HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1654 il '., I":' ! " I, t - '" - -- -.. fl. ;', ; '.: -. .~; ~ f.., , I , '"", I. ..! ' ,.' '\ " . ~:~~_i:I,~;o-,'.~ ~Fi, ~':.: ,,:~;;;;i!~ ~:;~,(~~~f.~\~L ,;',~ ~:-',~:~i:'~~~S; i~~i';, """:"' ~;{;;::;';~~:~;'lii1i:;;,;;.I:. ;:. ';'::"" ':'" \ ",\'.1 \"'1" ,\ \.. ~,~'r' .,\ ., \',-j:ltaz.l',ub110, ,hate~..1~~4a\ ,I', . I j , \ ',\ \ \. ',' ' \;1, \ at ~8',,' ,Q, 00..u,..10A' I \ \ " " ,..., i" o. \, .'. ,III <" .xpl~"'K.,.~ lU8~ . I', \ \ '~' . Ie' , i.~'~.4' !Ul~~ 'oorcie,,' J~.. lnn' 19i~', :,.t 9: 8t \,'. .'JI;: ;,,-, , 'il,', ,i : \ "" \' II;';.' \ \ " .' ' " ~, , . " , "'" I' t ~,.,'.", \ 'I ' "',! " i, , ,\~," . \ 1'. o. 1ila~~1 , " , 11:, ")," , ','. ~e~).\:""" . " ,Cl'l'~~Clro1U".~tiOUn, . \ "', ':.' ",'.,_____, \' "'II't I, ',., ' '.0, I. I "C00uv" '.-; ',,'4, ',,/,' ,',\ :,; 1 \"','\ ,..'.,:,.~...e(p~" ,', I'.':' ,'--'7 .' ;,'" '.(MM14'a~ C.", l \ '.' \,. '. ' 11'" \ I \. , "..,. ,",", ,.., ' \ ", \, ...~ 'I ' , ' , I' . 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'~,'nS~B!1l,~ ~~iiat'th. ' ,!-. .' .a1~.P~tl:'O~~~~fl1'81r~part,for~ Md in, :oC)nsl~l'~tlon.o~ the ~~ O:f"'~}.:~Do,l:i.~s .to .h~r"l~ . '; .' .', ."'...... , I . ...' . : : . '!'h.neSpa14, th., reO_lpt whereof ,l~ ~ereb, :aokriowledEfd has "gran..'4'~barg.1ne4~ :~olclaJ1cl' " . . :'" ...,"',' ",'.-. ' " , " " , ' ". , ,'. :, ,,', ". ' ", . ; t~~~:ferr.cl. ' ~eS:b, ~ the8.'p're8.n,i~', doesp.an\." ,~2irg.lD,' .S.~l,' and' ~rana:f~r' unto', ~_e 8&14, is rt., ~' . -' -. . -.' - ,i." . -- . .' ',' ',: _ , . . , ". . .'" ~t the ~eoond paz;t,,' ~d his ,he1~~ ,~d' aasl~s .t.or.T~r ,..,.~l 1;~a', oertal~ P~o'l of lan4 , ':1,y1088.1\d be~ng .. the Q~untl,ot 8t..Luo1e~d :Stateo:f ~io~ida.llor~",pa1'tl~1l1,~17"4'SO~~b~4 .as :follow~ :'~ . ,.' , ---" \South.a~t<iu~~ter, !SEtJot.lfqr~h.88t .Q.u~t:er(:ntVO:f' S~~tlonTw.nt~,,81~, (~,6) ,fOWD8111p " :fhlrt,tln4 36) .South~f' Banse 'hI~t,y Nln8 (~9 ),E.st., i.ial.9~ ~or.B B01,4to',Anton:,. .. . e : '. _ .' ~ . ." . , ;B~erh.lter, cieso,r1becf as :f0110WS'.b.glnnl~ at thelforth.ast ,oorner.o(\b. 80,utbea~tqu..rter .', ." .'.~. . "., . 'Of. t~...ort.~.'8~ qti8l't~ro:f ~seot~o~ 26, 'tP., ~5,. 8~ J.t. .3t ~Ie th.noe south with 9uarhr.. seoUoli ': .'