HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1647 _. 4 L. ~'.' ( , . 'I . I , ",4,'3'6', ' If" r ' ,I, J t. ' ' '!, I lit: I ' I I: '" I.. I, ' I'. " , , ' ' .._' f , , ' , ',:'Crr' I . ",Ii' ..' ..~_., ' " , .. :' I --~~- ',-'.,', , i' " I "\ ' I ' '.' ,'it.j I ij J .' I~ " "",'" ,'J .'i " , " 1:;~~:TfU~c~~~~:+"~:p~~~'t~~~7~~~~';:~~3~!;~~~f~~~S:-':~4~jt~', '1,. 4.," ".t ,110, \~U,~141~\'hall\be 00I18t"Oh~' or ~r,.o,.a,.t .1'~8 ~l~tanQ!\ th"'..~t7 ',t~et ~fo. ,:~h'l, ."1 " 1, \ I ' " '. II, \ . \ II, I " ' . ' 1\,', ';1 , ' " 'I Ii '\ :frollt 'Une"o! ..14 19,t, oZ; either of tli... '" ' ' \, \ \' " ' , "\. ' " ,," ,", , '\ ' , ' \ , I" , I ' : \' r '\.' I.' I I': ", " .', \, ' \, ' , \ ' f;':'\ \1., ~~, ,'.f 'h. .a~,," :'~,ar'7 .~,p.rt~~,S",4f:~h~'*~~O,n. 4: p~. t,l" ~,1," ':, ~'f. or',~,be1~,.,helr~..,\: r.pr'B,~,~,',~t~,',T~", ~,\ ',',1',1' I ", or a..18n8" or' an.r l\:O~4er' ~V holdeJ,'l\of fhe.' pro~er'7 ~er'bf;oob.veY.d b, Vl,rt\u. of, any ~~a~Oi~,' , . , I" \ \ " ..,., , , . , .,', "" .' '1 ,',' .:'proO"41~8, 811~1~':fa1~ to' 00llp17 w~th\ 8111, '~f th~ abo"'~ ~4\ ~~~e~01D&l'e~t;rlotl01l'., 'oon~,ltion~. \"',:,, . 1 ,'or l1r11 te,'UOO"lf W1t~' 1n a1xt7, a.,~ ,after ~rUt.~'~otlcie 'bJ, 11.11 to ~h~8aicl' put,' or.parh." 0,( the ',' i \ I ,~ " \ ' . "" , ' , " ' , , ' " " ,", \ . " ".,' , : \ " . ' I:' " 8~o'ona part" hll.h.r or,th'lr'he1.r8,p8tBon~,l r.,p,resentaUves or.a8s1~., or ~,\ of thUl,at;.: " ; , . \"::' ',', ' ',' ,--' ' , " , ", .' \ , . ' .', 1, ' ' l "" the la8t mown aUress, ',J~i 'tht' 8aleS part'lof the :flr',t :p~t. h1e '\1,oqe8~0r8. ,.p.r~o'n.1 r.preB.~t..< i .' . '. .' . ..' . - '. . ". '. . '. , - . . .. '. . , . -...... : "., ~ ..... , . . .. ,..... . -' . ". ,~"", , aUvea or a8s18n8, 'or' eltller of, the., 'tl1eD ttie 8a14 .'h", 4eso'r1beQ,e,ncl o,ollvey.4 propert7 sh.il' '.:' , : " . " ' " ' , ,\ " --, ' ',', " - ' ~ , .. .,',' : ' , , l~~d1ahl1 revert 'to'.th~14, ~81't, ,O:f; th~ ~lr~t'~ut', ~i8 :8\lOOe8a~rao.li 'assigns *hO el&;ll b~.. ' . ,"',::' ,. . . ". ~ .:' ..' , ~ -' ~ ..' '. :'!' : - \~ " . en~l U,4, to', llllll,afit.l, entfitr upon .8a14 P~'..I"" .~1 tho.ut. n~t~oe. ,aM t.ke possesBlon of " tih,..' ',:.',' '". . . .' '. ._ , . .. .,.". \_. ,.' ','..", .' 0,. .. : 'sue with fu1l:t1 tl,e' 1~ 'fe& ~~IDP:J.'" tog~tber _.1 th ....1 ~mp'l'C)v.iD~i1th~hereOJ1;" ~d no",wa~",;r o~; aD.J, , 'O~'th~:8~oondUlon8f'1i~1tat10'n8' o~r,e~tdo.U0I18, ','~~~sB,a, or.:'~IIP'1led., 0'1' fal~tir~ '''f~ranY1'e1.18l1h, ,.. of '~111' to ,Jn~or.. 'the 88118.,ah.11' oO~,8t1tuh . bar '.to '~uoh, ~nforoe.~.nt '.' ~. ~'ll1e. ' ,.., ',' ",' ' ~. .... . ..... ~ . .'. . 11;'1~ futli.r ,un~e:r8~00ci .aneS'. eSteed that' P:~tl0f ,tbe:fh8t"p~t'wUi- 'not ~ak".n;. :4.e,d 'to an,y--rot '111 TUoker ,T".rr$~~e, p~lo,~to Jan~,~t ,18t1'815, ~l'hO~' th..fO~~i&1('p~0~le1on'li :a~d ..' , ", . ~ \ . I ' iJ J " I 'I " I '. . .' ..