HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1649 , " " r " ", " , ". , ' '. (~ 4 3' 8" ") .). I' i ,-< " I '11 , , " , I I ,'.I:f, ,i' J . " I .. , , i ~, ", I I II' ,I",. I, , ,:"'~~j~tTr~--;-:r'-c:,f~~'-,,'\~,, ~-'. ,'I'~: ~~"~-i~~",";:~" ! ',', .\ .i" ~',,! 'J" I ~..L-~cr,'-'-,~~~__~I~~~_~:-~~. I ' ","." " " , ' .' I' I, " .. 'I . r II I ' ::T~':~'77~~;,t;'~F;Y""~~~",~7~~c+;~'~,;~;;~r__~;~"~~~:""l;_:..1:;:'~~7'~7:h:::i~:~~::r.~7~~ '/ :'QO B1U.SDLL I'll ox' :' ," , 'T~ f Ir r !', ~ 7ASBBUu' AQ, 111'1;. ,; . 'l-,\, :- '11" ,I,' '.,' :' "\,' ,,:, ,.'11 i'lJ,,",ano-A."':', 'D~:1n\ " ~, t' ... ;Il; I, 1\\" 'I ' " , " ,I 1\ \ ';, \ "',',,, i' '," AnoUAP'''-!- ': ~,:,,-, ,I' \ ' , I, ,\ {,I, ; \ '.' I , , I. , " , . \" " .. , I," ',' '. ','- , \." " . '\ i' :, .'!rIIJe *-1>_,11&4, th~' 3'4\~0I'~t, J"!l~ flD. lee.; ~'.'.IlO. o. ~~'."'H ....4 \i"b,'" · , ,. I,,) I r, B....~ll' ~lo'.~f. ,.'fB," :t.u~1o .O'm.'" ;'i~~14..' ..tii-, ~~~ O,n'h. f~..dIU'~<"'4 _01>>- ~.~bu'rll'; . i \ "an~:,JI~~~~'~'!'llbuni~ 'bl~ ,~Ue, ~f ~t.",~h' .0v.nt"j10~~:~\.,.p.~t~.\...,q:f'~he 8'O~n4. ,pu,t;. ',\" , ,.... \.l I. ; ,', 'ITBE&SBfH, !rh~t;~h" ea~d parUee ,~~, ~~', :flr8t p~t;f\"r ,and In 00n814erat10~ of th'",,~ua~~,'" \,' \ On"l>oll'~ iu1~"oth8r\ vaiuabl'oOnB14'.~ati,~n ~~th.iI In)i&nd p~1d bl' the sat4'PU'l'e8~f"'th. \, \. f ..' .._' .,. _ ,"'. . .- '.\. . .__'- ..,' ;".; ",' :"_" '_."'" '. .:', _\ . '. ",: , .~... ,'_ ._.' :: "1,, ..oon4 put ,ta.--reoel-p\---1tli'J,'eo:f 18, ia.reb" aOkno.ledgecS. have: si'ant.!!, b~8ain.C1 and 8014 'to the; ~ ' '.' . ..' '.'.. ':'. .. \. ' . . . . ,. .' . . ". ~ . . -' . \ ". - . ..' , ' . 'J sal~ 'PUU'~. o:f th8 ~eoon4 "8.', ',~h.lr.h.lr8 Blt4 ..8'1~ :for..,er~ ,th.::foll"1,D8',4e~o:rlbttdl~eS,.. , t;'o-.1 t I ' , ' , I, 'i ' ..- . . - " '. : ~.. ',' ':. . t . .~. ", '. \ '. . '.'~ _ .... . '.: '", . -' . ': .... ., ~':'1~(6)t~n:BlOO1t;~lght;(~), O~Bllt.or. P~., ,,~OOOl-41ngtop~.fof; ~c~'lal~'~llt~r'e ,P~.~."O~",~ ~eo,or~o~ t... O~:f10~ ot,'\h, C1n~' .af .b~,~lro~l~ to~t,or8',~Lu~1,', OOUnt" "lO~l'~a,'j.~ 1'1U~o'o~' . . 4~ juige 61, : tJ1',. .aia. "belng ,_'i-e.181on of 'a 'p~i'Uon 'o:f',tht northweet 'p'&l",t 'o,:f, 1.&0.004 ',.