HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1664 r i, ',-" I, " <,I': 1i'1 ( ~'~~'~-l,:"'I, (:"I""'~!/,'~>"'; '-:~'i[ ','~?I""'~"'~ ". r~~~~~~~~,'..- .--:~I ~ c.!- -7,~"'~rT~T:;-'';''~'-''- , , ~.t ~'i';~-" ,,' I ,," " i " , . I I ' ,,' '[" I' , 1'<', ; ,\ I' : I ,!,' , ',' 1'\ ,." ',' . i"" "I I ',',\,,' , h- :-:', ::: '. ! L" ! " : I ,". ,,' - ;' c ::";r~- c::;-; , ::;-c;/,.:t;t :ctC.!:e;:: ;~;:-\,.c_H;i:i~L]\:::,;t;"'~'i;"--!~c:.~:;::-:'-",;~4f;''"':~ ::1 1\ ".'~ DeO"'i~~,tf) tr8l1~1,"or.':fUr~~8bsaUilot or~,other"l'ot_ ~"Uit1l1t;7.II#epal't,..t~Ja~ \. ': l, , ,,1\' \,1, tlr,8t pa~t ~l.~ TtltUT,8:tbe r~~~t 'to,eht~i~pon ,lh.:,ro~erlt;t'Pl'l.o~t~o, t~.;~,IIH\bUU41D8' \ II \", , '\: , ! 'c.",. ': \', " ,'\ , " " ~, ' . , , , I \, , I" ", \ \. , ~:\ : 1-" ',' \! ,18, e~e()t~,~,\tnere~on"tor t~. pUpa8,. ot,o,le~lD6 ~ee;48 and 1h14e~~O__tb ,neShbrl.., '~l~bl' \ . ' · I \" \ 'I, \ , '~-",', I \ 1 . ' '",'", , \ ,.' ,\., ,\~,:\'- '," 1\: "IB~,bU~bOar~'~,8~gD,'bO~~,'_Or;a4~uti8+~: 418pl8T ~~Oee41i18'hn liQe:f1i\'1n a~,ea\.ht!-,~l,::b'e\' .1' "i,' ';, er.otect' ~r p1.aoe'" ,on a'h,y, ,.a?an~ lot 1n' Pl~e-wo04 .x~epUng 81gns, e~ec.e~to, .a~v.lrt~-e. --', 'i ::. ' P1\n.wo~4. Seventh:. The, ~~t7 o~ the ~~o~n4 p~r1; a~'raft~:ii:arr~o~;or .pe~~~' ~ni,~1;~e'~\:, . \ \ " .. , I , ' . , , \' , \' ' ,.,', ' ",! , " ~,', 'L' O,~,.1;hi,na, to be. dOJle~. :p~r~~ri.neeS oroon~llot\e4 on sa14 p.OP..~t'.,!hlo~.hal1,b.,P.fxi,o,U8,', a ii'u17.' , " . . ! ,'-anoe,: unwho'le8om., or o'f:renB1 ye ~o ',the nelghbol'hOod, however a publio garage or :fUilng , ~ . . . \ .;.- ..... .';" . ~ " f \ atBUon'8haU .not .~eoOnsi4e~od a8:'8UO~ Inb,U81n'... 4~8t,~1C)~. EJghtJai ,':that8a14 'propetti , ,. ' ..' ' . ','., ',' "" ' . ',or 'any p'efUon t~ereof\sh.al~not be,,~~nve7eeS. lea8e~ .0'1' 'o'~oup1e4 b7 .8nJ' '~r80D':'Of..:@.V ~tb,i' . .' .'. . \ . . \:", ~. '.' , .... ~ .. ,._, j ,th~' ot,c'auoas\an !\aoe.x~'epting qua'rterEi '.~01ipl.d b1.:do~eBilo,eervant"'wQrkln8 ,on the, ' .' . t. -. - ~..., ~'. . ", -. .- '\"," ",_,,~". . -. ;".;, ."".' -".' ~'. .'.....' ,". . ..' . . ,JP~'~18es~ , ,If1Dttl: ' ,B,atJ.:lotions as t,o ln1lldti1g l~ne,~ ,on 'B190~otie. ,L9,t'-,fl1'e, B1~Ok g~" Lo;t' 'r,' :~B.100k 28"Lot' ,8 Blook 13, are'to b."e81;ab118he4 b7':part.y,ot:the nr.et,put' .~pn' 8~14 ~; "i'o>>ertt'ls 'so14. : ' , , " , , ':If the ,owner, of'iw~o,r 1ilore' oon~l,guou8, lots, 'de,lre8 t'o lI1P'rOT~ !'..,leS~ote. ~e ,ori~ ,'Jt;l'O,h:-thell ;: 'oj', li18o~~'~a:suoh ',ooDt1gou~, p10~~ are, Q.ono.e.r~.,d.:the ,':fol'e,gol,ng, .,8nv:e,~~,t:so.r ~e8tr10t1.0?~',~a, .; be oon8true~ ,ail 'a.p'~~Y~D8 . to, '~e plot ~ ':Th'e tor.gOln$ oov4lnant~.~ reetrloUon8~~4'oo~d1 UOI1S" -.' '. . "- . . ..', - . .' .. - . '-.' "',' .' ~ . ~ . ,'. :,.., , , ~ . . , ar~:to 'Qe, OOD8tru,ed "a running wlth.,th.,1~4~'e:x.oept.. h9wever" 1,: 18 ~t~~1l7 'und~r~too~ ~4 . -'-"""~'-'-'" . ,., , .. - '. ..... ,~. .... ".