HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1661 ,snn,O"lilSS~: !S~" \ ",' .< QOPBfl' ,~ J.19XS~.,i ','" ',-:", \ . \, 1 ,h.~ebi oertlf" tha:' 'O~, thiS' ~r4 Oat 'ot,Ju.ne "A.',>>. lui before at p'r..onal~1 ~ app.ar~~' " 'II, Jo'q.ph' J. a.1ia, a "Il~w.r~tom. '."n to be, the 'p.r~on8 hSGr1be4, 11;1 ~d who '.x.~uh4 th~' ~ '" 'fore.olns:oonve,an~.""an4aot.no~leeSg.eS the:e~~oauon tbei-e~f to, lu(hl's' f;'e~ ~o~ an4 hed td'r~~b~ u~es' . " ,. : \ " . . , . , aneS, purposes 'tberel,n' :..nUon'.a.-' ,. ' : ,." " ..; " .. eJ .,', }'I't~S,'-.T 81sn.atur.'an4' of~lo1al 8~.lat Jan8*s,c'U" ,lilt-he: ;CO~'7' o:f 1l~O~80ri; t!D4 't~t.I'" o:f ".80~J.. the 4a.1a'na, ,ear l-.st ~t()r~tlla,l.i ,,'~ "', ' , .-rn, 1,1'8e 'is)~. :."~;: ~. ' ..;., ,~ ~ C;;." -r , , " .A;40lpll J,' K.,er (~ea1 ,), , ' '.o~arl Pub11~,' Jaok80n,CQunt,~')(o., , \ " '!) ',' ,,' :; " . ' :. ....' 16tb 19~~, at 'tQ8' P.' ,K'. , ' P,O. 'B1.r~4.'Cf.rk~J.rouit' Court': " B70~'~'~',~n. .o~: '. - .' -. . ~ '" .. ". '. . . ;>. , ' :'" ~' "e<\\\e " , , " ~:'J " ' .o~' " ~ " c. , " . _.".ft. ft.",t"."' ".".,'''. "~". ...'". "'I' "1"'."1"1". ".". "I.it.". "1'"1 it.". If., ft. ",.".".... ":"".'".,,,....". ".".". ....",'1 ".' ' . .',....;,. ,A ..~.. . !t'.. '" . ...._.~.... . ".. ". ."~ ~." t'- ~'..~" t.' . .." · .. .' ~,. ,-' , ~., ~ , . . tolJISJlitOLLq , . . . . '192'6, 'bet..e~ p.ter '~~~)in. oft~',~-'~r;";' ~, ",' " PifER LAB~BEt1N ABD'IrB ;. :T_ . . ,. " TBI5:IBD&i~,)lad.':tbe 'lOthdal o:f Karoh, A~ D,' . , _. ' '.' _ _.' .' _". .. ..". . ~.. .1_" : . . " ,~ , . -. , 01 t.1 Of 1I01~D.,ln the Itat~ 'o:f 11l1nOh~aneSLaur~,II., LanSb.bn, h18 ,wif.,. ~~t1e8 put, ,ah4 :Lo~h. )lolAlJl of Rook 1818.114,' a'nd 'State a:for.saU, of the,e.ooilc1 parU' of the fir8t , , '. '.;). ;,,:> , ,"ltBBSSE~, ",' . tbaf :the' 8~14' partie'. of" ih~ :f~r8' part" :for and 10. ,ooi1s14.r~t1;Olio:f .tbe sWDo:f,.' , , ,', ' ',,' ',,';, " ,:' . 0> ,"':' ", , ' ' , on"('l~<?O) 1)0l1&r"lawful'mone7 of t~e'V~,i;heS~,st~~.80f ~"r1oa':to,,~hem Ul h~d,pal~bl..t.e. ,"" ' la14 part"of tbe'8too.nd .put.at:an4, bef9r8 ,theeDseal1ng'iu14 4el1verjhtreo't. 'the receipt '.' . ' ... .:.' ~. ." - " . ' '.0.. ". ; .: _.' -: " ~ . . ' . .. whereof' tbe, eSo herebl OOnf.B'S ~d, aOknowl.c1ge~ have granted'.bargalned,~ so14~ oonv.,.ec1 end . . .. 'I, ' '. '. '.'. , , i ,oonfll1Ded, ,and 'f -tbe~. Pl"8~nt'~.'IO Iran~,b.rgaln. 8.~i,q oonn,and 'o.on:flrm',unto,'1;p.e 8a1~ , '. , , ; "", ' , \. . - . - ~ - ,'-, " .', . ,,?~tl: ~fthe s,~ooneS par,t aildb.r h.1rs 'an4a,SSl~8:fO;r~Ver,;811 lan4~vi"g ~"A be1ng in, the county o.,f at, " Luole ..n4 state of lJ.or,14a, aeBori beeS ,8S follo.~s l",raots' de81gna~'.4 on last- ' ~ ' . . 'g',n.r&1 plat of' LandS 'of 'InI:lan R1ver_'ar~' OOIilPan~1 Traot:~, In Seo. ,,29, TwnsP! ~3,~,g. 3.9 't. , traot one '(1) 8nd iigb..t (8) in Seotion 'en (10) TraoteOne (.1) Two (2) Three (3) rolU' ('4), -- .:: ", -:.". - . -' , .. . " .. ;iTe (5) 81:1: (6) sey,.n( 'l)and' Blght(S) 1'n S.oUon ,Eleven (11) all In -Townehlp ?hlrtl-~hre. (33) ,~outh,R~' th11'ty-\E1glit '(38" Ba~t. "S1tuateeS In ~tb. Oowit;~f,_t. ,Lll0h aIi<< Stah of , , " r10r~da,atot~ea1d., ' " \" p tosetber wlth all and slngular,tbe h.redltaaen'ta and 8pp~t.nance8 tbereunto. b.longlns~r 1n , ' ' an,ywhe' appntdnIua, and t1Bo all, th...tate. rlg'bt, tUf" lnhue', eSowe~ andr1ght ,Of 4ow.~. aeparate estate, prOllertl, pO.".810n-, 01&111 and hun4 whataon,r. as !f.UIn In, a8 In .quitf o:f tb. .aleS ~t1e8 ~f the flrst part, of, 1n, an4,to the Bame 'ever, 'part and 'parCel hereo:f, . f. . " - h . _... ' witb the .ppurtenanctll_,fO,hay....AD4-t~ bold tbe aboy. grented, bargainea an", deeo.rn.4' premis..., with tat appurhnanc..., unt,o the .aU party o:f th.. seoond part,', ber he1re and anlgD8, to her I 0.. pr.,~r us., 'en.:fl' and b.hoof tor'T.r. , . { . , ! .1 ~--:'" i ' , ! ,:,~,,"fl,. )~t;1.s of th~ :f1n' ltart. f~ th.lr ,.lrs, exeoutor. and ..ln18~n,tors, ..... . >'~, ',0' ,,,-' "..~ ,"b-'.';"~ ',' >_, '.: ~.' _'c,~ ',' ,-~,; " , 1, '. ,.,,' ~." .\ .\ . , " , ,\ , ,I .' .' ~ .f ,I! I I 'i -1 '~ ' 'J ,'} 'I ~i . I , ' , "~ , :J ,',f , ,~ " ,")' 'I " . . i . ' , .- ,I.. ..' .~. .