~ ,'l1neot!sio~: 26.8'8.8f..et to '.poi~t' 'In'the ,o"~h,r oi hit: )Iii. ' Qr~.k; tb.no.".1 tbt'he, " , " ", ", ,", '" " " .., ", " .-' -'" ,..,..- , " ,', . .' " " o.n~er, of ..14 ,or..k 1n, a ,nor.th,"8hz"l, .direotiou' 4'i2'.~:f.'et.. toa polnt .h.~o. north 1.15.6 ' =, ,: .' .,' , '., ' ,'" " , "" "',, '" , ',' .' .,.' ,'i' ", ' ':fut to a, polnt o'n.tbe south 11n, ot:the IiQ,O:f 'the RiOfSSC.,.26.,tlienoeeaet w1t~ said ".l1p, 471S.1S :feet 'to. poInt' o:fb.gInnfilae ' , . '~OGETHER with' .11 ,the tenemenh ured1t~erits.Iid':appurteriano'8, witti ~Ve1'1:pri:Tlleg.. 'rlght~ ;'. ..' ,,' ,',,' ,.' ,',' ", '~'",'. .".'. " ,tl n., Inter..t and..~ate,: 40w'.r '~d ;rlght :ofdower,' reveralon~ reJlaI11~'r, and: eas.mant, there- -, ,)obe~on8~~or In ,an,wlseapP.I't81hiD8:., '0 HAVE AllD~ TO HOi.Dti1.. 8ameln' fee8i~Ple, .' ?~ " .- ..' . " . ~"[!C' . . I~ . - ..... .- .: ,~ . ~ ~::. : \ ~'" '. !"_-- i",,' , ' , tor.ver'. , , ,-=Act t~., e814' put7of' tb.~lrst ~ar1i' 40,8 o~venant.it~ the.JlA-1tLpart,r ,of ,the: s.~n4 , ~ar~ that. she ~B ,lawf~~17 a.hed of,tlr,eS,8U' p..a1aes,'that th.yare ,:free 'from '&,11 in~' '.' br~oe8aneS that, eh. bas 800eS, ri~ht Md 'l.wfUl,.uthol-1t, to. sell' t~. 8ame; aneS the 8ald ~rt, , , 9f,tbe first Part d~esh.rebl fuU,:warraat'1ih. Utl.',to sa1~ lalleS, andwUleSefend'.the :. . , " " ,am. .g.inst ,th"la.ful ()la1m8 9:f all per80n~wbom.oevez.'. : " " , , fit WIT~~SS WRERE01, the 8.,U4 part, 'of the f1rs't "p~rt' baa ',h~~eWlt~: a.tllle h~. and a.al the 4ay and ,.ar,abOT" .ritte.. Signed,S.aled &Dd'D.Uver.d ln our pres.no.: " , , "U"fi, ".;,.,,',,' .-:-1- ~: '. .... R.. .&.ntllOD7 ~ S~8h C. ,uoker ' (S.al) ..,.. ~h.naan , " /, (ta.oo I. R. Sta~p~Can.) , . [ f" STATE 01 PLOHIDA COUBTl 0' S,~ LUCIlE ' I BEBDY CIRTIPY . That 'on th1B 17th day o:f Jul,y A. >>.1926; before me personaU, I ' .....,- :- [,C'.,.''- ..... - ." , f ;.pp.are4 Sarah c. ''1'l1ok.r, wido", to m. '..U' known and, known' to me to be the person ' - /' it 4esor1b.4 ~n and' who n:duheS the forego1ns oonul&no. to H. ~. ~ln8haU and aoknowledged , I the .x.outlon th.reof to b. h.r free 'ot and d..d for tho uses and pUrpOses th.re~A ,( .~~ . , ,1, ./, - . -'. .:......:-.;:;:.~ "Jo. -:.;..::: ""ii"",... -";":,~-?>>:;. _ -:- I: !..'"- .