, of the f1l,'S,t patt,an~ ,CourtenaJ'\ A. "O~B:rhn par~1. of th., '\,:, I, " :' .-';' /, , " \ " ,', " I, 'i" \ .' i ' , ,'\ I,' \ ,J,,' . \ , \ u,-----\ ' ., , " .. ':, *,oOl;1d p~t. '. " ,\,.' ,.' \" '.',. '.,' ,". \ ' ''i ., .,.. .' il;!' · i \ .t~E1'sm;., ~~t' fo' t~~o~nold.'~ ~ io'n 'h.'~i~Ut~r, .p.di~i~t tho" .alt p.rt~ot '4~.f~~':i' I ~par~, ~er~~lagree,~' ~to ,8~11 &fd oonY81 ~to the apU,Pal'tl or p~He8, ~f tl1.,' '.~eoOD~ P8~t, ,b, ;:~," ;, , j , ' ' , \ ," , 3 go04 and 'Iu:f:fiohnt wurant, Deed,' the 'followlng deaor1be,d lan4' 8ituated In Sa1nt]',uo1e., ,'\ ' \ 1 ; . \", . .' .~, \ ." \ " ?,; OOWl~I.','tat~ O~,'1:9d4a',t~"~~~a' , , , " ,', ,,:{ , '-. ,..." 1" 't 1,0\811 . :t.6 Ilook "o:f UOker!et-tao": aapel'. 'plat r.oqr,~e~. ~~a~' BOO~ 4, '~age 15~, ,'St. Luoi.e> 00\1l1t1 l',i,o~rd&'.' ',.., ',' ',.,' , ,',~ "';, : " , ,',.' , , i , . I , ~.! ., -,' . " .". " " '. ,In; ooneu.raUo'n 1l'hereOf, ,t~!l ,U4' part, ol'p~tle, O:f'.t~e :.a'.ooncS 'P8:r,t 'hereb"9roJi1e~:;' , :~~eS:,agreee ',~~: :pajthe ' s,a~~ 'P~~1 'Of ,th,e:: t.~i~~':p~~ ,( '106.0:~) ~ 'e~, H~4te'~ '.an~'.~~ '~09/100 .' ,;~ ',4o~.r.~, ..' tOlioW8~c"'~i.~':,("860~00-r'hr.. HW1~~eeS'ahd '1ft,. ,.,.OQ/l,OO'D,oiiare.., aa8h"1nh.n4: ! "~a14, 'th~' reoelp~' ~h~~e~fi~'h~reb7'~Okn~Wl~cSge4'~~eS' :th~'~ai&l1o~ :oi.,oo.oo' t~, be' ~~~~.'in'" " . . . " -, :., . ..: . .' . . . . - . '. .' ..'. . ." . ,..' . ~ .~. .' . ( " to~eqll~l: 1ii8taltm~,~~$ t~' b.:p.i4on"or b.~o:r. 6; '12,'18"an4 :-,2~mo~the :frotleS~ie 'of thl.8 ' ~ C.oDtraot"wl1;~'l~t~.es~" ~~ '.U~,tfefeYt',.(r ~a7Dl'eri.t'8 at'th":ra~. of 'e1~' 'p.~'o.nt .;~;r,:~u..\ ..a 'per' not&s,ex.ouhdof'even' date, paial),1e 'at li.t~U,. upon the total ..ount ,o:f 8uoheSejei'r.c, " .;. . '. . ~.,' ... ":-,' ,". -'.' '. .~""" ~'.,. :.... - -.': 'i ' :". ". .". " .,..... .' -. ~'~,-' "~.,' '. ,..., '( , p.,.ents ,unt11the 'tU}~ ~~~~ aha~i~~ve. ~~.ri pan..:, ~d topa7'8:l,l t$xes~ speO,l~, .a!l~e,e8~.' . ..n,"" Qr, l1en:.'beoolDlng'. 4'u." an4Jlalable again8t, saU . l~4 . and aU, 1IlproVmentB, thereon nQw,' . ',,' ." .i<I '-.:.' . '.: .,...'..' ':.. '. ' ",'. . . ' !., .x18t~ng o,r .. .bl~h..~. her~:af-te:rqbe,~ad'. ,~he:reop" , ' , . , " ' " ,On:fu1.l 'pa1mtntof~he au... o:fmOne,andlnterut" a:fort8a!d.ln~lueS~naail' amO\1DtB. '. . " "', ':.' '. - " -.".... ".,....- . .'. . " '-. '. .'" , . .... ,.' ....,. ,'. .' "... , ~- . . .' :.xperid.t4. b7 th,8aU part", of .the > flrs.t"part, on aO,OOUI1t,of taXe8, ~4ape()lal a~aesB...,.t. an4 .td.iIl~UoD;fro. ,t~~'8l"l!' t,~~ . 