- , z:.stdot1on8~ ,..' . . ". . , <. , , ' '.' , ,\.,', . "11; 1s':fu.rther 8tipul.ted an4'agreed b18J1d'bet"een tne,paitle8 ,h.r~to, 'that In thee'9'ent;of 't.l1e :f~llUi'~ .ot" ~a~rp~t" ol'parths ,,'of'th,. "eoori~ ~~1;'t:. to' 'uke 8Jl)"'of' t~e :pa,.ent8"~u.rdn" ..' ' , ,;" . . .0.. ' . '. '. ~ ..:., ", ". -. ~~1ded 'for:'aperiO~ of ':fou' lDonths,:froul eSate ofla8t paimeD~.all ,mop.e,preTloueiy pa14 "y, , ~. ~'.',' , . . . "'., - '. .. .'. ~ , , .a14 part, or parties ~f the ..oond' put" upon th16 ,oontraot . shall' b. for:fd teeS..:.W=1ialeS' put, c,f th., . .' ~ ~.. . . ~ . . ..:'.. . \ ......-'-. . ", -:. . , fl,r8,~pe.rt'~B' Uq,uldateeS, ,a..~es' an.eS t'h1eoont~a!)t ~h~11 oease a.n4',tera1nate'upoJ1' 1ihlrt, da18L' , 'notlo.~,lnwr~;t1~ ,to 1.8t ~,ow~ ,a4~~'88' , " , .' 1,\ h' !D~tu,al1~ 'agreed t~8t' U,me' ~8the .s's~no~ o:ft~l~. oODtr~~t., IUld' "th~t all 'o'ovenante ana :,agr&..~ilte herein oo,,'J.1ned' s,ha:U .xtend to,~d b.O~1~8atorT:1;1pontheli~1rat exeoutor,a" ad.. ~ . . ; I .' z . . 'Jdnia.trator8 and ae Bi8,ns , of there8'peot1~'9'e p8,rt1es... , , '. II \iITllESS WREF.EQ", ~he 8.14 parties h~V. hers1U1to a.tt~eh" hands, an~ ..ai~ tb1Be8venth' eS.....,. '. . . ot Muoh ,A.' J). '1.~2\6'lxeout.d 1n 4upU.oat.., ' , ' 818ne4, aealed 'an'4clell ver.d 1n 'the.presenoe o:f: L7Di1 A4MS , " , ' I.W. Kugh.s .." .O.u,n'7'A.'ot':Sl''1ei1 ',!~. 'J. 0' Br1eJl . (1s'a1~' , : (Se,al) Jun. i7t~ iuo: at8j~ A....' '~' - , " ,0 ~ e~~~ " ,P~,$'., .1c1:r~eS, .C,le~t ,Cl~0\1,1,t 'Cou:r,t '. . So. , . ,,,,,,c,o~., <B7 ~.......~D.O.., ,.. 'I: #:4:.#: #:#:1:#:#:#:#:#:#: i: #:#1#: #:#:#:#:#:'#:#:#:'#:#~#ill#:#: #:'#:#1#:#:#1 #:1: ~:#:#: #~' , , , -.:. .'; -' ' .". " . ,-,' , -, '. ,,' . . -;. . . . '-. ;. -f , / B()BER' D. CARTER ABl> WIPB TO " S.. B.. STRICILAIm" ;r--:--- ~I8 DUD. 1Ia4.\A.e'21'~ '4a1 iLJlel A. D.~92a bJ Jlo~rt >>. ~U'ter .n4'Lllitan',.n. Carte,r, hie wife of tl1e c,ount, O~,$t. L~01"8t8'te Of ':Lotta. h.~.1il.:fhr' oapet' tbeg~antor. . to I.B" Stdokl8D4 o:f 'he ~OUDtt o:f,'tUUOD Sta,tlof OeorSla h.reinafter. oaUd thegranti... . WlTR;-S51TB, Th.t the ..1,dgr&l\tor. in oon81dtr,Uoll of Ten Dollar8 an4 other "'alua~le oonB1a.r~t10n8 the reoelpt whereof ls h.r'bJ .oknowledged do gl'9'e, grarit,'barg.1D,aell, ( , . .11.n, r.alee, r.1ea~.,.Df.off~'oon'9'e, and oOl1flr.'untotht ealeS8rantee .nable heirs .-4 , ,t ' t C . . aa~lsn81n ... .1_91., the 1.~s -.Uu.te 111 at. Luoie hunty. U.h of 11orU1l, 4e8or1~.4 .., follow.: " .Lot tw.nt7 :(20) .look two U)Il.>>. cuter1a lubUrtl10n of put of the 1Iorth,08t quarter of; I . , I t~. ,south-..lt" qu.rter of..ot1oll 86, towdla1p 82 louth ra.ng. 89 , ' , , I ' &u~J'" ,to .11 i.... or ........nt. 1t ~1)' leT1" for'tbe ,.ar ('.60 1. A. It... Call.) .set, ~ 1926 ~'~~~~bs.qU'Jlt ,ear.. 4 i" " ~ i I . . ~'."--'; -.-r..-..,.......