&:4i11t1oD,to . .'. ....~: ".- ,," '.~' '. - .~~ .... .' - .'. . ",. .".',.. .'. . :.... '. . .... . ", ;.~.,. " 'ort, ~1ero., :"lo~14a, .aneS: being . ~Qoahd 1n' the Borth.tlt' port'~oD o:f 81~U0I1 .16, lO1m8hip ,af), . . . , -'. . , . , ' ~ " .' .. ' .'OU.~h"R~' 40~aat, ,1~ .8~~ 'iU~,l':O.Qun~~, . .1~~1~a; ,_.':", ' , .' : PROVIDED, nVEBT'~s, '!h.ee pl',I,.nt' &l'e,II.4.. 8U"~.ot to :allo.~,'th8 :foi10.1J18'npre88~-d:. .' ...'. . ';'. ,..,.' I....;l.~'._ ~ " . ~'_ >,'. -.' . . . ..... ..' '.- . ':.'_" ,., ",'. . .' '.' . ".' .' ". :oon~l UOI18,. r.~tdoUqna an~ 11~1 tat,lo~,' ,applJ'lng 'to th.ed4 prop,rt" an,4' whibh,ar81ntil14.4' . '..' ~ "" ~ "." . . - . . '. " . io . ~ _ , ", ".." . " . ' '. ~ . " ' . .' to 'b.~ aDd 8hai~. beaooepted:'~e~OTeriantB running with .8a1dlan4,,' an4,.bl,Oh8~a~lb' blnUDa. all.1 ',' , . '.. . . , , ". '. ._' . : ~. i . .'. " "." ' .', . upon the h.1r.~.r.pre8.nb, U vel and$'ssl gne, o~" the 8a14 :p~t1,or' 'P8rt'1I~ of t!ie s.oonl' p~rt ',an4' , , " ,L.--- . ., " . , , " ,,' ,".' ," " , .- ", ", ' , , , ; o~the paritea o:tthe :flret part, ,.ho, b,' aooeptano. 01: thl.'lnatl"1Ull.nt.aare.to, ab14.8b1,' per:foria ' -.. . . .. -, ," ~ ' . - . , >.'. . - ". .". ,'aneS a411er~'to 8&14 00J141"10n8, ,reat;rloUons," and 11.Uanons~ ,&8 on. 01 the ezpreseoonUtloU:.o:f: , " ~~.~.. ,res~nte,:but::O~' ;tor>th.,.~~;~D~1a8"J~~8rI'181; '1986.. , ,. :. '. :, '. ): .,!hat no" bu 114'1 ns , sh.ll b..r.ot;,edon,the: sdd, land ''XC8pt.for>>rl~at~ ~.'~~i.DI" pur'poa.-.,-, except uaual aneS :n.o'88u,'~ut;~ buildings an4 t~at 'the ,~a144"111P1,lIou'8'.xOluel.. o~t~~' o~,- < ' , . " -.... :. :. , . . ~ .' .' . .... ',.. , . . , . .-- '. .. .. . ,- . . - ," . 1 ~~:1l4~na..' ,shall' oos' riot 'l1S8 than' 12.600 ~OO, whloh, pdo. 8hal.l11ot .lnol'l4' :.al"oblte~t;1l&l "xP'zi~.. . .' '.~ ie,e: :an~' 8ha~i: not 'lno1ud~. ~ other ~l~SS' ~:f'll1J)rofte~te ~~ ,ana.xoePt,ih~ a~tual~teria1, ,and oonstru,oUon oost, ot t1(e 8a~44w'1l!iighOU8...' ",.. ' , ',",.~, ,... .J~.t: '~ot 'rAOZ'8'.'th~oue.'r.Bl~'i1O., ,te8.th.r.witli'"ue.ual"Uld 'n~o"s.~7,~U,:,,'U1141nge,' .baii:'b. '.r'Oh4o~ ,aoh of a~ld lots~. . .' ", .', '. > , '," "\;;.,~:, " " :' '".",' "v " . 8. 