- .... ,". .,"-' "". " . , 'asreedtl1al 8Il10f8a14 oonnan 1;S",re8trlO1;10n8an4 'O,ODd1 t1oil8111ay beal terd ormo,4i:ffeeS . '. '. . .'. .'". .... '.- . '," .' . .',. ." . .:. .. " .' -' " "', . ... . ..' ~', . - -, . , 'a,~, an.1till..,~y w,rl~~ena8re~me~~b7 and'1)e'tweenth~;pa~t7",:0:f the ,f1rs,t ,part,1'ts 8\iooeBSo~8 ' ~as81gn.,' 8,D4' tbe ,owner f~,r 'the, time 'be1.i18 O,f the pl'till18es ~pon "b1q~ ,It fs a,s!ee<l 'to. altEr" OJ', m~eS1f7Baid ,~oyenailt8' and 'res~r1.ot~'on8 apd ilald8treelDent ehAll.b. eft',otualto';~ tel' -,', \. .. '.' ~ . f , ' f L'io,', ~ . ! t~: ~ .It. !J~:,' i'~i\ f t;; , , ---ro-- ;"'" , ~. . . , I)' ~ ' \\'. ! f 453 I '\ , , , '. " , , . .. . o~r.mo.d1C1, BUqh:.OTen~t8',&J:ld ,'restr10t1ons8iS ~o'~llohp.~emhe8,.:,,1th'out ~he con.ent of the . .~. . ." ',;, '. .' . . 9~ner))r 'owners 'o:f'en1 >8d ~aoent premis,8B.. '. .. '. ,~. .' . ", .," '. -~. . , - . '.' .. ,.. ~ " . ~ 't~e,8~1~ ,p*rt~ ott~e f~r~~ part,40eS b4Sreb7' fu~~1 W~41l! ;~het1tl,e w1Ude-fend 'the same 'aga1n.,t thfi'lawtul',o181,ms o:f 811 p.'reona whom~~",llr. . . ." . .:., . .' " t,o',.,a14 laneS, ,: and IB'W1flU~SS ',WHEREO.r t11e8814 partl;'o..f' the-,tlr8t 'part ha~, o~u8eeStbee. present8to'be '. " , , , slgne41n' Us' name,b,y U8: ,lre814..' ,8.l1eS '1tS oo:rpo~.te, aeal ,. be a:ffl~ed,!ltteBte4 b11ts , Seore*arl the eSay an47ear alio"tewrltten.' 11gne<l ,sealed ~nd' eSelfvered in our, pres'noe: A. B .n&7DOr " O~. B..uett' " . (12'.OQ I, .R. 'Stamp8;;',C~~J S!ATE' Qf 'LORID!'.. Ool,o~al 1.8O'd..Co. " . (Co porate ill' B':,I. Knl.r~p-r~8i4ent:, .. Athst:'I..G.B. )lU18l'. setr. - .'. ~ { " " . . . . . . couin 0I8,f. tOOII . ' '~ , 1 hereb7 oert1:f1, that on tb18 17th hI' of June A. ,J)..1926"befo~..e, p~J'sol1alt7 appetlreeS B. I. ,B, Killer" an.d ,B. G. B. )liller. re8peothel7 11'8814.nt 8OdSeoretart of.c~lon1~iL8OdC~. -, .'. . '" . - . - '.- .'. ,-'., ' : a.l'.w Jer8e,,-oorporatlon.uth~1184' ,to ,40 budDess In,'l~rl~a ~o ..' kno\Ynto be the persons, 4esorlbed.- in an4.WhO e'xeouted' th':foregoln*onn7a~o. to 'M~B:'Ann1e M,. KOhi18Od. eenral~y.' . aoknowledgod the .xeo~*loll th.~eo:f' to be thdr fr,ee '80t and 4eecf 88. suoh ~:fflQer8, ":for ~be , , . uses ' and purP08eS' therein aaent1oned.; U4 >'that th~1' U:f1ud thereto, the 0:ff101al 8eal of *&14 oorporaUon,8OeS, the s",1eS inetrwaent 1s the ,'aot apddeod of 8&ldoorporat1on. ;' ,'. .' . Witness rq signature an4 offioial seal at 'Fort Ple.rol 1n the OOUnty of 8t. Lucie and .f' .~ 7ear last a:for.s~14. , ' '. .,;\"\cd , ''-. L" "ecO~l\ , ' ," !. . I. C. Bagget_ lotar7 PubUo'for '10d4a KJ' oo..a1881on eXylre8 Apr~ 30. 1926 I --~....-~:-- Ju.ne 17th 19U at 21:18 P. X. , p · ~. 11If.e4. Clerk B ~.I"t'-o-"~ ~.6...