8a14 '~art'" ~:f, the .f1re't .' pa~"~.':8h~i~0~~nl ~,8.14:1~~,~,O~h~.;~a~~ ";', ptrtyor llu,U8S ~~~be eeOOild .:par,t 'b,,4iI,.d 4111180tnow.1fdged and warr.anting 'Ut,ie' ,~eo:f 'aate ' thereOf; but ',eS88d to ~ont'a~n' the 'followliig '00n41tlo~8~ proT1810ns and 'restriot'lones . . ~ . '. ' . . . . ~ ... "' .. -'. ',' -, ~'. , . PROVIDED. ~VER~Il!LE~S Thea'pres.nt8 8.1'-8. made aubJeot' 'to. all,()f ,~'he :follo~1D$. ~XPI'~Bsed .,-1 ..' ~ , : t:, . .... , ' i fl'. I,.,', .~,'.- ", .; '. . :; , i ---:-;- " oon41 Uons~ reatr~ot~on aDdl1m1 tat1ons, IpP161'ng to:~he ,aU' prop~rt,~'and .111ohoonU UOl18, .# " '/ re.lr1ot1ou JU14 11111 tauon8 are 1nten4eeS to be,' and ~ball-b,. a~o~pte,a as ,oo...e08l1'" 'running , ..', -- , , , ", " ' , ' . " , ' ,', ,', " ". " ' "lth 8ald J.an4~aneSwhlob, shall~. blnd-1nsal1t.upon" thehelra;,rep!uent,at1vee 'aneS aa81gn8 of the ':'lid 'Partl, or part1.~ of the eeoond, .Part and on ,the P~t7, of 1i'he, :fir8t 'put, ,WhO~,b1 .. .. _ . l' , ": "::' .' . .' .. ,,' . - ." .:_ _ _ ..,' . . '~oep~a1lce of ,th18 in8trum.nt. ~~'e"B' to abide, ,bl,Ptr:form. and8dhere. t.o 8a1~ o,O~dit10118~', restriotions and lim1t~~lozia as. oneot thoexpre.s', o.ond.1t1.oD8 ~t thesepre8ent8. but ,oDl, for the :p.rloeS.nUn~ J~uul 18t 1916. ," . 1. !hat ,n~ bull(U~' 8hall':be"r.~te4~n, t~t~14 .'laneS'exoept' for ,pr1yate eS~~U'lng .' . >>mOBe8, exc.pt u,aualan4;neoeas&r7,out..bull41ng8, ,aneS tha-t ~he. ~ai'd d",11.108 house, ~. . I .xoluSl"', of the buildings, ahaU. oOlt no(,leai- than .8000.00Wh10h' p;rioe.8hall not,lno1ueS~ .- . , '. aroh1 te'otu'a1 exp.nuaor fee~ and ahall I,lot inolude a.D1'other 01as8 or'lmprO''9'IIlentB ,a.... aneS .xoept the ,aotua1 ..t.rial' and ,oonstruction 008t of t)18saU dWe1l1n8-,house. -- 'c' ,\ ' . 2. that not more ttlaJlon. res-1deno.,to8.therw11;huaUal and neOeBB8rlout-bUl141nga, 8hall be er.ot.d oneaoh o~"ai4 lots. . 8. i'ha,t no Wllawf,\lluorizm:uoral ua......hal1b.. ..eS. o:f the. pr.,lBt8 h.rebl ~eed t.o b. . , I l OOny".d, ~or shall tb. ~am. b. u.ed fer aD7- 00...roia1 purpOs.; nor .ha11~h~ a... or anI .:' <, ." . ,1 ',> .) ,(J~J,;" " . ~,:'- ' , . ~ . , ' 1, , , , , part t,i1ereot,' or ani lnter'8t therelnbe' 8014, released or 'oth~r"is. ,oon."eeS ,to an,y p.raona other th~ the CauOaelan r~o.; PtOY1~'4 that noth1ng h.r.l~ oo~ten~d"Aa11 pr.vent the k"P- 101 an4 ..intarning' usual' and. nlou8ar, ~""'ants 0& tlL. prop.rt,'fot: re~aonable fallll7 u.. , I , I 'Al. preTi.loD ~ow.Y.r ...11 not oau8.forftitur. unl.s.'th. ho1d.~ ,o:f the :fe. is aho.. to ~. At I .. "~ - ;" - .:'. , ! ., ,? '.1.