'lhatJlo, W1law:fu1 of l..oral u.e .lia1l bel!'84e. of t~. pre!lieea,' ller'.b" OO."".d,.nor ~h.ll' , " . ' ,. ~ .-' " ' ","'", ' ,.th. 'same b. ',us'd ~~"~, ~,o:ero.1a1 ~urpo.., nor 8ball th., .~. ,or '~pa~~ '~he~eo:f.. ~r.J.. " ' . . : 1~t~re8t ,th..rein' 'bl 1014, releae.40r -oth~r.18e'oon""e4 to .an;p.~soiuJ oth.r, than th.,'Cauoa.,lan . '- . , " '. . . , '- - .' -' . '. . . . . .' race, P~'O'f1.e4that' not,hin8 h.relnoon~ai.p.i s~alipr.~.nt the 1t',eplng ,aneS ~a1,ntalnfns;u8ual and. " ,"",/'" , , ,.' .' ~ ..'- ;' ", ." " '" .- ':. '" " n808888,rl sBryant., o~, the propert,. tor..rea8onabl~f_1J. uat. !h18 p:ro"1810n, ho.ever, 8hal1,no~ . . - . . .' '. 0.us8,:for:f.1tur8 unl88ethe . holder of'th. fee ,18 'sho.,:toll. 'at:f.u,tt. ft. . nat nobu1l41D&. eballb.' oonstru~,.tod or .re'ote4at. 1888 dhtan~e th~ t.8n~,:fee,t fro. the :f1'ontlln80fBa14 loti or .1 thtr o:fth...' . ~, . 6. 'that 1~8a14 parUes oftb,' i.oond part,the1r he1rs, ,nP1'''8.ntath'~1 01" fUI8i:gD8', or 8.D(. holder of th.' ~rop.rt7 herab,.,'ooD""e4 bl nrtu. 'of' 8.ll3' P4101alproo".u~I, ,'shall, :f.,U t,'": 0 0.>>17- . , ....,. , -. . . wltb an,.ot the aboY~ an~ toregolq reittrlot10De~ oon4UloD8. or . l1m1tat 10D8 , .1thln .1xt,. eSa18 a:f,ter . """ . , . . Wl'ft-ten notic. bl ..11 to th.ea~eS ,arUes o:fJthl ..oon~ :put~ th.lr'h.1rI,h,.rlonal repres.ntaUv" lor "s8iana, or an.r o:f th..,.t the last mon .d4ree.,~1 be ,aU parU..o:f' t~. :flret; p.rt, their f -~ . , ..oo...ora,p.rsoD.l r.pr....,t.t1 vn o~ ,au1gn.mC)rel tiler of_91..........th.n the ea14.bo", eS..o'r1be4 . ; ~ -.. -; , udoOIlYeT'. prop.rt, 'hall,i"'d1.te17 ,r.",.-!t; to the. ..,.14 parU., o:f th. ,flrst; put th.lr, -"0-.'- ',f, I ',' '" o~..or..r aealSDs /.ho ,'h.UI .. .nU t;lea, to 1_.U.t.1~ enter 1lpO.. .ai4 >>l'.per~l .1 tll.~t noUo., . I' ',' " , I ' , !Il4 t.te ,p......l0D of t;h. .....Ub fU1/1,lU. 1~:f.. 'l~le, .oS.a.....Uh ,.11 111,rO"'II.nt. . . . -I I I ta.r..n ad, DO' .dYer of uy of tb... oonditionl, .l1mlt.UoD8 01' r..trl0t1on.,' ,xpr-.Ue4 .or. i.pUtt, / 01' :fai1ur. :for'an"l'Q81h of tl., to .n:f01'.' tb. ....,.h.ll otae'ltu... ~.r to luoh .nforo...nt, -~ .-. 'r .' '" r' \ " \, ' ' .." , , " :,- J.l i '.1',.,,' . . ~ , , j 'I '. /' " ,#